Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 2

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7 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH 9 Advertisements New Cheap Magazine Offer Pub Co it Dogbee Horses Wanted Spring Shaw Joseph Ml Hard Lot for J A- fir Halo ifcQueoftSt l flg She Eva Editorial Notes A writ for a to the for County was last Friday Nomination la fixed for March and polling April UPl AND BUT WITH EACH Pointed all at FRIDAY MARCH -1897- Division is His of a new paper finding its way to the editors It is dated at and the editor is that indefatigable torn- worker Mr J Walton P paper is intended to advance interests of Sons Temperance and wo wish it success in its mission R Game Defeated When the Willi of ami York Townships together with North Toronto were for be fore the Private Mills in the Ontario House lust we judge them wens about one hundred county councillors legal rep resentatives and ratepayers of tho County of York present promo ters of these affirmed that County Council had done them injust ice by passing of a certain bylaw abolishing tolgatfts on the York Roads on the terms set forth and asked that whole county he requir ed to make an annual appropriation of to to York and to North Toronto towards Ukibs8 transpires to tho purpose of the Government present session of the Ontario Legis lature will bo prorogued on of April tho Wednesday Easter Be tween now and tho dato of adjournment the leaders of will several want of motions at least this is what Mr Whitneys organs On Friday last sen tenced certain prisoners who wore cooviot- during tbo sossions as follows Geo for assaulting his father-in- law six months at the Contra John Hardy wheat from a elevator six mouths in Control Lizzie Tucker on old years in the penitentiary created quite a in court by frantic scream future maintenance The proposition was so monstrous it was not matter for wonderment that so large an interest was manifested The very municipal ities which had profited by the con struction of these roads by being en abled to reach one of the best produce markets in all Ontario at of the year when farming community of other parts of the county were un able to share in such advantage now that gates are abolished arc seeking force other municipalities of the county to assist to the tune of thous ands of dollars future maintenance By the removal of gates too those convenient to Toronto have further advantage of having market fees thereby effecting a saving along of tolls of more than of keeping As ijaim is right has that town to of other municipalities to wards maintaining principal street any more JSewmarlcet or other incorporated places not situated on these roads But with respect to York Township however it is only fair to state that Reeve Hill frankly admitted that his municipality would not have sought for compensation only that other municipalities were doing so which he considered were no more entitled to special consideration than York His township was willing to accept the settlement made provided others did the same Mr solicitor made a plea for North Toron to placing stress on what it cost the town to keep up the street but it was a sort of begging for sympathy rather than presenting a claim of right Mr Robinson as County tor presented the countys side of the case He said the three municipalities now so strenuously protesting were active supporters of the bylaw when it was first passed When these toll gates were removed over by the city abolished market fees as a quid pro quo The townships through which the toll roads ran were especial ly benefited The residents saved both their tolls and their market fees The history of the transaction was that the Government hod built the roads and the county had purchased them and turned them over to the townships benefiting by them The townships got good roads given to them and now asked the council to pay for giving them Then followed short addresses by Davis and J Duncan of East Toronto County Councillors Evans and Scott for county in opposition to bills also Warden Davidson and Councillor for tho North Riding which of course had no right to contribute to a munici pality from to CO miles away and ever used by any of their residents Hon 15 J Davis wound up dis- cusskmhy pointing out the injustice the bill would bo doing his constituents and urging that the County Council knew all the outs and ins of the ques tion and were the proper function to deal with the question Mr Davis remarks- were forceful and to the point nd immediately after he concluded the vote followed which resulted in the bills being defeated by a majority of to Great was the handshak ing all round and it was understood that the settlement as now made was a final one A despatch from dated March says A mandomont from Grace Arohbiehop Begin was read in all Catholic hero yesterday deals particularly with coming Pro vincial and enjoins Catholic chitons to vote only for candidate who according to conscience should be elected If Bishops had confined their injunctions to voting according to con at late Fedora and Manitoba would bo leas room for complaint on part of people The Dominion Parliament was opened yesterday and considering Lea- ton season proceedings were unusually brilliant Wives of mombors and other distinguished persons thronged the floor of Senate chamber and the galleries were with the elite of the city Most of Ministers now have their families re siding at the Capitol and some of their residences are truly palatial and will bo centres of social events daring cession His Excellency opened Parliament in per- eon with usual military display Supreme Court on Wednesday gave judgment in the Winnipeg and Mao- Ronald election oases dismissing the Ideals and unseating Hon Hugh 3 Moo- for Winnipeg and Mr Boyd for Manitoba The tatter case for the constituency where so ballot fling is said to have taken place Of course new elections muse follow In the case of Mr P appeal on preliminary objections was dismissed and his case will now go to trial at bat he will be allowed to retain hie seat this Beeaionl Society POINTS I Mr T Montgomerys from Toronto here on a visit Mr Jack English was visiting friends in Town last week Mrs and two none visiting in Town this Miss the popular milliner at Roche a Is book at hot again Sun A visited friends In Newmarket week Sun Mr J A Cody of Now- visited friends in Town Mies revival meetings at Allendale next Sun day Miss of spent a of days this in Town visiting friends Miss Thompson returned yester day having enjoyed a visit with friends in Bolton Miss Dickson returned from Newtown where oho spout a couple of months Mrs Win Bell and her two daughters Mrs Stephens and Ansel a few days laat weok with friends in villo Mr of broth- of the late Rogers of this Town token by a hemorrhage on Monday and lies In a condition Mr of Toronto son of Mr Nixon who kept store in Newmarket among the fifties in Town Moo- day renewing old acquaintances Last Monday Part- entertained a number of young people at a Farewell Party to Miss M Major who is about to leave for home in Chicago Mr Wilson of North Gwillim was in Town last Friday Ho is one subscribers having been on list six before the was first Mr A Nettie and York took part in a concert at Snowball on Monday night Consider- ing big crowd present and League cleared nearly Mr of spent Saturday with his brother Mr I P The former is the eldest of family and he had misfortune a couple of weeks ago to slip tho ice end break his arm The many friends of Registrar Pearson bo glad to learn that he has so far re covered from an of etc as to be about the house week Mr Fred Deputy Registrar also up this week Mr has banded us clippings from late English papers giving extended accounts of great floods in the upper Thames district attended by losa of life and extensive damage to property Noth ing the inundation has pre viously been witnessed in the Billing- borough where ho comes from NEW PRINTS NEW DRESS GO NEW CLOTH IN NEW HATS F NEW BOOT I I This store is always in the lead Buying for cash selling for cash and thorough and careful attention to our business has made this business one of the most successful in Canada Our Spring Stock is almost complete and never before has it been our privilege to offer as handsome and as serviceable goods at such little prices as this season Every depart ment is brim full of New Goods and every article is a real bargain for we have made up our minds to double our business this season and recognize that there is but one way of doing it viz Sell only Reliable Goods and cut the profits so fine that the other fellows who buy long credit and have to pay just what the wholesaler asks can get nowhere near our prices This istwhat we are doing and when Best Quality and Lowest Prices go hand in hand we are sure to win the race Look here for New Goods and dont imagine that you can do as well in Toronto Re liable and stylish goods do no sell cheap in the larger places the expense of selling them a large profit THE Wo want to buy 10000 pounds of Farmers Meat and will pay highest prices in trade vote was taken- upon it The of insisted that to Mr Haycocks favorite expression the principle of resolution should be cryetalizod Into legislation but ministers held that the resolution which seta forth that tho House disapproves of their interference should bo sufficient This bill will likely come up again In the Public Accounts Com but little of interest baa been elicited The old old charge thai the school cost too ranch been revived but the examination of Messrs and Robertson the of two of High School texts that books were cheaper hero than works in England and the United States and that the royalty paid authors was the same as in these coun tries Chea A severe earthquake shock was felt at Montreal and at many other points in Quebec on Tuesday The tide with the Government and their policy of no coercion in Mani toba At the byeelection in Wright County Quebec on Tuesday last Mr Champagne Liberal was elected by some majority is doable the majority given for Mr Devlin at the gene ral elections in June last Sir Charlea Toppers Minister of Finance Mr Poster travelled the bat hie fell on unheeding ears now that the Tappers are in the coot shades of PASTURE FIELDS To Jet for the atason From quarter of an acre to acres in size JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket We have already captured the principal part of the S Of this vicinity and now we are turning our attention to securing your patronage for Council BitrANTRAE Mar Met at Hotel with mem bers all present Communication from Baker re management of road machine Communication from John Irwin re supervision of bridge Con The Treasurer was ordered to pay the following bills Geo Harper gravel for roads Geo Emerson bridge bolts Hart assessment rolls as sessment and collectors roll A barrel of flour for parties quarantined with scarlatina two days at Toronto re assistance for by and North Toronto for maintenance of York in said muni cipalities The communications re road machine and marsh bridge were laid over for fur ther consideration was placed the hands of Hill to assist Mrs Hiram and David was appointed road overseer in Con and Hiram for Con A bylaw was passed defining the duties of Road Overseers also a bylaw requiring parties over of age and under assessed and not from performing statute labor that reside on the West half of the first Con to perform their statute labor in the road division East of where they reside- Council adjourned to meet lena Hotel on April cyclone wrecked the High building at Arlington Georgia children killed and a number seriously wounded Job Jordan a farmer who lives near Aurora was admitted to the General Hospital Toronto Monday morning He said ho had fallen two weeks ago on some ice while going from his to the barn on his farm His shoulder hurt him but he consulted no doctor simply rubbed it with liniment Jordan was surprised when the doctors at the hospital told him shoulder had been dislocated The unfortunate man put under chloroform and the dislocation difficulty Telegram The Ontario This has been a in the Hones and little has occurred to interest the crowds of visitors who fill the galleries at every session- The committees have been working hard particularly the private committee which has to deal with such a multiplicity of subjects and people Its notion in throwing out the Toronto Island Electric railway bill was the greatest sur prise of the session The object of the bill was to enable the city to a bridge the western entrance to the harbor and to extend the Street Railway system along the sandbar and the island thus en abling the people of city to get on the ears at their own doors and ride to the is land the great park of the city for one was one of the main planks in the platform of Mayor Fleming at the last and it generally considered certain that the project would be carried oat so that the action of the committee was a matter of very great sur prise Mr Davis has introduced a bill the law respecting the solemnization of marriages It a very comprehensive measure consolidating the old statutes op the subject and making a number of amendments It provides among other that mast be by British subjects and that only one of the parties mast make an affidavit before iaauEer of marriage licenses This will remove an objection to the present law and prevent the of such a sad case as that mentioned earlier in the session a young couple who desired to get married but whose happiness was deferred as one member said in pitying accents perhaps forever by law which required the woman to make an affidavit Ths bill also provides for the marriage of per sons under years of age to prevent the Illegitimacy of children Hon Mr Davis also introduced ft Government bill respect ing ths registration of vital statistics in Important clause in it is that which pro vides that a death certificate may be ob tained from the nearest registrar The re port of the Ontario Agricultural College which Mr Davie laid upon the table shows that institution to bo achieving admirable results The debate upon condemning the of civil ser- in for the fact that while everyone approved of ths resolution they yet managed to hit One another mo hard blows about it Mr Hardy bis condemnation the interference of servants in elections in of his action In supporting the candidature of Mr for when that gentleman an employes of the Dominion Gov ernment The motion to pass an act to punish servants for participation in elections was also debated at length bub no Leading Furniture and Undertaking louse If you want A line in which we are determined to shine and to distance all candidates for your trade Quality and Price are the means we intend to apply to attain this end and we think that after you examine our goods and compare prices you will come to the conclusion thaf we sell the Cheapest and Groceries in this part of the County THE Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of in which there is rio deception and will last a life time call on Newmarket and Embalming A SPECIALTY to at residence- Night calls attended Street Coroner Scott of Newmarket issued a warrant for an inquest on the body of an old man named William who was found dead by his wife at their house in Aurora had been ill but took his break fast as usual and then said he would lie down for a time At 10 oclock the wife entered the room and found him dead An examination showed that death had resulted from pneu monia and the inquest was cancelled SPRING TERM special advantages to new members entering either department of tue parents Industrial Home on inat by Mr of Yale Mich to Sara The Cradle Friday March at the wife of Mr of a daughter Town on the the wife of of a eon The Altai residence of the the of New market At the residence of the parent on by Rev Mr William Starr Station er and Confeotioner to Mies Cody daughter of Alderman Cody all of The Tomb the Inst Nelson aged At Button on the nth Arthur Albert eon of Mr Henry Taylor- aged years moatlia and days At Township of King on Saturday March Inst Ellen Ann wire of Joseph aged W years and months E At Aurora March beloved wife of Mr Jacob In Newmarket on Inst in his your Piper At Holland landing the Inst of or the Taos uncle of Mrs Hughes of Newmarket aged years Interment at Hamilton on Friday J llNDERTflKINB Main St North All Orders wJH receive Careful and Prompt Attention t4t4 TORONTO On and after the Inat Graduates and senior students golngdlreot from College into good are leaving for now students With splendid facilities Seven Lecturers we can guarantee good results Get particulars now Address SHAW Principal and Bis YES lit Order Oar Lenses Trae will give Comfort They help to the Sight Spectacle Frames in Gold Silver GoldFilled Steel New of Plate Knives Spoons to hand at Low Month Organs and Violin Strings ATKINSON CO JEWELERS Newmarket PAT Are Best because Pail hangs closer to the tree Pails will not swing in wind Sap runs longer Pails can be covered keeping out dirt and leaves Being of Steel they will neither break off or rust in the tree For Sale at Newmarket Idea your bring Writ ft for of two lafiUonj Woo of tamo llmpia to On ft tf ftd of two fox Only per wheelbarrow two Appi largo Also and one largo to Huron St to Loan At ix per cent on Security by David for taking Agent Issuer of Kto Also Agent er following Fire eat Queen of- London and Mutual also for Confederation i- Registry Mala and Lot

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