Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 3

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THE NEWMARK ERA fie WHAT IB ABOUT TOWN Pop fllQOltoba According to all accounts of will leave Now- for Manitoba material all ready together farm ail Tug of War Under the proponed bill to now will be one licensed Hotel lees in Holland Landing and Button and two loss in Newmarket No other reductions throughout now Is will fall Cheese At a mooting of the of Faotory last Saturday it was dooidod to start operations for tho on of April hotter than for patrona to faetory and it is that season will exceed all years Many persona are talking of send ing milk who have not aont before pQHm state of the roads last Saturday attendance at Market was remarkable Butter was Arm from to per and and lOo per potatoes from to per bag onions per basket cab bage and Go First maple syrup of the season from to per gallon from for to per pair Goose per lb per lb eh Largo Hill of Toronto Junction last His object sermon to tho children in morning was exceedingly intonating and will no doubt bo by them with profit text was By their fruits ye ahall know thorn and the attention of the onoa scoured throughout by display of natural fruits of which had its spiritual application day of Junior League evening wan on lino of duty of to children many praoti- were drawn from the life of Abraham The pastor expects to conduct next Sunday R fiig flrjrtQPd Wo notice by the of Lawyer Moore of this Town has had the responsibility of assessing in Township of the s award places the damages and after paying claimant will a part of monoy The claimants on the whole were well satisfied with the award and they nearly all a consent not to appeal against it and tho money will be paid once We pleased to note the evident satis faction which his judgment baa been re and prophesy a growing popularity in his profession as a result of the award Cot The adjourned caee of disorderly con- during wbioh a pane of glass waa broken in Mr store on the 1st in the Police Court Friday and again adjourned till this after noon The Magistrate disposed to con strue of the young men as not intentional bat the Jaw has been violated he gave them an opportunity to settle the case up to this afternoon by the three more directly concerned in the dam age paying for the glass etc and the other five who were considered more or less dis orderly paying the coats If is upon tho probability the parties will be discharged but if not actions will be construed as being contumacious and fines and costs will likely be Imposed Get a On By riding one of O Hughes either a Dayton or Favorite the latter in Boys or Girls sizes and A J wheels a Society At a meeting of the Directors of North York Ag Society Monday evening the Secretarys books were passed from the of Mr to Mr Keith and the Board passed a resolution expressing thanks to i retiring secretary for the large interest he had always taken in the societys progress The Board then considered the question of holding an ex cursion and finally decided to visit on the of June provided satisfactory arrangements can be made A special committee named to look af ter the matter composed of the President Woodcock and Jackson Committees were also ap pointed to can vase Toronto Aurora and Newmarket for subscriptions to prize Hit and membership and a further special committee named to confer with a committee of the Town Council respecting the Fair Grounds so that the citizens of may use the same for games After some general observations respecting attractions for the Fall Fair the Board adjourned Any per- eon in Town having coal that are in the way If they will kindly Inform the sec retary the society will be pleased to haul them away for the purpose of improving the track on the Fair hall was packed again Sunday afternoon Mr H occupied and Mabel at organ program comprised two by Miss reading by Miss Simpson recitations by Mr Jos Green and little Miss Crosby of Sunday Next Sunday is in all the Bun- day and it affords a particularly interesting opportunity for parents and others who do not go often to school and give some encourage ment to tho3o constantly engaged In the work Tho of North York Association and the President of the Whit church Association have consented to conduct in tho Methodist Sunday at Assessment of Dogs Those days whon the Assessor is making his rounds wo aro sometimes asked as to minimum age at which dogs may bo or rather at vhat ago are owners liable to bo taxed for such animals In re ply wo may say that statute does not any minimum age and hence it duty of assessors to every dog without regard to ago Wo heard of municipalities passing bylaws exempting all pupa under three months but wo do not remember authority for this although it reasonable Died in A startling incident disturbed do- of worshippers at vespers St Marys Roman Catholic Church on Bath- street Toronto on Sunday evening was very the Arch bishop was announced to preach and tho mild wcathor mado the air close and op pressive Among worshippers was Mrs Kelly tbo wife of Thomas a carpenter employed in John Abell Engine Works and sister of Mr John Howard of this Town and she to the heat and carried out In an ap parent faint The usual fail ing to her she was taken to a but expired any re lief could bo Heart failuro waa said to be the cause of death and it subsequently transpired that the deceased had been to fainting apells for some years Mrs Kolly leaves a grownup family of one and three daughters she about years of age Entertainment Tho Town Hall well filled day night and the entertainment under of Junior League was ono of the beet for local talent that we have had for Borne time Mayor Cane occupied the chair and the various numbers on the pro gram wore brought on without delay The Empire Drill by young ladies in cos tume was one of the most pleasing foa- of evening The tableaux were well placed particularly the Road to Success in which tho lads were busily en gaged in all kinds of hard work the oth ers were Fairy Land a Kitchen Scene and The Ten Virgins The Kindergart4 Song and the Doll Drill by little girls were very nice Mies York contributed a and the balance of an entertaining program waa made up with ten or a dozen recitations by boys and girls singing by Mabel and instru mental music by Miss Nettie Miss Annie McDonald and Mabel Cane The net proceeds were over will be devoted towards support of a cot in the for Children in Toronto Just here we might mention that we notice by the annual report of this institution for last year that five children from Newmar ket received treatment one from Queens- ville one from Sharon one from Mount Albert and one from Aurora The Pres byterian in Newmarket sent a do nation to the Hospital of fl Monday evening Newmarket No had the pleasure of a visit by the Grand Organizer of the District Mr J Nixon of Toronto and hie presence waa greatly appreciated During the course of the evening he made an excellent speech showing not only the protection or insur ance side of the order to great advantage but also the fraternal benefits- of the or ganization In Ontario alone the order Is more than and has paid over milHona of dollars to the widows of deceased members Mr Nixon is an old Newmarket boy having years of his boyhood in this place and hie remin iscences of early days were recalled with peculiar interest At the close of the members to the umber of adjourn ed to the Hotel where Mr Evan served an oyster sapper in most excellent stylo The supper was more especially intended farewell compliment to sev eral members of the Lodge who are about removing from this neighborhood and be fore separating Messrs Augusta J Randall and Geo responded in fitting terms to the remarks by the Workman Mr J Millard There were no formalities but the sociality of the oc casion will long to be remembered Pro- were brought to a close by another fitting speech by Mr Nikon The Grand Organiser is be in again beginning of next to explain the benefits of the Order to prospective candi dates and as an object to join while he here the initiation fee has been by a motion of the Lodge The graded which goes into effect shortly recognizes the value of youth and no doubt result in many young men throwing their influence into the strongest bene- fiolsry organization in too world Bidden Death On Monday after a sevoro at tack of pneumonia for only four days Mr Marsh died at his rcaldonco on Timothy street to with his family in of being a partner the porch of the North End proporty where ho was engaged until it wiped out by Arc Deceased was of very genial deposi tion and many during his short residence hero Ho was a member of Bradford lodge A until three when he allowed of to bo annulled intend ing to unite with Deceased was a member of Sharon Lodge and on Thursday assisted by Tosoan Lodgo New market roraains being interred at Holland Landing with leaves a wife and four small who have the sympathy of community in their seyero affliction R buying a churn now Acme bail churn at A Return of Convictions According to published return of con viotions for the quarter ending March by the Clerk of for this County no convictions wore by Magistrates in this part of County by Jackson who mado four and one by the latter and oxMayor Robertson In other parts of the Riding wo return by J J Hunter one by J A and G one case by Saunders and by the latter and James Dougherty also by Troloar and W P Colo These constitute the sum total If other were made Justices aro liable to fine for not making re turns We notice South that J P had cases of vagrancy and in most Instances the parties were sent to jail for various periods the Magistrate made no in these cases we can come to no other conclusion but the constables want ed to make a living out of the county for in most instances they com plainants Possibly the culprits walked on a railway track and in this way the Railway the County pay their police service Social Event Wo following from Meaford Monitor of last week The Presbyterians a social evening in the roller rink Monday evening The of mooting was to spend a pleasant time with late paator Rev A ho leaves for hie new of labor There was a large number present and the rink was very tastefully decorated Tea sorved about half past six in the good style for which Presbyterians are noted and to which each seemed to do ample justice Tea being over the meeting was called to order and Mr James was voted to the chair and after a few intro ductory remarks Mr A A- Jordan was upon to read an address to Rev Mr and Mr Jno Barry to make the presentation which consists of that very work the Standard Dictionary in two vols Russia call bound and also an envelope containing money Mr although taken by surprise made a very appropriate speech sincerely thanking his many friends for their expression of good will toward him The following gentlemen were then upon to speak Revs Cowan To ronto and Walker and Messrs P Christie John Clark Main A Abbott A Ferguson A C Todd and J Douglas all speaking in the highest terms of Mr ministrations here and expressing their deep regret at the all of which must have been very gratifying to the reverend gentleman and showing the very high esteem in whioh he is generally held as a pastor and Another very pleasant feature of the even- the flower drill by a number of young ladies from the 3rd line under the superintendence of Miss Christie who ex ecuted some very clever maneuvers which elicited much applause Mr Clark sang a very appropriate solo Miss MoRae presid ing at the organ The assembly then joined in singing God be with you etc and thus ended a very enjoyable evening and one long to be remembered by all present THE To Mr WtfAnfto Pastor It with feelings of the deepest regret that we have learned of your Intended removal to another field of labor During your stay our we have learned to love you and to admire your many estimable qualities of and hand always been a true pastor to us and by precept and by example you have allured us to better things and not only that but you have led the way You have and faith fully pointed us to Christ as our salvation and rule of life and we will not soon forget your Untiring efforts on our behalf and in behalf of the great cause lies yourheart Before separating from you we ask you to accept thfB Dictionary a alight mark of oar high esteem and love for you and when you peruse it may you be reminded of our many pleasant associations We wiah you the best blessing of God in your new field of labor and that you may be spared for many years to serve the Master who has called yon to work Signed on behalf Of your C John Clark Its fln Thing Belling Bicycles year they are so far advance of anything else yet shown at more Bee camples of and Gents at A DAY MARCH Just received Very Ccloringsnot shown by any other in Town New Gold- Tinted The Best Qualities and Lowest and Art Muslins All good cooks use Baking Powder CORNER ices for Spot Cash means a Saving to your pocket book Oats for per bushel Also two pure bred Jersey At for service WILLIS Lot on the Con Whitchurch Newmarket i Honied tenders received by thouodcr- up to The 3ta of March to supply the Industrial Home for County Of York one year With Bread Beef Groceries and Dry Goods J Contracts to com let of April for any of the above lonk forma at Home In reference tics wishing to ten supplies can obtain and wet necessary to what Is required No tender accepted J Inspector CHINA HALL We have this week FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH FRESH TROUT FRESH HADDIE Smoked FRESH BULK OYSTERS FRESH SEA HERRINGS FamU Wedding Cakes a specialty We have just received a barrel of Onions GIVE US A GALL March Evaporated Apricots Evaporated Peaches Very Fine French Plums Evaporated Bosnia Prunes lb Good Cooking Figs lb- TRACTS Finest Quality only in Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Do you want a snap in Vase Lamps at and worth about double SPLENDID VALUES Our Japan Tea at 2oc is giving splendid satisfaction in flavor strength demand 25 creasing are fche choice8fc the worlds markets the Ludella at and the Monsoon at the most delicious of all package Pungent and Fragrant We solicit an early trial of these goods DAVI In all the Latest Novelties For Suitings and Trouserings When you want one come and see ours We have more than double the variety of Styles and Patterns of any house in Town and range in price from for Complete Sets Boots Shoes SPECIAL VALUE We handle the Rubbers the best fitting and most satisfactory to wearer The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts In buying from us you have our name and our guarantee backed up by a Reputation of fair dealing Goods and Serges our CSS A continuation of your patronage solicited N MCDGUQALLv MY TAILOR P Exaggerations and misrepresentation not in our lino GOOD CLEAN fa tons si No Old Stock 071 hand r

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