Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 4

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1 v THE NEWMARKET ERA MARCH Tired Feelin Makes you teem with out appetite It te often or serious Ill ness or tie accompaniment of troubled It la ft positive proof of weak Impure btood for If the blood rich red vitalized and vigorous It im ports and energy to ovary nerve or pan and ttefue of body The necessity of taking Hoods for that tired feeling la the re tore apparent to one and good it will do you equally beyond question Remember S bestIn fact One True Purifier easy to operate Moonul the Married Womens Property Act Estates of deceased- per sons to lesson the number of members of Town Counoils and to abolish Wards Respect ing Toronto University Respecting the Department of Agriculture grades Act to provide for abettor Municipal Audit Respecting the Ad ministration of Agriculture and Arts Act amendment Ontario Fisheries Wcenso and Building all of with possible verbal alterations will likely pass into law Then there are the usual number of private and railway bills bonus confirmations etc etc all of which go to make up the sum total of the proposed legislation thus far this ses sion But as the day of prorogation approaches the slaughter of many of these private bills has become so vorbial that ifc is not styled the slaughter of the inno cents The Premier baa introduced a bill in the Lcgislatttro respecting a- form of By Law for money to pay for local im provements The Act a similar In arid plan to ilia short form of Conveyances ii Ik Manitoba laat week two proposed the that Province The first by a majority of to ami the second on ft vote of to It looks if Manitoba regarded a dead A despatch from that the protest against Mr Davis P for Saskatchewan bee withdrawn This will add another vote to the Dominion majority session i is making arrangements for a Convention of reproaentativca to take into consideration question of tax- exemptions and to decide on ayetomatio bo far as the convention can agree If aucb a convention should bo it might also consider municipal Insurance and counteract the arrogant powers of the The Stats Legislature must want somotbing to do badly have passed an Act ordering that bills of far at hotels and public gatherings shall bo printed in the English language only So saya a Chicago paper and MB mi to JACKSON Best Advertising Medium In York County Transient JO centa per Nonpareil lino for first insertion cents lino for subsequent IttTKR FOB BPRCTtflKD MO J MO MO HO Inched axe moo ii -i- Advertisements unaccompanied with writ- ton Instructions Inserted until forbid and accordingly Advertisements will bo dhartKCd once month If desired For changes month composition must bo paid at regular rates for contract advertisements must bo in by noon on Special for Notices Farms to Kent Articles Lost and Founds etc Heading Notices among local per line for each Insertion No such Notice in settod for Ices than Wo advertising at onehalf regular rates FRIDAY 2lK Provincial Up to the present there have been more than one hundred bills intro duced initio Legislature this term and before the ses sions closes that number will doubled- Of course v in of the bills smothered in fact the members sponsible for them never expect they will grace pages of the statutes They must do something however to their constituents and by having their names down on the order paper in connection with some measure of proposed legislation an impression seems to pervade their minds that somehow as sociated therewith but it is a great mistake The very which consigns such bills to oblivion un folds the pettiness of the motive prompting its presentation and as a result its promoter loses influence in the House and provokes adverse in the constituency which he represents By these observations we do not it to be understood that we object to private members being ag gressive but as a rule the ministry and their more confidential and active supporters on the one side and lead ing members of the Opposition on the other will jealously look after necessary legislation affecting the province those not so much in touch with the needed in terests of whole country to attend rather to local and private bills affecting their own immediate and watching tho trend of the general legislation presented By pursuing this coarse many of the petty amendments to the Municipal and Assessments Acts now made year ly and which costs the Province a large money for printing etc would be saved as well as the time of Legislature in disposing of them It is satisfactory to know that of the bills presented to the House this session number attacking the Municipal and Assessment Acts are less than usual Among those intro duced however we notice the to lessen the number of Town Councillors and providing for their election by the ratepayers at largo instead of Wards Then there are bills for lengthening the time of allowing debentures to run for the payment of gas or electric light plants from to years for removing farm lands in villages and attaching the nearest Township making the exemption from income tax higher and the qualification for councillors lower still another to make County Councillors of the Peace and Toronto has a whole act of its own suggesting many far during the session the eminent have introduced fifteen measures follows Respecting the immigration of children to amend Editorial Notes tut Legislature of Nova Scotia lias been dissolved and a general election is now on Polling day is flxod for the of April next- congratulate publisher of tho Renfrew on its now dress and general and hops hie enterprise will bo appreciated by the people of that section country County for No Division resulted in return of the who were elected last January viz and Boll is as follows Hall Slater Although an unusually heavy vote was polled the figures stand relatively very much last January The announcement comes from Ottawa that Hon Mr on behalf of the Do minion Government has made arrange ments for the cold storage of butter and food which will be shipped weekly on steamers plying between Montreal and London and Liverpool especially for the benefit of the Anglican than any other denomi nation Mr has introduced a bill in tbo Assembly respecting executions to enable interest of a pewholder of a to be taken in execution and sold and to enable Wardens to buy it in at any snob sale in by Rev Edward forms a tenoeut issue of The Library of Hastings editor of Christian Boston Mass and cone lata of a lecture disproves atheistic theories from the evidence of mathematical law in nature Every skeptic and seeker after truth should read this pamphlet A has introduced in the As sembly by Mr providlngthatbeoause a Notary has neglected to affii a seal at the end of bis same to an oath or declara tion it shall not invalidate the instrument in any way The of the bill is also made but not to effect any pending proceedings at the time of the passing of the Ah amendment to the Municipal Act is proposed by Mr Carnegie In relation to diverging or deviating His bill en acts that a deviating road from a boundary line between municipalities shall bo held to be a line of road diverging from and need In lieu of fluah boundary line to avoid natural obstructions preventing the making of a public road upon such boundary thus maklsg the diverging road the boundary Ok Friday Canadas High in London Sir Donald Smith arrived in Montreal In an interview with reporters he spoke of immi gration In England He also the Manitoba question and he considered Mr had its settlement in a fairminded spirit It will be difficult for Sir Charles to recognize hie old friend and In the High after such a declaration of the Ridings of hag a Mr for representative in the As sembly He has introduced a bill to amend the General Road Companies Act and one of its provisions Is moat note worthy To entertain hopes of ha passing the Legislature would lead one to believe be fanned its members were flat Indeed It read follows In order to encourage the abolition of tolls throughout the Pro vince Ontario Legislature will grant per cent of the of roads purchased by municipalities and made free within the next three years In the name that is honest why should York County whioh just made its roads free help to buy off tollgates in Events are rapidly recurring in the Province of Quebec go to show that the people of that part of the Dominion are fast entering upon a of political sentimentand a growing spirit of indepen dence Just preylous to the election in last week the Liberal candi date Mr Quite asked by Bishop to surrender his political and sign a denunciation of the Manitoba settlement pledging himself to tote against it in parliament To his honor bo it said he refused to sign and in his reply stated that in political questions liberty to every citizen entitled The election followed tha Hierarchy used their ecclesiastical author ity hut the electors stood by Mr by 850 majority and cheered for and political freedom Weil done Bona venture An Act to amend the Jaw respecting registration of deaths has boon proposed by Mr provides that a death may bo with its nearest division registrar but such division registrar shall forward certificate of registration to registrar of the division in which death occurred Now if wo comprehend the meaning of this amendment it will allow a resident of East or King to register in Newmarket where a death has taken place nearer to this Town than to the clerks of above Townships and if so the Town registrar must for- ward the certificate to the Township regis trar This may convenient to a few who have registrations to make but who is to pay the cost Newmarket would be compelled to submit to an injustice to pay for registering deaths from the Townships and for forwarding certificates of registra tion to I clerss and on the other hand the Town registrar should not be compelled to do the work and pay necessary postage without some equivalent If the bill Roes through our member will no doubt see to it that the proper municipality pays the coats the bill entirely A bill has been presented for of the Legislature the member for Bast York to amend the County Councils It provides for the redivision of counties into County divisions every five years under a commission of the LIentGovernorInCoancil upon a petition from tho no re-divi- Is to take place Just now there is quite a about the Parliament buildings in Toronto respecting the centralization policy Government people are to blame for this tendency if it exists The demand for Government assistance and protection for all sorts of enterprise and organize is becoming so frequent and as to be absurdly monotonous- is fostered by paternalism Soma people seem to spend a large part of their time thinking of how to raid upon the public treasury r Saved TUB OF A DAUGHTER Had Been Weak and Sickly From Infancy Neither Doctor Nor Would Survive- Williams Pink Pills Her Life Advice to Parents From the Fergus Mr Post fruit confec tionery dealer St Andrew Street Fergus last week related to a repre sentative of the News- Record the sad story of terrible suffering and sickness of his little daughter Ella his only child now a strong Mid healthy little maiden of ten year of age At the time of the childs illness Mr Post was a resident of Hamilton Hie story is substantially as follows My daughter had been very delicate from childhood until three years ago and the money it cost me for doctor bills made me poor as it was seldom she was without a doctors care and at times we have had as many as three doctors in attendance and hope of saving her despaired of The doctors succeeded in keeping her alive but was gradually growing worse and we all thought she was going to die Our regular physician had given up hope of saving her life and remarked thai if it were warm weather it was then winter there might be a chance But seven summers had passed since her birth and she had gradually be come feebler and my wife and I thought it was just a matter of time until the child would be called to a better home About this time Dr Williams Pink Pills were prominently brought to our notice through a cure they wrought in a neighbors child I though I would give them a trial and so informed the doctor but he only laughed at the idea of them helping her However I bought a box of the Pink Pills and began giving them to her half a pill a time After a short treatment there was such an improvement that neither her mother nor I could doubt that Dr Williams Pink Pills were helping her and I de cided to the doctors services altogether The Pink Pill treatment was continued and although the pro cess towards health and strength was necessarily slow it was none the less certain- and it was continued until she is well and strong ad you see her today and I am thankful to say she has had ho occasion for medical treatment since I am a strong be liever in the efficacy of Dr Williams Pink Pills for weak and delicate children and I firmly Relieve it was this medicine that saved my child Dr Williams Pink Pills are an all- round year medicine and are quite as efficacious in the case of children as in restore to the blood its lacking constituents and make it rich red and pure In this way they strengthen the system and drive out disease There are many cases like the above in which this wonderful modi- cine has health and strength after the best medical advice had fail ed The genuine Pink Pills are sold ihboe8ythe wrapper round which bears the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People There are otheipills colored pink but they are imitations offered be cause they give the dealer a greater profit They should always be re fused Washington Irving said he supposed a certain Mil called Rattlesnake Hill because if abounded in of contrary governs other names Some bottles are posedly labeled Sarsaparilla well we dont know what they are full but we know its not rillaj except perhaps enough for a flavor Theres only one make of that can be relied on to be all it claims Its It has no secret to keep formula is open to all physicians This formula was examined by the Medical Com mittee at the Worlds Fair with the result that while every other make of was excluded from the Fair was admitted and honored by awards It was admitted be cause it was the best sarsaparilla It received the medal the best No other has been so tested or so honored Good motto for the family as well as the Fair Admit the best exclude the rest Any doubt about It Send for It kills and cures Co Lowell Man The Metropolitan Railway Co is asking the Legislature for power to water front over the Rail way line but Toronto people object unless they receive a of the Companys earnings or an equivalent some shape for the franchise If oar County had not been easily manipulated same Company would not have been grant ed privileges extending over a generation of years without some return to the rate- payers for the nee of the York Roads and for the taxes paid as indemnity to Coun cillors while working for the Company making agreements IT IS FREE Our booklet Paint Points will help you in deciding what Is the proper paint to use for baseboards shelve floors boats farm implements barns fences chairs houses fact any thing that can be painted Very few people know what false teeth are made of said a prominent dentist the other day although the proportion of people using them is large in fact much larger than is commonly supposed The teeth used by dentists are made of porcelain which is far more desirable than any thing else that could bo used for the purpose When dentistry was first practiced false teeth were carved out of ivory and bone but it was soon discovered that the decay was so rapid as to render them useless in a few months Porcelain is a practically in- material It is sanitary and its solidity and smoothness are qualities which make it peculiarly adaptable The art of has been brought to such perfection that all the variations of as to color and shape can be easily dupli cated There are thirtytwo te6th in the set given man by nature but dentists use only twentyeight in a full artificial set The smaller number is used in order to permit better spac ing R Study of Success The old gentleman was giving the boy advice not so because the boy needed it as because he had more than he knew what to do with and the boy might as well have it Joshua he said be polite to everybody Remember you aua no millionaire an ye cant afford ter put on too many important ways Well I aint so sure about that was the reply It seems to me feheya a lot of people round ready impose on ye ef ye dont show some spunk Ye ter bear lots of things in this life but its work counts Re member the little busy bee He jests keeps an day in an day out An mighty few bees Im given to as cant look back on their lives with satisfaction and he pnted out to their neighbors as a success an all because they keeps on an Thats so father But theres one trait of character bout the bee that you aint dwelt Whats that He dont low nobody sit on rt There are great differences in paints Some give a bright glossy finish others an oil finish that can be washed The secret of painting Is to know the right paint for your purpose then use it The old rinc bath an eye sore You can make it look like porcelain and wear like porcelain if you use THE BATH Palot tells what you want to know about paint Tells the good at id the bad points about good and bad paint Tells about the brushes to use and how to take care of them The SherwinWilliams Paints are made for every purpose not one paint ft all purposes Send for the booklet today it is free For bo older address St Street Montreal THE Hew YORK 3 MONTREAL Choice Canadian Nursery Stock Celebrated Hamilton Nurseries From the Which has been establish years at a great bargain on orders sent to me on before the of April orders will be delivered lit the nearest station at the following cut prices per per per No Apple trees to feet go CO Except and Ontario Apple trees 3 No I Pear trees of all the varieties feet Wgh- No Plum trees of all the varieties to feet high HBO CO Except Grand Duke and Kingston Plumtrees No Cherry trees of all the leaning varieties to feet CO CO per cent off Catalogue Prices on all other Nursery Stock on mil orders sent to me on or before April WW I given few references outofthehundredsthat have bought of me Mr J at planted Pear trees spring of and has only lost Mr Dominion Apple trees spring and lost none Mr Geo Pearson trees fall and AM Foreman Fruit planted Plum trees In the spring of and has only lost ton Mr Aurora two orchards and only lost one tree Address aa orders to 58 Toronto Terms Cash on Delivery General Salesman for the Celebrated Hamilton Nurseries OF Quality and Good Value Sight Tested and Glasses made to Pit a NEW LINE OF I CAS AND i- AUTOHARP To make the heart glad We are Agents for all kinds of Musical Instruments and Sheet Music im It cost two young men who broke into the Gordon house at Orangeville and stole quantity of liquor and cigars some or each to settle the matter Lost Voice Advertising will do a Jj many things but it wont bring about the return of a lost voice The best thing to do is to begin at once the use of the cure for all affec tions of the and lungs Bronchitis Asthma Croup Whooping Cough etc It a reputation of fifty years of cures and is known the world over as Cherry Pectoral THE BEST MEDICINE Cures eit mood Disease from a common pis to the worst Son In the following Companies CanadJah Gold Syndicate Gold Develop ment Co Gold Exploration Develop ment Co Mining Development Co to with amah The great of the Colorado Development Co last was at per share and now faelllag at per share and Buying dividends of per cent on original has fcpenod the of Canadian there Is no reason that any of the above Companies should not be Just as successful Its In nearly all of the above have either or will advanoo in a days and any thinking of Investing should do at once has of Companies will bo lei the above pleased information and any amount prospectus and any other toward your subscriptions In up a LAND Do not Protect you from Quack Spectacle Vendors Protect yourself by con sulting only resident and qualified Opticians Optical Department is your service No charge for testing NEXT POST OFFICE NEWMARKET tf fa-

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