Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 6

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j THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH Me around the Hal WHAT AND WORTHY TO is about a foot on the SHARON A J is quite teed this week Mr and Mrs J Graham spent last Wednesday taking in the sights of the City What a vast amount of information one does get from College Corners Messrs Bert Phillips and Harry Martin loft last Tuesday to try luck in the wild and West Their many them voyage and success is visiting friends in Bradford Four things wo would like to know When Prof Kemp will reach our burg When roads will dry up If the skating has left us If there are going to ho some mapletaffy parties HOLLAND LANDING at he The mud level Moving seems to he the order of day Mr Oldham intends moving to Pino Orchard this Mr intends moving to next week Mr James Oldham is going to in our midst soon Mr Edward Oldham is very sick with the mumps There are two weddings booked for this Considerable visiting during this week Mr Mrs at Mr Mr and family at Mr Vivian COLLEGE CORNERS KESWICK Ladies Aid of Christian Church held a most successful social at home of Mr Alfred Morton on Thursday of last week About were Mr Warriner occupied the chair and a good program of speeches singing and reoitations was rendered The ladies did their part in good style and most occasions of this kind coffee was hot not cold Proceeds Our roads are in bad shape just present especially tho side roads are up and seem to plentiful Wonder if they will go on to Newmarket this spring tho same last The sad of the death of Mr Marsh was heard with regret by all as while a citizen among us a number of years ego he was a favorite with all Miss Maggie Dally of Toronto General Hospital is home on a few weeks visit Mr Robert and of Smiths Falls were here on Monday last Mr John Dunning of was calling on friends last Saturday and Sunday Mr Piper of Chicago and Rev Mr Piper of are at their fathers Mr Piper who is very low and no hopes of his recovery are entertained Mr James Artt went down to the city on Monday last on jury Mr William Lane left on Monday morning as a delegate from this to attend Convention of the in Hamilton tins week Mrs Nixon who has low the past weeks with is out of danger and slowly of Windsor here visiting her sister liar vcy was visit ing friends and this Pansy is QUEENSVILLE Mud Mud Mud Mr Frank of Orillia visiting at Mr David Bam building will be all the rage this Mr Doane in tends remodeling his also Mr Peter is getting material on ground for operation Misses of Sutton spent over Sunday with Miss Mr Maurice Hill of Cooks- town and Mrs and son of Bradford spent over Sunday at Mr Peter We understand that Mr Albert Traviss has sold his farm to Mr Alex Arnold and intends taking up his abode in Newmarket Miss Minnie who has been visiting here returned home last week Our new stage driver Mr Morton is very accommodating Some of our farmers have tapped the and are making syrup Hope they will give us a pull before the is over Competition is the life of trade Talk of another store to be opened in our village On Wednesday March there was a very pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr Oliver Queensville to witness the marriage of his sister Miss to Mr Albion Wait of Welland Out The ceremony was performed by the pastor of the Presbyterian Church Rev J Sturgeon A Miss who is now Mrs A Wait is youngest daughter of John a merchant of our village and granddaughter of the Cuthbertson of the Pres byterian church in Ireland both of whom are long since deceased At half past two oclock the ceremony was performed which made man and after which all repaired to the dining room and around the table partook of the many delicacies that were provided by skilful hands The time seemed to pass all too soon as guests expressed their good will and manifested it equally well in many little speeches tinged with regard and kindliness Amid laughter and regret of parting veiled in mirth the happy couple took their for Toronto and the West for a months holidays The many beautiful presents testified to the kind regard of the friends and promises a warm welcome should they decide to their home in Below wo furnish a few Easter eggs for our Era readers They are all sound The weather this week is exception ally cool with snow lightning and thunder which is an indication of a late Spring From tho four quarters of tho globe wo will find this a axiom all men gather wisdom by financial loss Like a razor he is sharper for being strapped Kind words cost nothing make us rich if wo use thorn Wo can bless those around us if we scatter sunshine as we go The dog will you if you treat him kindly Mr Jas King and Mr A Thompson and their respective families are moving into Jersey again Mine host of tho Jersey House is making things fly these days Mr McKay of Sutton was a guest of Mrs John of Mr Maurice Hill and wife of Cooks- town are spending a few days with Mr J A New Sunday School The officers and teachers installed aro Superintendent Mr Ross Assistant Mr Teacher Mian Mrs J Teacher Mrs J Organist Miss Treasurer B Secretary WScdoro Teacher Letty We all congratulate Mrs James in her enterprise in organizing a Union Sabbath in this section It will open the first Sunday in April and commence at oclock sharp in the School House on Union Street Mrs James of Street bid goodbye to all her painful teeth while in Newmarket the other day Mr Andrew Young and wife are very ill Mr William Bain and Jas of Queen Street went to fish one day and found their houses entirely de molished They like a good many more built their houses on the sand and not on the rock The rain de- I and the floods came the wind blew and great was the fall thereof Mr Wrn who has been so seriously ill with inflammation recovering Sports young men intend starting football baseball lawntennis lacrosse cricket and a boxing school Neither nor will be in it The sap is not running very much yet The weather seems to be very unfavorable this year Mr John Smith of this Street is moving on the farm lately occupied by Mr J Merry weather and the latter moved to Mr Graves farm lately occupied by Lloyd Mr Jonas is very proud of his young butcher as he will make a smart business man A young man not more than ten miles away declares he received a stamp of beauty While helping her out of the rig the horse moved forward and she made a mistake and stamped on his corn plantation Beware A travelling is going his rounds selling spox and has a good supply of jaw breakers on hand to make you believe you have weak eyes He was asked to make an examination It ran thus A severe case of choroiditis accompanied by partial micro and scotoma of singularly regular forms There and ma said it was only a coming The floods have subsided and birds are filling the air with their melodious songs of rejoicing because it looks like spring But wo think they will want to warm their little toes a few times yet A few celebrated St Patricks Day in tho morning but a greater number at night at the Gilford ball What has become of the Pink Pie Social We do not hear any more of Mr George Hamilton who lately moved- to Toronto has bought Moses Knight House in and intends there soon The wild geese have put in there appearance A flock was seen going North the other day The The farmers of this section are making preparations for an early seed time but although indications at present point that way it may yet be late Several flocks of wild geese have been seen going north during past fow days Thoso who are fortunate enough to have any sugar bush loft busy tapping these days and report ft good run Wonder if thero will be any taffy pulls if so dont forgot your friends Quito a number attended the Sun day School workers meeting at King Mission lastWednesday night and re port a profitable time A very pleasant gathering took place at tho residence of William Andrews on Thursday evening last when about of the members of the Sunday Schools took the family by surprise The object was to spend a pleasant evening together and say ing goodbye to tho family particular ly to Johnnie Andrews who has been a faithful and efficient officer in the Sunday School During the CAening which was very spent in social chat games etc not forgetting the good things found in the wellfill ed baskets Frank was called to read the following address Mr Andrews Brother Wo the members of Glen viJlo Union School desire to take this opportunity of expressing in tangible form our hearty appreciation of your rendered to our school ana of our beet wishes and kindly feelings toward you a time in every life when even the of friends must part and we deeply regret that so early in your life and your usefulness in our midst you hay been called upon to leavo us relationship whtoh hap pily existed between us to a close and we are forced to say poodbye Inur ing your as Librarian in our we have watched with increasing interest and pleasure your earnest and un tiring efforts and the faithful discharge of duties pertaining to that office and upon your regular attendance and much of success of our school depended Amid all kinds of weather and under you have in variably been at your post of duty willing ly whatever you were asked to do And while we shall greatly miss you from our midst and shall suffer the loss a faithful officer ami member we confidently feel that what is our lose shall be anothers gain In after years as we become scat tered from our school we trust that we shall be privileged to often meet again and that we shall all endeavor to meet in that Home from whence there shall be no more partings now beg your acceptance of this Bible as a slight memento of our respect and esteem for you regretting that the gift is not more worthy of tbe recipient and trust you will consider not its intrinsic value bat only the feelings which prompt the bestowal Our prayers are that as you ponder over itB sacred pajeB it may be for the purpose and with desire of learning more of Gods wonderful love that the blessings promised in it to the faithful may be yours and that it may teal become A lamp to your feet and a light to your path now all join in wishing you a happy and prosperous future Signed on behalf of the school by Frank Annie West Minnie Black Nor man Prank March During the reading of the above Miss presented him with a nicely bound Students Bible to which he made a short and feeling reply The Andrews family will be greatly missed from this neighborhood they having lived here about years during which time they have taken a deep interest in the welfare of the neighborhood and were hearty sup porters in every good cause They were regular in attendance at Sunday School and Church services By their departure we shall lose a very oblig ing and kind neighbor They wove this week to Bond Head where they have rented a farm AURORA Division Court Tuesday Not the usual quota of visitors of many faces that are ever present at that gathering One case that of vs Proctor for wages excited the interest of the day Young was in the employ of H Proctor Courtship between young people grew into engagement but did not stop at prudence Mr Proctor approached the young man who said he had promised to marry her and would do so And so it was for they were named that evening Each went their own way and have been bo ever since The parent claimed no credit for paid Mun- shaw on the eve of his wedding and Proctor paid balance due into court which the court accepted A strong effort was made to show that Proctor forced Munshaw who it was claimed was aminor Evidence disproved this After court was taken before Justice for nonsupport of his wife The case adjourned until to day Friday Mr Thompson whose house took fire while the family were at tending Sunday School in the Metho dist Church of which they are care takers very kindly treated by the townspeople most of the goods being replaced by them Mr from whom they had recently purchas ed the property lias contracted to have the house fully repaired has almost disappeared and most of the sufferers are out It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea and use twice as and not get half as much is a good one and please In Lead Packages only 25 or 60 per lb From Leading Grocers Everywhere in The Finest lot of ReadyMade Suits made for the Best City Trade which we are Offering again On Wednesday the effects of John Estate were sold by Toron to General Trust Co who are hand ling the estate while he is in the asylum He is suffering paralysis of the brain without any hope of re covery Country roads are almost impassible and are not improved by fall of snow at Half Price these Goods See our Stock of It will pay you to Examine Sale Register Tuesday March Mr Lancelot will have an of class stock new Implements etc on tbe East Half of lot of wnitcfaurch Termscredit till Nov on sums over or per cent off for cash one oclock sharp Binltb Wednesday Albert an extensive and unreserved sale of Mock Implement etc on tho North half of lot In the Con of East As Mr has only been farming years tho articles are new or nearly so and are therefor desirable TermsCredit till Oct on The roughcast dwelling of Mrs Peterson was destroyed by fire Mrs Peterson all her furniture before oclock in the after noon and at the same even ing the fire broke out The efforts of the farmers in the neighborhood to put out the flamea were without avail At present there ie every sign of an early spring Robins and grass birds can bo seen any time and flocks of wild geese have been seen This time last year the roads were almost block aded with snow Mrs McKay has returned to her home in Sunderland after spending a few weeks here A boot and shoo firm from New market has been holding auction sales in the hall They left for on Wednesday The bucksaw and the are fast becoming things of the past since the portable circular saw has been in troduced Mr Smith has cut a great many cords through the Town ship It is estimated that from seventyfive to one hundred cords can be cut in one day Miss has returned from where she has spend ing a few months with her parents Quite a number from here attended the open- lodge at Keswick an Sat urday night and report an enjoyable time Dr Graham of was in the village on Monday Mrs J has been visiting friends and relatives in Toronto this week The owl will certainly be prose cuted if he dont stop writing about young ladies No doubt they are the most handsome in the county but it is not necessary to com ment every week Mrs Morton and Miss M Morton are spending a few weeks with Mr and Mrs McKay in Sunderland A pedlar claiming to be an Armen ian Christian passed through the village this week Mr I Gilpin has been deliver- furniture this week from Mr and Mrs intend moving to Sutton Mr has opened a blacksmith shop there The snow on Wednesday morning made everything look like winter again There was a meeting of the Cheese Patrons and farmers of this township in Sutton on Wednesday Mr Connell shipped a car load of horses to Boston on Tuesday While the British steamer Temple- more was being towed by the Ulster- more the hawser parted end swept the deck kill ing Capt a seaman and breaking the legs of four other men Georgetown Mar HI There is great excitement in the village of Glen Williams The main street is a running torrent and debris of all kinds is floating the street Some houses are half filled with the inhabitants having vacated them and now depending on the generosity of their friends who are fortunate enough to dwell on more elevated places Two bridges have been swept away and if the water keeps on rising as it is at present things will become serious A huge block of ice struck a brick house belonging to Mr A Cooper and knocked down one wall and com pletely demolished the frame kitchen Other loss damages are reported to dwelling houses The several mills will have to close down as the races providing the water power have washed away Bast Council Mar Members all present Minutes of last meeting confirmed Communications were received from A re school arbitration Hart fe Riddel bill and Sawyer re road machinery Messrs Lane and Goodwin of Holland Landing Council were beard before the Council re of TollGate and Mains re repair to bridge Con Messrs end Boyd were appointed a committee in conjunction with one from the Hoi Council to dispone of the ToilGate and also to sell loose stone upon the said roadway unfit for road par- poses The introduced a bylaw to define the boundaries of the various road divisions for performance of statute labor which was read a 1st and 2nd time and Council resolved into Committee on the Mr in the chair Committee rose and asked leave to sit again at next meeting of Council Messrs Brodie and Boyd were commis sioned to have washout on Harold Road repaired Payments were ordered as follows J A aid to I A Davidson costs re arbitration Hart Smith refund dog At Low Rates of Interest Apply to TO An Ohio Improved Cheater WhiteBoar will be kept for service on In 2nd of Whitchurch DENNIS One Mile South of Newmarket Off Notice to Creditors In the matter Forester the Estate of the late John Notice is hereby given pursuant to section chapter 1BW that creditors and other persons having claims John For eater late of the of Whitchurch in the County of York Yeo man deceased who died on or about the January at of Whitchurch aforesaid to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Mcsare Gibson ttnlder Toronto St Toronto solicitors for the executors or to executors personally George Forester White Rose PO or John Forester P on or before The day of April a statement in writing of their full names and addresses aud full particulars of their claims accounts or demands and the nature of the securities If any held by them duly verified And notice Is hereby given that immediately after the said last named date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so dis tributed person or persons of whose person or persons claim or claims tax Harry Hodgo re Taylor Lamar shall not have notice at Sam Arnold re Taylor Lamar Council adjourned to meet in Sharon on April at am Weston Mar Excitement pre vails here over sad drowning acci dent which occurred last evening About oclock Willie the nine-year- old eon of Mr Little with a number of other boys was down sitting on one of the abutments of the bridge that crosses the river watch ing the high water and in some way he lost his balance and fell in Be fore anything could be done to rescue him he was washed away with the flood and though dozens of persons have been diligently grappling for the body ever since it has not yet been recovered For Sals at a GIB80N SNIDER Toronto Toronto Solicitors for the executors George Forest er and John Forester Dated at Toronto this day of March A NEWMARKET WOE LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan Ne Ladies used one month Bicycle Only Enquire Queen St East Newmarket For or to Rent The West half and tho East Quarter of the Con of GwJUimbury containing acres J A Newmarket Flour per barrel White Wheat per bushel Rod Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Outs per Peas per bushel 0 Rye per bushel Bran CO CO Shorts per toil Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per Sheepskins SO Wool per lb Hay per ton Beef per owl CO Pork o lb 00 Chickens per pair Ducks per pair- Of a a a a a a a WANTED undersigned will be prepared to purchase Heavy Draft 1 Weighing from to lbs and Horses These be Sound in Good Condi t ion and from to year old Will bo at the following without fall Palmer House Richmond March Kings Hotel Wednesday SI Eagle Hotel April Q A Montreal On or about 1st of from lot No on the 3rd Con of North TWO BED Any person knowing of tamo please receive reward ft 009 000 a 10 CO a a a a OK a OS a 00 a a a a a a a Toronto March Fall Wheat per bushel a Spring Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel t Buckwheat per bushel Si bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag mi I IS Wool per lb Hay per ton CO Pork per Beef foroqrs Beef hind pair Ducks per pair Turkey per lb tJ OKI a 35 flW a a a a a it a a a a a a a a a J P a

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