Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 7

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I I J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH l J i J Weeks Hems IS OOIHO ON ABOUT TOWN I Industrial A regular mooting of Board of Audit taken on Thursday of next at which will bo for floppy of dry goods groceries bread moat etc for yoar Out For ft length of a diaoropanoy In baa boon manifest whistle for am and Iown noon proclamation Tbo marked and in Town Council should to it that harmony obtaino- by causing both tbo and boll to bo indicators of stand ard this will prevent being misled who want to the trains Silver medal Contest In order to maintain tho in of Royal Tempters of have ar ranged of a of Medal Contests to tako in tbo Tomporanco Friday consist of Elocutionary inter- by music and abort have very kindly consented to as judges to award and Council vory for tomato in scouring snob a com- mittco to chair at and a delightful is assured pubiio cor dially invited to therein and only a ailyor May it be a liberal for P Orders now tariff has boon arranged for April tariff on up to will bo on orders over CO and to over and up to Go and up to and up to and up to and up to and up to over and up to 870 870 and up to 880 and up to up to on orders pay able in United Kingdom and in foreign countries and the British possessions as thoy arc Tho mads in order to compete with tho com panies for larger Hqts Vote Special pains should bo taken to aeo that the voters lists for yoar be made possible Upon tils next Provincial elections will bo de termined and aa it intimated that change will likely be in Franobiflo Act ao lists for federal elections t becomes to have correct as may be Inorder that no one en- titled to the franonieo may be debarred bis rights Assessors should be specially careful in noting that all other franchise apart from property qualifications confer ring a vote for the Legislators are merged that of the manhood franchise qualifications are Residence in Province for nine months and in the particular municipality at the time of beginning of the assessment twentyone years of age a British aub- Indiana may vote without a property qualification We hope assessors of this Biding will be epeoially careful thia year in their work and thus save trouble later on Christian Church Tho revival still in and aro to another week have boon added to list of to lead Uvea public invited to attend Division Court Honor Judge Morgan held a sitting of 4th Court hero last Wednesday but people know anything about court docket was small and attendance Next court bora on the of April Presbyterian Largo congregations morning and Mr last Bohool Boom was filled on Monday and tho Hong was greatly onjoyod Mr Pretty chair leading in congrega tional singing sang times with good effect Dr contributed a and Mr gave much friendly in his next Song will bo anticipated with All enow fences on private property bo by Thursday next A moro days and it will bo a dead stormy day last Wednesday No doubt somo of our will bo in forming that is goring in lap of Spring tramps took corporation lodgings this roads bo heavy on that Button did not got hero till timo evening mail closed for Toronto Mr loaded horses hero on Tuesday for Boston Mr has in hie stable on St Incandescent Service The system of lighting in New market is giving ouch sattaaotion that now aro constantly added until now there no lees than in week Several persona Intend to put tho aorvloo into as soon house cleaning Wo but that nearly lights will bo in ser vice by Fall Wedding fiello A quiet wedding took at tho Industrial Home on afternoon Mies second of Mr was united to- Mr Both Yale Mich by of Tho bridesmaid was Mies M white groom was ably supported by Mr Mo- of Newmarket numerous and testify to popularity of young couple loft by train for their future homo in follow- by beat wishes of numerous The arrived Watson boa re ceived samples Ldye and Gouts of the celebrated Bo euro you sco thorn a It books Well yon boon down to Light this Engineer War ren has tho erection of a guard rail across front of and monstrous wheel is a safe guard against visitors going too near If a similar railing was placed along of bolt that drives the Incandescent Dynamo it would add to the safety of both engineer and visitors and tho building would bo complete in this respect Every should visit Water works and sco how tidy the kept- It a credit to Town a See Hughes Bicycles 3 Kinds for or a To Mr Graham of Woollen Mills has sont following to patrons of general information to farmers Owing to now American Wool Tariff likely to eOoot about let of May imposing a duty of cents per pound on Canadian Combing Wools I would spe cially request all of long combing wools to sheep without wash ing if the water will not permit washing before of April as price wo can pay how will bo fully per cent than after tho Tariff takes as the present price hero and in has ad vanced from the of propoeed Tariff fully per cent The American wool trade has imported in advance of their wanta a full supply which will leave it folly months we can to sell them will the effect of lowering our to a very low point on such wools as trade here is anything but encouraging The more we can export of thia seasons clip the more we will maintain present As we have not the manufacturers nor consump tion to utilize the fall benefit of our comb ing wool they will to drop to the price of carding wools or to an export price I would be pleased to hear from those wishing to take advantage of the market to quote prices and call on them for their wool Public At a of the Library Committee on Tuesday more volumes catalogued and upon shelves Every of these books were for by members and ordered from the publishers Several are direct from the old country There aro still somo or ton works to come from New York to complete purchase for year It hoped that who asked foe books will now see that they are read We might add that the Library lias been welt patronized thia winter and record closing month will show a larger culation than any previous year This very gratifying to tbo Board Ink King at Town Council meeta Monday evening- Thursday the of April Dont lot the small boy fool you Last day to apply for liquor license will aoon be id Maple eyrup on the market Millinery openings week Just throe from Good Friday Thursday Friday and Saturday April 9 and IJ Out Toronto The farmers Say That straight sap sold by is the proper thing A School About two weeks ago Inspector mode an official visit to our academy of education and a copy of report trans mitted to the Education Department of On- tario received by the Secretary of the Board here a few days ago It ia a moat gratifying report With to oommodation though this is divided among heads every one is marked from the totheteachera private rooms With this clause Added The condition of the interior of the building is evidence that the caretaker does bis work thoroughly There has been no addition to the equipment since the last inspection Writing reading drill calisthenics and gymnastics are in accord with the requirements of the Regulations and other subjects are aa are also the division of duties among teachers the ratio of pupils All the teaching- staff are legally qualified the discipline excellent the attendance and text are in accord with the Regula tions the registers Are properly kept and fair provision Is made for Engliah tars as well as sight work in character of the teaching is graded the highest in of the nine subjects His tory olaesioa drawing mathematics French and German reading and The character of the work and the Inspector paragraph to his report The school well housed and well organized The grading shows my estimate of the character of the in the various departments I trust thai the time la at hand when the Board will see its way clear to at least restore the salaries to their former dimensions It is certainly ft matter of congratulation to the citizens of Newmarket and vicinity to read an report We should all be of our High Going to Port Mr J of Sharon who has been teaching aa a substitute in the Peter Collegiate Institute for some months has received the appointment of sotence master at Port Hope high school The His departure from Peter- much regret as he made many friends here On Sunday afternoon Mr was presented with the following Mr Sib We the members of your Bible class in the George street Methodist Sun day School have learned that you will leave town at once to take a position in another Collegiate Institute and that through your removal the class will lose your services as teacher We cannot per mit you to leave us without giving to the gratitude we feel because you became our teacher and our thankfulness on account of the patience kindness earn- and ability you have exercised in endeavoring to us week after week in the from Gods Word Although the time you been with us been comparatively abort a little over half a year we feel that you have been enabled to accomplish for and we beg to assure you that although you may have felt work added to your daily duties somewhat of a trial it not been in vain the have been explained with such thoroughness and the you have given will we feel euro not easily be forgotten and we hope that your work here will to bear fruit We deeply regret your de parture We regret the departure of a teacher who has shown ability and zeal it friend who has taken ft deep interest in the olaaa and endeavored to benefit one of us and of a christian instructor who pointed out to so earnestly the way to God and how to live a life thai would be pleasing to Him We hope that you will always be moat your profession and that the presence of the blessed whom yon serve will ever abide with you Mr was taken by complete surprise but succeeded in expressing to the class his appreciation of their kind words Civil Assizes opened hero on Mon day laet The Criminal will not commence till April Aid celebration committee ie making preparation for a big day here on June the date fixed for celebrating the Queens Jubilee The for an Island Railway has been cooked for this session the Private Bills Committee of the Legislature declined to give the power to go on without first submitting the financial part to the ratepayers to vote on In to the Ministerial Association the Industrial Exhibition managers aay there will be no more ballot dancing at the Fair Messrs and Hall were for No last week to the County The exWarden not in it Inspector Stark of the Detective Depart ment received a counterfeit coin mde of alumina alloy and bears a re markable resemblance to the genuine though lighter and greasier A cinder path down the Kingston road to Scarboro Heights is now agitating the wheelmen of the city also women who use wheels and a subscription has been started for the purpose The York says that Councillor J Gibson of Deer Park of the coming candidate in the Liberal in- in East York at the next election There was great fan end a lot of prises at Hendersons auction the other day when he sold s number of un claimed parcels Most of the boy- era got badly sold The vendors who supply the city are up in arms at the city Board of Healths action requiring that their herds shall be inspected if they wish to continue in the business Farmers do not to In spection but the fees to veta are unreason- able Mr Speaker and Mrs Edgar with their family left for Ottawa the Aral of this week and will remain during the session of parliament Lady has also gone to the capital Toronto Saturday Night is still wiping the with departmental stores last weeks he furnishes a long Hal of business men out of trade by these departmental stores involving a total em ployed capital of abuse these big stores make of the mails is tersely pointed out Mrs Hardy wife of the Premier return ed from a visit at this Conference Township of King Sabbath School Association acting upon the recommendation of a certain resolu tion passed at their last Convention held a meeting of Teachers and workers in King Mission School House on Wednesday evening March 17th for the purpose of considering and discussing the best methods of Teach ing for Results The roads not be ing in a very good condition prevent ed many from a distance being pres ent but while the attendance was not as large as the committee desired to have the interest was good and those present expressed themselves as being well repaid The meeting opened at oclock with the President in the chair Rev Robinson assisting in the open ing exercises The subject of How to prepare a lesson for an intermediate class was ably introduced by Mr Robinson who during his remarks said The three essential points in teaching are a know your scholars b know your lessons and know that you know it Present your lessons so that each scholar will carry away as much as possible what they carry away is the greatest value of a lesson taught In illustrating use such as will give light on the thought you wish to impress suit your illus trations to your pupils To the care less or dull boy etc present thoughts that will interest and arouse showing the need of and bright ness In preparing a lesson make use of lesson helps but simply use them as helps Digest them and make them our own which will often pre vent us from forming narrow ideas of our own Leave your helps at home You have no more right to bring them before your class than a minister has to bring his library to his pulpit Be gin the study early in the week Find out the leading truths carefully con sider them and live them out in your life make them a part of yourself Gather in as many illustrations as you can and carefully study your applica tion Let your earnest prayers ac company the study of your lesson Thorough consecration to Gods service and earnest heartfelt prayer will avail In the discussion which followed we were told to learn the leading truths not so at first for our class as for ourselves then live it out during the week after which you will be able to teach it Dont try to use more than one leading child cannot carry away ana remember more than one or at most two truths The lesson for following Sabbath was taught in a very able and thoughtful manner by Mr Elmer Davie of King The committee has decided to hold another meeting in two months at HUGH ARE SHOWING Some very nice Laces Edgings Linen Lawn Victoria Lawn Chiffons Veilings Etc We are agents for three kinds of For and Gents viz DA TEMPEST and FAVORITE The best wheels made for the prices a a new kind of Pant Clip and a lot of Hose Call and examine ours before purchasing Its not our in tention to keep poor wheels but GOOD WHEELS at LOW PRICES Yours Truly T HO STOCK OF Mens Strong Working Boots only Ladies Extra Fine Oxford 1 50 We cannot begin to mention the many excellent lines of all but invite you to TOWN Call and see for yourselves that our Goods are No and Prices the Lowest SIGN RED BOOT If Thinking having false teeth give Dr a call a A largo monuraonfc of Emperor William was unveiled at Berlin on Monday with ceremonies lit wad the old centenary three days celebration in Berlin of anniversary of William I was concluded Tuesday by an im mense procession with allegorical floats John Nelson of III A township who died days ago left WAN I I an estate of mostly in real Iff fill I catatonia the County of York among hia AND THEWEST it CEYLON TEA- la packfU I SALESMEN we In County and wo work We agree to that die natural I We also a choice line of BBHD PO TATOES THE It CO wanting or Building Voting to V j

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