Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1897, p. 3

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ii 1 i i Ti 1 THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY APRIL Q Itoeal WHAT GOING ON IN ABOUT embers v result of the visit of Grand Or to mooting of A took on Thursday of now initiated more jOandldalca on Hat to join later Would a If bo to attend and in of Christian net under the auspice of the Ladles Aid from to Proceeds in aid of Come and a Industrial pome mot on Thursday of last week and passed accounts amounting to includes quarters of all sovoral for awarded fol lows Dry Goods and Groceries to Mr Broad to Mr and Meat to Mr Christian a result of services members were added to roll lastSunday and stilt to join next Revival meet- continued on Tuesday and Thursday evening and after on Sunday evenings Elder on account of con- of revival in his did not preach as requested by on Sabbath Observance last Sunday hut hue announced his intention to that subject next Sabbath morn ing at IX ft Public The of to complete the purchase of this year on Wednesday and a of Board of Management that evening they were passed into Library This last selection include works on elec tricity and other subjects North late Louis work Ian McLarens Days of Lang Syne one of the most popular today and aoveral more of books for hoy a more weeks reading annuel meeting takes place Holidays High and Schools next Thursday for Easter Holidays which will continue until ton fchc Don A named was arrested on Wednesday and default of payment of fine and imposed ego for on oxBailiff TOfson Tho warrant issued by E Jackson J P Htfiome Loauo propose holding a Missionary At Homo at tbo residence of Cano on Tues day of next will be a musical and literary program games A pleasant promised invited About three yesterday morning barroom at the Eagle Hotel bur by aomo person ac quainted with promises A pane of was removed from the window so as to allow a person to reaoh in and slip All the were tot money but none some and cigars were carried off proprietor was away from home conse quently intruder without tcotion mm Always in lead THE VERY LATEST NOVELTY FOR BLOUSES WAISTS Those Cigarettes The second case in recently allowing baneful of cigarettes occurred at the Salvation Army Barracks man named Wythe disturb ance and anxiety by going into a succession Spring Signal Crocuses in bloom bursting bikes on tho scoot rising from backyard debris walk aauntoroxe soaking thorn- aolvea lull of sunshine invalids out from tops young onions and radishes on atrawborrics awaiting purohasors shad glistening on fish suck- era biting lions robina well who says spring hasnt sprung Obituary painful duty this week to re cord of Mrs Jay which sad event about ton on Wednesday a daughter of Wright of tho on On 1st of March last then happy couple cele brated their golden wedding when both in fairly good health but days after she seized with a paralytic- stroke which was a aooond having had about six years ago and this together with caused death She was a very affectionate woman beloved by all acquaintances who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved in their funeral takes place this afternoon Do You Intend building If so get our estimate for Hardware Paints Oils Glass Furnace Work etc A a Softool Fourth book olaea examination Reading writing and drawing marks each marks each of fita Medical and stomach i iistance secured nicotine taken from bis young fellow has been w Bertie 46 Fox S3 CO 32 Robertson Geo Ironside Millard flU 29 SO Pretty 24 38 59 82 58 Norine Willson 35 43 Jennie Edith Dickson 28 smoking cigarettes pretty freely and made up mind to stop it entirely and it is said fits were due to breaking off habit so suddenly Lot others take warning firemens Tournament The reports presented by the canvassing and program committees at meeting on Tuesday evening were very satisfactory In order to make tna Demonstration a complete success the have guaran teed expenses over and above the re ceipts to the extent of In addition to the various contests for the Firemen a prize is to bo offered for a La crosse Match on same day The Printing Committee was instructed to issue and fiend to all the different invitations for their Fire Brigades to take pert in the Tournament here on July let The general committee will meet again at the call of the chair Parlor Social The efforts of the Presbyterian were crowned with laat Wed nesday evening when the residence of Mrs Forsyth was welt tilled by a happy company an interesting program was presented during the evening includ three or four solos and an instrumental by Dr duett Miss and Mies Oliver the choir and in strumental by Miss Forsyth and Miss There were various parlor games and the Lifting by made great fun Refreshments were Bdrvod dur ing the evening and the party broke up just before midnight everybody being de lighted i That Simple Detachable crank hanger on the Cres cent Bicycle is a device known only to the celebrated Orescent line and A a Sod flcoJdent A youn man named Mr Jack Miller was killed in a floor mill at last Friday Hie wife here a visit with Lor parents Mr and Mrs Goring when she received a telegram informing her of the accident The couple were only married last Fall The following particulars regarding death have been received His coat sleeve accidentally caught in a large cog wheel which gradually drew him into its reaches Before the mill could be stopped all clothing torn from his body and much of hie flesh on one side leaving some ribs When hie brother saw him be was hanging head downwards from the and in a few minute or perhaps ho might have been ground to Ho before his wife arrived Ethel Marion Marsh 35 Frank Osborne A Campbell 46 A- 08 Frank Holler ab ab Mabel Cane Frank Ethel 37 30 ab Cora 00 32 P Fletcher 35 24 Ethel Wilton Vernon HngbeB ab 3 Plato Work If you want anything done in this line call on Dr Dental parlor open every day a Among the signa of spring are the un sightly heaps of coal ashes and tin cans supposed to have hidden forever in the snow bank He rod down town upon bike and people stopped to gaze the streak of mud that lined back was something to amaze ladies interested in mission work in with the Methodist were anticipating a very pleasant time at their Tea and Easter Offering yesterday afternoon Decide now how yon will improve your premises spring- Arrange for that new fence shade trees you need planted It not too early to commence clearing away the winters rubbish from your promises of a number of adjacent to streets in town re semble now that the snow Is gone The of Parkers Dye Works just low enough to the hats off people passing It should be raised before some offended fellow jerks it off some evening Unless that hole op Park Aye attend ed to promptly tha corporation will be In for damages A very nearly had its leg broken morning Mother earth commenced to don spring robe of emerald hoe The maple ayrop season about over Mr Stephen Howards family have made gallons Mr Allen Cody of moved to town this week to j the promises recently purchased on Huron St Capes and Will be country now Dont forget next Saturday is opening day Church At a meeting of tho Quarterly Board after prayer- meeting last week It waa to upon revival as soon as can bo secured Fellowship meeting last Sunday morning was acknowledged as beat ainco Roy Mr Matthews has been in Now market pastors subject Sunday morn ing is culled christians Evening Angola repenting sinnoro will be op Day and Night The Stearns Factory is running with bands bo great demand for their wollbnown Fellow Price from up- Better buy a with a reputation than pay for repairs Watson has and catalogues a The Market A Toronto wholesale provision house ua that there indication of an unuaually largo production of this season Already received in largoly in of receipts at period a year and with a supply of vastly in excess of requiremente more than usual interest must bo centered in foreign markets An import tax upon eggs of a dozen under the tariff almost prohibited shipments to tho United States but tho duty of cento by the Bill must entirely the American markets to Canadian pro ducers But even were eggs admitted into the United States free of duty it ia doubt ful if profitable shipments could be made from Canada to the of in States egg production of the United States according to the estimates of most reliable authori ties will bo this season various ly estimated at to percent more than last year At the recent convention of the Iowa Egg Dealers Association buyers were advised that not more than cents should be paid for eggs for storage purposes It aeoma inevitable that the of the United States will actively compete with Canadian exporters in British mar kets In past ten years surplus egg supplies of United States have in spring months been placed in cold storage to await a batter market Enor mous sums have boon lost in this trade for some years and several large cold storage companies have signified their intention to very materially curtail their storage opera tions in eggs Anticipating we must meet quantity with quality energies of farmers merchants packers and exporters interested in the egg industry must be directed to marketing eggs of the best quality at the least expen diture of money The farmers should ho encouraged to improve their breed of poul try paying special care to the breeds tbat produce eggs of the best quality size and general appearance so essential for the British market Farmers and merchants alike most remember that immediate ship- are essential to success in the egg industry The cellars of the farmhouse and the country poor storehouses for eggs Delay in shipment means stale eggs and stale eggs mean ruinous prices A Special Importation 1 Fancy French if At onehalf the regular price This is the biggest bargain ever offered to the public The dress materials we are showing are up to date never lower in every way and the price was Oats A t y of seed for sale I ANDERSON Oats for Solo A quantity of Banner Gala good at per bushel Also two pure bred Jersey Bulls fit tor service WILLIS on Con Whitchurch Newmarket P 0 OB On or about the let of October from lot No 3 on tho 3rd Con of North TWO Any person knowing the whereabout of sumo please address and receive reward f CHINAS HALL POWDER Try Our Own Baking Powder put up for us only can TEA FRUIT in one pound cans ex- i Good Sweet Oranges from dozen to Choice Bananas and Malaga Grapes CAKE- If you have any notion of getting married as that is all the rage you should get your cake at Robertsons and you will be happy ever after A The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner April and Stretcher i I Flow end for Dale by A a Ink fa Council meets Sat Next Lords Day Palm Sunday Lent drawing to a close Nest Friday a holiday Clean up your back yard Building prospects are not over bright roads are drying up A heavy warm rain ia needed Grass getting a areon ohade are blooming freely Millinery openings the ladies Fire yesterday destroyed the yethodiat Church Mooneys Hotel in near Barrio was destroyed by fire on Satur day The Queens birthday is the date fixed for formal opening of the sanatorium at A big deputation visited Ottawa to urge the Government to complete the Trent Valley Canal Mr promised that the Government would proceed with work as fast as finances of country would allow April A saw mill at Angus owned by A Warner was totally destroyed fire yesterday rooming The mill had been refitted ready for operation in a few days There was a large supply of logs hand besides several rafts ready to bo brought down to be out Many men will be thrown out of employment Loss No insurance Cause of fire incendi arism Mr Warner had a mill burn- two years ago on the conces sion Veapra Evaporated Apricots Evaporated Peaches Very Fine French Plums Evaporated Bosnia Prunes 5c lb Good Cooking Figs 5c lb Finest Quality only in oz Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Do you want a snap in Vase Lamps at and worth about double When you want one come and see ours We have more than double the variety of Styles and Patterns of any house in Town and in price from for Complete Sots Boots Shoes SPECIAL VALUE Wo handle the Kubbors the befit fitting and most satisfactory to wearer The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts This is a very useful article and should be in the posses sion of every gentleman not only for keeping his trousers in shape but it is a convenient way of hanging them up They retail at but we are going to make you a present of one with all orders of Three Dollars and upwards A nice assortment of New Spring Goods Call early and secure your choice MY TAILOR The above article cannot be purchased elsewhere in town 2 PLEN DID VALUE Our Japan Tea at giving splendid satisfaction in flavor strength and value In Ceylon and Assam at and we find a constantly increasing demand Our Package Teas are the choicest in the worlds markets the at and the Monsoon at the most delicioos of all package Teas Pungent and Fragrant We solicit an early trial of these goods j- J CLEAN No Old Stock on hand I a

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