Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1897, p. 4

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAv APRIL 1897 fc Cures talk In favor Hoods jib for no other Its great recorded In truthful convincing language and women constitute its moot effective ad Many of cures mar velous won confidence- the haye given the largest sales Intho world and made necessary for manufacture earth Hoods known by the cure it cm raado cures of scrofula aalt rheum and eczema cure Of rheumatism neuralgia and weak nor curat of dyspepsia liver which prove Is beatin fact the One True Blood Purifier 100d easy to te I Best Advertising Medium York County insertion fiPACK inches inches- AAA CO charged accordingly paid for at regular rates St regular rates FRIDAY APRIL 1897 Editorial Notes Provincial charities and hospitals are now under the Department of tho Provincial aid is now ftr anted to thirtynine hospitals and the grants this year amount to year patients treated In the number was only Deaths only numbered 1042 showing the be small Ik Legislature Mr bicycle bill parsed in such form hereafter on highway a wagon give a cyclist room to pass on the right A over taking a person driving and being of passing audible warning and pass on left side Drivers must allow sufficient of the travelled highway for cyclists to pass on the side the law allows as above defined The cost the general eleotions last Juno by Provinces was as follows On tario 574897 Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick 11932 Prince Edward Island British Columbia Manitoba West Territories total and even then the eral did not allow near all that the Returning Officers demanded Tub action of the Dominion Government in reference to retaliation is already bear ing excellent fruit Ever aince the Ameri can people have learned that the Ottawa authorities had decided to accept Mr Cowans alien labor bill those of them in Canadian timber regions and also certain New York papers notably the Sun have been trying to ex plain away the manifest hostile feeling and Intentions of the United States towards this The above journal especially is very and thinks Canada is in a tremendous hurry to pass retaliatory ltton but the Sun seems to have forgotten that this Dominion has been tolerating this American alien labor nonsense long enough on tho in last week replying to Sir Charles Tappers Insinuation that certain byeelections had been carried by corruption Sir Richard Cartwrlght told House and the country that loader of tbo Opposition had- forgotten more about ways ot corruption than the Liberals ever know These two Knights talked as if they know another and had mot Conservative Government was specially good to that of press which gave it support The als report for the lost year of conservative famishes that among expenditures for printing was following Toronto Mail and Empire Toronto World 108510 Montreal La Minerva Ottawa Citizen Hamilton Spec tator Subscriptions to total of amount was for office Why tho Governor pay for his own newspapers work of wooding out useless and un necessary employees in tho Civil Service still continues temporarily employed on the Montreal Post Office staff from further service on let of tbis month- reason given is Most of them taken on for work just before general and all within eighteen months This is what tho Government promised to do wood out all employees and wo are glad to know the Post Master General is not behind the others in fulfilling the of the Administration so fat bis Department is observe Librarian at Buildings Toronto is again on- trip to Ottawa If an official position of Librarian be absent during a session of the House without country will readily reach eonclueion that his salary had better bo saved to the Province altogether If there assistants in the Library sufh- to allow tho principal to be away for a week at a time during a of the it Is not unfair to assume that the Province would not suffer loss by having one less in that department Tbo party must live up to its professions Since the announcement last week of the of Lieut Governor Kirk- health the following has cabled to Toronto I saw Hon Geo A of Ontario today and he looks remark ably well He is able to walk with the aid of a stick and states that be feels much better for his sojourn in Brighton Ho hopes to be able to leave for London on Monday or Tuesday where he will for a fortnight and then sail for homo Daring his stay here he enjoyed a airing in a bath chair He will to London in an invalid Ax Ottawa despatch to Western Ontario papers state that Mr of the Indian Department has been superannu ated and a number of temporary hands have been dispensed with effecting a saving of about Iu the whole Indian Hon Mr ton expects to save some a year without detriment to the service Of course the servants dismissed are pouring their tales of woe Into the ears of the Opposition but the prepared for this part of the program and will enjoy it complacently Every one that without the effec tive use of the there could be no economy and therefore expect to see dismissals The better to secure the independence of Parliament Mr Carrie has introduced a bill in the that no member of the Ontario Assembly for the term for he was elected or un til at least one year has elapsed since the dissolution of the Legislature of which be was a member shall be eligible to nomina tion by the Government to any office to any salary fee allowance or emolu ment of profit is attached This will re suit in offices being left vacant in some instances for a good long while so as to let favorites drop into fat berths the aim of the promoter of the bill however is in the of the country Saturday Night last week Don appears to have broken out in a new place and the way ho poors hot shot into Unole ia a caution expressing the conviction that the world never before saw a nation so so insolent and mean coupled and qualified with the admission that the Individuals the great are personally as and companionable as the individual of any other country bat nation standing without a rival as the most miserable ex hibition of and dishonor he thinks they have about run the of their tether and that it is now Canadas turn to repay for their ungracious- as a nation towards this country He They have no lumber for ex port they havent wood we should not let w an export dotj There arpJjjaiirirl things that we have loaned them to swell their they have paid with with with Mils Dudley and every In- invention that their Tiberius could offer aaa reason reign Canada if that the period of United dominance passing may repay Its blustering a way that will set them thinking This country got rid of its is to be hoped A rather racy correspondent in the World has the result of Val the Papal ablegate who Is now in this coun try to reconcile differences in the Roman Catholic Church on the school question all figured out nicely The writer says The papal legate will be told by Mr that he has got all that he get that the want something that Manitoba wont give and that to refuse the meagre settlement means the defeat of the Premier He will inves tigate he will be and the Bishops will announce that in deference to the wishes of the Holy Father they are Bnt they will add that the settle- is not final that more must and will ultimately be got and that the General need not resign just jet And so peace on earth will reign Well be it so If peace thus it will be a day for any Government hereafter attempt- to the question put TO ROUTE AN OF FORMIDABLE Constipation Dizziness Pain under the Blades Headache pressed Feeling Bloating Bat- Debility an Inactive Liven Dr Liver Pills little Bed Coats at a cost of 20 will set you right in abort order Piles of has no reason to afford relief to those j testimony to prove it Sold at who their own worst leys Wife TELLS A OK YE All B OF i AND Doctors Utterly Failed to Help Her and Morphine was Continually to Became Bo Weak She Could Perform Her Household Duties From the Beaver Mr and Mrs Stone have been residents of the township of Ernesto about ten miles east of for a of about three years and in that gained esteem of all their neighbors For six years previous to this time they had lived in Glen wood Springs Colorado and it was during thou resi dence there that Mrs Stone was at tacked with an illness that made her life miserable for years To a report er who recently interviewed her she told the following story During the early part of our residence in Col orado my illness first canto on At outset every three weeks I would bo attacked with a pain in my stomach Later on it greatly in creased in severity and at times was so bad that I would scream aloud with pain A doctor was called in but the only benefit I over received from his treatment was through tho injec tion of morphine into my arm as a result of which the pain would grad ually pass away The medicine which was given me however had not the slightest effect and the doctor appear ed to be greatly perplexed and there after continually resorted to injections of morphine whenever the came on These attacks until our return to Canada when they increased in frequency and intensive The result was that I grew very weak and my whole system appeared to bo giving out My complexion turned a yellowish hue and I had little or no appetite Latterly I would be attacked with fainting spells preceded by attacks of dizziness I became utterly unable to stand fatigue and could with the greatest difficulty per form my household duties A doctor was railed in who treated me for some time without benefitting me any Then he gave me what I now know to be Dr Williams Pink Pills and after I had need two boxes I felt somewhat better I then purchased the pills myself and continued the treatment I found that the pain was gradually de creasing I could get rest and sleep at night which had hitherto been al most impossible I continued using Dr Williams Pink Pills for several months and the result is that they effected a complete cure and I am now enjoying the best of health I can assure you it is a great relief to be free from the trouble that made my life miserable for so many years and I have to thank Dr Williams Pink Pills for succeeding when doctors had failed Dr Williams Pink Pills act direct ly upon the and nerves building anew and thus driving disease from the system There is no trouble due to either of these causes Pink Pills will not cure and in hun dred of cases they have restored patients to health after all other remedies had failed Ask for Dr Williams Pink Pills and take nothing else The genuine are always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around bears the full trademark Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People had from all dealers or post paid on receipt of cents a box or boxes for 260 by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brockville Ont Continued from First Page but it that the number of em ployees for the number of Inmates very much smaller in our institution than others The ooat per capita is for the last fiscal year ending September 30th There ie an institution in Pennsyl vania with inmates employees with a cost per capita of about 970 per inmate per annum than and the number of inmates much larger and for that reason the cost per capita ought to be less In Massachusetts there an institution with Inmates em ployees with a cost of per capita as compared with for Then we go to Scotland and we find that have an Institution there the Scotch National Asylum for the feeble- minded with Inmates Why do you go to Scotland Mr Davis The reason I specially take pleasure in discussing this Scotch institu tion is that If there are any people In the world who are economical and who are careful and who it Scotch people They are noted for that applause And what do wu find We find that that institution with in mates and employees coats pounds shillings and pence per capita which is just about per annum while at cost ia I sample a of all the rest to show you that far feeblo minded Institution in this Province the total per annum are certainly admirable and in highest interests of people ot the Pro vince Now let take asylums because do not apply to institution alone Wo Toronto Asylum with a per capita cost of with the Loudon Asylum with a cost of with an average population of j Kingston per capita with an average population of Hamilton 118 with an average population of I havo already with an average population of 164 Now take asylums in the United States and other places In wo asy lum with inmates with a per capita River inmates and an average of That a very much larger population than we ought by argument to re duce per cost At N with an average population of 2188 the average per capita cost is 14742 Those statistics show that our institutions in this Province ore maintained at a very much less cost capita other institu tion wo can get a record of doing a similar class of work If is an institution that to coat more por capita than would peso it ought to it is that for blind bat when you come to get information from similar institutions elsewhere you are agreeably surprised to find that our per capita coat compares very favorably in deed We pupils with an average cost of In Pennsylvania they have a similar institution with pupils with an average cost per annum of in Illinois with pupils average coat of at Boston with ave rage coat of Indiana pupils with an cost of per capita That the only one on the whole list that we can find is below our institution here and want to give you that because it seems a curiosity to get one institution that is lower any of our corresponding institutions Kingston Penitentiary has been re ferred to and compared with tho Central Prison I think wo are all familiar with those two institutions it a matter we had before us so often At the last Central Prison closing the laet fiscal year there was an average population of with a gross per capita Kingston Penitentiary with of an average population has a gross per capita of when you come to get the net per capita cost that is where the system in operation in our prisons here seems to and outshine any other institution that we can get any information about If wo the receipts from the work of prisoners the net coat of our prisoners in the Central Prison ie 97 27 per capita There ho other in- which gives suoh reaulte Kingston they realize so little practically that is scarcely worth The Attorney General What their revenue Mr As nearly as I can tell the net savings were about or per bead That would leave about per bead the net cost against at the Central Prison Now I ask you gentlemen and the people of Province what better system we than the present system in operation which is properly ad ministered as I submit from the evidence given this afternoon There is nothing to conceal The system in short is to pur chase everything by tender can be purchased in that way to advantage and the Hat will be increased soon as it can be shown that any article can be purchased to better advantage by so doing No pub lic institutions in the world get as good value for the money expended as the public institution of this Province Tbey are administered on a business basis If there ever a time in the history of Pro vince when tha people were anxious their business conducted on a business basis now is the time and in connection with these institntiona tho expenditure of the public money is made on a business basis The is less than that of simitar institutions any part of tbe world No matter on which side of the House we ait if we review fairly the system of conduct ing the institutions we will find thai has been honestly conducted The sys tem is a good system and its administra tion and the are better found anywhere else and we ought to all congratulate ourselves upon it I have every confidence in asking the Members of this House to vote down the resolution proposed by my friend He admits him self it weak Further than that I ask the consideration of the House to faot hie Is a system I call an inferior that he the House to support has been tried thoroughly in the past John Gov gave fair trial and gave it up after a fair trial We are now calling for tenders for more articles than that Govern ment did when they went out of power I believe the members of this House will vote the resolution down by large major ity Applause Pretty Pill says Pretty Shes just poll parroting Theres no in pills except on the theory of pretty that pretty does In that case shes right Pills do cure and all liver troubles 3fii ybeandMu You choose the old doctor before the one Why Because you dont want to entrust your life In Inexperienced hands True the young doctor may he experienced But the old doctor must be You take no chances when Dr is in reach Same with as with medicine the longtried remedy has your confidence You prefer experience to experiment when you are concerned The new remedy be good but let else prove it The old remedy must be good Judged on its record of cures Just one reason for choosing AVERS In preference any other It has been the standard household for half a century Its record Inspires confldence years of cures If others may be good Sarsapanlla must be You take no chances when you take AVERS The regular subscription price Magazine Judges Library ana Funny Pictures is We will send all three to you for one year for or mo for um ti aw I S faffilon and litem e is a monthly magazine of and replete with wit and humor Its and illustrator PICTURE fun filled with illustrations In carl- Its contributors are the best of American s humorous monthly there if laugh in every line of it miss thla Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out Publishing Co 110 Fifth Avenue New York Name Date Mark Harrison a freight con ductor on the P fell off a train near McGregor Station Man and was killed Little Britain March While Mr Robert Bruce was clipping an aged horse he was kicked over the heart and died instantly While Bailiff was taking a prisoner named from to the Kingston Penitentiary for three years for raising notes Farrell leaped from fche midnight express one mile west of Brighton and got away The express was running at the speed of miles an hour PATENT PROMPTLY SECURED get a Patent What table to Invent and MARON M Aft ON EXPERTS Building St Montreal InlbeDomi patent A Corbet of St Marys was run over by a engine Both legs were severed from the body She is not likely to recover A large crowd heard one of hottest debates ever given in Allendale last Monday at the Epworth League meeting in the Methodist Church The subject was Re solved That woman should vote The judges decided for the affirmative Much to the delight of the lies tail NoticeltoGroditos North York- license District The Annual License of the above District will be held at the secretarys the Village of Sharon on A at for the purpose of considering Applications and granting- for the In the of Notice is hereby of the late John prepaid pursuant O that to section nil claims i of the Township Of Whitchurch In County of Yeo man deceased on or about the January Ib at Township of Whitchurch aforesaid are required by poet M chanter and Having estate of John late of to Messrs Gibson Toronto solicitors for or to del Toronto the executors or the executors personally viz George Forester White Rose I or John Forest P on or before of April granting License year J a statement in writing of then- full namce and AJHUGHES addresses and particulars of their claims Inspector a Office J License Inspector I accounts or demands and the nature of Sharon April let securities if by them duly verified The following persons applied for License In the above District for the year commencing May 1st Tavern Doyle Robert KINO J Harms John Sutton J Watson Frank Trent John Isaac Francis I trlbuted to any And notice is hereby given that immediately after the named date the executors wlU to distribute tho assets of the said deceased among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to those claims of which shall then have notice and tbe will not be liable for said assets or lan Beer and Wine claim or claims the said date TavernEd Norman EAST TavernJohu I Crowder now applicant but premises now er and John Fores and Wine A NORTH TavernJoseph Esiey and Wine PauiuelLong Victoria Elizabeth Kaake Stephen new applicant Tavern James Hugh Lyons Beer and Wine OF SUTTON WEST Tavern A Sturtrldge James Beer a Ine months Levi Miller part thereof so dia- or persons of whoso shall not notice at GIBSON Toronto Toronto George day of March DlfOT VILLAGE OF HO Tavern Jane VILLAQE J Martin Edward Williams new applicant TOWN OF Johnston F Frank Stewart town or George Lemon Licenses Issued for year Taverns 8ho aUUOKA cense to any the day for sons will Joe Wells tbo curfent Applications for year Shop Any petitions a tiled with undersigned four- days before granting of a premises must be I mooting All per- vera themselves nor A J HUGHES Inspector NERVeMLLS FOR PEOPLE At Prlcodo cenU per Box or Stflo Sen on Idea is- out atBUBHft At tar- no think MBA for two

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