Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1897, p. 6

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J i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL around the Hal WHAT AND WORTH TO AURORA- On last Judge Landed action brought Bjchral Wcovcr formerly Baptist minister of this place Thomas Gain minister was moving to Toronto and Cain to haul some of his household to thocitv One of loads was left put in the road in Aurora one night and about ten oclock following evening a firo discovered among the furniture Pome of the goods de stroyed and others damaged The court decided that the defendant must recoup the plaintiff for his loss and has given judgement for and coats Mystery seems to surround Mr On Saturday evening ho his buggy to go to the Post Office and loft his rig tied to front but upon his return ho found only three wheels on his buggy other one being broken oft No trace of one who broke tho rig could bo found Mr has returned from Peter borough and is at work again in the tannery Mr Shropshire and of Aurora been in the tannery business Miss Maggie Butt of King City spent Sunday with Mrs Brett Mr Ransom was visiting friends in Toronto on Sunday last Messrs Morning and Ross are teaming hay from Bradford Mr IT has resigned his pre position A largo number from this vicinity attended the funeral of the Mrs Ball on Tuesday Mr Olive Wright and wife visited on Sunday Mr who has been a of this place for over forty years has moved to Whitchurch Win has been engaged to manage Mr Steeles farm this season Wo notice that Lewis Brett is firsWiTtlib vicinity to push the silent steed News snow is scarce Mrs A Winch visiting her mother at Browns Corners There was quite a bit of one day last week among our sporting men when a large flock of wild wove discovered to be feeding in a field near tho village After to gether all shotguns in neigh borhood they started for game but by the time the hunters got within range had finished their meal and wore ready to leavo Some shots fired but flew away without being touched Mrs Raymond from Michigan is visiting among relatives in this neigh borhood Taffypulls are order of day now Farmers are very anxiously looking forward to seeding Mr Winch addressed Chris tian Endeavor at Keswick on Sunday morning held their quarterly business meeting on Saturday when a new staff of were elected A thunderstorm accompanied by rain and hail passed over on Monday Rather early in the season for a thunderstorm and the weather pro phets say we may expect more cold Tho of the stock implements and household furniture of Mrs Burrows is to take place on Friday fall wheat in this section is looking very promising at present Messrs Council and Robins are shipping another carload of horses to Boston There is good demand for horses but prices are low A hot biscuit and maple syrup so cial in connection with Church was hold at the residence of Mr Jno It was a success in every particular night was dark and the roads muddy but there was a large crowd present Keswick Christian is invited to eat maple tally on Friday after noon in Friend Mortons woods Quite a number from here will attend KETTLEBY Again Mr Editor wo that your regular correspondent has not put any items in and you will pardon me if I send you a few that shall I say world may know that there are a few people so journing about the place yet We often hero of people lamenting in far- f away places because of there not Mr left items from homo in tho New lately purchased- by Era and such there are from Ho moved to Bolton neighborhood What the people want to know Who our people at midnight When is the Who the Era correspondent is Mrs is visiting friends Aurora in KESWICK The ice on the commencing to give away around the shore and if the present fine weather continues it will soon disappear altogether The many friends of Mrs Huntley will be pleased to learn that she has far recovered from the effects of her broken leg as to be able to get around by the aid of crutches She paid an old friend Mrs Isaac a visit one day last week Our popular merchant Mr is wearing a very happy countenance this week and well he may as he has become the father of a fine bouncing baby boy Mr A Morris and Miss Violet Gib son of Hope spent Sunday with friends here Mr and Mrs John Huntley of East were up to see his moth on Sunday Mrs Howard returned homo on Wednesday from Newmarket where she had been spending a week with friends l Mrs Joshua started for Michigan this week on a prolonged visit with her daughter Mrs John VanNorman- who is very sick at pres ent Mrs Richard an old and respected resident of this neighbor hood is lying at the point of death Mrs Henry Woods is also very low with inflammation of Newmarket spent Sunday at Roachs Point and attended Service in the Methodist Church here Sunday evening Master Carson has been on a visit to his newly married brother Mr of Whitchurch On Saturday evening the following were installed at the regular quarterly meeting of the Sons of Temperance P Warmer A Sis Etta Bio A Draper Jos Smith Alfred Morton Jon Sherman Smith A May Edith Terry O Bro J Sherman Sunday morning will preach a Temperance Sermon in the Christian Church at which the members of the division will in uniform Kettleby Among those sick and convalescent are Mrs Master Chat son of Wm Davis and Mrs Dan Mr- A can boast of being the father of a bouncing baby on the inst The of T here are preparing for a grand free concert on April 2nd Big sale of horses and vehicles here this week Mrs Bingdy and family have re moved to Aurora this week Mr and Mrs return ed last week from a winters visit with their nephew Dr Harvey Watson of Michigan Mr and Mrs Joseph Rogers and Miss paid a visit to friends in the city last week Our Clerk Mr was in the village on Monday Mr Jos Rogers of and Miss Annie Thompson of were the guests of Mr and Mrs Jos Rogers this week The of the Christian En deavour for the current quarter are Rogers Vice- Pros Miss Jennie Walton Secretary Miss Maggie Spink Treasurer Mr Rev Mr Willliams will hold a series of meetings next week every evening except Monday The subject of his discourse will be Words from the cross All are cordially welcome The following are the officers elect of of P Grant A Miss Walton Alva EHeacock A Miss J Ramsay McArthur Chap J Elliott Com A Rogers A Miss Lola Elliott I Walter Stephens Organist Miss Curtis P Mr Flanagan had his thumb bitten off in examining a horses mouth and two days later he was soriouslykicked on head by an other horse He is recovering Rev Mr Ferguson of Woodbridge preached an eloquent missionary mon in the Methodist Church on Sunday Mrs Geo has been on a visit to friends in Toronto Those who tapped report a good run of Mr recovering from a very serious and painful ill ness WHITE ROSE A Forest Ranger- wandered one night to a northern pond instead of his home- Ho was on the verge of retracing his steps when ho espied a beautiful lily Entranced by its fare beauty ho went towards it with open arms singing tho lily of tho valley the bright and morning star etc Be mindful 1 Rosecolored ribbon is very fascinating The young violinist of Creek teaches pupil at White Rose Two of our popular young men wore visiting other Sunday in suburbs of Richmond Hill They arc anxiously waiting for better roads introduction of the bar with the coming of spring has made our park look brighter Miss Daisy Brooks is spending a few weeks holidays at parental home Miss Lizzie Richardson who has been visiting in the city is at homo again What wo would like to know when a public meeting is to be held to con- wider stops to be taken to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of our Queen as we are a loyal people hero COLLEGE CORNERS- Taffy Drops Wo are pleased to state that- weather is exceptionally fine and a good many of our young and old friends are looking extra pleas ant What is the cause Why their is making molasses these days Guess what we hear now It has been announced that there is another wedding not far distant Some of our dreamers had better hustle or the girls will be all gone Rev Daniel of Newmarket intends holding a series of revival services as soon as the roads are in a favorable condition Master Fleming Young of this Street has built himself a handsome oneton toy boat having a mast and all furnished with sails and a heavy gup When launched on the water it sailed off nicely and he intends to go duck hunting soon A number around here are terribly with gold feer Several have already started for the Morning Glory district Mr J A Roe has a fine matched team now He traded with Mr J Smith Business is coming to the front more lively than ever We have two young men each with a pair of clip pers hunting up horses that need clipping at cents a piece The numerous wood piles that oc cupied the whole yards are all cut up away ready for use I would not like to be a boss over a gang of men A boss who to talk all day to a gang is no dreamer but a babbler in the land like Tennysons talking oak and the men talked at should be ashamed Out Toronto On the of birthday Mr author of the Leaf was with an addroca and a of flowers by teach and of school of bo la principal The com pliment by Mr in terme March of the Railway amounted to Why did not the it so that the county should share of Metropolitan after a few years Echo answer Why milk producers to camber of about a hundred met at the Albion Hotel on Saturday and after a lengthy aioo decided to fix the of milk for the coming six months at cents per gallon delivered In Toronto Middle men peddle it about city Sunday car vote will probably bo on the of May bylaw authorizing vote has been road a first in the Council Active training on the Woodbine now under way of are quartered tho neighborhood of The Governor General was hero last week and laughed at the story in certain Conservative papers about the of being appointed to succeed The intimated that would not before and that as he liked the bracing air of tho Dominion he reckoned his stay would be prolonged till then County had another conference in reference to the- York Mills bridge last week It will be built on old Mrs of great authority on foods and cooking announc ed to deliver a lecture hero on under the auspices of Toronto School of Cookery mean temperature of the past month higher at this point than the aver- ego for the past fiftysix Lady Aberdeens project for commemo rating the Queens Diamond Jubilee re specting trained nurses has met with favorable response in this city An accident took place at Stanley racks on tho let by which Private Pepper of the Dragoons broke leg He was training a in the driving school when the fell On Friday last a deputation of city al dermen waited on the Premier in reference to the proposal that the Government take over Industrial School The claim made by Mr Thomas Hun ter for for extra services at the new civic buildings is looked upon at the City Hall aa one of the most presumptuous claims over made against the city Constable suit for damages his wife has been set for the fif and tried before a During the month of March no less than teachers in the public schools were partially or altogether laid up with colds Mrs and Miss are going to England for the Diamond Jubilee and will return the last part of Jane Mr Speaker and Madam afternoon last pleasant to number of invited guests at a recep tion It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea and use twice as much find not get half as much satisfaction a good one EYLOfy TEA is a gbod one and sure to please In Lead Packages only per From Leading Grocers Everywhere m We have secured the agency for the Made by the worldfamous firm 23 The UP POINT Turnips For Sale STOREHOUSE Huron Street Several young men started work around here last Thursday it being the 1st of April Mr James slowly recover ing from an attack of sciatica and la grippe The summer hats mosquito frogs and bicycle bloomers will soon be on tapis again The present prospects are bright for a good crop of fall wheat and clo ver in this section What does all this rugging and quilting mean Different causes of heart disease Our physicians say running up and down stairs too hastily causes that result We know of several couples who have taken heart dis ease by simply sitting on the door step and the only remedy for this sickness is a matrimonial beau knot Mr Henry Boags horse got a move on and spilt him out on terra firma He ran for a short distance and turn ed into Mr J Boags Not much damage done The teacher at College Corners was fooled on first day of April all right He made things lively for a while Some unknown Sneak thief dressed his feet in a pair of feather stuffed pumps and took nearly all the sleep ing utensils from the Mr Drapers house on this street one night not long ago Mr Manning of the con has moved to the fourth to the place late ly occupied by McNeil new Sunday School was well patronized- last Sunday About present a good indication of a larger in the future Miss of Newmarket was making a flying visit in our midst Johanna Cunningham was at Mrs last week Necessities A nice warm rain to farm vegetation and to purify the air an expert to investi gate the theft a few houses to rent a contrivance to guard against the in vasion of mosquitoes an apprentice for our correspondent Duck and Everywhere to business at No Is simple writing copying lists or addresses received from local advertising to be to us daily No previous experience required but plain writers preferred J Permanent work to thoBC content to earn more weekly in spare time Apply to Publish Cije of WALTER CAIN Box Newmarket Mi tin Phrenologist Palmist desires to the public for liberal patronage during her stay In and wishes to say that she will remain here till Monday evening next and may consulted at her boarding house St She also Boarding How and homelike to recommend for superior accommodation Library for Sale About volumes In good order belonging the Methodist School will be sold at a great It BHIMSON Librarian Newmarket FOR SALE A Durham Fit for service from a First Prize Milch Cow a couple of Grade Cows for sale P QueensvUie Wanted Tenders will be by the undersigned up to April 107 For erection Brickclad addition to Engineers also for a Hose Heel on Avenue Plans and can bo seen at the Clerks nice on and Saturday No tender necessarily accepted J HUNTER I Chairman Committee madam PHRENOLOGIST Will remain the Forsyth House for a few days to be conbulted on all affairs of business love ana marriage ana what each Is adapted for l lift A Hereford will bo kept service Ion lot in the of King ALBERT AN to Loan At Low Rates of Colnmbia Crank Shaft Bearings Large Sprocket Large Balls Perrys English Chains detachable tires Dominion Rims Christys Anatomical Saddles Also the NORSEMAN Cyclometers Bells Toe Clips Wrenches Repair Outfits Oil Cement Etc Etc J A W ALLAN DEALERS IN- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Stoves and J a The Finest lot of ReadyMade Suits- made for the Best City Trade which we are Offering at Half Price It will pay you to Examine these Goods See our Stock of Hard coal been discovered on the northern shores of Lake Winni peg- Setter AND TRB BEST CEYLON TEA tela la only Ham Stallion for Registered li Canadian Boo old weighs bay and white hind feel Will Sutter OUR fiPKCIAITlBS CO LTD

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