THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY is Merit talks of Hoods Merit In means power to euro Hoods possesses unequalled curative there fore It has merit youfhuy Hoods tsko It according to directions to purify your blood or cur any of many blood you morally certain to benefit The power to euro la there You not trying on experiment It will blood pure rich and nourishing and thus out the germs of disease otrengthen build up opponents and fault Mr of ad vocacy of economy in tho but ho Jinn fihown ofncedty and ex hibited courago of by hie efforts to a vote for the reduction of Coramlo3lonor against proposition of his party Wo aro glad of rank and fllo behind Government must bo more than automatons to bo ot arsaparilla Is the best in fact the True Blood Prepared only by 1 Hood Co well Mass Hoods Pills to Q JACKSON Best Advertising Medium York County It Transient per Nonpareil lino for first cents per lino for subsequent for specified 1 HO 3 MO Inchon Advert unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly will bo changed each month If For changes each month composition must bo paid for at regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must in by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Hates for fixcoutors Notices to Kent Articles Lost and Found etc Heading Notices among local news per lino for each Insertion No such Notice in- for lees than 0o Church at regular rates At of 2GJ00 to pay tho expenses of Canadas military representatives at the Jubilee was passed by the Com mons Lots of follows bo glad to join in this display of loyalty where the country pays the expense The bill introduced in the Mr Casey to make Railway Companies as baggage was- carried Railway Committee of the votes to decisive mi it to givee that It will become law R Case COULD NOT AGIIEK TO THE A Now Brunswick Lady the Victim Suf fered for Thirty Yearn Attack Caused Partial a Feel ing of From the Woodstock Sentinel Mrs P Ross of Riley Brook says I have been a sufferer for thirty years and I am sure I would still bo in the same lamentable condi tion had it not been for Dr William Pink Pills I was married at tho age of twenty and am now fiftyone years old I had always enjoyed good health until after my first child was born About a month later the illness at tacked mo which has since my life miserable I consulted different doctors but they did not agree as to nature of my trouble Ono said it was a species of paralysis others said symptoms of fits I would be feeling very well when I would sud denly have a sensation of partial blindness and everything before me would sparkle Then my hand and arm on would become numb and after about ten minutes this sen sation would pass to my lower limbs then my tonguo would become affect ed as would also my hearing Voices no matter how close to me would seem dim and far away These symptoms would last for about forty minutes I would have a violent pain over the eyes which would continue for twelve or more Notwith standing all that was for me City Visitor Continued from First Page plenty more aprons whore that came from Wo had a gay time Wo broke down bushes and sat under the trees most of the time for Clara declared she couldnt stand it to have sun beating down on her head and as it would not of course answer to leave her alone I broke down bushes enough for us all Wo picked a good many berries though I should judging by appearances that more went into Claras mouth than into her Sure the white apron was covered with great black stains before night and Claras mouth bad a very an awkward homely country fellow should toll you he loved you and ask ed you to be his wife what would you say I will wait till one asks mo be fore I toll that said she pouting I love you Clara Will you bo my wife one lifting of long lashes one glance from the pretty blue eyes and the next moment the sweet face was hidden entirely from sight on my bosom In my transport I clasped her frantically in my arms and not satisfied with a silent consent I made say that she loved me and then I stole a kiss from the pretty lips that had uttered such sweet words It was to good too be true almost but as I glance at the little lady opposite mo looking at me with those marked appearance Her fingers too blue eyes I realize that ray showed occupation to say nothing happiness was not all a dream I It Is now stated that with the starting of Sunday cars In Toronto the Niagara Navigation Co will inaugurate a Sunday boat service between that city and Lewie- ton While existing law prohibits boats running between two in Canada it permits their running between a Canadian and foreign port It appears the significant demand of the World for a reconstruction of the Conservative party and imposition of the present leaders who are responsible for the downfall of last year which resulted in placing the In power was not uttered unauthorized Rumor has it that imme diately after be close of the present session of parliament Tupper Senior will go to England but before leaving will call a party canons and tender bis resignation The leadership mantle it Is said will fall on Mr Foster one of Sir Mackenzie nest of traitors The Belle ville Senator wont take any in the member for Annapolis Nout front these It is now stated that arrangement be tween the Dominion Government and the T with reference to running special refrigerator oars are about completed scheme embraces ft system of cold etorage accommodation for the shipment of produce from Canada to Great Britain Care with refrigerator will run i anil Point Edward into Toronto where the contents will be made up into car lots and through by fast through train to Toronto thus becoming the cen tral point for Western Ontario Refrig- care will ran from Rouses Point Johns Que and direct to Montreal where their contents will be loaded onto the ocean steamers Fast time will be made by all trains to which the refrigera tor cars are attached Premier Manitoba has intimated his to guarantee of a railway to be constructed between Winnipeg and at the extreme end Lake 8uperibr The Company under taking thia work will be pledged in its charter to carry wheat from Winnipeg to cents per hundred This will be a for the It for it means that the latter railway will also have to reduce its freight rates from Win nipeg to Port Arthur accordingly or Buffer loss of traffic The time declaration of Sir John- A that you cannot Manitoba to have passed Into a truism This new enterprise is in Premier ways hands if the farmors of the Prairie Province stand by him in order to reduction in freight there is no power in to coming more fre- I would sometimes attacks a day I was also with bronchitis which added to my misery I could not sew or knit or do any work that required close attention to it All this trouble hod never left me for years and at tbo age of I consulted another doctor The medicine he gave me however made me worse instead of better Then I was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I was using the third box before I found any bene fit but then there was a decided change By time I used twelve boxes I felt as well as I did in my young days Every symptom of the trouble that had so long made my life miserable had disappeared For eigh teen months I did not use the pills and was as well as ever I had been in my life Then one morning I felt a slight attack of the old trouble and determined to try Dr Williams Pink Pills again I got a box and took an occasional have never since had a symptom of the trouble To say that Dr Williams Pink Pills have done wonders for me is putting it mildly and I strongly urge their use on all who may be ill Pink Pills were also of great benefit to a niece of mine Miss J Everett Her mother died when she was quite young and naturally much of the care of the household devolved upon her and as she grew up she became weak easily tired subject to headaches and her complexion was pale and wax like A young lady teacher who was boarding with the family and who had used Pink Pills with great success urged her to try them The result was that she soon was enjoying the- best of health and is a fine robust young lady who shows no traces of her former illness Dr Williams Pink Pills by going to the root of the disease They renew and build up blood and strengthen the nerves thus disease from the system Avoid im itations by insisting that every box purchase is enolosedjn a wrapping bearing the full trade mark Dr Hams Pink Pills for Pale People of her hand being scratched with hair being one mass of tangles Wo rode home in the merriest kind of mood Clara insisted on occupying the front seat with me and I continued to talk quite sociably When wo drove up to gate whom should we seo but some strange fellow talking with father in tho dooryard He was all dressed up and looked exceed ingly stylish in his fine broadcloth and glossy stovepipe hat Clara colored up as soon as she saw him and I mistrusted in a minute that it was city chap that she was acquainted with perhaps hor beau though it made me feel dreadful to think of that He looked at Clara as we drove up to door and for a moment ho seemed puzzled I didnt wonder at it for she didnt look so fine in her present plight as she did when she was all dressed up in her clothes But when I helped her out he seemed to her for he went up to her and shook hands as heartily as could be and said Osgood I am delighted to seo you I could have kicked him with a good but as it wouldnt have been exactly polite before the ladies I didnt dolt Clara introduced him as Mr Taylor He didn particularly cordial to any of us but he was all attention to Clara I couldnt tell whether she was glad or sorry to see She was rather stiller than usual I thought and she went upstairs and fixe3 up and came down looking as fresh as a pink Can you make out who that fellow is Hat said I when we chanced to be alone together a minute after supper Why its Claras beau you booby said Hat It does seem as if you fellows cant understand any thing Here Will where are you go ing Dont go off in that style Come back and help entertain the company I wont I savagely walking off with rapid strides I went to Squire Morgans and spent the evening and stayed till eleven oclock and the girls couldnt guess which of them I came to see There were five of them in all I went home and dreamed of taking Mr Taylor to the horse pond and throwing him in and punching him back with a pole when he attempted to swim out The next day I was in a desperate frame of mind and it didnt improve my condition when I saw from the field where I was working Mr Taylor and Clara walking together in tho orchard I would liked to have had my dream come out true just then If he had stayed long I should have done something desperate I know but he went away the next morning I was rather surprised that Clara did not go back with him but I sup posed she had concluded to wait till next time I was as moody and sullen as- 1 could possibly the next few days I didnt take any notice at all of Clara and went to Squire Morgans almost every evening They began to think that I went there to see Maria the old maid One evening I had put my hat on just ready to start and was standing in the door when Clara glided up be side me her sweetest of blue yea to my face she said Will are you mad at me Mad at you How can you ask Because you aot so strangely You wont hardly speak to me Have I done anything to offend you No but I thought Mr have found out by actual experience that city girls make most excellent farmers wives The in the Home of Housekeeper and should bo interested in paint There are little thing about ever that to be painted dont paint them because you dont go about it We know your and have prepared a booklet to meet them It called It will fit your case It Jell the best paint for indoor use the best paint for outdoor use for floors for bath tubs for barns fences roofs for houses for chairs tables settees for anything that can be painted It is free Send for ft THE VARNISH STAIN made to imitate natural wood Mahogany Oak Cherry Rosewood Walnut Ebony It gives a room a fine finish and at little It and varnishes at the same time It ready to when you buy it It Is sold by over ten thousand dealers For booklet address St Street Montreal THE CO CHICAGO HEW of It was a beautiful lawn The dwell ing was old it was also oldfashioned paint on it had become dingy and the signs of wear were on tho chim neys which hod begun to chip a little on the outer surface of the bricks The oldfashioned veranda had begun to a little in the centre Indeed there was not much in the old dwell ing to Attract and yet no one could pass that way in summer season with out looking admiringly toward the old dwelling It hud a level lawn in front that was mown three or four times a year which gave it an attractiveness that was simply captivating Two or three old trees stood in the lawn with their beautiful shade Otherwise it was bare and yet it was beautifully Attractive The cost of keeping that lawn was trifling The mowing could be done in two or three hours even though done by hand And trifling as was the labor involved there was a beauty possessed by that lawn which exceeds that which surrounds many a homo where there had been far greater outlay It was the beauty of sim plicity the beauty of fitness in a call where work drives in the bright yet busy summer time Why cannot every farmer have a neat lawn Why is it farmers Tell us why Boys why is it that you dont make a nice neat lawn in front of the house Girls why dont you get the hoys to doit We have secured the agency for the icyde Made by the worldfamous firm The The best possible remedy for hard times is never to keep money that is due another Simple as is this rule there is none so generally dis regarded The best way is pay as you go or dont go A woman named Mrs Russell of Brantford while in a state of dementia on Monday night deliberately dropped her five children into a cistern to drown them then covered up the cistern and left it Afterwards she told what she did and the child ren who wore- recovering from the measles where succoured in time Mrs was arrested and the same night committed suicide in jail would be about all you could manage for the present said I growing angry as I thought of my rival Mr Taylor was managed long ago I dont know what he has to do with me or you either for that matter But I you are just as hateful as you can be and if you want to get mad you may ah I stay and the little lips were pouted and tears fell one by one from eyes Let me go you bad boy I said she trying to release herself from my grasp Not till you tell me one thing said I Isnt Mr Taylor your lover V No and be said Clara veiling her eyes with long lashes I perfectly detest Clara and my face grew very hot while every vein in my whole body was throbbing wildly supposing Joseph Young a young man who confessed to putting obstructions on the track near Leamington to seo some fun received a five- years sentence at Chatham Edward Stafford was arrested in the vicinity of Stratford last week on the charge of having played a con fidence game on a farmer living near Niagara Falls by which the farmer lost -r- Charles colored shot another negro named Bedford near on the and then surrendered himself to the police Bedford cannot live Jealousy caused the tragedy May Three tramps entered the clothing and furnishing store of J Potter Norfolk street last night and carried off a lot of clothing underwear gloves hats mackintoshes and jewelry Entrance was effected by way of the basement and the burglars took ad vantage of a severe storm which was raging to thoroughly ransack the stock They each took a complete outfit and left their old clothing scat tered about the floor POINT Colnmbia Crank Shaft Bearings Large Sprocket Large Balls Perrys English Chains detachable Tires Dominion Rims Christys Anatomical Saddles Also the VIKING NORSEMAN Cyclometers Bells Toe Clips Wrenches Repair Outfits Oil Cement Etc Etc A DEALERS Hardware Paints Oils Glass Stoves and Tinware Poor there is no need for you contemplate a wig when you can enjoy the pleasure of sitting again under your own You can begin to get your hair back as soon as you begin to use Hair Vigor AT- nee I Sale OF VALUABLE Farm Stock and Implements TO CLOSE and lougb have received tiie of ructions to sell ly valuable farm numerous farm machines Implements vehicles o belonging to late the with all the St of Oak Ridges at his residence lot 2nd Con On rfrd June For further particulate sec sale bills The invito for the of tho farm acres or of any part of same THE TRU0T8 OF ONTARIO of the Estate Dated ay Never in history of the Tailoring Trade of this Town has Clothing been sold at as low a figure as we are now offer ing them quality considered As we handle no shoddy or cotton back goads you can rely on what is sold you and are from to per cent less than they are sold elsewhere TROUSERS from SUITS from Latest style iGolfing Cap to match suit if desired Patent Trouser Hanger given with each order Coat Hangers only 5c A few Snaps in Suits for the next 10 days N MOD ALL MY TAILOR P S Order taken for Ladies Golfing Caps to match Costume Try our 1 v- 1 -2- 1 ate 18 1 Central Telephone Office