THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY r T I V CAPITAL REST HEAD OFFICE president General Manager NEWMARKET A General Banking Business TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits AT RATES DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL sterling American Drafts bought and old Tinners Notes attended to International Sunday School INSURANCE Standard Life townee Co 40000000 over WWW Children aver years of age Insured females Insured without extra charge HUNT District Inspector AUASTEDO Agent- Joseph Cody IN ALL ITS BRANCHES and Good May 1897 James Golden Text I will my by my works Tito who the from which oar next three lessons are taken was the who presided over the council at Jerusalem where question of perpetual obligation of ritual was There are at three bearing that name who woro promt- in early This conclusively identified with James tbo Lords brother but whether word brother is used in aamo den sense in it is used with us Is an open question which bears his name was writton to Chris- at large and was designed to bring them to a realization of that Christianity Is a matter for oar every day practice than a resting upon Up profession It was right for God to test Abrahams faith not for his own knowledge bat for Abrahams God never intended that Isaac should be slain but only that Abrahams obedience should bo shown Abraham unhesitatingly obeyed command in tho faith that his son would bo raised from tho dead It is message of duty of Christian of moral character not of doctrine nor of inner spiritual iifo though none of theso elements are ignored What the of Christ is a revival in her faith so that will bo no selfishness permitted to remain in it but it will puree itself and itself in deeds of love towards man and God WORK Bad in Toronto Won Gratitude and Confi dence of all Canada NO MORE DOUBT JUKI J Evidence of Cure too to Permit of it EATON DEPARTMENTAL IK STORE Pistols and Your pills ore the best In the world I used to be annoyed with YOUR NEIGHBORS TESTIFY If You Your Nearest Druggist for a 25Cont Vial of Rem edies and wurself J R for life Money to Loaninterest at Current Rates A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Tin Shop Newm Agent Issuer of CARRIAGE ClGENSESl Papers issued at private residence if desired Sidney Wat How Insidiously it Wages but how Quick the Surrender and How tbo Flag Trace is Hurriedly Hoisted when that Great General Sooth American Kid ney Cure Turns his Guns on the Dis ease This is what Sullivan of Chat ham writes For years I was a great sufferer from Kidney trouble disease became so acute that I was greatly inflicted with insomnia I was persuaded after using many other remedies without relief to pro cure a bottle of South American Kid ney Cure I had relief almost from the I have persisted in its use ind after using six bottles I am again I can work hours out of twentyfour and little if any fatigue It is the best medicine I have ever used Sold at Pharmacy Mr John Gillie Manning Toro nto says I have used Cold and Bore Throat Cures with splendid I had a bad cough was to sleep and my throat was very raw on aide but two viala of mado a complete cure My daughter was with worms but after using Worm ahe is now enjoying splendid Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to relievo in to three hours and cures in a few days Price Muuyona Dyspepsia Care positively all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble Price Munyons Cold prevents pneumonia and breaks up a in a few hours- Price Cough stops coughs night sweats allays soreness and speedily heals tile lungs Price Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Cure stops headache in throo minutes Price Pile Ointment positively cares all forms of piles Price Blood Cure eradicates all puritiea of the blood Female Remedies ore a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutea and cure permanently Price Catarrh never fail The Catarrh Cure price 25o eradicates the disease from the system and the Catarrh Tablets price and heal parts Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonio Price restores vigor Price A separate for each At all druggists mostly 25o a vial Personal letters to Prof and 13 Albert St Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease Thos Special Attention to Shoeing Eagle Street LIVERY Some Opposite Fire Hall Main Street 3outh of House Main Street PAINTING Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Millards and ferriage Main MISCELLANEOUS Last summer there were seven farmers shipping milk from Station to Toronto At there is only one The others are patron izing cheese factory These milk producers figure it out that the the railroad and the milkmen were getting all the profit WIN TORMENTED BACKED LIFE DESPAIRED OF John Marshall Varney P O Co of Grey writes these strong words For two years I was completely laid up with sciatica I doctored without any permanent relief I had given up hope A friend saw the notice of a cure of what seemed a parallel case to mine by South American Rheumatic cure and knowing my little faith in the efficacy of any remedy he pro cured a bottle himself and brought tl to mo I took it and to make a story short it saved my life In a day or so I was out of bed and in three days I was able to walk to Dur ham a distance of four miles to pur chase another bottle lam now en tirely cured Sold at Pharmacy Tewo Ended Toronto May The John Eaton Companys departmental store at corner of Temperance streets was destroyed by fire early this morning The firs was discovered about oclock and when the first reel reached the scene the building was a mass of flames and people living in adjacent places on and Temperance Streets were hurrying for safety with what little of their personal effects they could get out firemen were stationed on Temperance and Adelaide street From roof of the Satur day Algkt building one stream of hose was played on the burning mass while from the top of the Methodist Book Room building on Temperance street another stream was playing On street there were several streams going but they looked alto gether useless against the roaring flames that seemed threatening to take in the whole of the block and in a short time the efforts of the firemen wore directed to saving the adjacent buildings by wetting them thorough ly Tho water tower was on Temperance street but it was a miser able failure all attempts to get it to work being futile for some time after its arrival at the fire About five minutes after the pre was discovered the roof of the Eaton place fell in and in less than three minutes afterwards the front wall on street collapsed Some thirty firemen were working in very danger ous proximity to it when a warning cry went up from the crowd and they all rushed across toward the Arcade just in time to avoid being crushed to death The Avail tottered first inward and then outward then with an awful crash fell forward As it struck the vast network of wires in front the scene though terrible was immensely grand The rapidity with which the fire spread after its discovery can be im agined from the story of Policeman William Wallace who pulled the box at and Adelaide streets He was with Patrol Sergeant who had just visited him He noticed a thin curl of smoke issuing from the roof and then rushed down to ring the alarm Before he returned the place was one surging sea of flame Mr John Eaton who managed the establishment says the firm had com paratively little stock on hand The greater part of their spring stock had been sold out while the summer goods were still in the custom houses He estimated the- loss therefore at not more than and gives as the probable loss including building Both building and contents were fully insured constipation until I began them Now I have no ttoublc that Mud any nod attribute my recovery to the of your valu able medicine tbe springtime of the always take your The duelling pistol now occupies its proper place in the museum of the collector of relics of bar- The pistol ought to have beside it the pestle that turned out pills like bullets to be shot like bullets at the target of the liver But the pestle is still evidence and will be probably until every body has tested the virtue of Ayers Cathartic Pills ft This teatlmonlat Will be found In full in with a hundred others Free Address J C Co Mobs- L I Point Id John Rockefeller has a floral novelty on his grounds at in the form of a clock made of grow- ing flowers which will accurately tell the time of day wife who was once a teacher of botany designed it There are sixtyseven varieties of flowers that have certain hours for Its Purity opening and closing their petals Its Of Away back in a misty age flowers were Its Economy a dose the timepieces of the poor who had S3 no other way of telling the time The 3 i white now as then opens at a the impurities from a in and closes at p in and in the to the worst Scrofulous Sore and country districts is culled the day lily The common yellow dandelion represents the hands These flowers open at 530 a m and close at about p m and the hands will point to the arrangement of flowers repre senting those figures The yellow goats beard will be used for one It grows in the meadows everywhere and in the poor districts of Scotland the schools which cannot have clocks are dismissed by it For the p flower the has been suggest ed as it closes at that hour to the minute Then the snow thistle also common to the meadow closes its little white flower at exactly 1 p m The best 1 1 a in plant is from the pasture and is called the sow thistle It opens at a in and begins to close at 11 but is not completely closed be fore noon The water lily and several other members of the lily family are celebrated for the exactness with which they open and close each day and there are a number of flowers common to the sight that may be made to do duty DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SALT SCROFULA HEARTBURN SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS DROPSY RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASES WW TRADE HA RICO DESIGNS AST Anyone ft and description dirt free whether an invention probably patentable Communications strictly confidential Oldest agency In America We hare a Washington taken through Co receive- notice la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA Illustrated largest circulation of tin CO Broadway New York For infants and Children r fans Simpson Main fit and Fancy J to do Perfect fit guaranty iions sent through will receive promp attention Rtg Architect Member of the Ontario Association of JEST Invited W par iea eon or their Buildings by adjusted Money to Loan David Commissioner for Affidavit tote Conveyancer tauer of Marrtage r Ingcfsoil routo Off J and Lot Corner of Main id Lot aTL Blacksmith FOR SALE Main Newmarket Cement kept In Block In The Inspiration of the Bible H Hastings the wellknown of Boston thus contrast the great Hebrew legislator and leader with the modern apostle of infidelity who has so much to say about the mistakes of Moses After hearing the infidel on the mistakes of Moses it would be in teresting to hear a military leader and legislator like Moses the man of God who after he was eighty years old commanded for forty years an army of six hundred thousand men give his opinion the mistakes of a Colonel of cavalry whoso military career his friends rarely mention un less it be to contradict those who pre- to quote the published account of it One thing is certain Moses never was defeated in battle never surren dered to man or boy never dared his captors to give him another chance and he would whip blank out of them never was offered in exchange for a mule never resigned his commission in face of the enemy never man aged a swindling whiskey ring never got rich defending scoundrels never blasphemed God and never made money lecturing and abusing men who three thousand years before him who could not reply to him OnAKoEvjLE May Mr Justice Ferguson pronounced sentence this morning upon the five prisoners found guilty of arson David and James Ballard and Smith were each sentence to the peniten tiary for twelve years and William and James Corbett each for eight years All asked for mercy ad ding that he hoped his fate would be a warning to other evildoers They will be taken to Kingston on Monday The grand jurors in their presentment this morning recommended that the investigation into these incendiary fires be continued by the Crown of ficers until all who are implicated are brought to justice This will probably result in the prosecution of Hamilton Win Hammond and others who gave evidence against al ready convicted and who therein con fessed their own complicity in the crimes DEFENCE COLLAPSED Yesterday the trials came to an abrupt end through the evidence of Richard Carey a storekeeper at The revelations of this wit ness who told of letters received from Dave Ballard while in jail awaiting trial fell like a thunderbolt on the de fence Dave Ballard who was the moving spirit in getting up a fight against conviction collapsed and fell back into his seat when this evidence was heard This was at the end of the forenoon session and when the court adjourned the prisoners and their counsel had a conference in the cells When the afternoon session began Mr Myers addressed his Lordship and after stating that the defence were totally unprepared to meet Hie unex pected evidence that had developed he asked leave to withdraw the plea of not guilty and plead guilty for all th prisoners This was allowed and the other prisoner Smith was brought before the judge He pleaded guilty to the of having on June 1894 fired his own barn Tho indiptments were then formally cleared off and his Lordship deferred judgment until this morning The Piano of the Future Halls of No more hammers in pianos The oldfashioned method of pounding music out of wires by the aid of a complicated system of levers and keys which all the world thought to be the ultimate perfection of that sort of tone has been branded as a back uumber Dr Richard Eisemann of Berlin for years a pupil of Prof Von has patented a system which does away with the levers entirely He calls this new appliance the electro- phonic piano iU distinctive principle consisting in the fact that the vibra tions of the chords are not produced by hammers but by an electric cur rent and by means of microphones acting as interrupters of the currents All the delicate and complex me chanism of the old piano is done away with The little electric devices are arranged on the crosspiece extending over the strings Upon this electric magnets are placed so as to be only a hairs breadth from the strings Pressing down the keys sends the electric current into the corresponding electromagnet This attracts the metallic string below but the micro phone interrupts the current and therewith the attraction The string returns to its former place and this continued attraction and interruption of the current is carried on the num ber of vibrations being regulated by the pitch of the string The high sounds produced by this method have a decided harp tone and the lower and middle registers suggest the cello or the organ In reality the installation of this new system creates 0 new instrument so different aro the qualities of sound produced by the new method and the old defeated Stouffville at lacrosse on Saturday by a score of to 1 The game was a fast and exciting one Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that DAVID STOCK pi the City of Toronto In the County of York the province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next sessions thereof for a Bill of Divorce from hie wife Mar Stock of the city of Toronto married woman on the ground of bigamy Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario Toronto St da of April I Toronto Solicitor for Applicant FOR WEAK At kit per Box or for Sent by Mali receipt of price CO Toronto The Isaac Usher Son Cement la guaranteed to be Quite to any of the Portland Cements for all sorts of farm Structures such as bankbarn walla stable floors silos hog pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement is sold at about onehalf price of the Portland Personal instruction given free of charge and all work warranted For further Information apply to DUNCAN KING General Agent A line of first and Shingles Lath etc always hand at lowest prices the time of year that your children are donning their new suits and dresses Why not bring them to Art Gallery pictures taken You never regret It and always cherish them with pride Many a woman chides herself now that she did not have children taken Cabinets and Sunbeams now Keep Your hi A Point to If yon to purify blood you should take a cores blood diseases The record of by Hoods proves that the best medicine for the blood ever Hoods most stab born cases for you to take if your after dinner pill The Flower Garden The Vegetable Garden and- The Farm Fresh and Our are True and will yon Comfort- They help to Preserve Sight Spectacle Frames in Gold Silver Steel Assortment of Eleotro Plato Knives Forks Spoone Ac to hand at Low A Call Solicited r Mouth Organs and Violin Strings JEWELERS Newmarket- AT Pha Bald have taken a Proprietor The only W take wit Next Post Office A any person tali I at Wanted- by given that I forbid duo mo to ay of April Idea fessi r i av