Newmarket Era, 28 May 1897, p. 8

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j r fj THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY ki a 1 l 1 f the in CYCLES WATCHES During the Year particular or apply 17P- TOROHTO OFFICE TORONTO vert Fund nearly A IB BRADFORD received of W and up ward Interest rate Wo iiiukou Specially of Discounting Farmers Notes And flulo at LOWEST RATES Fur further Information apply to JOHN Agent JACKSONS POINT d Mcdonald Prop Manufacturer Wjioteeule Dealer In PINE HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER Post BUXTON WEST WHAT WIDEAWAKE FIND TO RECORD suiton It is reported that machinery will be taken out of stumer and disposed of in Toron to The council came to an amicable settlement with Miss Woodland pay ing her This is the second ex perience our municipality has had in the way of paying for personal injuries The have commenced work on Mr Win now The Sons of Temperance Held an open meeting in Temperance hall last Wednesday evening which was largely attended Members from and Nashville Divisions were present The program was good and seemed much enjoyed by the This Division is still in creasing in numbers over thirty new members being initiated in the last three or four months The League meetings in this well attended and quite an interest is taken in the work Delegates attended the con vention at on Wednesday and Thursday BAKER HILL Very largo congregations were pres ent at Baker Hill church both morning and evening last Sunday occasion being tho reopening of tho church which had been closed for repairs The Rev J Kennedy A of Toronto preached and those who had the pleasure of hearing him will not soon forget the sermons as he is a very pleasing practical and earnest speaker The pastor and peo ple of Baker Hill are to ho congratulat ed upon the beautiful appearance of their church inside The anthems by the choir were well rendered and very suitable for the occasion The flowers on the platform were exquisite and frequently served as illustrations for preacher Herbert Jordan has returned from University where ho did himself and this community justice We are proud of him as we learn that he took first class honors in every took the highest standing in his diss Bella Out of How much Of lift lose for lack of harmony A hundred tones ruined by one little note Wo men who ought to en joy the per- feci happi ness of love and wifehood and mother hood arc endue from one end to the other be- cause of some or disease of the delicate organism of their These delicate com taints which make a jangling dlasonancc of so many are not by It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea and use twice as much and not Ret half as much satisfaction as from a good one IVopvlofor lint lie now yards Point about Ono Feet of Lumber of Hemlock and at very Cords of Slabs per Cord Net contemplating Hull ding should give mo A call before purchasing elsewhere a Mcdonald STOUFFVILLE Do You Wish Sound Teeth If so call us We will crown teeth using pure gold or porce lain for only a tooth Our setts teeth are a work of art and guaran teed to last Painless extraction for plates free All work firstclass A Dentist J Cor Queen Toronto FRAGRANT DELICIOUS TEA 0NS00N TEA IE a parked under the fiupef vie too of Tea and is advertised and old fay them a a of Lo of and Ceylon For that reason Ihcv Me that the very go into packages That Is Monsoon Iho perfect Tea told the flame at Inferior tea It is put up in sealed of lb lb and and in three at iOc60c and STEEL CO Front St Toronto CURE CONSTIPATION SICK LIVER TROUBLES AND The repairs which have been com pleted in the Congregational Church are all paid for by voluntary subscrip tion There is no debt on either the church edifice or property A full chorus of male voices ac companied by instruments rendered patriotic martial and humorous selec tions at the Library Concert in Daleys Hall on May Her many friends will be pleased to know that Miss Johnson daughter of exReeve of was eminently successful in passing the recent pharmaceutical examinations in Toronto and came within a couple of marks of securing the medal for dispensing Miss John son is the first lady in Ontario who has taken this course of study and is the first lady qualified in Ontario to conduct a drug shop On Saturday last Mr and Mrs Na than Forsyth were on a visit tp the ilth concession of Pickering and had Mr Guthries horse in vehicle On their return they called at Mr and putting another animal in the shafts they started out the lane with Mr Guthries horse tied to the back of the democrat The latter animal after getting road gate bolted and upset the democrat and horse throwing Mrs Forsyth between prostrate animal and the dash board Mr who had come to the road to open the gate ran and jumped upon the prostrate horses head and held it there till Mr For syth took his wife out of her dangerous position and brought her back to the house Mrs Forsyth was severely shaken up apd several of her ribs are supposed to be fractured We were told today that a peculiar case of dealing occurred near recently A man calling himself Henry Jones was supposed to have purchased Henry farm and gave a note of in part payment Jones then went to several farmers and bought seed grain from them and employed seven teams to put in the grain promising to pay for the grain and labor in a few days when he ex pected more funds The grain was sowed but when pay was wanted Jones was non est inventus has abandoned pro ject of putting in a waterworks sys tem County Engineer made a survey and estimated coat at which the village thought was more than they were able to afford a necessity of They may bo overcome and completely eradicated under judicious treatment There do need of repugnant examina tions There Is no need of resorting to any unauthorized medicament compounded by an unskilled uneducated person Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription the troubles of the organism ano Tardy Pot nearly yearn Dr V Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the In valids Hotel and Surgical Institute of He is an eminent expert specialist In this particular field of practice Any woman may write to him with perfect confidence and will free of charge professional advice and suggestion for selftreatment by which out of cases of complaint even of the must kind may be completely and per manently cured above While 1 wis living Rock Botetourt Mrs A of Allexh- sny Spring Montgomery Co Va a friend came to me and said My daughter aged has repeated the and she never had the tioas of womanhood I advised her to get Dr Pierces Prescription The lady pur chased one bottle and ft cured her daughter She was well and hnppy when I there Constipation is the all embracing illhealth Dr Pleasant Work on the now church here is progressing favorably The Methodist congregation are looking forward to a handsome and comfortable building We are glad to be in a position to report that Mrs who suffered a severe accident some time ago is re covering and will soon be able to be out again Mr Charles Thompson fractured his arm in wrestling a few days ago The laying of the corner stone of the new church and garden party will bo held early in June An excursion been arranged by which visitors from Toronto will be conveyed here by the Metropolitan Railway to Rich mond Hill and thence by Proctors stages to the party On Monday of last week Mr Thompson left for Toronto Junction and on the following day Mr Powell left for Toronto where lie in tends spending a few days before start ing for Detroit Miss Marsh was at Clarksburg tending the funeral of her nephew Mr who was killed while cycling by colliding with a passing conveyance On Thursday evening the postponed annual meeting of the directors and members of Public Library was held Mr Hamilton of spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr Williamson J On Monday evening the members of the Christian Endeavor held a social gathering at the house of Mr Oldham who has come to the farm formerly oc cupied by Mr Rose On Monday morning the old saw mill once more began its seasons work Mr and Mrs Broderick of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs Brod- ericks father Sir if Carl The minister from King circuit preached at Wesley last Sunday morn ing Healthy Stomach I Happy Man Nothing Experimental About Using Great Sooth American What it dona for Thous ands it can do for yon Here are Strong Words from a Reliable them I have been a great sufferer from indigestion and dyspepsia I tried many remedies but obtained verj little relief I saw South American Nervine advertised and concluded to give it a trial and I must say I con sider it the very best medicine I have ever used I obtained great relief from the first few doses I have only uBed two bottles and am happy to say it has made a hew man of me I strongly recommend it to fers Dry Goods Mer chant Forest Ont Pharmacy CEYLON TE I 1 is a good one and sure to In Lead Packages only 2 or ph per lb From Leading Grocers Everywhere We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ol Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial As Good as Gold lithe friend stands us In an emergency Is The Great Emergency Remedy Many of best known people in the land testify to its efficiency It promptly cure Toothache and all pain Quickly allays inflam mation Wherever skin Is cut bruised burned toflammed or diseased in any form Qulckcuro wilt do ft wonderful work Major Royal Scots Montreal and Com mandant of Team in writes is a treasure and does what you for it when it is known every household will have It is worth its weight in gold to who should keep it in the house for emergencies such as toothache burns cuts etc Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Wis Oil LIMITED NEWMARKET And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AH Artistic Effects- 1 fa Notice la hereby given that I forbid any per son on account without my responsible- tor ihcsauio 1 Whitchurch -6- always pays to be civil to your friends Though you may never need to borrow any money a great satisfaction to know that you can if you want to While the press the bar legis lature and congress are all talking about trusts has anybody stopped to inquire whether or not the prevailing fire insurance rates do not largely partake of the nature of a trust COLEMANS A I Best for Best Dairy us Quality CANADA ASSOCIATION in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc annual meeting of tbe South Farmeravlnotituta willjbo held Bond Head on June 1st they nor it It is necessary to go into a house- to find where a neat tidy and housewife lives The windows and curtains will tell A printer doesnt rush to when he is out of sorts o the baker when he is out of nor to the bible when he wants a rule nor to the gun shop when ho wants a shootingstick nor to a cabinet shop when ho wants furni ture nor to a cutter when he desires a cut nor to a bank when he wants quoins nor to a girl when he wants a press nor to a lawyer when ho wants a dirty nor to a butcher when he wants phat nor to a brew ery when he wants a big head nor to a pugilist when he wants a nor to a policeman when he wants a chase he has them all in We construct HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET at If Til tin T7 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE OUR SPECIALTIES Price Obtained l Promptly Hade our shippers everywhere Correspondence PARK CO LTD Toronto Eokardt License Inspeotor of East York has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS sale Canada CEYLON TEA Lend Wo mid We WHS f PRIVATE SCHODLi English French and Music Accommodation for Pupils TERMS MODERATE fclde UK PI Br s It 3 3 to CD CO CI UCT to at en a I W si S tU W CT ct House to Let With rooms and cellar attached Apply at the ERA Sotue to On St In good repair garden and stable Key door East MRS DENNIS Posture to ot A run of acres Abundance of water and abode For cattle only Newmarket P TWO TOWN LOSS On Street Situated near tho old For Sale on Terms Apply to E JACKSON ilea Estate Agent- Fine Brick Residences IN AURORA J For or would Exchange for Property WWPEG Newmarket A DESIRABLE Stick for Sale Situate In a moat central locality and in one of apply at once to of most pleasant Newmarket of the Town of Newmarket For Sale or Central Hotel to Bent Good farmerabotelconvenlenttoallbueincca places and established for- many years Apply JOHNSTON Newmarket For Sale or to Beat 3wia On the North side of St We market acres of land on which is a white brick dwelling bouse containing rooms with good cellar pantry hull etc with attached There Is a good barn with underground stabling Good orchard- apples pears plums cherries Ac Hard and soft water at door This Is a person wishing moat tor any to retire in a quiet place with good neighbor For further particulars apply to Rose or by letter to Town Carting All of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID Cor Main OnaioS IVantGtlAn Idea gome to Protect your Ids as her mar a for their of to mUeM j 1

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