i W THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY A Co Week MopodRall Iuro It John A Boll Decoration She A UP AND HUT WITH EACH I 1 The all at florae Out Toronto Ontario opened its on Tuesday Murdoch a htrietor of died on Friday bit On Tuesday ho received a wand in one during a fencing bout with nmbrollMwhloU his death to arid orders Mr Harris is proceeding with of necessary buildings for abattoir enterprise Hon Wallace left by tho P Friday for Montreal where he Bailed for Liverpool Hon Mr ftn Mr of On- West who loft with him dele gates to tho Triennial Orangemen of world which will open in Glasgow on July Speaker Edgar and family arrived from Ottawa on Saturday tram and soon as will pur- occupying their summer at Point F aged on charges of bicycles- guilty in tho Police Court on Saturday and was Central Prison for ft year would wheels and then pawn thorn Two boys were drowned this week one in the Won and other at tho wharf fool of fit Tho was very low on but better this morning The Board of Audit of tho County Conn- of is of County Councillor and of the Van- root at the Court House yesterday It will take two or three to conclude their labours was a in city than any day last It registered in the was degree hotter John Gibson the surer tho Brewing- Company and of will spend the next three amount- to over One of the features of the great League Convention next week will bo tho The city will be Raited by some eminent from the line among them Prof Who is to con- the Hall chorus and Prof Gabriel a noted singer and composer to the hottest place in tho northern part of this continent is a village on the northern Ottawa which in weather annals bears the of being the coldest place in Canada In winter time The mercury stood at in the shade on Sunday The hot wave to have gone all over this continent Down in Ohio from Friday to Monday thermometer registered from to In the shade The wheat is dead ripe bat It was so hot the farmers could not work At Pittsburg Pa there were two deaths and prostrations from the heat on day July A boiler exploded on the farm of A Allen yesterday and Mr Allen and eight persons were killed instantly and five badly injured Mr Allen and his had just finished threshing wheat and were preparing to leave the field the explosion occurred Borne of the victims were mangled beyond recognition and pieces of the boiler were blown yards Ont July Per- a fatal accident occurred here yesterday As Mr James was driving his horses attached to a lumber wagon they took fright and pulled Mr over the front the wagon into whiffletrees at the same time knocking down his mother who was standing near the team and running over her Mr back was found to be broken and Mrs arm was broken in three places besides serious injury to her back when the wheel passed over her Neither to Jive July A hungry tramp called at Mrs on Sunday for something to eat The good gave him a chair at the table and he ate three good hearty meals before rising She then gave him a largo parcel of rakes to take with him While sitting at the table he noticed through an open door a boarder Tims hang a waistcoat containing a watch in an outside The tramp having finished repast and up hie parcel started off taking tho watch from the waistcoat as he passed Tims missed his timepiece about half an afterwards and gave chase but far without result V j ft- attendance at Morton Park on July 1st was rather slim However as Newmarket was present all passed a day with ex ception of tall young lady who had to fall near edge of tho wharf in about eight feet of water As she was quickly resoued oho was worse for the duck ing Festival held on tho lawn of Mr Morton on Tuesday was a decided success in every particular wore in abundance and in way up to date chair was very ably filled by Mr Boulcs It is seldom that such an excellent and is rendered on occasions of this as tho one on Tuesday evening Mr is very Ho was not to on Tues day but ho has rovived again Heart is tho trouble Mrs Mann is also under the Dr at present Mr John Marritt and daughter Carrie of Toronto Junotion spend ing a fow days with his brother Mr They came up on bicycles Mr Marritt is a preacher in tho Disciple Church Tho reopening of Methodist last Sunday was under the very successful Young preached a very able in the morning The extremely hot was too much for now paint and wo sorrow to say it spoiled a great many for the ladies Christian very kindly withdrew their appointment in the evening and allowed Methodists to hold their service in churoh Mr Addison an excellent sermon There was a good turn out at both services Tho collection on Sunday morning amounted to about A preparation is being used this week upon the seats and it is expeoted they will bo all right by next Sunday There has been serious loss of ljfo and property in Franco by floods in the River Seine A lot of buildings were destroyed by fire at Hastings Ont Monday in cluding the Presbyterian Churoh At Pedra Mexico six men were killed at a bull fight by the infuriated bulls jumping the barriers Younhstowk Ohio July Morgan and his wife were driving near a cliff when the horse backed the bank They fell sixty instantly killed Ohio July A wind storm swept Buggies Beach playing havoc with a large grove in which aevernl thousand people were enjoying themselves Frank Chandler had both legs cut off by a falling A dozen horses were killed The despatch of troops from Cal cutta on Tuesday to intercept striking mill hands who were prepar ing to march on the city eight thous and strong to reinforce the rioters has had an excellent effect The mill hands and the rioters have dispersed and all is now quiet Catskill Y July 7 William JLane died yesterday from blood poisoning A week ago Lane shaved himself and in doing so cut his face It is supposed that the razor used was not altogether clean or that the lather which was spread over the surface of the skin contained some foreign sub stance Oxford Hills July A farmer by the name of Duncan Christie living at Pattersons Corners three miles west of here while returning from Kemptville was struck by the midnight express train and instantly killed at a place called cross ing One of his horses was also killed while the other escaped un injured London July Fife de stroyed the barns and sheds of Alfred con yesterday morning and the son of James Eager tenant on the Dufton farm was burned to death in a horrible manner Not until the fire had about burned out was it discovered that the was within the burning building Lying on a window sill where he bad evidently been trying to get out was the dead body of the poor little fellow Ho had been literally burned to death It is supposed- tho child applied a match to straw and then attempt ed to escape through the window in stead of door Ont July One of saddest drowning accidents that has happened here for many years occurred when William and Samuel JJarber two brothers aged respectively and were drowned in Weirs pond about two miles south of here They went to the pond in company with others to bathe William got undressed first and waded in beyond his depth Samuel who was not quite undressed rushed in after his brother to save him and as neither could swim both went down together was quickly given and a largo party began the work of dragging for the bodies which were found near whore they went down The unfor tunate young men were sons of Mr Henry of the concession of Brock POINTS Mr Millard of Toronto spent In Town MIbb of Btuort Mr Smart of Toronto is of Mr week Mica of Bradford Is visiting Walter Sutherland Mies and Mien in Toronto for a of Trenton Is of of visiting with of Toronto of Mrs Mr and spent Dominion Day at Dr Stuarts Mr Millard of Toronto spent over Sunday at Tho Adams of of Mrs McOlolan la making a visit Walter Is spending holidays with his unolo In Barrio Mr A of Montreal is visiting friends in Town Miss Annio is for a weeks with at Mies Flo loft yesterday morn- fiif for Forrest to visit friends Mies Millie Manning of Toronto spent 1st with Miss Choir of St had a at Lake on Tuesday Mr Ed and child of homo for holidays J Esq ia presiding examiner at Hill this There woe a Party at St loot Wednesday evening Mr of Oshawa Rtfprmtr gave the a fraternal on Tuesday Wise Wythe la apondlng a of months with friends In Toronto A young lady from was viait her aunt J MoKay last week Mies Minnie spending a of with at Mrs of vis iting at Mr Lehmans a days last week Major Lloyd and boob left on Monday for hie summer realdonoo at Orchard Rov J Locke and of Bradford last Friday in Town with friends Ethel Thirek of Albert ia her Mies Lena hit week Mre J Stevenson of Ste Marie is with brother Mr PJ Anderson Miss of Western Hospital Toronto is spending holidays at Mr Geo Hughes Mr of arrived here yesterday and will spend- over Sunday with friend a The Misses Bolton of Toronto up Wednesday to a week or Mr Bottoms Mr Amos Wilson and family loft on Wednesday for their summer cottage at Mr and Hamilton of Barrio were visiting at Deputy two or three last week Matthewe and daughter left yes terday for their summer cottage at 8t Elmo Maekokft Porter Morton Porter of Tottenham over the let with friends in Town Mrs Mrs Smith and Master Archie of are of Mr J left on Monday to spend a portion of his vacation with his parents at Mr Colt man from Upper Ottawa apondlng the with hie mother on St Mr Davidson P I and Mr of Aurora were presiding at the High Exams week Mre P J OMalloy and children left on Wednesday to spend part of the vacation north of Bradford Miaa Orpea and Master Abe of To ronto are apending their with Geo Srigloy St ExMayor and family left on Monday morning for Zephyr Villa summer residence on Lake Mr and Harding of Newton- a couple of this week at Mr Queen St Madge Bennett left Satur day for a couple of months with In Toronto and St Mr Wooding of is visiting at hie mothers Holland Landing and at hie Mra Brook of Newmarket About a dozen young people alonR Queen St had a private at Morton Pork on Monday and enjoyed the day Immensely Mr Peter Mortimer of Bradford in Town on Wednesday He has quite a hand which whiU shear sheop and he jot cold In It Miss Nellie Lundy and Mies Lottie Case Ethel Andrews Miss and Mr Ed Lundy all of Aurora were vlsitora at Mr Partridges Pros- Ave on Dominion Day Rov Mr and wife latter a sister of No bod two brothers and a sister from Scott hero to attend the of Mrs Kelson which place at oclock spending a few holidays the Lake the guest of Mr Lloyd will bo for a few daring this hot weather Notice of will appear ia papers v J J v We take stock in ten days and previous to doing so we will Cut Prices to the quick on every line of goods Every department will contribute to the Bargain Lists and a little money will do wonders here during this Big Cut Price vv yards of Print at 5c and Hundreds of Blouses onethird less than regular Piles of Dress Goods at and worth 50c Big Hosiery and Corset Bargains a Wonderful Hat Bargains all kinds Wonderful Crockery Bargains LOTHINGL- 1 Every one of these will sell like sugar One Lot Mens Suits sizes worth 8 at 5 00 75 00 a 6 all sizes Very Fine Suits all sizes Big Cut in Boys Suits Mens Good Tweed Pants special sale price Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes regular at 69c One Lot all sizes Ladies Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots good value at 2 for 125 A Big Lot Mens Fine Dongola Gaiters regular 2 at It will pay you to visit this store this week Ida Barry is once moro behind counter at Kochs Departmental Store On Friday evening member of the Annett Street Methodist Toronto had a gathering to bid goodbye to Roy W Hill and wel come the new paetor Iter Mr Barker A farewell was presented to for mer of welcome to the latter Ml won five 1st pnfsei recent exams at Oahawa Ladies volumes for Mra Private School the only place went for tuition till entered the col- lego Lela Rosa took let in Lanuuagea and 2nd in Music at the same College and ahe another of Mre Baylys pupils Mr Editor Bib We noticed in your issue that Baldwins scribe been doing some tall boasting about the Council Met at Hall on the 28th day of Juno Membera all present Communication from on behalf of claiming compensation for damages alleged to have been to Mr Stephena horse on the town line between Whit church just east of Bills were preeented as followa Ieaao Pike yarda gravel for I Con Isaac Pike damagea to growing crop by hauling gravel David Curtis yards gravel A portioning Clergy interest to schools W J Knowlea meat furnished and Cosgrove J W Stephens yards gravel A Snider yards gravel enow- on St Bert and round cedar Walker yards gravel 81120 VanNoatrand Estate Inmber Silas Ball Match between the Baldwin and Pleasant teama and that he ha- cedar for J been wrongly informed or else he nut horse lines Thompson refund of the regard for truth of Statute Labor tax In the first place we never played for a supper as the Baldwin ho terms them invited over to have a frlendlv game with them and in return were to provide aupper for all hands We accepted their invitation and went accord ingly When we arrived there they hadnt a ball so we bad to play with an old one of our own game waa well played from start to finish and the Baldwin only claimed one run over while wo claimed a tie besides the field presented the appearance of having been used a resort for the ten and a man was danger of a serious fall every time he made a run end we are much surprised to hear of their boasting especially when everything passed off agreeably and the Baldwin put up a sumptuous at Bills However we would be to have the sluggers meet ue on our own grounds and play as for fan money of honor at any time Thanking you Mr Editor for your valu able apace we remain respectfully Babe Ball Club John Bennett famous watchmaker is dead Fourteen men fainted from the heat at the Hamilton Smelting Works Monday and work was then suspend ed Russia has sent a circular to tho powers suggesting that stops bo taken to expedite the conclusion of peace between Turkey and Greece The extreme heat beating down through a skylight Sunday caused the on the of August blowing out of two automatic fire plugs in a big Detroit dry goods store and caused a loss by water of Cincinnati 0 July Five fatali ties from heat occurred yesterday making deaths in the last four days Prostrations of a more or serious nature four or five times as great as tho number of deaths During a thunderstorm on for damages to by dog8 were made by Alfred Baker aheep killed damage Jonathan Baker lambs kill ed and ewe and lambs injured damage Bert 12 Iambs killed damage Stephenson lambs killed and ono injured damage Bingham 1 sheep killed damage Wm Neil claimed a bonus for destroy ing a dog caught by him worrying The Treasurer wae ordered to pay the several bills presented to Wm Neil for destroying dog and of the claims for sheep destroyed by doge and to Thompson refund of Statute Labor tax was granted for gravelling aide line between lota and cod provided tbe in that vicinity an equal amount gratuitously Deputy Baker empowered to repair con and on 8th con lota and Deputy to repair Eagle St The Reeve instructed to repair con at lot and the aide Hue between and con Councillor Skinner was Instructed to repair rail on con at lot Councillor Powell was empowered to re pair aide line between lots and con Deputy Baker was empowered to repair con at lot Tho Reave and Deputy Baker were pointed to deal with Mr Stephens claim for damages to horse A bvlaw to survey and possession of line between lots 16 and con was read a first and second time Council adjourned to meet at Ills flail Vancouver July Sixty tons of butter have arrived here from New York and will be fowarded to Sydney by tho This is the first shipment of American butter to Australia Chicago July Patriotism claim ed five lives yesterday and there an unusually long list of and injured people as the result of the Fourth of July celebrations The dead are men and boys killed by fire works explosions at different parts of the city At a barn raising at E Elliotts third concession township of York the first part of one side cave way pinning Harrison to the floor causing internal injuries from which he may not recover A Mr bridge contractor got his nose broken James Don bis arm and shoulder badly bruised while a dozen others received a number of bad injuries Had it not been for the fact that one of the supports held up one end of the massive structure at least a dozen men would have been killed The best euro for sorrow is to sympathize with another in his sorrow The euro for despondency is to lift tho burden from some other heart July James of Watford was drowned at Port Franks a summer resort on Huron morning body recovered about and take day evening at Belle River near home to Chatham Ont Paul Menard a farm- or was struck and in- car ran off bridge killed His father was also crossing River near Bay in a critical A number of passengers were drowned Furniture and Undertaking House If you want Furniture Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on Newmarket and A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence The Cradle Port Hope on Friday July 2nd wife of Dr Anmlflo neo Clara Pearson of a son heir The Tomb Nelson on of widow of Nelson aged fwifffii North AW Order will mid prompt Attention