J 1 THE ERA FRIDAY JULY j n wx Mori of in Ho euros you If It make oil thai That la iho truth Bar- Wo know It merit because or or a hundred but In thousands and thousands of casoa know it cures absolutely all fall to do any good whatever Wo repeat la fact the One True Blood nausea Indigestion fc JACKSON J Best Advertising Medium York County Rates per- Nonpareil lino for toll cento per 11 for CONTRACT BSKClflXI Boston life of Mrs Hastings bis tod who has boon of groat to biro in bis work 16 fa ii Pebbles from of a Pilgrim Illustrated Mrs a cruel guardian in Sooth and many other work a faeoinattog It has boon highly by many and la wall of a in homo in Christendom fl THE WAV A LADY OP HEW views it On Friday last oath Privy Coun cillor ftdmlnlatorod to Hon William and Sir Henri after which won sworn in Ministers of Cus toms and Inland His and took part in this routine work which gave to during session of Parliament which abolishes and provides for administration of two departments by Boon after return of Premier will bo and Qovornment- to thirteen Mutators Inohafl Inch fi mo a with writ- ton Instructions until forbid and each month If For each month the composition must bo paid for at regular rates for contract advert omenta must bo In by noon on Vo Special for con tors Notices Farms to Kent Articles Notices local nwiUljSO per lino for each Insertion No such Notice in- for tlnm Mo Church at rates Ontario for now ready Printer baa the thanks for a In of Sir Louie Marino and in Dominion Government who hue been by the Premier London on official Mr will ad- dopartmit The el cot ion in of petition to aetaaido the or Mayor of London held that two instances of bribery had but Mayor not a party thereto petition against Mr Beat- return therefore It ia reported that Niagara Falls Common Council baa notified the Gorge Road Company thai ita franchise wilt be reunified and its torn up it immediately discharges all its Can adian If this true Canadian boycott the American side of Niagara Fa aro now ready for tho groat Era fixpoal- and Industrial Fair which ia to bo hold at Toronto from August to next It to in magnitude and ail hold in Canada Among many to be provided will bo a duplicate of princi pal features of great Jubilee In on of June all in uniforms and proportion being brought from England for the pur pose at an enormous Anyone doslring a copy of procure one by dropping a postcard to Manager Mr HJ Hill Toronto Woftdt Ottawa correspondent under date of Juno this observation Mr left for Toronto tonight for a few days Ho recognizee the courtesy of Opposition in allowing bill to go through creating tho railway Within two tho thinks ho will have wiped out annual arising from postal without Impairing its Wo are glad to hear of the but why does he IVorMatato ho recognizee of the Opposition etc If action of Poet aster General right to do and received approval of the Opposition thoro no about it Thoy wore in duty bound to ex tend it but if not the Liberals were enough to it whether the liked it or not Friday last the Liberals of again nominated Mr German P P ae their candidate at the next election for the Ontario Assembly the Btuaa day the of West Elgin irenominated Mr Donald P Pj and the Reformers of berlaud nominated Mr changed its opinion of Sir and appears now to be an admirer of formerly as the Knight of Blue Rain In Saturdays it regarda Sir Richard expectation and country expects Sir Richard not to ran off to England as High bat to stick by the Government and Mr Tarteout The name of monthly Our been puhliii for some years in Montreal by Wells Co and by Mr line been Youth and the to Toronto The been by Home and Youth Publishing Co Toronto of which Mr C Mortimer formerly on the Managing and has enlarged from to Juno number under the new management inclosed in a handsome The change of is da to the expressed appreciation of magazine by the youth of whose interests will future receive ad equate Through the ox- perienced arid efforts of its former publishers magazine has be come well and favorably known throughout Canada the United States and the present publishers hope to farther to Notwithstanding present arid prospective improvements the subscription price will be maintained at only cents per year Buffered From Pain In Bide and Heart She Thinks Similar Should Know Ho She ftund a From Alma Millar of Upper South ampton la a daughter of Mr Millar a wealthy and influential and young lady a gen eral favorite among ft ac quaintances who have had occasion to her upon her complete restoration to health after a severe and trying illness When a corres pondent of Gleaner called upon her and requested that facts might ho given for publication young lady though not at all anxious for publicity nevertheless gave con sent in the hope that experience might prove beneficial to some of tho many young girls whoso condition of health is very similar to what was previous to her cure Miss Millar stated that when her illness began her mother was unable to look after tho affairs of the household and the duties largely devolved upon felt herself growing weak and easily tired but felt that must keep up says Notwithstanding my efforts I found myself growing worse and worse My failed my complexion be came sallow and my eyes sunken in my head I was troubled with dizzi ness shortness of breath and of the heart until at times I felt as though I would suffocato I wan almost constantly troubled with a pain in the Bide and severe headaches When I went up stairs was obliged to rest Life bad almost a bunion and at last I was forced to give up and keep my bed My frjends feared I waB going into consumption and remedy after another was tried with no beneficial results until was induced to give Dr Williams Pink Pills a trial In less than weeks I was able to leave my bed and go about house and tho use of tho Pink Pills a fe weeks longer com pletely restored my health and strength and drove away all symptoms and pains which had made my life so miserable I feel that in bringing this matter before public I am but doing simple justice to suffering humanity mid I hope that those afflicted as 1 was will give Dr Pink Pills a fair I might also add that other members of our family have used Pink Pills with good results What Dr Williams Pink Pills have done for Miss Millar they will do for thousands of other young girls through out the country whose condition is similar They restore the glow of health to pale and sallow checks cor rect functional derangements and create a feeling of new and energy The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes the wrapper round which bears the full trade murk Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People Refuse all pink colored imitations and other said i- just good Council County Council ban to build an Industrial Home The esti mate cost is 5OO0O and it will probably erected in the vicinity of The cost of the erection to bo borne by the County over and above the W00Q granted by the Provincial Government Each municipality is to contribute its maintenance in proportion to the number of inmates for municipality Tub Government bag P a little sorprise Hon Mr Blair bag caused the Company to be notified that at the end of the Cecal year now current the arrangement under which P the Intercolonial Railway fir John and Halifax will be cancelled Sevan ago the Conservative Govern- made the agreement which the pro- fcent Administration regards as very unfair to country The Ottawa gpoudeat Bays example under the no Intercolonial could cany a man for freight he could not even a shipper to ship ova In The late Government when Sir John was Rail Way hound their agentg to absolute regard tobuafueea between Halifax tod St arid in regard to ail for for example which originated between result Mi beau detrimental to rail way getting of the Of court no one can the but the agreement dictated by politics WttWbaiana What flils You A Cold in the Head Some Sneezing Paine Over the Disgusting Dropping In the Throat It may Mean that the Beads of Have Been Sown Neg lect Hour Dr Catarrhal Powder will Give Relief in iOEnulce I had catarrh for a num ber of years Water would run from my nose and eyes for days at a time I tried many cures without any per manent relief I was induced to try Dr Catarrhal Powder It cured me and have had no return of the malady I find that for a cold in the head it gives almost instant re- lief 1 would not be without it and I recommend it most heartily Archer Brewer Mo- Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The jubilee review at taken part in by men Vicionu July 1 Mr Ed mund Canadian Trade Commissioner to Central and South American Republics who left here oh his mission a week ago has been forced to materially alter his plans since reaching Ban Francisco Writ ing from there on of June find the Paeifio mail Btearaer which was to Bail on Monday is quarantined in some Mexican port while the of the same line is lying also in quar antine her captain having died it is supposed of yellow fever This prac tically blockades the west coast porta of Mexico and Central America for some time to come and so I leave for Mexico City by train on Monday and will look after trade interests there first of all and possibly go then to east coast of South America return ing by the coast so as to reach a early In December Met at Bells Lake June The following accounts were passed re new section Ira Ann gravel John Edwards cedar J cedar Stephenson repair con George Norman re grant John Cook re pair north Jos Billings mouths salary Welle drawing tile John road machine ItCk Wiener cedar Bees Bob Stewart J OBrien repair to tools soo cedar 8 J J repair Ed repair con 8526 Morgan pile Tohn Beard operating Ma chine 85270 Geo learn on M Deacon cedar J repair cod Sam re pair con J Jar via ropaijr con re grant con Davie pit con repair north 80 repair saat tile re pair con team on Road Machine Fred OBrien re pair Fox cedar It Herman work on Road Machine A Campbell repair cod 7 Luke Gamble road con Newton Gamble road Levi repair A plank it Reynolds repair con 88400 WeUar repair con Kerr repair J repair j flail re- pair con J Welle repair con Cook repair con Wesley Dove 82 tfheep It do 848 Win Kerr do 808 J do iSH6 A do 88 do John do 88 The sqm of was granted to No or the of mouthB interest The Reeve and Engineer to take level of- road and swamp be tween lot a ftrid26 at next W l confirm the with No til on restrain do- raaHloanjmarBfrbfaiioiasralJarke and to compel the removal snow from In Next will be held at Button Hotel on July Mat Parliament prorogued on Wednesday of week but daring last days of the relations be tween and Commons wore much and an open con flict appeared imminent The Com mons had unanimously sanctioned an agreement between the Government and the County Railway securing running powers for tho Inter colonial Railway over the line to enable it to have its terminus at Montreal a commercial and trad centre instead of Point Levis which without trading or shipping facilities with other parts of the coun try This legislation Senate re jected Hitherto history of Inter colonial Railway has been of annual deficits and a direct annual burden to Dominion treasury but by proposed agreement the present Gov ernment anticipate being able to secure sufficient increased to change theso over recurring deficits to tan gible surpluses Concurring in these expectations the House of Commons approved of the action of the Govern ment This project appeared likely to give Mr Parte some degree of over his predecessors in the Public Works Department and hence Opposition strong in the Ben ate determined to attack the scheme and the Minister who had taken part in its negotiations The exPremier and his colleagues Mr exposure of Harbor scandals and his suc cessful labors during general elec tion last year and this appears to have been a bungling attempt to get with him It is further asserted that attack was inspired by a cer tain prominent railway magnate of Quebec who two or three years ago induced Hon Foster to father a scheme guaranteeing for a railway known as the Atlantic and Lake Superior but owing to criticisms in London where the bonds were being floated the whole project petered out Since the Gov ernment baa succeeded power the same project was broached to them but it was declined with thanks This accounts for the milk in the The Senate members who favored tho old bosses took action but so pnrliziiii was their move that it par- ok organized opposition to the us and this nearly led to a conflict However by Tuesday the difficulty had been so far arranged that the Senate decided to take back water by deferring the investigation it had ordered till next session and the Government promised that nothing should be done to tie the hands of Parliament or prevent a decision on its merits nest session Honors therefore are easy the Conservative Senate defeated a prominent bill of the Government but the Government got the money to teat the merit of their scheme of giving the connection with Montreal Tin country will talk to the Senate sona of those days for its little more than a year ago roy hair began turning felling out eud although I tried ever tunny things to prevent a continuance of these condition I obtained no satisfaction until I tried vigor After using one bottle ny hair was restored to How Old are You It no whether you or not It is always true that awoman is old looks Nothing seta the seal of age upon womans beauty bo gray hair The hair its color generally from of nutrition If you nourish the hair tho original color will come hack That io way that the normal color of the hair is restored by Hair Vigor This testimonial will he found la full la hundred others Free Address J Co Meat bake To iht Editor of the Newmarket Era June 24th Dear Bib In a late of your valu able paper notice a report on the West Town Line road recommending the lower of It is a correct view the lowering of lake would make land and reclaim from to to first- daw farm land worth per acre This is a cesspool poisoning the water of lake and the Holland River a pool of water which would have a swift urrent a it pure springs of water By lowering outlet or feet Lake riimcoo would set in natural gravel basin and all water emptying into it would ho rapid running pore water The land reclaimed would worth and the lake water free of decayed vegetable matter and a large agricultural district added Newmarket and Bradford If the Ontario should take it in hand it would be a publio benefit and pay them times over You re etc The Huron Indians forward ed a Jubilee address engrossed on birch bark and decorated by Indian work in wild grasses to Naked Pills are fit only for sav ages Clothes are the murks of pills well as people A good coat not wake a good pill any more than good an But youd look on titan a rued one you look on a as a bad one After fifty years of teat no stand Cathartic Pills AND FOB SALE BY J A W ALLAN Paints Oils Glass Stoves and Tinware NEWMARKET Si AND rytvVYV ryrvivrvviyivV Try our AND Central Telephone Office STARR FULL LINE OF OGILVIES FLOUR The best bread and flour in Canada Hungarian Flour Irelands- Breakfast Food Oat Meal Corn Meal Bran and Shorts Oats Barley and Peas for Feeding purposes Smoked Hams Hams Breakfast Bacon Long Clear Rolls and everything in this line Free Albert traviss the genuine Ogilvio is tied with red white and of I A S 1 AW