v 1 i TlV W rf Jr THE ERA if the fluff jlKLUBMS CO WORTHY UNION IV People where the was last but when a follow boa so many hasnt much to The farmed- are nearly through haying around bore Rev Mr Spencer delivered his fare well sermon lust morning to He will nnl ICING CITY Heat been very intense in tine vicinity last few days thor- going up to in the shade on Monday Will went fishing last week but had rather poor having on ly caught a amalt dish full of Our ice cream parlor opened last Saturday and did rushing busineaa Peter says he dont much care for ice he could only eat aix Visitors Winter of Aurora at Mr Carleyfl Mr at Mr Geo Carloy at Mr of a very large congiogation bo greatly misled by nil especially by York at Mr Sturdy a voting people of circuit j Our now pastor Rev Mr Cocking A huge number from this street preached his first Sunday lebratcd the 1st of July at Morton to a good audience in of celebrated Park I Ethel Rogers from ia viBibing at Mr We are glad to sco Eves in our midst again Mr Smith ia making Ho erecting an having five men employed this week Draper is visiting rel ative in North Miss M is spending a weeks at Mr who are intending to Bond milk to the Cheese Factory before erecting their milk stands should come to Union and our now patent stand You will never regret time you spent hunting it up as it is a thing of beauty and a joy for ever Scaup A Our village not been heard from since I last wrote so ifeia about time wo should let world know what this enterprising place and vicinity are doing The extreme hot weather causes many to wish it were cold fall wheat ifi looking grand in It will not ho long wheat harvest now Ladies Aid festival at Mr Mortens was a grand success The recitation entitled rendered by Georgia was well worth tho admission alone This seems very much talented in that direction by Misses Agnow and Mrs wore all well rendered death of John Nelson which occurred last Saturday was a sad Mr Jas returned to New market Monday after a few days visit with his parents Mias Buchanan of visiting with I Gilpin Mr Bird of Brechin visited on Sunday Miss Helmkey of is visit ing with J Cook Mr Patrick Cornell dangerously the excessive heat ill with heart trouble Mrs Louisa Mann has returned from whore has ing her daughter Mrs Break I The barnraising at Mr Winchs on Saturday was a large one Sever- barns are going up this season Mr Wider and wife spent Sun day with Draper Mr Daniel Smith is at present in a very critical condition All hopes of recovery have vanished Misa Christie Winch is visiting friends up West Mr M labelling a lot of twine this year The rectory of was tho scene of a largo gathering on oven- inp of July 1st After tho had partaken of a bountiful supply of and an excellent program was rendered Among those taking part woro tho Misses Winter and Agnew of Rev Mr Williams of tho aamo place Miss Vail of Toronto Miss Leonard Mrs and Miss Phillips of and White Bros of Ad dresses wero given by oxReeve Nor man and Revs Robinson and Scott Kettloby brass band pro vided music for the occasion A wand drill conducted by Mrs Phillips was well received Mr a native of Japan will give an address on the missionary question in Methodist Church Sohomberg on Friday next 9th HOLLAND LANDING Sunday was tho day we seen this season in shade Mrs Mann and child of Toronto are visiting at fathers Mr Miss Howard of Toronto was visit- ing at homo a few days week Mrs Chapman of Toronto visit ing friends hero also Mrs at Quite a number took in the A Ice Cream Social on Wednesday last and report a good time Wo under stand the Captain and Cadet made their farewell visit on the above oc casion Who was driving two young ladies from Newmarket Wednesday The rig fell to pieces throwing the young ladies out Luckily no was only a severe shaking up We understand J A of wmarket will give an interesting lecture at A Barracks in near future Mr has giving sev eral lectures here and was well re ceived Mrs Cooney of Toronto was a guest of Mrs Van a few days last week Whore you going to spend the We expect a good many will taljejntno Demonstration at Aurora Dew Drop PINE ORCHARD Union Sunday School was hold in Mr A Starrs at on Saturday crowd was not as largo usual but those present enjoyed thorough ly especially youngsters Miss Connor- and friend from city spending sonlo in our midst Pino Orchard S of No ofticers for quarter as follows W P- J A Miaa Hall A Connor W Stephens Hall Con H A Chap W Armitago J W 0 Playter Organist Csao Emerald MOUNT ALBERT Rev Mr Washington attended Sunday School last In spito of heat the alarm drew attention of younger Mr Gould of Uxbrjdgo conducted the service here Owing to tho heat he preached a very short sermon which was ht to point Mr Edgar Sodden is homo from College for his vacation Mrs Toronto is visit ing at Mr Roses Mr Albert Smith of and a young lady from spent Sunday at Mr W Hills Sunflower mm V few We are very much grieved at being forced to record two deaths during the last two weeks both very sudden Mrs Thompson who has been treating for heart failure for some time passed away also Mr 3ohn Nelson died very suddenly from jaundice on Saturday morning Wo extend our sympathy to the bereaved friends and relatives Mies Winch is spending a weeks with friends in Wyoming Miss May has returned homo for vacation Mrs Thompson is suffering i from heart trouble Owing to the excessive heat on Sun day the churches were but attended Mr Bird of spent Saturday- and Sunday in village His brother John accompanied him home whore he intends spending his vacation The frames for two large barns were raised last week Mr Morton is enlarging hie barn and building a stone foundation while Mr W Winch is having barn raised over under- ground which are to bo im proved in tho latest style They were wvW Raisings and fortunately no one seriously hurt has commenced and proves to be a heavier crop than was expect ed by the farmers School What a relief to think of the members of the how pestered The union Convention held at Pleasant week was ever held by the Mr A line school teacher picnicked with his scholars on the afternoon of Dominion Day in the orchard on Mr Wilfred Heacocks farm now occupied by Mr Stephenson There was a large gathering and a moat enjoyable time was spent Clover haying in progress of which there ia an excellent crop has been almost melt ing hot during the past week How it makes the school kids- kick up their heels to think of having their freedom for weeka The members and friends of the Methodist Church here gave a Garden Party at the Rev Mr Robinsons parsonage on the evening of Dominion Day as a farewell token for his services here in past There was a large gathering and a very pleasant time was away in conversation vocal and instrument al music and tho sampling of the heavily laden tables Our Band was driven in their wagon and contributed to the musical part of the program Although the Christian Tea Party on Saturday last waB not quite as largely attended as in some former years it is considered a fair success There were largo gatherings at the bush meetings on Sunday also at tho evening service tile church Mr Grant our School teacher in section 12 has made many warm friends since coming among us The Band boys and a good number of other friends showed how they held him in respect by getting up a Sur prise Party at Mr John Lloyds on Friday evening his departure for Weeks holidays The Band boys will greatly miss him as he is one of their number and has taken interest in their advancement Mrs Stephen Webster of Toronto has been viBiting in this vicinity the past week Miss Emma returned on Friday from a visit Toronto Mrs John Paisley died on tho hit a long illness The re mains woro interred at Mr Sidney Stokes had a large barn- raising on Saturday It took over men to raise the frame Mrs was calico to Cold- water to a sick sister Mr Dewey moved to Aurora on Wednesday May Gods blessing go with him Aurora is getting a fine minister Mr Hagar arrived here on Thursday and preached first ser mon on Sunday morning He was well Mrs A Porter had the misfor tune to fall off a table dislocating her shoulder and giving her ankle a bad sprain Wo are sorry to see that tangle leg has got control of poor Jim again Mrs Charles Rose is out from the city for the benefit of her health The Garden Party of Presby terians was hold on Mr Jones lawn Every thing was vory favorablo Pro ceeds over 60 We aro very glad to see old Mrs Willbeo out again after her severe at tack of inflammation Mrs A Miller is very ill A family circle was rusticating at the shore on Saturday last Small fruits aro coming in quite plentifully Mr J Pollock of Keswick and Miss Minnie of were married a week ago last Wed nesday by Elder Prosper at his residence Pearson St Newmarket in the presence of Mrs of Toronto and Miss Mota The heavy gloomy clouds of the morn ing vanished before noon and bright sunshine followed giving an auspicious day to the bride who looked very pretty in white brilliant trimmed with white lace and beaded braid of orange and green and wearing a handsome of orange lilies Although a private wedding the couple received a number of congratulations from old friends in Newmarket and many wish es of much joy on their return to The boys of them a hearty goodnatured charivari for a couple of hours the same evening at residence of Mr Charles Deverell where a number of lady friends also had assembled to wish them much joy Mr Pollock introduced the bride and asked for three hearty cheers from the boys which were given with right good will AUKORA Mr Wells of the Queens Hotel on Saturday evening from a gold prospecting trip in the North Shore district Rov Mr experienced some discomfort before leaving for his now field of labor It will bo remembered ho was put down for St To ronto From this ho was changed to which place had sent a re quest for some else and they claimed their choice who had been put down for Midland The Church were fixed in their demand and Mr was by turns instructed to proceed to one and the other place and sent goods to the place named by Conference only to find the other ministers goods there also matter had been so thoroughly bungled that ho finding this to be case wired order to forward the to Midland which had been his preference throughout but for the decision of the Conference and the wish of the President- Ho had the ayrnpathy of the Church hero where he is highly esteemed by all Division Court Tuesday was tame One case occupying most of the timo was suit of Mr Bell against Mr Noilly for maintenance of his children Mr Boll being their grandfather Mr Robertson acting judge gave judgment for defendant On Wednesday evening an elocution ary contest was held in tho School room of Methodist Church which attracted a largo audience It was conducted under the auspices of the Royal Templars The English Church has purchased a building which is moved on their grounds for a room Few places can boast of so many and so fine roses as our town Every one has a bouquet and they are im mense There has been a craze for Jubilee Stamps Postmaster Proctor has had a boom one person alone ordering fifty sets running from cent to cents Acetylem gas has been in use in the Methodist Church for several weeks It gives a very pleasant light Mr Wm Willis assessor who broke his thigh is out with a crutch and cane BOOTS Stock must be sold at your own prices from J HURON ST c Have the Freshest Groceries in the market The active- business they are doing means goods coming in and going out again continually like the constant flow of a stream of spring water Purity of goods and high grade of quality are our- constant aim guaranteeing satisfaction Our Prices are cut fine to suit the times tf rHit I They were then treated to a goodly quantity of candies in Mr store and after many congratulations and wishes of happiness from the boys the crowd dispersed quietly and goodnaturedly about 11 pm Alls well that ends well The funeral sermon of Mr John Nelson brother of Mr James Nelson of the con near was preached last Sunday by Rev Mr Walker in the Free Methodist con It was a very elo quent and impressive sermon from St xii Be ye therefore ready for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not There was a large attendance at the church Burial took place at Ceme tery This makes the second rather sudden and unexpected death in the same neighborhood a week Deceased who was a bachelor between forty and fifty years of age was very sick some weeks ago with jaundice and had the attendance of a doctor but recovering some quit the medioihe and suffered a relapse which termin ated fatally last Saturday morning about oclock Mr Frank Fountain of Jersey and Mies King of East were married Rev Mr Sturgeon of Queensville a week ago last Monday Frank Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday last were with a good stiff breeze several days almost at the melting point in the shade last Sunday what moat it be in the sunny South In the heavy rains some time ago and the cold weather follow ed by the extreme heat last week the looking well fruit and grain promising a heavy yield QUEENSVILLE is alive with butchers and bakers this summer I Wo have enough to keep us alive We understand that Mr John Link intends to his house in the near future It will make a great im provement Who was the young man who ran away with the bicycle on Thursday night and didnt get back till mid night It looks bad Mrs John Link and daughter spent Sunday in the City Whew its warm Who started the news It spread fast on Sunday Everybody was talking about it be fore ten oclock Mrs R Grant also Miss R Grant of Toronto were visiting at Mr Foggs over Sunday How many intending to the West this fall I know of five Rev Mr Sturgeon has parted with his driver Say I What has become of the 0 Has it all done away Why not have a lodge in Our popular young minister Mr Spencor delivered his farewell sermon here last Sunday morning During his short stay among us all those with whom he has come in contact have been deeply impressed by his zeal and ability and wherever the path of duty may lead him in the future he will ever have the friendship and best wishes of tho people of A ten cent show has boon started by Mr Peregrine over a mile and a quarter East What is it Where did ho get it It is the thing I ever saw Some one named it a Jersey filly Remember our ice cream parlor every Saturday night Big dishes cold and and plenty of it and many to eat it Come and fill your self I When is Mr Wiley going to finish his woodshed We understand Mr Wilmot Hill has purchased a new driver Miss is visiting friend in Sharon at present Mr of Newmarket spout Sunday last with friends and relatives here FLY Free your house from these visitors by using Tanglefoot Fly Paper RnVmi 3 Just received- Paper Smiths Brigs or Wilsons Fly Mais And Fresh Insect Powder WILilOT I PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST- TO DR CAMPBELL Personal attention given to the Prescription Department gjctu J YOURS FOR PEARLY TEETH GOOD SET OF TEETH And for Ave ac cident and free of charge All operations are painless and by the aid of electricity attention to Crown and Bridge work My charge Is a tootb APPOINTED H A GALLOWAY Surgeon Dentist E Cor Queen Yonge Eta Toronto- July BEST EVER OFFERED The lands of the E Hunter Estate will be Bold on long time and low interest The ever offered Bee J Robert son Esq EetW At Flour per barrel Wheat per bushel Red Wheat per bushel 0 to Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel OSS bushel Rye per bushel Bran per ton CO Shorts 11 Butter roll per lb 10 Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag 5 Apples per 0 Sheepskins Wool per lb Hay per ton Beef per i lb Chickens per pair per pair Turkeys per lb a CO a a Oil a a a a a a 103 a a yd Toronto Haricots Wheat per bushel flO Fall Wheat oer bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel 0 per bushel Eggs per per lb Potatoes per bay Apple per Hay per ton WOO Pork per Beef fore HUM or the Exooutors at I I above Office on July and for Chickens p pair a week thereafter- i SCO OH i