Newmarket Era, 9 Jul 1897, p. 7

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Weeks lews WHAT GOING OH IN ABOUT TOWN ftotl plotter 1 1 heat past has been some- thine extraordinary and la all MM ft orno6n that It in eh ado and Hi eon is ropof on Sunday bat Monday was realty day till cooled by fine shower towards evening This is driving People to the resorts in double time result of agitation payment of railway charges on railway companies Issued a new considerably reduces transportation of The pas to accompany too wheel moat purchase a separate ticket lor the the wheel goes on the lowest from Newmarket and the tlokot to Toronto la There was only a small at meeting last Sunday afternoon owing probably to tho Intense heat Mr J A Cody occupied the chair and during tho hie remarks stated that it years plnoo ho used to as a British and though ho had not been in hall singe ho had remained true to tomporanoo Brief wore also by Rev J Jackson and 3 and readings by Miss and Mies Ella Cody Mrs presided at organ next Sunday is to be conducted by Christian En- of ihe Christian Church St According to many of tho lotowners at this spent a lion of last in grans and generally improving promises Oyer CO attended Junior league in Mr Williams on Tuesday Keith has reason to bo proud of little band and Presentation On Tuesday a deputation of and gontlemen from the took Mr J P Belfry by at his residence and piesentcd the following address P iittfry The officers end of the Newmarket Mothodist Sunday fiohool regret that they losing go truo and faithful a friend During the years that you have been our you been ever ready to help with your presence your advice and your money On examining the records we And that the attendance of Sunday has increased from on the first day you had charge of it to and this unparalleled increase we feel to be the result of your in defatigable zeal in the Sunday work On behalf of School we ask you to accept as a slight token of our affectionfor you and we assure you that your memory will green in our hearts I That the blessing of ever tend yourself Mrs Belfry and your family wherever you the earnest prayer of those whose have so endeavored to in the that leads to future bliss on behalf of the Sunday School J E The address was accompanied by a handsome Mantle Clock with marble and gilt trimmings and adorned with a fine ornament A gold plate fastened thereto bears the following inscription mow METHODIST NEWMARKET TO J P BELFRY J In a very affectionate speech Mr Belfry expressed his appreciation of the gift and his regret at leaving the school Ho al ways felt that he could not do in Work and it was a source of great satisfaction to be engaged in it the deputation heartily and wished the school success Binder Standard large balls Imperial Manilla M aj A Vital Next Thursday last day for Muni cipal to mako halfyear re- tarn vital statistics If any births marriages or deaths in your family past six months boo that tho particulars arb registered that date as you to a fine for not at- tending to It of fiO days Last Wednesday evening- Mr Amos by Miss wore coming home from Lako front part of the buggy that spring suddenly gave Away horse went on with the front wheel a bat tho rig to a halt and Mr Wilson was drawn over thedaehboard Fortunately got to Newmarket the accident occurred and nobody was hurt as the horse immediately stopped The Fiends On Tuesday and Wednesday Mr of Denver Colorado addressed special meetings in Bouse St and everybody was delighted The first evening was on reli gious matters when ho told tho story of his The second evening he on temperance question Mr is well informed and qualifies his stato- by and figures Ho takes the ground that so long as wo legalize the allow temptations to bo before ibo people we will never reform the drunk- He paid a high tribute to the in scouring the teaching of soientiflo temperance in the public- schools and tbe inevitable result upon the rising genera tion Government protects do mesticated animals birds and flahes but not the He considered that Canada was a long way nearer to a prohibitory law than either the United States or Eng land though both these countries making great progress Ink Garden Party tonight Next Monday the glorious on storehouse Too pot for ink to drop Council Pleasantly The writer had pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of Mr exreeve and treasurer of the township of iTecurnaeth on Sunday and was right royally entertained The prince in his palace not mere happy or contented than our good old friend seated In bis comfort able home and surrounded by his intelli gent family and it is a pleasure to bear him recite some of the Incidents in con nection with the history of the township About I Years ago his father died and he found himself the possessor or a farnr and since that time by thrift and Industry he has his possessions to He did this by sitting in the house and things grow but worked early late and on more than one occasion driven hie cattle to a dis- of over walking all the way Re says he remembers seeing many an Adjala farmer to Newmarket with a bag of wheat on his ground into flour On the farm a re- stone structure in which Mr first saw the light of day The walls are about four feet ni every door is with a massive look Although built over sixty years ago and at present unoccupied the floors timbers and walla show scarcely any signs of de- cay the of tbe present day can learn a valuable lesson from it to the advisability of using good material Everything about Mr premises shows the of care and attention and we hope ho may be spared many years to enjoy fruits of hie laborsrBeeton World Regular meeting on Monday evening present except Councillor The following bills passed Jesse Cook cedar scantling 80 Vacuum Oil Co freight Jos Snider re Fire and Dight Pat do J Collins do Thompson wood John Her man do 8176 j do ABroughton salary Jos Warren re Electric Light Hunter watering street Wright valves for hydrants 8120 J Manning re Fire and Light Pay Sheet No 8 85995 do No The applications of John Spring and for were referred to the Fire Water Com to deal there with The bills of Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co 82345 re Fire Light supplies and re Roads Bridges were referred to the several committees to be paid if found cor rect The communication of Margaret For- regarding removal of Court and also that of Jos offering pre mises free of rent for purpose was referred to a committee composed of the Reeve Deputy Councillors Cody and and the Mayor after a lively discussion Reeve Robertson confessed that- he had acted too hastily in accepting Mr Evans offer considering the vested rights of property owners at South end of the Town though he had no sympathy for Mr action in taking advantage of the corporation Hunter reported that the Property Com had according to tione at last of Council and had the agreement prepared to submit tonight Ho went into the whole history of rent de manded for Court House stating that Mr Pipber asked a year at first but the Counoii objected to paying more than or else fitting up the Chamber The last two years the has paid He never would hove voted to allow the Evans stairway on the street if it bad not been for his proposition to furnish light and heat a Court Room for the Town free of charge The owner and tenant of the present Court Room had lots of to offer It before as both parties were i- by the Property Com and were the was not satisfied the people were complaining and when another offers to relieve the and is given then see their mistake The Council paid for making the Judges platform but we are not allowed to remove it Mr Evans gone to great expense torn the building to pieces and everything in a firstclass at hie own expense capable of seating people and promisee to have a Judges platform made to suit the He prepared to stand by the vote of last meeting The Mayor surprised that work bad been gone on with before the agree ment ratified by tho Council Ho thought a had better bo appoint ed to go into whole matter Mr Cody the took a decided last end asked what their action would upon Mr Evans if thoy did not carry out agreement proposed wanted to talk at the was likely to occupy a good deal of time the motion for a committee to deal with It and report at carried Co Woodcock was heard with to supplying electric for lighting Industrial Home Mayor stated that Fire A Light Com had made a careful estimate and con sidered that to build and keep in repair the tine from tho corporation limits to the Home was worth a rental of per year and would not undertake expenditure without a contract for or yesre Light Com authorized to make an agreement with the Co in ac cordance with the verbal of tho Mayor On behalf of a committeo from the North York Society Mr Woodcock asked Counoii to lay a small pipe from Mr Dicksons corner on to the of the Society for drinking pur- poses and they would continue pipe on to suitable location for free use of public matter was referred to tho Fire Water Com Tho complaint of Maurice Foster re sur face water on Cedar St also complaint of Joseph Millard re surfaoo water on Park Ave wore to the Court House Com Complaint being made about the well on Raglan St ihe Inspector was instructed to see parties using it and if they would not pay for having welt cleaned it Is to Hop Hunter enquired how it was that all the poles around Town were plastered with The to take action against the offender and have them removed Mr said complaint was made about the corporation men removing private bridges- to do road work and not them and in one instance it is said even the material Is carried away Mayor said trouble was that bridges are sidewalks when taken up as a rule they are too rotten to go down again but was in- to replace all that held together Mr asked it the contract with the Railway Co had expired as very few trains were taking water now Mayor said no but the Co are try ing to see how little water they can take in order to make a new contract Agreements with the Town and Water- Works Engineer were adopted in and ordered to be sign ed the Mayor and Clerk The bill of J A W Allan Co for supplies referred was ordered to be paid The Chairman of tbe Fire Light Com gave a verbal report regarding the decision of the Com on the Revised Classification of Underwriters regarding Newmarket In order to retain the present rating the Underwriters demand five conditions in addition to those already provided name ly 1 A night patrol Chief Engineer of to be ally paid and always on duty Two firemen to sleep in the Fire Hall Two fire Extinguishers to be always kept charged and ready for use in Fire Hall A more speedy way to shut off main on Prospect Ave to retain pressure The committee propose to fill the condition under any circumstances so that the valve can be shut off by With regard to the remaining four the committee have estimated the cost and find that it will involve an outlay of be tween and 8400 and an annual cost of to carry them out They have as- that the total insurance carried the property affected amounts to and the Increase of rate thereon ac cording to the new tariff amounts to per year The Com therefore cannot recommend the to undertake the expenditure but if by complying with con ditions and the Underwriters will al low the Town to be rated as formerly they recommend to be done The conourred In the report of the committee and the Chairman in structed to communicate with the Under- writers In view of the that the of our pumps have been increased mains and hydrants extended and other improvements made whioh were not asked also the comparative small by fire in Newmarket since putting in the syetem it the general opinion that the Under writers wanted us to help make up losses in cities adjourned at p IN THE BASEMENT Red Cap Binder twine 5 cts fa Blue Ribbon Binder Twine qx Pure Paris Green lb Purfe Boiled Oil 50 per Gallon Screen Doors en Screen Windows Ready Mixed Paint cts Tin Always find out our Prices before you Buy Our Basement is feet Hardware Goods only We close up at 6 oclock filled with OCX their most important positions filled by outsiders namely OConnor of Orillia of Cooper of Richmond Fergus and McDonnell of Toronto As for receiving brutal punishment who received it Two of Bradford men had to quit playing on account of in juries received from Stouffville players and then because Churchill of the aggregation ruled off for slugging they had not manliness enough left to play the one minute of remaining time but withdrew from the field On the Jubilee holiday when Brad fordNewmarket team was defeated by team they took their defeat like gentlemen and roughness was in in but in Dominion Day game Stouffville could not stand but sorted to rough play for at no time were in the game BradfordNewmarket scoring the first three games in less than six minutes and holding the ball continu ally on the flags the score being four to two not three to two as reported in the Puss seeing that could not hold their opponents even by roughness to the mean low action of trying to buy the game and approached one of BradfordNewmarket ptayere but were at once given to understand that the BradfordNewmarket team did not to such unsportsmanlike actions A Member of tho 1 TEAM On Saturday even between Public Library and Rev J w tens residence Watch The finder MISS HELL ford street a Ladys Go Will be suitably reward 3 I I 1 OF J FT This affords and opportunity of securing a good article at a greatly reduced price Trouser Hanger Free with every order A supply of Coat Hangers always on hand at 5 and 5c Call Early and secure your choice LI MY TAILOR MY MONEYS WORTH iru Astray Strayed from lot In the Con of about the 3rd of July hist Bed White Steer Cattle about- years old Information as to their whereabouts rewarded JOHN A HOPKINS Holt P Where 1 get the Quality and Assortment as well as Cheapness He does not advertise anything which he has not in stock and his goods are the best to be obtained at the prices Here are a few prices for Saturday Ladies Button Boots 0 JULY I AT THE- Cemetery Oxford White Canvas Shoes Leather Slippers Mens Fine Lace Boots Kid Oxford Lace Boots Plow Boots it ft worth 2 00 it 00 25 SO Misses Boys and Cdildrens Low Prices Boots at Remarkably GRIFF will leave MARKET SQUARE Headed by the NEWMARKET BAND At pm The dominion Day The editor of the Press been misinformed concerning the IftOroBse hereon Dominion Pay be tween and the teams Richmond Hill though advertised to play could not fulfil the engagement and were In formed of this when here on Jubilee Day and consented to meet market team The team was composed of seven Bradford and five New market players not as reported In tho Press from Richmond Hill Bolton Newmarket and like Stouffville having Resident Clergy have been Invited to deliver short appropriate Addresses JACKSON M President Secretary J A Chairmen Grounds Com FOR U AT Drug Store Next Saturday we will have a lot more of these Ladies Elastic Belts Check Bicycle Belts and a lot of Chiffons in the leading shades We have now a good stock of Lace Mitts in white cream tan and black Silk Gloves white cream pale pink and blue tan and black Laces and Insertions Blouse Sets Fans Veilings Summer Corsets Cotton and Cashmere Hose Childrens Straw Hats Infants Muslin and Silk Bonnets and Hats c 10000 Dayton Bicycles for 7000 Tempest 55o Lately have got special rates on these that is why we can sell them so cheap Yours truly HUGH l From GOO to rioters were killed- in the Calcutta riots Turks have captured Kalij- baka and pillaged and des troyed the town George Armstrong aged was drowned at while swimming iti the Credit PROMPTLY J njodVr MARION Building MARION fnlun

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