ikiii ARRET ERA FRIDAY OCT- 1 FOR THE BICYCLES Life around the Hub WHAT WIDEAWAKE PINT TO RECORD- VIRGINIA Wo glad to hear that Metho dists of this place are erecting a new as it badly needed The site of the building will be ft and ft walls Messrs and of Zephyr the Contract We congratulate pastor Mr Powell on his energy in bringing this enterprise to a several months of untiring tenacity I LVIli r WHICH ARE OLD BY MONTH a guest Bee your grocer for particulars or drop a postcard to Limited 28 Toronto Mil i OFFICE TORONTO Paid up Capital Reserved Total A of this Hank at BRADFORD Where received of and and thereon rates Wo make a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes And Notes at LOWEST RATES For further Information Apply to joim Bradford Miss James of Chatham is at Mrs Jan Grays Miss Jessie is visiting friends in Toronto J Flower has notified the trustees that lie will resign bis position as pub lic school teacher on October 1st Ho intends to a medical course in Toronto School of Medicine The last meeting of our Methodist Ladies Aid was held at Me- Mullens last Wednesday It was well attended and a pleasant evening was spent A Hill has accepted the posi tion of Instructor in Telegraphy in Central Business College Toronto duties began Sept 1st As buckwheat is more than an average crop this season the tooth some buckwheat cake is likely to ap pear on our bill of fare next winter Butternuts and beech nuts are a pretty plentiful crop this fall Rev J Hairier of Boston Is visiting with his father The Ladies Aid of tho Congrega tional Church will hold an after jea social at the residence of Mrs Mat- Flint on Friday Oct 1st Miss FairJess of who through illness has not been in town for the past seven years visited Mrs Truman for fow days this week Her health is improving and it is to bo hoped that alio may soon bo well again A meeting of M of the Methodist Church was hold on Tues day evening The chair was occupied by Mr Bedford Mrs John Park corresponding secretary gave a report of work done during the year number of members be longing to society In the ab sence of tho treasurer Mrs Mrs John presented the re port which showed that over 64 was raised during year being more than was obtained during any pre vious year Then came tho address of acting President Mrs Dr Carman of Toronto which comprised an ac count of the work in Colum bia Japan and China Her remarks wore made in a calm and deliberate manner and wen replete with in teresting information Excellent music was furnished by choir Some funny joker stole the key for opening tho swing at one day last week throw it into tho river The steam boat was delayed for somo time while the bridge was opened by means of ropes and poles After diligent search key was found and now locked up at night Borne tramps broke into a freight carat recently and stole four kegs of beer which they took to the woods near the village where they had a high old time The theft was discovered before the stuff was all consumed and special constables were sworn in who captured three of the tramps a fourth escaping The pris oners wore taken before Mr Scarlett J they pleaded guilty and committed for trial It That a pure Ceylon tea such as JACKSONS POINT W Prop Manufacturer end Dealer In PINE HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND Post Office SUTTON WEST For Infants and Children The Proprietor that ho now on hand for at Ma yards Jacksons Point about One Million Feet of Consisting of Hemlock Pine Cedar at very low prices Also Cords of Slabs per Cord Cash Persons contemplating one a call before purchasing w Mcdonald BRADFORD John J merchant of this place was married on Wednesday last to Miss Vina L of Lindsay Six years ago Clark an Eng lishman forty years of age came to Bradford in very poor circumstances Win Wright a prosperous grain mer chant and farmer took pity on him and offered hnn a situation as book keeper at a salary of per week Clark proved himself energetic and businesslike and was allowed to almost complete control of affairs He bought expensive furniture a now piano and had a fat bank account He was also a good customer at To ronto departmental stores A weeks ago his employer was short of money and wanted Clark of fered to lend it to him Wright bo- came suspicious and as Clark wanted a holiday ho allowed him to go to Mackinaw During his absence aud itors discovered a shortage in his ac counts amounting to Upon his return he was confronted with it and made a confession He made no explanation other than that drink was the cause of it Of in the bank Wright took 1700 and allowed Clark to take the balance and make a fresh start in life in other parts de clining to prosecute Before leaving Clark drew from the bank the interest on the money be had stolen Gazette it alio it ft Years THAT ARE manufacture and sell the Cheapest and Beet Pumps on the market I in Gal vanized or Wooden Piping Guaranteed to work easy up to feet also put In FORGE PUMPS CISTERN TANKS made Cheap from 400 up WellDigging done Cheap and all of repaired on shortest notice Any person wanting any work of this kind done me a postcard and it will be at tended to at once and you will money by soI nave a large stock on hand JOHN BENNETT Newmarket Out Until A IT ST on LEMON PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED MOB today for the of a poor Inventor made Rend a rough or model of your invention and wo will piompUy you if It new and probably patentable oases rejected in other and TENTH LINE KING long anticipated anniversary took at tho Presbyterian Church King Sept and Mr of Bolton con ducted tho Sunday evening service to entire satisfaction of all present On Thursday evening the many friends from miles around assembled to enjoy a together The tea was a grand success tho tables fairly groaning beneath the load of dainties prepared by our too generous ladies After tea crowd pressed into the church whore by skilful management most of them were comfortably seated Our pastor Mr very ably filled the chair and added variety to the programme by his many witty re marks All were delighted with the recitations and songs rendered by the Misses of while ever popular Miss Potter of Tottenham who very liberally favored us by her charming selections of vocal and instrumental music was very high ly appreciated by everyone But last ly we must not forget long man with a short speech Mr A Mc- who spoke so pointedly on the wonderful outcomes are often the result of such friendly associ ations and connections The enter tainment closed with the National Anthem after which the crowd dis persed and the people wended their way homeward with gladdened hearts and cheerful countenances A prominent railroad official has had his weather eye on a cigarette fiend and he says time may come and not far off either when the other organiza tions which employ labor will refuse a smoker Tho opium in tobacco soon a habit that is irresistible and confirmed smoker of cigarettes is not reliable where care ful attention and a clear head arc im portant requisites Six murder trials will take place in Ontario this fall These Old man Convey at Woodstock for mur dering a boy on his farm Mrs at Cayuga on Nov the boy James Allison for the murder of Mrs Orr at Gait on Nov Hammond the alleged wife murderer in November the Troy murder case at on Nov and Thompson the al leged Stanhope murderer at Lindsay in November A turkey and a chicken on the farm of Mrs McCracken near Angus have just been rescued from a singular predicament Four weeks ago when the harvesters were stowing away sheaves the chicken and the turkey hid in the mow sheaves were piled up until the pair were many feet below surface Of course all hope of rescuing them Last week the threshers came to the farm and had almost finished their work when they came across turkey It was alive and able to walk but when the chicken was found it had a feeble grasp on existence When the pair were supplied with food and they vcro apparently the worse for an imprisonment of four weeks Herald Can be offered at so low a price but it is so others are be to appreciate and take advantage of this snap Why should not you 50c 60c Lead Packages TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXE8 IN THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET COUNTY OF YORK By virtue of a warrant by the tbe Corporate u TO WIT f or tho Town of to mo directed bearing date the day of commanding mo to levy upon and soil the lands mentioned following list for arrears of duo thereon I hereby give notice that unices arreaxe of taxes oobU bo paid I proceed to ecu tho said lands or go much thereof as may be to discharge the of taxes and the the Council Chamber In tho Town of Newmarket On the Tenth dor at hour of two oclock afternoon AH the following being patented a South Street do do do do do do do do do North street do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do South Street- do do do do do do North Street ACRES onefifth do onefifth onefifth 14 I onefifth onefifth one-fifth- onefifth onefifth onefifth one-fifth- onefifth oneSfth onequarter North Lot Street oneeighth Newmarket August lfl COSTS TOTAL K52 8 ft en a 227 DAVID Town Treasurer FOB- And guaranteed for five years against cldent and breakages Painless extraction free of charge All operations are and performed by tho aid of electricity Q Special attention to Crown and Bridge fl My charge la a tooth APPOINTED H A GALLOWAY Surgeon Cor Queen Toronto RAND TRUNK RAILWAY d s S a r It J FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS clients in any locality through our brought before the public by a notice i The only firin the Dominion patent Mention this paper Rev Dr general ratavy of the Methodist states that a Method mission homo for the work among the Japanese in British Columbia in about to be on Vancouver Island Japanese converts liaye undertaken to repay to Mission Board all money expend ed on behalf of their countrymen for CAHAOA ilisa daughter of Rev P Steel is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Geo Lemon Mark P Hunter and his sister Jess of Barrio are visiting relatives here The strangers here on Friday even ing were Rev Mr Bedford and wife Rev A Sanderson Mr Noble of Miss Brown of Victoria Square and others Mr of Mb Albert visited at Mrs Gilberts on Sunday Mrs J is visits her parents Mrs and Mrs of visited their sister Wal lace on Monday Joseph Irwin who formerly taught in our Public School called on friends last week J Williams has rented Owen Mc- farm Will Brace of Markham spent- a day with his brother Rev A P Brace Joseph Brown is quite ill of inflam mation of the lungs Fall plowing is backward owing to the dry weather and extreme hardness of the ground- has been attending a meeting at St Cath arines Dr Hunter had another stroke of paralysis on Sunday last Ho is very low If you taken proper care of the past the will bo found all right SUTTON Mr Silver expects to harvest about barrels of apples from his Orchard this year about onehalf of the yield of last year harvest home in connection with the English Church will be held during tho last week of this month Rev Walsh of Brampton will deliver the address Hugh Lyons of who ap pealed from the decision of Indian Agent fineing him for selling liquor to Island Indians has paid the amount of the fine and Mrs Daley who has been rather indisposed for a few months is at present sojourning at Jacksons Point We are pleased to state that she is steadily improving Her com panion her Mies of Albert Samuel the second son of Mr Daley was kicked in the face by a horse on Tuesday We are glad to state that the injury is not serious though an ugly cut three inches in length was inflicted over right eye The harvest homo festival in con nection with the was all things being considered quite a success The Presbyterian aod Anglican friends turned out well Proceeds A new contract has been entered into with Messrs for the electric street lighting The terms agreed upon are five cents per light per night when required the lights to bo put on at the discretion of the council With reference to the cricket match played at Orillia recently the Packet says The team was much indebted to Taylor of button whose fast underhand delivery was vory effective getting eight wickets for J fourteen runs A very pronounced type of fakir did a flourishing two hours business on Peter street near the block on Saturday afternoon His stock in trade consisted of an illimitable assortment of electric belts and the of selfassurance He sold the belts for A tin smith could make them for ten cents at- a good margin of profit In addi tion Mister Fakir threw out a bait along with the first half dozen pur chases Before the first belt was sold Mr Grant stepped up to the band wagon and asked the fakir if he was the person who was reported in the Saturday papers as having fleeced the credulous citizens of and out of some hundred and odd doDars earlier in the week As the imputation was not denied Mr Grant addressed the crowd in warning terms advising the crowd to have nothing to do with the slick gent nor his belts The effect of this warning on the electric belt trade is past find ing out The fakir sold of them and then shut up shop Orillia News- Letter a woman fell overboard she times drowns there is a life buoy jus within a few strokes her all because doesnt happen to set it Slclc people the la within reach but they don know just it Is They be discourage and with taking and giv up in despair Mrs Mary J Stewart o Saratoga Santa Clara Co Cal letter to Dr Pierce chief consulting physician of Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute aaya I suffered for with female weakness and general debility trying everything could find to help me all to no avail though was thoroughly discouraged ant taking medicine when I of Dr Pierces medicines I thought try once more to find relief I took Golden Medical Discovery and Prescription and too great praise cannot given for the rapid relief they gave me am now free from the former troubles may God Dr Pierce in all his under takings to cure suffering humanity Thousands who had reached this and hopeless condition of body and mini have found new hope and rescue in the marvelous remedied book fc paper covers for onecent stamps to pay cost of customs en mailing only or for stamps Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo N Rev J Thompson of Hut Jon Co writes work I am charmed with style and general matter of the entire work I consider It valuable addition selected library purpose to act right physically is a one I am also with the refined snd a the same time fearless way in which yon bandit those delicate subJectsperMfrliriC to makmgthcvork admirably fitted for the young Prcea great The Peoples Common Sense Medli Is sent free paper covers 053 end f to THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA Tin en a to CO g DCD gr- ft to IS 4M to 0 Ox We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms vou can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial deal FOR SALE Main St Newmarket Cement kept In stock RAG RANT TEA MONSOON TEA Swelling Souse to Let rooms and cellar attach Apply at tho ERA 1 to Seat On St opposite Dr Campbells Good Garden and Apply to A Souse to Seat The House and Garden belonging to Smith In tho North End to rent Enquire of J A Irw3d ffOWN LOTS On Street Dee Irfthly Situated near the old Factory For on Terms Apply to JACKSON Real Estdtc Agent Aass soa SALS Sixty acree of new land free of good frame house ten hardwood bush good roads market mill storea churches very near or further particulars apply to J J GRAHAM 3 Baldwin IN Cheep or would Exchange for xopGrty 9 A DESIRABLE for In a most central locality and In one most pleasant parts of Town Newmarket For particulars apply at a S M0N8O0N la under tho growers nd oi by Ihcm boa qualitia of and Tea that aco the very frtah bo Into Tea can ha at inferior Roomed in cultivated garden all kinds of lawn Ac One the locations place for a retired ex or anyone wanting a home hub sold further particulars apply to BUITERE68S AND 3 OUR SPECIALTIES ObUJii everywhere invited TORONTO Idea of T 4 I l rf