Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1897, p. 2

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i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT I I 1 1 I 1 I it I J Fall Clothing- Toronto Jobbing Pianos Johnson Bulbs Lehman Entertainment Vaudeville Co Tenders Wanted Stewart Brick for Bale Mrs Card of Thanks Darius York A Column POINTS PLEASANTLY UP I AND WITH r The Printed ail at FRIDAY OCT fetish Eastern BEOBETARyfl TIMELY ACTION Too much credit cannot bo given to Hon Mr Davis for his characteristic promptitude in sendiug Dr Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health to ilia of un fortunate by fir in coun ties of and Russell Tho oc casion was indeed which de manded prompt action firo hod a wept a tract of country 15 by 26 miles in extent destroying everything in its course In addition to tho two villages of and South In dian homes of some settlors in neighboring country wore ttwept out of existence and worse than all some six persons perished in flames It is estimated that persons been loft destitute The same day on which word of fearful holocaust was received Dr was despatched to tho scene His instructions were to do everything to alleviate tho the victims assist in preparing measures of relief and in affording shelter in a sanitary way as a precau tion against an outbreak of disease which was to be apprehended under circumstances These instructions doctor faithfully carried Out and victims themselves as well as those cooperating for their relief greatly appreciate good service which ho rendered Of the homeless ones that will need assistance for food to extent of per week at least during the coining winter which will make a total of Then houses must bo built which at the low cost of for building and for fur nishing will make a total of This SI does not include any thing for the fanners who have lout houses barns crops implements and live stack in fact everything and who have no means for starting work in the spring Such conditions are calculated to appeal to the sympathy and generosity of more favored muni cipalities and individuals throughout the Province and we do well to come to the rescue spontaneously and liber al as is being done Following up Mr Davis action the Ontario Gov ernment on Tuesday passed an order in Council granting the sum of towards the relief of the sufferers and munificence in this matter will meet with very flOTES A baa been received by Sir Wilfrid Premier of the Dominion to htm that Mr Peterson con tractor or the Atlantic line of steam- ore has made the required deposit as eureiy It ia understood the Revised Statutes of Ontario will be ready for delivery the latter part of December They will contain numerous amendments to the Municipal which go Into force on the 1st of January next John apont over Sunday in city Mr of taken a residence In Town Mies Maud Hon tor is visiting In for a couple of weeks of Aurora is spending a few days with Partridge Mr Edgar of Sunday with in Town Mr Loo of Toronto took yesterday with Bee- left for her home In Norwood Saturday after a visit of an evening with Mra last week Stewart and Mr Dunham of were calling on in Town on Sunday last entertained a of young at nor homo on Tuesday Mr of and Mr An Wilson of Sunday in Jown Mr Goo of Toronto form erly of Aurora a call when in Town on Monday Allen of Gwllllmbury spending a couple of with Miss Millie Mr and Mra Fred got homo from Michigan night and port a splendid visit Mr of New Orleans formerly of a visitor with Mr A Hendry laafc week A party of young surprised Mr Ben Howard of East on birthday Friday night took his doparture to Newmarket for winter on Wednesday Mr John Smith at Inglowood formerly at depot here is in Town this week Andrew Hunter of Newmarket home yesterday after a visit with her daughter Mrs A Mr and I visiting in Toronto over Sunday Battle accompanied them and ia remaining for or weeks Miss visiting her slater Josoph Belfry at Everett being ac companied there on wheels by Mis and Ex Alderman Eves who been con fined to tho house for the past weeks during part of which time ho not ex pected to recover was out in the garden on Wednesday The editor and wife apent Friday night with Mr and Mrs Harding at On they Hollow where the new County Bridge being erected Mr Joseph of East gave the Era a call last Monday He is in very feeble health and this the first time that he has been in Town for six months Mr la nearly of age He settled here in took a very active part in the rebellion and from hie cell in Toronto gaol the scaffold upon which and Matthews were hung Mr was one of the first to the Em and has taken it ever always paying in advance He looking for Squire Jaokson on Mon- day as he thought of entering an action ftgalnet him for shooting Woodcock out of season Florence Brlmaon professionally returned with Brimeon to her home in Toronto from Paris after having spent three years in the study of with the famous Madame Marches The young soprano is quarter ed along with her father and mother at the Arlington Mrs haying been with her daughter during her studies abroad Newmarket an interest In her earlier hav ing in this Town We join in the of her frienda in marked success She will leave for New York at the end of the month for rehear- sale of the operas in which she is to take leading roles season under Mr Walter family for October line aplcndid Gold Fields of Yukon a portion of which flrat of this Icauo There aro and map of country convoying boot Idea wo Have aeon yet of and have to go through The mag azine la published in New York and number who have gold should procure a copy j tr By easy the Province getting for tho coming election In Ontario Up to the present time sixty one have been placed in nomi nation of those liberals and one patron not held many nomination meetings in by auppbrtera of Government as goes to confirm the notion that the next election will not take till after an other session of the Legislature A of entering into a conspiracy with the foreman of tho Wool Department of the Contra Prison with the view of the Government is being investi gated against Aid As near as wo can ascertain the charge by John a nephew of Al derman who aome time ago got into trouble through signing the of of to hide Bocaueo uncle did not help young as he wished It said he declared vengeance and preferred thia charge So far as Investigation gone no of wrongdoing has been discover ed Leading Furniture and Undertaking House Doing the Biggest Business because we sell Reliable Goods at prices to suit our pocket and that other stores cannot match Specials if We are doing a big Dress Goods Trade these days and no wonder our goods are the Very Latest and the big Toronto stores cant touch the prices 42inch Fancy the very newest goods in Brown Grenat Sapphire Black and Green regular special 40inch Fancy Tweeds nobby goods regular special 42inch Fancy Tweeds heavy and serviceable special Very Handsome Silk and Wool Plaids 50c special Black Curl Mantle Cloth the correct thing special 1 45 One of Our Best Departments ft GLOVES Heavy all wool Ribbed Cashmere Hose special at 25c Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose a good Stocking Kid Gloves in Black Brown and Tan at 50 Our Special Glove at i is sold at 125 elsewhere Keep this Department in mind it will pay you Boys Clothing is away ahead Mens Wool Tweed Suits nobby patterns well lined perfect fitting suits at 5 00 very neat Double or Single Breasted Sack Suits in latest patterns special at 50 Dont place your order for a Suit without first examining our Ready to Wear Suits We can save you from Five to Ten Dollars on a Suit and our Clothing is equal to the best ordered work Men Sales in this Department are always increasing We look after the quality buy for cash sell for cash and guarantee you satisfaction or refund your money What more can we do FOR THE Ono wauls economical course if you waul a rich and heavy for this apartment we suit you bin for the majority this is not the ease Therefore we are now selling the finest of sets over shown line values are unparalleled J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket Undertaking and A SPECIALTY Night- calls attended to at residence Street rules have just been issued by the Department of Militia says the Even ing Star will a very important effect on militia in Canada limit of servioe will deprive commanding of their positions Among those who will retire known in this will be Col Toronto Col Col OBrien Col and Col Dunn At the Liberal Convention in North last Mr Alex P editor of the nominated to contest the Biding next election The Conservatives of this con- according to the World report think they have got a soft soap in butting up against the Liberal nominee but from what we know of the Riding and of Mr his opponent have got their hands they defeat Ah intimation been received at Ot that Lord eldest son of the Marquis of and will come to this country very shortly after to remain for the rest of the winter He will stay at Ottawa moat of the time if Ink owner the property on the the west side of Street at Hoggs Hol low according to our way thinking is making a big mistake filling in the bend in of the new Bridge It ie to county property should enquire into It is announced that the fourth biennial convention of he will bo hold in Toronto and extending over the Delegates will be present from Europe America Australia Africa and other pari of the world Day meetings in Pavilion at Horticultural Gardens evening at Hall The sessions of the convention will bo open to the general Speakers of- rooms In the Parliament Buildings Toronto are being for the temporary home of Sir George and Lady and attendants where they will reside until their in street Is ready Tho Lieu Governor makes this removal to allow the Dominion with Aberdeen and suite to occupy House during an visit Ink Public holiday today North Council next Town Counoil Monday evening Bradford Fair and Friday It the season Timothy street bridge repaired Another coating of stone on Main The on Sept wife Of WJ Bell hard of a daugh ter In on Sept the of a daughter At on the the wife of Mr Mantle of a eon Town on of Mat Brown of a daughter The Altai On Thursday Sept at residence of brides father Mr John hy Rev Mr Robinson Mr Dennis or Schomherg to Miss Ferguson At Newmarket on Wednes day by Rev Mr Joseph to Miss Maud Mills both of Bradford At Christian Par sonage on Inst by Mr George Williams of East to Mips Maud of Newmarket formerly of Holland Long Smith In Newmarket Mr Fred Lour of to Lilly Smith of The Tomb Moulds In East on the Inst Edmund Moulds Interred at burying ground on Wednesday Beak At Toronto Hospital on the James A Bean aged years and days Interred in the Newmarket Cemetery on Monday York the re sult of a kick from a horse I A man named made a suc cessful trip across the English Chan nel in a ballon BAERns Ont Oct 12 A twelve- yearold boy belonging to John Harri son Edgar was lacked by a horse yesterday afternoon and instantly killed On September burglars broke into the Canadian Gold Commission- era cabin at Dawson City and stole between three and thousand dollars worth of gold dust and nuggets While a man named Watts a driver for a grocery firm in Ont was reaching for a parcel in hie wagon Monday night he fell out striking the ground with his head His neck was broken and he died THE ORGAN TUI PIANOS And other Musical Instruments Has been awarded Gold Medals In London France Berlin Germany and at the Fair ill be at Tub Toronto requests the instantly to raiee Jrtttr- camera who now receive between 29 and per month The it hard fire Kal1 Hying for employees of the Depart on their Balariea but ninetenths of them not earn the same in come in anything they can turn their at tention to Besides that if Mr was to increase the payroll this same journal would be among the first to point the in expense of civil govern ment The within the past few days has this observation immediately the Liberal Government got in on the pledge to cut down the expenditure and reduce the debt the outlays were inoreased It from this kind of of the Ad ministration hat refusing to increase the expenditure or doing the other thing either case the Opposition are determined to find fault ROY- NEW A city paper stated on last that Hon J Davie Provincial tary will addresa a meeting of his consti tuent at North York on Mon day Where and when J E Davie made to E J Davis in the office of Secretary A deapatoh Mackintosh ar rived there on the Proceeding at to Government House he immediately Mr Haoltaln a member of North West and asked him to form ft Ministry Mr very shortly after hia Interview with Lieut Gov Mackintosh entered upon duties htm and a later the new Cabinet will comprise Mitchell and Nominations for fixed for Nov school question dont figure to any In the Territories eldest son of Darius and years On Monday evening October residency of her son Sharon Annie BTodd of Into Fisher uged yeara Remains taken to Toronto on Wednes day afternoon and interred at Necropolis yesterday In Martha The Liberal Convention held at Ottawa while Conservatives were still possessors of Treasury benches the continuance of the then of employees feasting at the Government crib The country was being overburdened by a surfeit of employees in every department of the civil service The tide of events have Liberals now bold the reins of power and in fulfillment of party pledges they are weeding out un necessary Everybody wants the of the service reduoed economy ia the but whenever aotion la taken looking to fulfillment of pledges given by removing civil aervanta not re- quired the Opposition press about heads dropping into the basket etc How is it possible to lessen the pay roll without lessening the number of em ployees Tho country la not oblivious to their want of reason and J Main North Newmarket- All Orders will Careful and Prompt Attention Sale Register Oct John A Esq will have an extensive of household effects and other on the at Franklin about two of Mt Albert No reserve credit on aunis over J Auct Son and Prompt attention to James Smyth blown to atoms and Thomas wilt pro bably die as result of an explosion of dynamite in their boat on the River morning the building being leased at present by Rogers The successful work of the brigade kept the fire confined to the lower flat and it was soon extinguished A Glanford farmer named Geo Marshall was found dead earlv Tues day morning on the road between Hamilton and his home He was be neath his rig the dashboard of which was lying across the dead mans and had made an ugly wound He had been drinking The newspaper publisher toils every day to make his newspaper interesting mentally and lythat8 labor once in a while a patron comes in and pays a subscrip tion thats capital occasionally one off without paying and has the postmaster send a card to say the paper ia refused thats stealing While Willie Dales son of Mr George Dales of West was in Mr William Grades mill after some lumber on Wednesday last ft stake which by some means got caught in the was hurled towards him with tremendous force striking him on the face and knocked him down and made a very ugly wound on his chin which required several stitches to bring it together and hurt his arm and chest severely If the stick had struck him on the upper part of head it would undoubtedly have killed him on the spot On Wednesday last Arthur Kidd of met with a most seri ous and painful accident While playing in one of the sheds he fell against the edge of a scythe blade and struck his left wrist upon it with such force that the blade split his wrist- joint entirely open and went on down j between the of the forearm out- ting through the bones flesh and arteries and making a most ghastly L HOTEL 14 TO have your cal Repaired by the most practical work done by the be perfect Any wishing to engage the Professor will address or ROYAL HOTEL Newmarket Toronto We Oct Flour per White Wneat per bushel Eed Wheat per Wheat ner bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per Bye per bushel Bran per ton Shorts per ton 10 Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb 14 Potatoes perbag Wool per lb- a a a a a a a Hay per ton new a Beef CO Pork per live 000 Pork per dressed lb per pair live Turkeys per lb dressed a a 060 060 SCO a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto TORONTO Oct Red Wheat per buahel White per Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel per bushel per Potatoes per bag a a a a a a a a a Apples per Sheepsklna Wool per lb Pork per i Beef hind on wound whioh bled excessively attendance was at procured The Innlsfil plowing match viU the were tied and tho wound- bo held year on Wednesday carefully stttohod up and at October on tho farm of Alex ho is as well as could be expected About will wo hope that good results will follow Moody is drawing bo given in prize Reporter large crowds in Montreal a a a a a a a a a a 05 76 0 0 1T 065 SCO 4 TOO OH A

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