Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1897, p. 6

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I J TJig NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT i-r- Hob WHAT WW WORTH TO KETILEBV The very bad weather and muddy roads was a great hindrance to the morning session of the District hero on Tues day but in the afternoon represent atives from the surrounding divisions came in largo numbers Keswick King City St Nobloton Pine Orchard and wore all well represented At the afternoon session it was decided to offer a Medal to bo competed for at District Division for the best speaker in an oratory contest the candidate of two one ox tempore and the other on pre pared subject This Is a great step in right direction and no doubt will create quite an excitement and also will proparo our young- men for public platform One notice able is that all candidates must be under thirty years of age evening session was in form of an entertainment and the meeting was highly honored by Hon J Davis who gave a very interesting address on temperance work During the pro gram Medal won by Mr of was pre sented also Silver Cup was trans- forrcd from the Worthy of Keswick to Division Mr White of very ably oc cupied the chair Rev Chidley of a rousing address A silver collection was taken which realized over A very sad accident occurred near hero on of last week which death of a promising young man in prime of life in the person of Malcolm York oldest son of Mr Darius York It appears that he was leading a team of horses to pasture about dusk Following be hind was horse loose On stopping to speak to a man in lane loose horse turned out and in passing standing team kicked but instead of hitting tho horse struck boy with full force just below the stomach Ho was not knocked down nor did lie complain of severe pain for a couple of hours when ho com menced vomiting blood A doctor was called in but could give no hopes and ho suffered until Thursday about midnight One peculiar feature case is that there was not the slightest sign of a mark where the horse hit him The corpse was fol lowed by a large number of on Saturday to the Presbyterian Church where the services were con ducted by Frostier assist ed by Rev Mr Sturgeon thence to for The bereaved family have tho heartfelt sympathy of the surrounding community Miss Maude Morton is spending a few days with friends in Toronto Mrs Morton is visiting with her daughter Mrs Mokay of Sunder land A large number from this vicinity attended Fair on Tuesday and report a good time Mr Bennett has accepted the position as travelling salesman for John Winston of Toronto We understand that Mr Bird of intends working in the shop of Mr as an apprentice We wish him success Mr Draper attended the District Division Sons of Temperance held at Kettleby on Tuesday and was the recipient of a handsome silver medal the prize won by him at the North York Elocutionary Contest held at last June Mr Bluntly intends moving on the farm recently vacated by Mr Mann of Keswick Mr Wellington has been suffering from neuralgia but is better now Mr Draper is in Toronto filling orders for his patent windowlifter and burglarproof look This article ap pears to fill a long felt want and is selling fast The high winds of Sunday and Monday blew off a large quantity of apples Soon be time for cider and then Mr Smith returned home on Saturday evening from Toronto where he has been attending jury Mr Dan Morton is calling on relatives and friends in this vicinity Mr Wm Thompson is moving on farm recently occupied by Mr Geo Micks Mrs Speara of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents here MOUNT ALBERT One of those pleasant social gather ings that occasionally take place in communities was held on evening of tho last at the residence of our and County Councillor Mr John A immediate cause of ho gathering at this particu lar time was that tho frienda of him self and family which are had aware of their early intended removal from this vicinity to Toronto owing to his lata appointment to the honorable and trustworthy position of County Clerk As soon as tho above became known a number of the friends set ball rolling for a social gather ing and momento presentation as in dicating thoir friendly feelings as also their appreciation of his active and public work in the past in corn- Mr of Quccnovilloj and Miss and Mr of Mount Albert assisted in the musical portion in addition to those from Clifford Hammond a little boy of was run over by a wagon going down hill and crushed to death A A woman on her way to- the Klondike received proposals of marriage before railed up the Yukon This may cause- another- rush to the gold fields Mr having hold a seat at board for a of ten years six years of which time he was elected to the position of Reeve and on retiring from his position last January ho was elected as County Councillor receiving tho largest vote ever givon to any candidate lor muni cipal honors active workers in making known proposition mot with unexpected success all friends being anxious to partake in kindly expressions of good neighbor ship Arrangements wore continued and early on the evening named friends began gathering the ladies as usual bringing wellfilled baskets and the Sharon friends their musical instruments The only intimation given the family was that they were expected to bo homo gathering in numbers was in of anticipa tions but truly social feeling prevailing pleasant notwithstanding the crowded condition A couple of hours spent in pleasant social intercourse games and enjoyable music when the ladies invited all to partake of tho repast bo generously provided to which ample justice was done Upon tho conclusion of repast Mr A J Hughes of Sharon at the request of the committee called the friends to making a few remarks in reference to tho gathering and presented tho following address East To A Ramtden and amity Dear Having learned of your early intended from the surround ings the past years we have been as friends and neighbors in moat pleasant and congenial intercourse and where yon ever aided in all good works with a willing heart and hand Wo feel therefore that at this time It la not simply ft duty wo owe as friends but a pleasure to embrace present oppor tunity to give expressions to those feelings bavo been a pervading influence in our lives We would also desire to the past to note the expressions of confidence and favor given you by the many occasions in which yon been to the position in the gift of your fellow citi zens of municipality and with farther pleasure do we hear witness that your faith fulness in the discharge duties has well merited the continued confidence renewed and replaced in you from time to time as accompanied with that faithful discharge of duty has been a and urbanity that has made it a pleasure to continue expressions of approval Our heartiest congratulations we extend yon upon the latest honor conferred feeling folly assured that you will not dis charge the duties faithfulness and in but that you will add to the honor of and reflect credit upon the constituency yon have in past so often represented a token of our continued and ever present friendship we desire your accept ance of Clock a reminder of passing time and Easy not for their in trinsic but as a tangible expression In a humble way and trust that as you en- joy your evenings in mental improvement and physical comfort within its arms surrounded by your family memory may oft revert to the who though absent are not forgotten as feelings will ever be reciprocal And to you Mrs the of joys and sorrows we desire your accept ance of Set of Dishes as indicating our kindest and best wishes that from its use you may derive comfort and pleasure and that it may also be Instrumental in a measure in adding to the sustenance of the mortal nature and as thus the latter is re newed and invigorated may it sustain you and yours in the attainment of High est Goal And now in conclusion we hereby one and all assembled extend and convey to and family our most sincere and best wishes for your future success and continued happiness and trust your Influence for good may ever he shed abroad and bear much fruit not only for the Ufa that now Is but for that which Is to come Signed on behalf of the friends Mrs Mrs George Mainprise Mrs Martha Terry The mementos being brought into the room to the surprise of Sir and Mrs during the reading of the above Mr responded im behalf of himself wife and family expressing his great appreciation of the most friendships manifest ed After the response of Mr upon tho call of the Chairman Dr Forrest John borne J A Hopkins John Moore and made a few appropriate remarks adding much to the pleasure of all present Further time was spent in music both vocal and instrumental and the proceedings wore brought to a close by all joining in singing Lang Syne and God Save the- The presents were both handsome and valuable WILLOW VALE Potato digging is tho of the day scarcity for water is causing a great demand for wells Our poplar welldigger Mr Willis is kept hust ling Mr P Foster is his now Mr Willis has been fortunate in securing the services of Mr A Irwin of Hope to the farm work in his absence While taking the stones out of an old well for Mr Aaron Gordon it caved in Fortun ately Mr Willis noticed it in time to got on terra firma Mr Gordon is having a now dug in a more convenient place Mr Welter of Toronto is call on friends in vicinity Farmers busy hauling out their grain as prospects of prices going up aro not very bright PINE Two of Mr A Skinners vory badly hurt last Friday the result of an accident hired man laced little children on the of a horse to give a short ride tho horse was frightened by a loose animal and ran away children fell off and wore picked up unconscious KESWICK MUTUAL CORNERS Visitors in this vicinity last two weeks were Mr and Miss Heart of Bonds Lako Miss Ida of Mr arid Mrs Chas Case of Pine Orchard Mr and Mrs of Aurora Mr and Mrs Albert of Oak Ridges Mr Wesley Anderson of village Miss of Toronto Miss Louie Vernon of Manchester has returned to our midst again Mr was visiting friends in Reach last week Quite a number from thia vicinity attended and report a good fair Mr Wm has improved his barn by erecting a large power wind mill Ho intends completing tho machinery in connection wth it in an uptodate manner Fortunately wo aro situated near tho and not affected by the early frosts like tho surrounding country Quito a number from hero attended Markbam Fair last weok and report a very fine timo It is rumored- that there is tu bo anothor wedding near here this winter Mr and Mrs A Morton visit ing with friends and relatives at Wo congratulate Mr on being so successful with his trotting horse at the county fairs this fall Messrs and Good year attended tho District Division Sons of Temperance held at on Tuesday and report a very enjoy able time Mr John has almost com the new addition to his house which when finished will make a grand improvement The residence of Mr P Connell was tho scene of a very pretty wed ding on Tuosday when his daughter Carrie was married to Mr Gilbert Shaw of presents wore very handsome and costly went to show the high esteem in the bride is held by her many friends Mrs Shaw has been the organist in the Methodist Church here for years and will be greatly missed The newly married couple intend re siding in in future Miss Carrie is the sixth daughter of Mr P Connell The ceremony was perform ed by Elder of Newmarket The bride tastefully attired in Nile Green Cashmere and White Satin with bridal veil fastened by white asters The following ia a list of the pres ents Clocks Morton King Caleb Mann Jesse Toilet Mor ton China Tea Sat Henry Blank- Jennie Rose Bed Spread J Cloths Bennett Connell Glove Holder Miss A Lamps Ira Morton Miss Pillow Morton Batter Coolers Mrs Shew Grose Miss Winch Cheese Dishes Alfred Morton Miss Shaw Plat Irons Winch- Table Spread Dr Wesley Albert John Silver Spoons Isaac Silver Knives Groom Cups and Saucers Miss Edith Terry Mies Miss Terry Tea Pot Stand Miss Vera Connell Cake fruit Dish TeaSetW Keeley Towels Mies Wil liams I Sheep J 8- Morton each Henry John J each On Sunday last 1080 a the pulpit of the Methodist Church was occupied by Mr Taylor a super annuated preacher Mr Taylor was spending a few days with nephew Mr Frank Terry It was a good old- fashioned gospel sermon Mr Duncan King for the past two weeks has been superintending the work of putting in cement stables for Mr Stokes Mr Evans of Mount Albert Mr has just completed job of cementing Mr and they say has made a capital job of it That Queens- ton cement is a good article A goodly number from here took in Show on Tuesday Mr Arthur Cole- who is teaching Public School in ha chartered a steamer to move his family and household goods to that place some day this week Mr is occupying the new addition to his house It is a great improvement Dr and Mrs Young are still oc cupying their summor residence preached in Sutton West last Sunday evening HOLLAND LANDING new coat of paint on the depot adds very much to its appearance If it had been also painted inside it would been appreciated by all Mrs 0 Lloyd who has been visit ing in the city the past week returned home on Tuesday last Mr Jonathan Webb of the Brad ford Road has moved in our midst Mr Brown of Hope officiated at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Mr Wm Morris who has been ill the past two weeks we are glad to say is some better Mr John of is visit- at his daughters Mrs A Shields Mr A the Tax Collector is giving us all a call again Dew Drop AURORA A goodly number of our townspeople in Toronto on tho celebrated libel suit Tuesday morning was a very welcome visitor Two young men from Holland Landing down Wednesday evening to stand trial for cattle stealing The Floury Agricultural Works and the are both with work The PostMaster General leaves this week to take up his resi dence in Ottawa Snowball Methodist Harvest Home Supper was a hugo success Who will answer for thousands of fowl murders Two gentleman from at tended the Methodist Church on Mon day evening to see theacotyline lights They wero thoroughly satisfied and may adopt them for their church Mr Hutchinson is roofing his new house with slate He is an uptodate farmer There is more demand for farms to purchase than at any timo for years A rise in price is at hand Mr Linton is home from an exten sive trip through the eastern provinces including Prince Edward Island which he enjoyed fully He had the pleasure of travelling on the home journey with Right Honorable Sir Wilfred Lauder and hearing him speak on five occasions thr- rtSKSff so Kind during thp connection with funeral of my eon Matcomo von IN THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET- erection of a Kink In tho Town and specification hi at the office of Frank Stewart I on and after October may bo for labor only or in Lowest or any tender not Secretary four Soueo to Rent nave at lens aleo stable Apply to ALBERT TRAVIS Newmarket AH parties Cemetery Co for Lot requested make November let to QUEENSVILLE It spite of the dull prospects in the morning Tuesday afternoon proved fine and a large crowd took in the Fair Mrs J Stephens of Virginia is spending a few days at home Mrs of Toronto the guest of Mrs on Tuesday Miss Alma Aylward is visiting friends in Bradford Communion Service will he held in the next Sunday There will be no ser vice in the Presbyterian Church here on that account Miss Pearson spent last week in Toronto Mr Grundy wheel ed home with her and spent Saturday at Cedar Brae Mrs Bond of Toronto is the guest of Miss Eliza Bond We are sorry to state that Mrs Bond is under the doctors care The young people in connection with the Presbyterian Church are organizing a Christian Endeavor Society Mr returned from a business trip to Chicago Our teachers in section are making preparations to attend Convention at Hill this week During ascent of Mount Ara rat Armenia Dr a professor of medicine was frozen to death Sunday night at a small village three miles west of Weston a fine span of bays about sixteen hands high stolen from the stables of J H Smith Ont Oct About fivo oclock fire was discovered in the base ment of English grocery store Although the firemen had the fire un der control in a few minutes is almost a complete loss from fire and water Oct A scalding acci dent occurred in Boulter Sons canning factory about oclock this evening Harry Wilson a lad about sixteen years old was working with others in the bathroom of the cookers in which pumpkin was being cooked exploded or the door was forced open with such force that young Wilson was blown twentyfive or thirty feet against a door breaking through it Ail the upper part of his body is badly scalded By order not later than November 1st to the J i Esq or to the Secret CHINA HALL The troops forming tho punitive expedition destroyed fortified villages and killed many of insurgent natives UNION STREET The farmers on this street are Very busy gathering in their root crops which is poor owing the dry weather We are glad see the smiling of Mr Erastus Rose again in our midst after spending four or five wefeks in the city Miss A Cunningham of Holt has returned home after spending a week with her cousin Mrs J T Miss Agnes been spend ing a couple of weeks in Newmarket visiting her sister Mrs A West Mr and Mrs Maurice Hill and family of also Mr and Mrs Belfry of spent Sunday at Mr J B We are sorry to learn that Miss Nellie is suffering with a felon It is feared she will lose her finger Mr Herbert of Mount Albert is visiting at his uncles Mr James Mr and Mrs Albert Rose has been visiting friends in Miss of Newmarket Is calling on old friends on this Street Mr and Mrs D spent last Sunday visiting friodds in the city Quito a number from this Street took in Markham Fair and report a good show Wo took in Fair met all our old friends spent an enjoyable time Laddie has had a hard time up news the Joker came Canadian railway freight handlers and elevator who were on strike at Fort William have returned to work their demand for a slight increase of pay being 1897 SALS By Public Auction on Saturday Oct 23rd at one oclock by private sale now at residence coal stove box office aod stool letter folding cot and kitchen chairs and tables lawn mower and other articles Terms cash to rent MRS Huron Street TOWN LI Evenings of OCTOBER If ft WANT 5000 Sunlight Soap Wrappers If you have any about the house we buy them The Biograph Vaudeville Co Edisons latest moving pictures VARIED PEOPLE 10 In Laughable and Farces ADMISSION I0O P The Leading Drug Store BULBS BULBS Our assortment is of the Choicest Bulbs and our prices are the lowest Lehmans Perfect Liver Pills for BilHousness Headache Constipation etc only per box A of a Rooking Kill be given to the person returning before December the greatest number of wrappers from con taining Lehmans Perfect Liver Pills LEHMAN Womens Chocolate Oxford Shoes Came too late for Spring Regular Goods Now Sold at 125 lyslitonflljlo market See our Use of A SMITH Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts of Application for Divorce of City of County of in Ontario will apply to W Parliament of Canada at next thereof for a Bit of from wire Mary City of Toronto woman on ground of Wawny Toronto at Toronto of Ontario of April

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