Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1897, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT A WATCHES AiM EVERY MONTH Your Grocer will you particulars or drop a postcard to BEOS Limited Toronto of HEAP OFFICE TORONTO Paid up Capital Reserved Fund Total nearly A Of ibis Bank IB established tit BRADFORD deposits received of up ward paid thereon Wo a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes Ana Notes at LOWEST RATES information apply to JOHN ELLIOTT Bradford POINT Steam Saw Mills D W Prop Manufacturer ah Wholesale Dealer In AND HEMLOCK LUMBER AND Post Office BUTTON WEST Tho Proprietor that ho now baa on hand for sale at yards Jacksons Point about One Million Feet of Lumber Consisting of Hemlock Pino and Cedar at very low prices Also Cords of Slabs Not Cash Persons contemplating Building should mo a call purchasing elsewhere the WHAT WIDEAWAKE WORTHY TO WHITE ROSE Pumps that P Manufacture and sell Cheapest and Beet Pumps on market I put in Gal- zed or Piping Guaranteed all work easy up to feet I also put In PUMPS CISTERN TANKS Cheap from up WellDigging done Cheap and all kinds of pumps repaired on shortest Any person wanting any work of this kind mo a postcard and It will be at tended to at once and you will money by doir it so I have a large stock on hand JOHN BENNETT Box Newmarket On Wednesday afternoon a quiet weeding took at the of Mr Joseph Robinson marriage of his daughter Emma Jane to Mr Frank Lloyd also of this place The ceromoriy wan per formed in presence of a number of invited by Rev Leo After partaking of wedding dinner happy couple loft on their wedding trip An usual present numerous and costly Harvest Homo services wore hold in connection with Methodist Church hero last Sunday Rev G Dewey of Aurora preached anniversary nor- in the afternoon and There was a largo attendance at both services gentleman de livered eloquent and impressive ser mons both occasions harvest homo fluppor and entertainment in connection with tho church was hold on Wednesday evening which consisted of roast fowl was served in basement of church and the entertainment in tho church is needless to say there was a tre mendous crowd and it is a wonder if all who were present were served The entertainment consisted of read ings by Lee pastor of the church Miss Eva Fetch and Mr Miller vocal and instrumental solos by Rev Dewey and Mr Oldham Messrs Bingham and an instrumental duett on their and Messrs Taylor and Griffith gave a cornet and trom bone selection The Victoria Square church choir several choice selec tions Mr A Yule of Aurora oc cupied chair in his usual affable manner Altogether affair was a most one in every respect Manner Too hie for week BALDWIN BREEZES On Thursday last tho best and most enjoyable Garden Party of the season was hold on spacious lawn of Mr Yates being the occa sion of the raising of his bam which has been remodelled and enlarged so that it is now tho largest and highest structure in this section Mr Steven son of the contractor and builder is the best boss in this sec tionhe knows his business Aright royal repast was served to a hungry crowd of the finest lot of men you can up The following ladies served up tea Mrs Mrs David son Misses Yates Green Graham Riddle Sherwood Davidson and last but not least Miss Minnie Thompson the lady who poured hot tea in the Owls hip pocket to see would ho jump he did jump With such a coterie of lovely ladies hovering about no the men did justice to t dainties provided Swamp wit days gale George our handsome went for a sail to Island on Sun day He enjoyed the sail very much ly He seems very grave and thought ful since we miss his customary smil ing out loud very much some dusky forest beauty make an impres sion on his heart Win Campbell an employee at worth bakery was badly burned about head and face Monday even ing He was lighting a Are- and poured coal oil the embers when tho can exploded A son of caught a ten at Mulcaster street pier day last week He was flailing for Herring at the time and having only a small hook could not land it so lie towed it into shallow water between the boat house and pier and caught it AURORA While riding a bicycle a few days ago young Claude fell of and broke his arm at the elbow A now fire extinguisher was added to the fire preventive ap pliances of this municipality this week and a now steam will be put on at pumping house in a few days A larto congregation Harvest Homo in Trinity church on Wednesday evening of this week Several visiting clergymen were present including Rev of Thomas Church To ronto Rov Mr Thompson of New market and Rev Mr of Maple all of whom took a part in service Mr was the preacher and delivered an excellent discourse and the choir contributed spocial music for occasion The was beautifully decorated in a manner suitable to the season of the the Old ayo- SEEM IMPOSSIBLE That a pure Ceylon tea such as Ski i Hollo It lies The new school house at Gilford Miss JobnBton teaoher will be opened on Friday evening Oct 15th on which occasion a very choice pro gramme of solos choruses drills swinging inetrumentais etc will be given Jby pupils and others The of We may expect to have croup with shortly and the children as usual may be attacked A plaster made by spreading on a piece of canton flannel linen or fc will give more prompt relief than a mus tard plaster without causing burning or irritation Keep it ready for emergencies Also vaporize some in the bedroom See book free The Whistle Do not attempt to cheat the editor out of a years subscription to his paper or any other sum Cheat the minister cheat anybody body but if you have any regard for future consequences dont fool editor You put up for an of fice some time or want some public favor for yourself or friends and when your luck is a thing of beauty a joy forever the editor will open on you and knock your castles into a cooked hat at the first fire Hell subdue you and then youll cuss your stupidity for a driveling idiot go hire some man to knock you down and kick you for falling Injustice How much does it cost to send a letter from here to San asked a tall angular woman with a masculine voice and a somewhat hairy chin as she stepped up to one of the stamp windows at the poatoffico Two cents maam And how much to send a letter to Bethany Mo Two cents I wont pay it Very well maam I didnt suppose youd throw off anything on account of shorter distance but I thought Id ask you anyhow When you carry a letter to San Francisco for two cents you ought to carry fowr to Bethany for cent Its a shame I dont have to send my letter through this and I wont Theres a neighbor of mine going to Bethany next week and shell take it for me and be glad to do it I care for the two cents mind you but Im not going to be swindled Ive been reading up on these things and Im Thats all right maam but Im much occupied and You aint occupied any harder than I am young man but Ive got time to tell you that thia a cheat and a swindle and its found ed on wrong principles and Im agin it from the word go and its never going to get any money out of me when I can help it and I generally can Im a Socialist and Im getting to be mighty near an Anar chist and you can tell the government so young man You dont get any two cents out of me for taking my letter to Understand With a look of lofty scorn she turn ed away from the stamp window and went out of the office Can be offered at so low a it is so others are to appreciate and take advantage of this snap Why should not you 40c 50c Lead Packages- Feels His Oats will not be the case with an animal blood is out of order When a horse is all run down he a tonic the a man Often he cannot have complete Give him Dicks Blood Purifier mnm r M 1 and note how he will pick tap whole system will be invigorated digestion will be strengthened that all the nourishment will bo drawn from food and of it will be required Dicks Purifier drives out Worms and all la it greatly increateo the flow of milk BO a I MllKO DICK SALE OF IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE TOWNS OF NEWMARKET By virtue of a warrant leaned by the Mayor under the TO wit Newmarket tome bearing toe arrears thereof thcCounc to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the costs thereon Chamber In aad Town of Newmarket On Friday Tenth day of December A at the hour of two oclock In the afternoon AH following lands being patented 1 STREETS South Street do do do do do do do do Mtll fit do North onenfth do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 South Street do do do do do do North Street North Lot Street oneeighth Onefifth oneflfth onefifth onequarter Newmarket August TOTAL 2 2ea 252 to 1149 i ft 227 Q4i 227 31 227 227 31 DAVID LiOYD Town Treasurer FRAGRANT DELICIOUS THE PERFCT TEA MONSOON TEA I of the And JvertiKd told by them a of and Ctylon Tew Pot Out tit that none but the very go Mooooa That M the perfect told at the Ice as inferior tea It Is put up sealed coddle of A lb and II od in three Savours at fiOc and STEEL CO Front St Toronto It is reported the Elect Railway has been pur chased by an English syndicate who to it to Tweed OLEMANS A ttuAUTT CANADA OUT- An old village landmark gone In making improvements to our roads it was found necessary to remove a fine maple tree which has been a shelter for all the villagers on hot summer days is going into the pork industry He is erecting a large stone pig pen Plastering and painting has won derfully improved our blacksmiths residence Mr Charles did some fine painting and graining While threshing at Chapmans on Thursday lost Mr who was feeding got a had slash on the hand from the handgutters knife necessitating a visit to the Dr Mr and Miss Etta were the guests of Mrs Geo on Sunday Miss Ettas jolly laugh is catching Char lie caught it Mr took charge of Unfair and unjust Ope of rules of Agricultural Societies is that the article exhibited must be the pro perty and production of the exhibitor It is very discouraging to honest- minded exhibitors to have to compete against those who beg buy borrow or steal a great share of the articles they exhibit In such cases honest folks dont stand a ghost of a lam speaking of what I know Those who have no gardens shouldnt by rights exhibit large amounts of garden truck Folks got suspicious needed very badly Likely we shall have a dose of it by the time you got the Breezes pond is down to a low ebb Very water to turn tho old mill wheel The to January cents There was plenty of amusement at Bale last week and many people attended who never made a hid but stood off and watched bargain hunters bidding against each other for articles they did not need Many articles were sold for more than double their value while others were pur chased for a mere trifle On Tuesday afternoon the auctioneer Ford who can generally name an article whether it bears a label with full in structions for use etc or not put up for sale a metal casting cylindrical in shape but he was at a loss to know what it was It was plated and had several valve attachments Here good people is a miniature gun blunderbuss or lung tester How much am I offered how much am I bid Will somebody kind ly start the sale It is rivetted through and through and half way back and would be an ornament to any mans house shouted the auc tioneer Twentyfive cenU did I hear twentyhvey twentyfive twenty- five twentyfive going are you all done Twentyfive Sold to Hughes for twentyfive cents casting lay on the veranda and was examined by many who could not descirbe use A gentleman ap proached examined it carefully and stepping up to the purchaser offered him five dollars for it The offer was accepted A third party entered in to partnership with the new purchaser and the money was paid over The two speculators packed the casting up gently and proceeded towards the gate chuckling to themselves At the gate they met a young man who asked them what they were carrying The whistle came re ply it is worth was knocked down to Mr Hughes for twentyfive cents and we purchased it him for A grin and a laugh from the yourig man stopped their chuckling and when he informed them that It was a giant oil cup they were carry ing which was manufactured and placed on the market twenty years ago by A Boys until a better was introduced and was now worth only what it would bring for old iron they dropped it on grass and walked away whistle is still on the and was sold with the boat for 760 to a Toronto gen tleman Barrio Norwood Oct A fire which originated from some unknown cause in the boiler room destroyed the Nor wood cheese factory here owned by Squire this morning About worth of cheese which was in sured for 1500 was lost by the pa trons The building and were insured for which will almost cover the loss OR PEARLY FOR And guaranteed for Ave against ac cident and breakages extraction free of charge All operations are painless and are performed S by the aid of electricity Special attention to Crown and Bridge work My charge Is a tooth APPOINTED H A GALLOWAY E Cor Toronto dwelling- Bouse to Let With rooms and cellar garden Apply at the ERA Office to Bent On St opposite Dr Campbells Good- Garden and Fruit Apply to la and Garden to Bent The House belonging to Smith JnthoNfrth End to rent ulro of A mother Is the happiest being this world To hold In aims the dear little life a part of her very own life nest- ling and dependent on her protecting love Is the sweet est most sponsibilfty of wo mans existence Hut many a woman approaching the time of feel mom deeply Us duties trials She Is burdened with a sense of anxiety anil unreasonable foreboding This state of mind is un favorable both to mother and the child A prospective mother may Insure herself fear of or exces sive pain by the use of Dr Favorite Prescription during the period of expect- This Prescription the coming of baby absolutely safe FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS J A POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND IN CANADA I TWO LOTS On Street Desirably Situated near the old Woollen Factory For Sale on Terms to JACKSON Real Estate FOR SALE fctivelv painless It elastic endurance to the organism concerned in motherhood and healthy vitality lo the It makes the strong and cheerful gives her recuperative power It promotes abundant nourishment provides con- health energy for the child It la the only positive specific for all dis eases of the feminine organism devised by an educated and skilled specialist in this particular field of practice sale ex ceeds the combined sale other women- i l am for what Fa vorite Prescription has done for rot writes Mr Etta Smith- of Co Kanssa About a before was con I had Sixty acres of new land soil free of good frame house ten acres hard wood roads good market mill stores churches very near further particulars apply to 3d J J QUA HAM Baldwin We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial IN AURORA For Cheap or Exchange for Farm Property A DESIRABLE for Sale Situate J a most central locality and in Of moat pleasant parts of the Town of For particulars apply at once to FOB SALS juvu lot well cultivated garden all kinds of fruit I Roomed House lawn fto One of the locations In Newmarket Just thopiadofor a retired farm- or anyone wanting nice home Must do For further particulars apply to sold Now market nd after From then nntll alck I carried nearly all the water that was up a hilt and worked In the garden very day my other work and did- not feel all when the born the doctor and the women who were with me I had an easier time than any ode they ever saw for the first time The baby Is very healthy and crowing along I been op BUTTER EBBS AND POULTRY I OUR Promptly our ahlpperueveryirhero Cor- rospondenoo invited Co Ltd TORONTO Blacksmith Goal FOR SALE- PL Idea Main Newmarket Cement kept in stock jam lOBi tlfhi wjjU Writs JflHM W6DliaiBSirft fttoal Wathinalca P for tfctlr tUJcf WiaVii Farms for Sa The of Estate of Edwin Hunter invito propositions for thopur- of the following half con aorea con- j acres halve lota and S3 3rd King Part of Northwest quarter of lot in of Apply or propositions to Newmarket Ontario or to Mrs Weal of Si not gold bo a lol

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