Newmarket Era , January 7, 1898, p. 5

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN 7 ONTARIO head BEST Moplii General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT ItATKH DRAFTS ISSUED I AT AM POINTS Sterling And American bought and Fanners Notes Collodions promptly attended to AUCTIONEERS t Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will attention Main St or Box Newmarket PO Licensed for Co of York sold commission Tonus Farm Bales attended to AtrliiUoUoitcd livery fflro Hall Main Street of Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods Miss Perkins Tea of and Graduate of Toronto of trod Organist at St Pauls would bo pleased to a either at homo or at private residences School Lesson iMi I I Tempted Jon Matt Ml Text For in Buffered being ho la to aucoor them that tempted Hob while ho Jived on earth sub to to each stage of human but it was immediate ly after his that ho passed through that toning at of and our which commonly mentioned Temptation Satan had viotoryovorour first parents in Eden Christ Adam had undortakon to mans lost tho kingdom of Satan and establish ho kingdom of God among must for and prove his ability to who him from power Through wo may resist tempt- or J Word of God is Sword of tho Spirit Temptation designed by devil for our ruin Is overruled by Father for our good Our adversary is quick to of oar To thrust oursolvos Into needless not fault To gain worldly at of a consoionbo is to a bad bargain Pains heave in a Day HAS WOK TUB AND CANADA op NO out Ontario TUB Qt TOO 70 OUR NEIGHBORS TESTIFY If You Ask Your Nearest Drug- gist for a Vial of DOCTOR YOURSELF of SightSinging Culture and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String Instrument NEWMARKET to Attend to Her Dally Duties And a Great from Heart Trouble Induced to Try Dr Agnewa Guro for Heart and It Proved a Wonder Worker the words of Mrs Rutadlo of On I woe a great sufferer with severe pain in fcho region of my heart For a time I was quite unable to attend to my house hold duties I was induced to try Dr Agnows Cure for the Heart and I must say result was wonderful The pain immediately loft me and after the first day I have had no pain or trouble since Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket a was upset out of a carriage at on Saturday and killed R Veterans Storey NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Ordering Allan Money to -Loan- At per on Farm by David lijoyd r for To ronto Omens Old Offloe Corner of Main End Jtet At Eighty Years of Age One Box of Dr Agnews Catarrhal Cures a Case of Fifty Standing It Re- Colds and Catarrh in Thirty Mi nut George Lewis of Pa writes I am eighty years of age I have been troubled with catarrh for fifty years and in my time have used a great many catarrh cures but never had any relief until I used Dr Ag Catarrhal Powder One box cured me completely and it gives me great pleasure to recommend it to all suffering from this malady Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket No Toronto Canada Bays Both myself and my husband used Cure with splendid Mr Malonoy wag Buffering pains from disease bat after using tho remedy for only one night awoke next morning com- oared and has not been troubled in My similar Wo also used Croup Cipro for our old and again wo had tho best results child vory bad but after this she reoovorod Wo faith in Remedies and keep thorn con stantly in houeo Dyspopsia Caro positively all forms of Indigestion and 2Co Cold Cure pneumonia and breaks up a in a fow hours Price Cough Cure stops night sweats allays and the lungs price Kidney speedily cures pains In back loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Headaohe in minutes Price Pile Ointment positively oares all forms of piles Price Blood Cure eradicate all Im purities of blood Price Female Remedies are a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and permanently Price Munyons Catarrh Remedies never fail Catarrh price eradicates the disease from the system and the Catarrh Tablets and heal the parts Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve Price restores vigor Price I A separate for each disease At all mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert fit Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease REOPENED I to Inform the poo- pie of North York that he baa leased the Art Gallery on corner of Main street and Park Ave Newmarket and cutting in the apparatus Is remedied the In the newest and most approved apparatus is prepared to execute all orders with dis patch He has also engaged an expert rated in leading Chicago and that none will he turned out operated In leading In axo and at none but the very beat work and Chica Baying who has Toronto hesitation in Ont Dec On Tuesday last James Rankin was shot by his nephew Walter Frankum in the leg with duck shot Acute gan grene set in and the limb was am putated near the hip joint but he died on Sunday morning at the Gen eral Hospital The shooting arose from an altercation The parties are from township Coroner is holding an inquest this afternoon Thirty persons were injured by the explosion of a can of powder at Saturday They were firing a Christmas salute from an old cannon Itching Skin eases fop Thirty plve Cents Dec of who sandbagged himself and gave it out that he had been robbed in order to defraud a London Oct tea firm baa been sentenced to one months imprisonment fine of This was the first one of the kind ever before a Manitoba court Catarrh is a Disease Which requires a constitutional remedy It cannot be oared by local applications is wonderfully success in curing catarrh it eradicates from the sorofulone taints which canes it Sufferers with catarrh find a core in Hoods even after other remedies utterly fail Hoods Pills are promptly efficient ways reliable aasy to take easy to Tour patronage solicited Wilfrid Deo 24 On Wed nesday at the residence of Mr John Miller jr Mr John Taylor one of townships prosperous far mers and Miss Mary A Lowes niece of Mr Miller were united in marriage by the Rev Mr Berry in the presence of a large number of invited guests The bride dressed in cream silk was admired by all present Miss May Tho last of present Parlia ment is now more than halt over but as far aa of of policy go and far as debates on subjeots which will play part in approach- election goes session ie well nigh attacking forces have flred stock of ammunition already iiio fortress that was barricaded stands as strong and firm as it has for years Just as strong I say but I would bo far nearer tho mark If I should say very much stronger and formidable conservatives attaoked the policy of Government and also manner in the affairs in connection with tho Ontario Government admin istered Government it was said is so that tho country is being plunged into black foiloro and the Province on tho decline charges are easily especially about any institution which is progressive But the proving of such a charge is the trouble and such a task cannot bo accomplished successfully unless faots can bo brought forward Tho disproving of snob a ohargo in case of the Ontario is a task of very small proportions for all that is ne cessary is to produce figures and let them speak for themselves And that is just what the Ontario Gov ernment has doing during the fast week or Day after day mates produced and Opposition is asked to discuss debate criticize and point out whore the extravagant But Opposition with all its forces the same Opposition has been Crying wolf who on the stump speaking of reckless spendthrifts have raised no practically to a single important of expenditure This of affairs is certainly very satisfactory for the Government in general and for Hon J Davis in particular The department of tho Provincial Secre tary is the spending department for under the jurisdiction of its chief are all the asylums prisons hospitals and jails If there was an expenditure in any depart ment which might be excessive it would be in connection with this department Yet there has been nothing which has been seriously objected to In all tho expenditure in all the branohes of this great department there is not spent a dollar more than there should be Nor is one dollar expended for whfoh the people of Ontario do not get a dollars value in return Only criticism has been and that criticism is so ridiculous and ab surd that people laugh at it when the sub ject la mentioned I refer to the The record of this department is little shore of phenomenal It reflects the great est on Mr J Davis the Provin cial Secretary The other departments make an equally good showing If the Government is so extravagant why does not the Opposition point it now The stump Is not the place for suoh a discussion The hour is at band yet no serious objection Is taken may add here that estimates that have been considered and public accounts which have been presented show more They prove not only that this Gov ernment is not extravagant but that It Is most economical Every page proves that Every item is a silent witness of the of a painstaking and a very efficient Regarding the of the Government 1 will make mention of but one subject In this letter The timber polioy is univer sally praised Not one reputable news paper of any party has found fault with subject of the new bill The bill provides that every bit of pine timber cut on lands hereafter sold by or licensed by the Government shall be made into timber in Canada The policy is so good that Mr Whitney claims it as his own which certainly most bo a high compli ment The Government is determined to keep on working and to keep on saying money for the Province The Opposition insisted on a couple of weeks for Christmas holi days The Government understood that as the additional writers and civil servants who are employed at session time are paid by the day holidays or no holidays that much would be lost to the Province so the session went on and many dollars were saved to the Province Drops THAT THE I a A As similating ihetood and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of and neither nor Mineral FACSIMILE SIGNATURE most t J OF IS ON THE Aperfecf Remedy Sour SlomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions sh- and Loss of StEEP Signature of NEW YORK OP EVERY BOTTLE OF biiKinllis old Doses II COPY OF pat up la dy It is not cold la bulk Dont to sell anything on the plea or tint at good ana that yon get While you are buying your Dont forget that Has the Finest and Largest Stock of Slippers for the Christmas Trade there is to be had in town We have also a very Large Stock of Heavy Winter Goods to keep the feet warm and dry and dont forget our Prices are the Lowest A sure sign of that is to see the quantity that we are turning out SIGN OF THE RED BOOT Samuel Holder veterinary surgeon of Mounts Albert died leaving an estate worth The realty is 1720 consisting of land in lot concession Whitchurch and a house and lot in the village He had no will and his widow seeks administra tion yj that will build up a weak cons- tt titution is Ont Deo A bylaw voted on here Christmas Eve to repeal local option was carried by a majority of Alphabet on a Pin Heap Frank The best Family and Pastry Flour I at right delivered to any part of the Town Dr Agnews Ointment relieves in one day and cures Tetter Salt Rheum Scald Head Eczema Barbers Itch Ulcers Blotches and all eruptions of the skin It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the of- all baby humors cents Bold by Lehman Bentleys Newmarket The Sunday concert at last Wednesday evening proved to be a great success The receipts of the were Dyspepsia Cured mediately relieves Sour Stomach coming up of Food Distress and la the great kid- hey and liver remedy Bold by Lehman I Nut Stove and Egg Coal constantly on hand Call at Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron J Vox Infanta and Children Cords Best Seven lives lost In the Chi cago coMaeutn which was destroyed by fire on Friday the duties of bridesmaid and Mr Taylor brother of the groom those of groomsman The young couple took the evening train at Sunderland for Peterborough Ottawa and other eastern cities They carry with them the good wishes of their many friends in the townships of Brock and Scott Nervous Gents I was dreadfully nervous and for relief took your Root Tea- It my nerves and strengthens iny whole Nervous System I was troubled with Constipation Kidney and Bowel trouble Tea soon my system so thoroughly that I rapidly re gained health and strength A Sweet Hartford Conn Bold by Lehman Stouffville Deo Last night fire destroyed the barns and out buildings of Thomas Bakins on the concession of Uxbridge Township together with the- seasons grain and all live stock with the exception of one horse The cause of the fire is unknown The buildings are insured for about Curo that Cough with Core The beat Cough Relieves promptly million bottles sold last year for Sold by I Martins is perhaps the most expert engraver in New York if not in the world In delicacy of touch and skill in handling delicate instru ments his work is something marvel lous His latest achievement was to engrave the twentysix letters of the alphabet on the head of a pin Under a magnifying glass the letters are clear and distinct and each is as as any ever engraved for a visiting card or wedding invitation But with the naked eye the minute letters are mere ly soratches which have no discernible form work was the result of an attempt to beat the work of a man who had engraved the Lords Prayer on a piece New York Journal Cardinal Food a simple scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants delicate children and invalids i KERRY WATSON CO City of Mexico Deo The last of the bull fights by tini was given Sunday afternoon and was attended by people narrowly escaped with his life being tossed into the air by an infuriated bull and gored in the hand Ten horses were killed and six bulls PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED GET RICH QUICKLY Write today for our beautiful illustrated Patent and the fascinating story of a poor Inventor who made Send us a or model of your Invention ana promptly you If It Is and probably patentable cases rejected In and foreign References Honor able prop of La c Honorable A leading news- a any locality AuPatenteaccurcd through our agency are brought before the by a special notice In over newipapers Temple The only firm of Engineers to the Dominion transacting patent this paper Wayside Songs A collection of original Poems by tbe late Mrs A suitable for Cbrlatmaa Present ftodvApod to Can be bad at Roche Starve or OUS nausea fully half he alckhess In world It retains the digested food too long in the torpid bad fcongoe sick headache in- somniaeto Pills and Its easily and thoroughly see druggists Spared by Hood Co Masa to with Tilt TEA MONSOON IN TUB Of H0II800MTEA lht go Into Monsoon J It perfect can be otd ftt ame It Is put up In of lb 1 lb three aodote STEEL COFroat St two hundred pages containing a catalogue tbouaaud being at are credited by Directory December edition for with having regu lar Btate oaoh find every State of the a Union naming those towns only in which there are more than circulation book December will paid to any receipt dollar Ad- dross the Co 10 St Steer Came upon of East GwilUmbury September a Owner can earn and paying con last by J

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