FRIDAY The Tut On tKlTBn Tim wo throb to draw attention the thanght lroproycrnU TO J HEAD TORONTO 00 Total Assets newly A niancli Hank Is BRADFORD rates Wo a Specially of Discounting Farmers Holes And Notes ftt LOWEST RATES further Information apply JOHN ELLIOTT Audit Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding There wide diversity of opi nion about what constitutes a good cow but none About the beneficial effects resulting from the use of Dicks Blood Purifier as a tonic appet izer blood puri fier and aid to thorough lion for cows Jshcepand horses when they are put on dry fod der in the Pall It assists the organs of the stomach to extract all the nutriment from the food and puts them in good strong heal- for the spring time cents package dues UonUltL CO Kiwicoa good sat of teeth for Si Best of teeth for Crown and Bridge work per tooth 1 00 Silver Phosphate and fillings 50 Painless for Plates Free AT TUB Largest Denial OFFICES IN TORONTO WALLOWA I N Comer Queen Toronto Lady Assistant I I THE ISAAC USHER SON of for nil of farm structures findi as hankham stable hoi- IfiireiihiirinenisuiCh culvert etc This Conn lit Is sold at the price of the Portland given free charge and nil work ranted For information Kim General l Lath always nunc a lowest The plebiscite on total prohibition will likely be submitted to the Do minion voter next October Over feet of lumber have been shipped during the past sea son the largest in the history of the trade Actors Singers ESQ Warden of Co of York Sin I by a reported account of nomination In North last month you honor- mo with porno attention respecting County affairs Yon with having stated that yon did not agroowith Mr Jackson in Warden this year Rotting per day and by way of justifying your assertion it is furth er you observed that you bad as Commissioner and in Council I do not know of you or not but I do Bay If ft bo as elated it is extraordinary record of any Warden and of York County In of past flyo ycare it is that days do not of multiplied duties formerly obligatory to transact by Wardens and when tho County had tho York Roads to manage or tho you statutory allowance aa of of With thoughts in mind it scorns to mo that you must drawn largely upon of your aiidlonco in During my of ofllco was spent in York Road affairs than in all duties in rotation to ordinary matters as com- mibajonera ordinarily called upon to disutiarfto from meetings numbor of engaging attention of and without York Roads management and without supervision of thousands of dollars then expended thereon is all tho more astonishing awaken of a I would rather not bo forced to conclusion allow me to say forced upon mo after a personal examination of records I fail to find corroborative of faot stated and yot you take the liberty to draw compari son your and mine by tell ing your bearers of how munificently I had neon paid as compared to the pittance doled out to you although you enjoyed an of one hundred dollars If you wero talking to amuse there might bo some allowance for possiblo extravagance of expression but when it is you wore addressing citotorate of whom you the chosen then to indulge in erroneous comparisons in order to personal justifica tion without a knowledge of all facts you betrayed a weabnoas not particularly commendable in ono occupying a repre sentee position If you a thought it occur to you that having to examine and pass about of accounts on York Roads over and above work commissioners are now called upon to perform to say nothing of more or less work and enquiry in respect of general management as well as con sultations with superintendent and en gineer must strike you that the labor and necessarily employed must have been greater than in your day True you had a special meeting of in con nection with trouble respecting aban donment of York Roads in neighbor hood of Toronto bat in my year the Com missioners had difficulties to settle with the Toronto Gravel and Concrete Company forced legislation that allowed a portable engine to travel upon Kings ton road to the annoyance of the travelling as well as injury to the highway also in regard to the Metropolitan Street Railway Co This brings me to the next observation made by you at the North meeting wherein you are reported as having stated that Mr Jackson had re- per day the year ho was Warden whilst you had received about per day This assertion is made I would fain believe without a knowledge of the facts in the ease and equally I am to admit that Messrs Isaao and David Jones who were Commissioners in did not multiply meetings for sako of living on the County They were not the business for what they could make out of it Never met unless there was something to do and after having performed it In order to save meetings and coats gave directions in refer to the execution thereof to the Warden and York Roads superintendent to complete or carry out By this lino of action while not from of service instead of extraordinary number of meetings of the entire board held the past year were limited including York Roads work if my memory serves mo to not more than should no or changes effected addition to foregoing I had to on two occasions bridges on York In Peel County to with en gineer on also to ox amino a oyer tho rlvor Another known as will not tolerate toying with their The cold chills of fcr run and down the bravest man when he down the bar- of a death- down to bridge In regard cheater in the men shoot i Every hour and every toinute men face death in a more frequent and equally certain form- death in the guise of that deadliest enemy of mankind con sumption Out of all tens of thou sands who yearly work on western approach thereto to Weston bridge in company with again a day or different occasions at railway bridges and to railway to seoarlng for of pedestrians also a visit to moot Warden of Reol ro work on which had been damaged by as to report to and thus thorn in per cent could be to payment of portion charged to York therefor ono day wafl a sitofor North York Registry Office and another to moot lion Smith in Toronto to scoure his approval day to a griev ance of by con- at motion of Park dale Water- Works in which a big lawsuit was averted all of foregoing dates embrace days by mo where fudopondont of of Commissioners and inoludo not Jobs than about or days for frequently I was to return from these points to Torniio and got homo day who knows tho situa tion will understand this and that you may also that it is no guesswork of mine is to all works bridges In Commissioners reports of that year my year too County Attorney issued a writ against tho county re new court house Answering this effort to seouro a manda mus to corapol counoil to immediately proceed with work and resisting attempt to force this county to go on without Torontos consent was so glaring and with the promise that York would seek legislation for authority to proceed if Toronto corporation did not come to terms me six days first in meeting court house then con- with Mayor and City and in making answer to writ in court whore I succeeded in frustrating the designs who had land to soil or had properties to be benefitted by having a courthouse erected in another part of tho Two days were subsequently in successfully resisting a writ of mandamus to compel the county to pay Mr costs which Board of Audit refueed to allow The County Commissioners only had day over matters but after decided what thought best to do it was loft for the Warden to carry out and thus saved without detriment to effioionoy add the days I spent in with the Commission ers for all of no allowance was mado mo and I am sure that your reference my emoluments was saved Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery is an almost unfailing cure if taken in the earlier stages of the disease It will cure consumption and all allied dis eases as bronchial throat and nasal affec tions It cures by going to first principles A mans body starves time before consumption attacks him The tissues of his lungs starve for lack of sufficient ishment They become Inert and half dead and then are attacked by the of consumption The Golden Medical Discovery restores the longlost appetite it strengthens the weak stomach and cor rects the impaired digestion it promotes the flow of digestive Juices and facilitates the assimilation of the lifegiving elements of the food into the blood- When the blood is pure and rich old inert tissues are torn down carried off and excreted and new healthy muscular tissues replace them It allays inflammation of the mu cous membranes soothes the cough fa cilitates expectoration and deepens breathing supplying the system with a much needed stock of oxygen It drives out all impurities and disease germs Medicine dealers sell it was first taken nearly two years ago with choking and aching In my throat writes Mrs p Moore of Co Mexico I took everything I could think of and spent a great deal of money Three doctors treated me My throat ulcerated and I lost my voice I could scarcely talk The doctors called the trouble bronchial and said the larynx wan badly affected I was almost dead with consumption My neighbors thought I would not live a month I began taking Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Prom the first I commenced to Improve and now have as good health as ever I owe my life to Dr Pierce Dwelling to With nd cellar garden attached Apply at tho Eft A Paid for Board fee for printing stationery 2256 repairs Water taxes jfotj salesman Dividend for IIP i Aurora Factory for of vat and sink Small accounts p Overpaid account for 189697 Dividend for Milk account Milk drawing Belfry John Richer 111 so- mi 20 AM 16 E II Rose J making I Cash on hand J Milk from holders TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably Situated Woollen Factory For on Apply to near Easy JACKSON Real Estate Agent Now Residence On St opposite the residence of undersigned to or for Sale Easy terms Will take a horse on part pay and will sell cither one lot or three acres with the house Apply to JOS WESLEY Fine Residences IN AURORA For Sale Cheap or would Exchange for Farm Property WWPEG Newmarket Cheesy to Patrons lbs Local Sales Shipped 171413 Total lbs and vaitfe Charge per lb for manufacturing Cheese for Paid Shareholder for May June and Si Aug Sept and Oct nonShareholder for May June and Jul Aug Sept and Average Price of Cheese for Season lbs of Milk for lbs of Cheese 1st last sea lbs J A 15742 IT Number of Shareholders days Factor run lbs 1083340 132483 98214 186252 to Sent Wcsthoirof lot eon of Kin Full wheat In fall ploughing done In a long way from that to tell the good order well fenced good buildings well Ktx watered timber Terms reasonable people yon only received about per particulars apply to George Ram- day while I got W was not in harmony w the farm with truth assertion was true with to bo come to Influenza fcoarjAncti in the ini dropping la the pain over the dry throat all are 1 of and r stents to if l jo I Catarrhal for altera i of to qualMr4Al Quick should 1 between aori inetedd of In future should opportunity offer trust you will do me the justice to say your statement was made without a knowledge all the facts I am charitable enough to believe this is the case Now Sir with regard to my statement respecting the amount you received of about a day allow me to observe that my remark on that occasion was qualified although not reported possibly to abbreviate by the statement that judging by the meetings held by Com missioners when I was Warden or in language to that effect you received about a day as and that as the Wardens expenses with a far leas of members in could not be so great in my time I had no sympathy with tho action of Council in making the increase Let me now sdd that without counting days spent in jurors and which coat me wore than you for tbe law has since been changed fixing a limit and one other occasion as a witness in the ease and for you very properly extra pay I cannot the of me after examining the records of Commissioners where you spent days However if you did and time was really requisite in County interests I am ready to make amende honorable but under the circumstances days inde pendent of those on which Commissioners met the publio have a right to be satisfied upon and also as to whether the very large number of that Commissioners met during year a necessity The count however of days in with other business whioh both yourself and 17dave But apart from the Commission- extra duties as Warden were ab- Commissioner received statutory normally numerous in year I occupied the position Just run your eye sir over the reports of Commissioners as submitted to and adopted by the Council year and you will at be struok with the of whet I state A trip to Ottawa Involving six days from date lot attend no lets seasons of the Railway Com- of the in reference to Parka ale Subwoy when the Railway Complies Corporations of and ought to make the County a party to the expanse of construottOf that and the damages to private property the enterbriso and I in with Turner of York In TRUSTEES OF VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the Town of Newmarket The undersigned Trustees of the estate of the late Joseph Hewitt deceased have given Instructions to HJ Eftq Auction eer to for sale by Public Auction on of Jnmirtry at the hour of eleven oclock In the forenoon on the premises namely The North Ameri can Hotel In the Town of Newmarket the following valuable freehold property name ly Lot number on the west side Main St in the said Town of Newmarket according to Peter Gibsons new plan of the Town This has a frontage of on Main Street a uniform depth of about iii ft and stands right alongside of the Town Market in the most central business part of There Is a good Ho el on the pre mises with brick front In a thorough state of repair barns and stabling arc large and commodious second to none In the County The yard is large and for all while the business done there Is one of he largest In the Town The premises ore licensed the property Is rented bringing an annual rental of about per annum The existing lease will con tinue until the first day of March A and sale will be made subject thereto Ingon the corner occupied by T us it harness shoo Is reserved lbs milk 149 Following is the quantity of milk furnished and amount patrons of lbs milk Starr 323 Martin Ash ton Lloyd 23510 Francis Starr Pearson 22588 Ha- Uriah Marsh i J Cowieson 15 C Webb 19497 John Proctor 33088 195 Robert Millard 19091 111 Brown 194 Robert John 1 1 Irwin 185 E HHaines 18174 14613 of Benjamin Philips 29898 176 Lewis 140 Dennis 1 28315 Fred Trent Frank Kelly 28314 Isaac 151 H 6n Trent Irving 30917- J Jacob Smith McDonald lbs milk lbs milk r3f964 Walter 1 30144 11294 10912 Stephen Howard J Cunningham The small harness shop from the sale mid the said shall have the right to remove the same from the premised OF SALETeu per cent of the pur chase money will be paid down In cash to the Vendors Solicitor on the day or sale and tho balance within days thereafter without In terest The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid For further and conditions of sale apply to the Trustees HAWTHORNE ESQ and St Paul Quebec Newmarket Solicitor for Trustees FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS this County Actor York CJrjji five my Newmarket cannot be counted in this total And now before concluding while explanations re in order perhaps you will kindly tell the electorate of the County by what authority you and your brother Com- put your hands in County treasury to the tune of to purchase a for a ybang lady of To ronto not an officer of the county and having no mora or legal upon ratepayers for consideration Was appropriation In accordance with powers Riven yon under or was it in look at the Countys ex- By Jims your largo experience upon mind that questionable and In the hope that this may pot bo regarded as a precedent for I have taken THE COOKS BEST FRIEND Labqest sale Canada Canadian Trade Commissioner to South America will bo in Victoria about Feb 16 For Infanta and 54 J- Milne 10350 10334 152 A J Curry Wilson Josh Wilson A J Milne Watson Wrn Lloyd 140 SI J E Widdifleld 23511 Jonke Mrs JBailes A Arnold Luke Doyle 21882 Case 21065 Bond 20832 Shier 20125 Geo Smith 20089 1 15 John Wesley 8411 25 W Hull j j a f Rogers 18 25 Trent John Smith 19251 A Howard 18992 J 18480 Lehman Young 17513 Miller 17503 Robert Cook 17495 Chas Starr A Stewart W 17175 Evans 15739 Win Smith 15497 Mrs W W 15090 Wm 14950 Boyd W Dyke J Stevenson 14272 J Linshill 14222 Silas Toole 13623 13327 Lewis Vincent 13280 Henry Sheridan E Rose 12888 Mrs Foster PJ Kcnnoy J Cowieson 12122 K Morrison 1158 AJ lift A Milne Geo Knowles 11249 MissS A P Belfry Vernon Eyre Geo Pegg 7125 A Toole Penrose 90 J- C McCarty 13 29 J- Huntley Scott WSutton Walker 5190 52 Ai 83 A Rogers 86 33 76 W 7777 3528- Mrs 67 R 73 81 CrtL 74 Miller 18 Cans 69 14 J Knott 4 a 1036 f