Newmarket Era , January 21, 1898, p. 6

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mm f j I WMyvIA the flab WHAT to jooao ftl ORCHARD The Bona of Temperance havo pro vided a treat for of this on Tuesday evening the let of HOLT who has been for along time on Thursday and was buried hereon Saturday Mr McLean moved to Albert mooting will bo held and in addition to eorno on Wednesday bo intends to ice boat appeared to- day as the first of the season Rev Mr Washing of was expected Methodist church hero Sunday owning and many wore disappointed when bo did not put an Appearance but in hie absence Mr Morton took the scrvico two eons have arrived spent last week visiting the Misses at The prospects at present are Hurt the will not got at work hero till first of February ice is apparently quite sate the wad boon bushed out and teams are crossing EGYPT Box Social given under auspices of Egypt choir assisted by in the neighborhood on the evening of Friday the was a success A grand program of dialogues readings recitations and vocal music was rendered The choir contributed several selec tions in an excellent manner The dialogues entitled Uncle Moso and Confessing their faults wore exceedingly well acted mention should also bo made of Mr who by his playing on the banjo received fit each appearance lie an encore was also recalled when ho contributed a song entitled Ho was Just the Times j The tableaux at the conclusion of Mr the great tem perance lecturer will give an address It is be a large turriout as yforthy of -a- full house- WILLOW VALE Show has again covered the ground but will bo required before much teaming bo done Skating enjoyment our younger people Quite a number spent Friday evening on- Fergusons Fond One night last week several citizens of Maple bad their stripped by somo members of the gentry our burgh on Saturday last and succeeded in mak ing oho or two purchases paying as high as for good heavy horses Snowball postponed their sleigh ride until enow cornea again Woodcutting is order of the day Miss J has returned homo after an absence of four weeks is rusticating with his at Beauty Mr reports abundance of wellwork spent a few days with his cousin Pros- Air Geo Thorp of Aurora spent a day or two with his daughter at Apple start a law office Mrs was down from attending the funeral of her mother Mrs Miss Mabel Kay of has been Miss Minnie Kay past week or two The friends in connection with the Methodist starting an League for the benefit of young people the entertainment were fino Mr J of Sutton as chairman to satisfaction of all Proceeds MOUNT ALBERT Mrs J of Goodwood is at her fathers Mr Robinson Long Mr Davidson has boon ap pointed local agent for Northern Assurance Co of Canada Mr James has moved from Egypt to our rising town Mr J Mann of Bay City Mich who formorly kept a hardware store at this place is calling on old friends this week Died On Sunday in fant daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry of months Messrs and Will Arnold purchased a Bakery at and take possession of the business March 1st Our old friend Goose Quill Jack here this week on his biennial isit Mr Robert of Oak Lake Man a son of Joseph Shuttle- worth a former resident of this place is visiting relatives here Married At oh Wed the Mr George Stokes of this place to Mies of Married At the Methodist Parson age Maple by the J Stewart on the J Oldham this pleee to Miss May only daughter of Win Pegg Esq Scott An old resident of East is the person of James who died at his residence Franklin on Monday The funeral took place Wednesday to the Baptist Cemetery con of Mark- ham The deceased was a native of Devonshire England and first settled in this country in but afterjyards removed to this township years ago Ho is mourned widow and three sons Nathan and George A fourth died only a few weeks ago in Da- J Mr J Rosamond gave his family a eujiJrisp the other day when a new arrived at the house j Quite a attended the shoot ing match at Rosamonds hotel on Sat urday W J Oldham tailor was on Wednesday to Miss daughter of Mr W of Whit- church The have arranged for an Oyster Supper in the Market building on evening The diphtheria patients are all getting better and able to bo around the house Mr J Rowland cuts a swell with new cutter District Deputy Cole of Sutton with assistance of Daley aid Taylor and installed the of the A 0 for as follows Dr Forest Jones J Leek Receiver Overseer Porter Watt Watch Shattloworth I lodge in a very flourishing con- KESWICK At Homo and Oyster Supper in connection with tho K on Tuesday evening was a decided suc cess About were present includ ing four from Sutton Tent After amplo justice had been done to tho good things provided by the ladies a very enjoyable evening was spent to gether Tbo program consisted of readings recitations short speeches and by an orchestra from Dr Greenwood very ably filled the chair The Methodist Sunday here will hold their anniversary on Sunday and Monday the and inst Rev H Lee of the Circuit will preach on Sunday morn ing and evening On Monday even ing the annual entertainment will be held in tho Every effort is being put forth to make this one of the most successful anniversaries ever held in connection with the Rev Mr Lee is an eloquent preacher He is spoken of by some as a second Spurgeon Those that miss hearing him will miss a treat Mr Isaac Morton is moving this week across to the Township of si Splendid going on the lake now Ice about 10 or inohea Mr Harry Grose is down at Toron to serving on the jury services at Bethel Evangelist Jenkins are proving a great success arid largely attended Mr and family left this week to take up their residence in Toronto Mr John Morris has leased Mr house The population has been increased by the addition of a new family Two new arrivals in this neighbor hood this week at Mr Henry Gloyors and Mr John McDonalds We pleased to still have good sleighing A largo number attended the open ing of Union at Brown Hill by the on Sunday A number of our young peoplo spent a very time at Mr James Hamiltons jr on Thursday last Mr Angus Hamilton returned to College on Monday Mr of Regina paid uncle Mr John Stephens a flying visit lost week Miss Johnson of Mt Albert spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Shaw Mrs Henry Glover presented her with a little girl last week Mr John intends remodeling his barn next summer Mr John of Keswick has the contract SHARON Mrs Emily has returned from visit in Aurora Mrs William is visiting her children present worthy- scribe of the Baldwin Is visiting sister Doan Mr A and wife of were visiting his brother Mr last week We have another empty house Mr W Hall moved to Pleasant Valley We hope it may prove a for him Our skating is all 0 but visitors as plentiful as they were other winters Mrs Maniel of Brandon Man was of Mrs Way- ling last week The first meeting of the Board of Health of 1898 will be held in this place on Wednesday afternoon next The temperance campaign ia about being inaugurated The veteran tern orator Mr Edward will de liver one of his interesting and profit able in this place on Wed eve Fob 2nd HOLLAND animal meeting of the Liberal Conservative of North York will bo held in Hall on Friday afternoon Jan- at oclock In addition to hereby wit the election of officers for the ensuing Aor year other of importance wifl be Messrs A P J W St John and others have been invited to ad- dress the meeting A full attendance of the members of the association as well as those in sympathy with its principles is requested keeping her or tniBtlnj bet wtU do ftO- own as I not THE OF if a The officers of the Sons of Temper ance were installed here last Tuesday evening as follows W PF Lloyd P W P J Con Owens A Black A Ada Mills Florence Chap 0 Wm Barns Our Division is progressing favorably new members are coming in at each meeting and wo hope to soon a large attendance An open division will be held on Tuesday evening the A grand program is being prepared for the occasion Come and bring your friends Mrs George Brown is visiting friends in Aurora the past two weeks We understand there are two wed dings booked for in the near future Thats what we like to We understand that a couple of young gentlemen of the West got considerably out of their way last Tuesday evening Miss Laura Black is visiting with her aunt on Yonge St Mr Kirton is very ill also Mrs Homer is under the doctors We hope to hear of their speedy recovery A number from this vicinity attend ed theannual Foresters Oyster Supper at Kettleby last Tuesday evening Mr our former corres pondent must be off on his wedding tour as we have hot heard from him lately Miss M has return ed to the after spending three weeks at her home The visit of Mr Jackson to the Sunday School here the other day was appreciated We should lite to see more Newmarket friends On Thursday last Mr David Evans slipped in Mr Wights store and was so unfortunate as to break his leg near thigh Programs are issued for the an nual Convention of Township of East Gwillimbury Sabbath School As sociation to be held here on Wednes day and Thursday the 2nd and of Feb The Committee has been for tunate in securing excellent talent to introduce the various subjects and a profitable time may be anticipated It is hoped that each school in the will be well represented The citizens of give a hearty welcome to all workers The Convention opens in the Presbyterian on Wednesday evening when Rev Jno Locke of Bradford is to give an ad dress on Our Roys arid Girls Revs Hayes and of Mt Albert are on the program for next morning Rev Smith of Bradford and Rev W Amos of Aurora intro duce subjects on Thursday afternoon in the Methodist Church and Rev Lee is to address the Thurs day evening the church choir are to lead in a service of Song and Rev W Amos is to give the principal address Every effort is being made to make Convention practical and instruc tive and the public generally are in vited to attend each session The concerts given by the Medicine Company the past week have made things quiet in our usually quiet burg But by the way when I speak of our quiet burg I forgot to mention that we have with a population of a for every individual which rather disturbs the of the place particularly at night like other hamlets we have some young men who do not retire till mid night Miss Stephens of Holland Landing was at her brothers on Sunday Kettleby Sunday have de cided to treat the to an an niversary some time in the near future Curtis and are taking orders now for the Gem Wire Gate built at Proctors Kettleby Quite a number already sold On Tuesday evening last Mr John Cook was made the recipient of a bouncing baby boy but he missed Oyster Supper I hear those wedding bells preparing to chime on the con Mr and Mrs Timothy will set up housekeeping in Aurora this week Mrs Neil Morton will address YPSOE next Sunday evening The Entertainment of Mount Pleasant which has been postponed from time to time will be held next Thursday evening The committee has spared no pains to make the pro gram one of unusual interest A large crowd is expected We are having lovely winter weath er Just enough snow for the sleighs to slip along nicely Revs Jenkins and Powell are hold ing wonderful revival meetings at Bethel The afternoon services have also resulted in much good Mr vis was from Ewart to visit friends Mrs Henry and Miss Alice Winch are on a visit in Toronto Rev Leonard and Mr of were out to Bethel on Tuesday evening Quite a number have been improv ing their time while the sleighing lasts in getting up their wood and other teaming We would like to know if the Owl is ever going to hoot again passed but We buy good nod how to ibera la our croaalng PeppiattAl Gallery North A Freak Cows to market and place for cferita or those woo want to afudy BLEWIS Eagle St Newmarket Notice to Creditors JAMES DECEASED PURSUANT to the Statute of Ontario that credi tors and all other persona having claims the Estate of late or the Town of Newmarket In County of York widow deceased who died on or about the day of August arson the Day of to into of said Town of Newmarket Solicitor for the under- signed of toe Estate of said gov their christian and surnames address full particulars of their claims against particulars of against the Estate a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities if any and im mediately after day of February the assets of Mary may be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regaru to those claims of IV trill which the undersigned Executor shall then bad notice- and will not be liable for the any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the period of distribution JAMES MAINE Executor ST SOUTH KINO CITY Our Bachelors Supper given last Friday waa a grand About eat down to tea We understand he 0 intend building a hall for themselves We them success Revival services in the Methodist Church have started here and will likely continue all next week Our Baggageman a very obliging young man especially at handing out oysters Visitors Mr Geo at M Winters Mr at Mr J Thompsons Quite a number of friends intended to go to last week to hear the Show again had the sleigh ing stayed The Baptist Sunday were to have their annual sleigh ride on Sat urday last but as the sleighing was vevy poor they postponed it till Mon day then went to Aurora Bap tist Church had their fcea and return ed home again The Methodist is holding revival services for two weeks Mr Edward will give a teftiperance lecture in the Methodist Church on Monday evening Jan He is highly recommended and no doubt he will have a good attendance The funeral cortege of the late Mrs Thomas Chard of Toronto daughter of Mrs J Stewart of passed through here oh Tuesday In terment in the Presbyterian burying ground at Four- cages of smallpox are re While Mr Alfred Dyke and sisters were enjoying themselves with a few neighbors and friends last Thursday evening the members and friends of Poplar Bank Sunday School walked in A very pleasant evening was spent in games singing and music during the progress of which the fol lowing address was read by Mr Wat son Cook Mr years you consented to become of our Sunday School at Poplar Bank and as we this evening look back over the past we can moat congratulate on the faithfulness with you have from that time till this performed the duties connected with that and now the time has come in accordance with your own redoes your connection with the School is severed Bat ere the link that binds Is finally broken we ask yon to accept and your sister Grace whose services teacher we also appreciate and losing to accept this Bible a token of our appreciation and esteem And now in we join in yon happiness and prosperity in con with whatever duties may fall yonr lot and pray that the work which our weak way we endeavored to perform together may not have bean in vain but in result it may and multiply and bring fori fruit to the honor and glory of Him for whom we labored on behalf of School A very handsome Easy Chair pre- sented to Mr Alfred Dyke and a very beautiful Teachers Bible to Miss Grade Dyke Then refreshments were enjoyed by everybody until the small hours of the morning Division visited Enterprise Division last Friday evening and gave a good program of songs and dialogues whioh was appreciated Come again fllenville A sleighload of young people from this Street enjoyed themselves at a taffy pull at Mr Meares on Mon day evening By all appearances a good many were disappointed at the Literary oh Tuesday evening and what they in tended to have after Miss Etta was visiting at Richmond Hill last week Miss Tenny McDonald from mod Hill is visiting friends on the Street New Jan 16 Miss Essie an actress stage name Essie West obtained a verdict for before Justice Beach of the Supreme Court yesterday against Clarence for injuries to her jaw in pulling a tooth She said that while the defendant was trying to pull the tooth in July 1894 he broke her jaw so that it became diseased and she had to part of her jaw bone taken out She has since been unable to pursue her profession A certificate of the conviction of on June Janm for practising dentistry without being licensed put in evidence had denied the allegations of negligent treatment in his answer but did not appear when the case came on for trial New York Jan 17 The North German Lloyd steamship which arrived yesterday from Bremen Van into a tempest in midocean on Jan and shipped the crests of many comb ers before her commander decided to try the efficacy of soft soap and oil on the riotous waters The ship was three hours wallowing in the trough and Chief Officer Albert Traue says she keeled at times at an angle of degrees It is usual for stormtossed vessels to use oil in quieting troubled waters but the combination of soft soap and oil is rare says it was effective It was run from the closet pipes on the weather side about sixty feet abaft the stem About eight gallons of soft soap and four j gallons of lubricating oil were used The soft soap dripped through one pipe and the oil through another near by a heavy lather appeared on the sea and the crests ceased breaking aboard up tp Monday the flay of January lalfor the following r Tenders will be received by to Monday the flay of Sound do do do do J Partita may tender for the or part any of the above items The lowest nor any of render Town Clerk- NEWMARKET NEW HOP We have ft Fine Lot of Books for Presents and other Having rented the premises next door to Traviss Feed Store I am now prepared to make all kinds of Harness light and heavy as Bibles Hymn Books Cards Booklets Motto Cards Crepe Tissue Paper IN plain and shaded colors Parses Wal lets Toys Games and Dolls in GREAT ported in one family froy Benjamin Township who died this month had land worth 4000 besides cash to antes and mortgages The daughter Mrs Cooper is given ih- and a to each of 600 to of two grand- aughtorsj the rest of the estate going to toe eon who the HORSEMEN Will find it to their advantage to call and see me for all kinds of i Interfering Pads Pads Quarter Boots Scalpers ShoeBoil Soots And all kinds of Paraphernalia belong ing to the speedy ones I will also carry a Full Stock of Trunks Valises Whips Horse Blank ets All kinds of- Horse Clothing kept in stock or made to order the shortest notice Light Carriage and Track Harness a speciality Call and see me Block Newmarket Variety Prices are Correct We have now very fine Bread and do not forget that our and Buns are to none in Town You will find a Large QUANTITY V of Confectionery Fruits AND remember to try our Groceries which of a fine QUALITY Bargains China and Glass mm as we are jelling out this to mike more our many Central Telephone

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