Newmarket Era , January 21, 1898, p. 7

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DAY- Weeks ffJUr IS OH ABOUT TOWN Telephone During the week now telephone has been placed in Starrs for the and also a new on ft now Central Exchange TV An Interesting letter been received from in and also from by a former section Wo will try and get next week Alio our weekly from the Legislator Gallery Industrial now hospital la nesting com pletion The Budding at the House today for inspection and to prepare their tenor for Co Boon as paint la aufllofontly dry the lijddUion will bo occupied will re fiose fepokoo playing on Covered Monday night Mr Ed one of the beat in bad broken In two places by a with brother It will probably keep from playing In any Our and Finest and Moat Wan some Assortment of Japan China Novelties over aeon BEE WINDOW Our China Tea a handsome and use Christmas present liamps A big snap in Vase and Lamps Special Job Lot of Novelties at and 10c Fully Stocked with the quality of Fruits and Spices Orange Lemon and Cit Peels Cluster Table Raisins inequality Finest Selected Valencia ins in and lb boxes Almonds Grenoble Wain Filberts from to per lb very special in lb cans of Tea to finish certainly everybody to have a two of our famous Blend of best yfaU can find the crowded condition of mens wards The Curling Match on Wednesday night wall contested and resulted in favor of Bradford to Notwithstanding mild weather the has been in capital condition and big very night band will be on hand as usual this evening No Is made on band nights sermons last Sunday in Ing by Rev A and by Rev wore appreciated Sunday morning the pastor will and the duett to do singing massmeeting at oclock and in the evening The Reapers will conduct the as- by the pastor The The funeral last Friday afternoon was very largely attended Rev A conducted service and was assisted by Rev W Amos of Aurora and Rev J Bell The memorial service in the Church was also largely attended Mr A Budge of Montreal and Messrs Frank and George of Toronto re mained here over Sunday A pretty wedding took at the First Congregational Church on Dec whet Mr Turner III and Miss Grace were united in marriage Roy- Ireland bride is a daughter of Mr How- market Ontario Miss Annie a was- a guest at the wedding happy couple will Home January at Ohio St Chica Piano Reqital dato Feb 1st when Miss Settle Forater and her music pupils assisted by an orchestra fourteen Instruments kindergarten driU will furnish a most interesting program Piano Solos and violin vocal solo quartettes and choruses will bo order of evening Three specially interesting numbers will be prill by Bixtaen young Jbo Party unique of do musical art and tableau Goodnight Do not miss it Admlc 16 children The Leading Timothy Sts A FEW SPECIALS We are showing a Fine of Toilet Articles Dressing and fi ling Cases and Novelties in i Leather Celluloid and Plush G Purses and Fine Perfumes Examine our Goods and our prices right Debate At regular League Meeting next Monday evening the following subject will be debated Resolved that the member of the League who holds no office is as responsible for the success of the League the one Affirm- Mr James and Mies Sadie Watson negative Mr and Miss Ella Brown Everybody welcome Poise Just at on Monday night the firemen had a big run for nothing The alarm was given on whistle very distinctly for corner of Street and Ave Two reels arrived and a big of speotatora before it was ascertained to be a false alarm The third reel was half there and the hooka were on the move when the whistle blew fire out The Council should giveastandlngroward of to prevent this sort of punish the accordingly Clothes The initials worked on linen ready to sow on Before your clothes to laundry got your from Hughes a Bible fleeting The annual mooting of the Newmarket of the Upper Canada Bible took place in the Methodist last Friday evening attendance was small but all tbo were represent ed At the request of the president Rev Matthews occupied the chair The Treasurer presented the report of the auditors showing receipts and as follows Balance on hand from last audit 1 Collection at last annual meeting Subscriptions Amount forwarded to Society Paid for collecting Postage and incidental expenses Balance on hand The report adopted and the Sec retary presented the following list of recommended by the Board which was also adopted President Mr C Webb 1st Jos Millard 2nd All resident ministers Secretary Mr Lehman Treasurer Starr Executive Com Messrs A J Millard Cody Lewis Armitage I and Benj Phillips Collector Mr Rev Smith of St Catharines was then introduced and gave a very interest ing address speaking for over an hour on the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society and its branches The Upper Canada Society was organized in Toronto in and the income last year Of this amount was sent to hotel at be across a man the parent society for work among which be sized up to perfection On the French Canadians and the remainder Worth York Kg Society annual meeting of the above society pursuant to Agricultural and ArU Act hold in Town Hail Newmarket on Wednesday last and largos and most spirited that has place for many years In early pari of meet ing Mr J pied chair later on however the President Mr Marsh arrived and took direction of proceedings presented annual re poriot the Officers and Directors which was more than ordinary interesting After expressing at being able to an that the operations of the society for the past year bad resulted in financial success attention directed to the that the race track bad greatly buildings painted arid Exhibition Hall floored Also that a fountain had boon constructed in of halt supplied with pure water from the town by adding very materially to the comfort and of both exhibitors and visitors Daring year too the cattle building had been moved to a more convenient place in a line with the west end of main building presenting a more imposing appearance to the A part of building had likewise been iitWup for poultry exhibitsa conveni ence bad been duly appreciated by competitors as well as visitors In order farther to ensure publio safety the driving had been fenced on the north and east of Exhibition Hall so as to provide an enclosure for sheep and swine on ex- and in addition to this the fence around the entire grounda bad been repair- All these improvements bad been completed and the prize Hat maintained of the revenues of the yoar and the Treasurers report showed the society had almost as muoh now on hand as was re ported in the treasury at last meet log The number of entries at Show were not quite so numerous as the previous year owing to the partial fail ure of the fruit in this seotion the falling off was chiefly in this class of ex hibits In horses the entries were more numerous than in Another thing that militated against the exhibition here last year waetbe fact that South North and South Ontario and West York exhibitions were held at the same time Attention was also oalled to the faot that during the year an agreement had been entered into with Newmarket Corporation allowing the use of the grounds to the town when not required by the society for an annual rental of Altogether the re port was considered very satisfactory The Treasurers report followed from which the meeting learned particulars of receipts and expenditures RECEIPTS Balance from last audit Legislative grant County grant Members subscriptions 488 Donations in goods etc Admission fees to exhibition 494 of Highlanders Concert Rente including grant from Proceeds of excursion A ALLAN 3 DEALERS IK- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel 0 Cook and Coa Stoves Furnaces Tinware House furnishings Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds i and General J A W ALLAN I R Better Pigs and Calves BY USING THE BUTTERFLY MILK SEPARATOR I flattest On Constable Savage drove to the on business While stopping at a Total Paid in prizes Repairs and Improvements Railway Steamboat and expenses Working expensos salaries o Highlanders Band expenses Minor expenses 00 Balance on band Simple in the construction low in price Guaranteed in every respect Terms satisfactory- Correspondence Solicited Silvester Dougherty Agents Stouffville We also sell Gasoline Engines Toronto ZCvieets Jan Itcd Wheat per bushel Kit White Wheat per Wheat per bushel per bushel Barley per OatS per bushel bushel per bushel Kggsperdot- 2 Wool per lb per ton- U q r CWclcoDSper pair per pair If in 10 arriving at the he made some enquiry concerning the stranger and immediately took out a warrant for his arrest On his return he executed the warrant and took the man a prisoner to the city He proved that the detectives had wanted for a year against whom there are three charges Constable Savage is get ting his name up in the deteotlve business Pound Offering About ladies attended the meeting of the last Tuesday afternoon and the Pound Offering for the deserving poor of the Town was a great suooess It com prised lbs of provisions besides 12 loaves of bread doz buns and in cash There were 88 lbs of flour lbs of sugar lbs of oatmeal lbs of corn- meal lbs of rice lbs of butter lbs tea beans biscuits currants dried apples and soap Relief was given to 80 families Police Count On Thursday of last reek several yoang men were brought before County Council lor and J charged with disturbing conduct at the Rick a couple of nights previous From the Inquiry it transpired that the bad entered upon the ice after the hockey match over to have a skate and a little fun This however was against a rule of the company reserves nights matches as not being open to Ice privi leges for public The trouble how everarose partially from a misunder standing and partially to Interference the thought by a person who bad no authority We understand tbo difficulty has been settled out of court and hope a better understanding will hereafter pre vail The rotes must be respected if they are too stringent tioketbolders should ask for Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day extraction a throughout various parts of Dominion Mr John once a popular conduct or on the old Northern Railway is the permanent secretary The society employs colporteurs and an Incident was related where the men In a lumber in the Selkirk mountaina listened one Christmas Day to one of their number while be read the entire gospel of St John bad been translated and printed in their native tongue Italian by the British Bible Society This organized in has printed millions of bound the Word of God or parts thereof in different languages has portents in the field and 870 bible women the majority of whom are In India In the colporteurs sold in Australia In the worlds census of it was found that there 1 J million Jews The South part of Russia is very populated with them They are a very intelligent moral people and very observant of sanitary They have seven newspapers printed in Hebrew and there are two Hebrew newspapers In Jeru salem In the Berlin the Jews have times their proportion students compared with other nations and the publishing of the testament in their own language by the Bible Society is being largely read by them Many conveniens are reported Te work of the Society in Italy Hungary Germany Spain Belgium Russia and Central Asia was related with interest and verily the leaves of the have been scattered for the heal ing of the nations On motion of Eld seconded by Rev A cordial thanks of the meeting were tendered to Rev Smith for his admirable and inspiring ad dress the only regret thai there were not more present to hear it 92444 Amount left from prize money for membership 86 foregoing reports were adopted with applause and meeting proceeded to the election of officers for the year- Messrs T J Robertson and Soott being and Abb Wilson were nominated for President and vote to Messrs J Cane and Welie were proposed for 1st Vice and the ballot stood to Messrs P Stewart and ran for 2nd and the vote was exactly the same to Some friction was now apparent and several pointed speeches were made but it finally toned down following were proposed as Direc tors Messrs Craike AE Widdifield Boag N Wesley Marsh Irwin A W Evans Playter W J Pinner Widdifield J Wesley Trivett J Woodcock Silas Webb Johnston W Wells and T About half declined the nomination The result of the election was follows president Mr Abb Wilson 1st Vice Mr Eugene Cane 2nd Vice Pres Mr P Stewart Messrs Wesley J Plpher J Woodcock A Widdifield H J Wesley George Triyett and Silas Webb Auditors T and J A Baa- A vote of thanks was then tendered retiring officers after which a motion was made and adopted requesting Board to pass a bylaw excluding officers and direct in future from making exhibits at fall show and the meeting adjourned A meeting of the new Board will be held In a few days when it will organize for tbo year Stares you in the face with a comfortable Suit or Provide yourself Overcoat and we are satisfied that no house in the County of York can sell you as Good goods at as low a figure as we quote you Call and see the Goods for yourself This cut shows how neat your Trousers hang as we give you a hanger Free of will charge Mil MY TAILOR tat Is apt to follow fast tho use of Koaey to oaa At per cent on firstclass farm and village- property by Davidson Commissioner for taking affidavits Conveyancer and Real Estate Ac Agent for following- reliable Insurance untried and unknown f Norwich Union Midland Mutual and for Coughs Colds etc AUoforthe Standard Life has been the experience of hundreds but tbe most lory Sale yob Mr Wesley of alo There is a big strike among cotton operatives Now Bedford Mass and other Now England towns oyer the reduction in wages will a very of stock and implements Kav IO ok out for auctioneer Feb Mr Edward will have a sale of farm stock and imple ment on lot No In con of Whit church months credit on sums over reserve at oclock Results always follow the Use of a medicine which has for years given to the people of Newmarket and surrounding district the very best results and is positively guaranteed to and oure all ordinary coughs and colds Such Pulmonary Balsam Large at STORE Co and Northern Life Aasuranco Co fcT Office Block Mount Albert Teacher of Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Organist at St Pauls Church Newmarket would be pleased to a few pupils either at homo or at private WOOD Sealed Tenders will bo received by to aupply Homo with cords of Cordwodd must be sound body wood jawed at least bo delivered by March inspector

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