Newmarket Era , February 4, 1898, p. 4

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A the la complaint of lho8ftnd at this and organ which a coarse of will them It blood cures alter Internal only a can know creates an overcomes tired feeling and builds up and auatatnt whole physical system and relieves dyspeptic and headaches that it a touch In than It wan than 9694 end The of since and of tobacco The Still Teamed on I in fact mood Purifier the aid Whc to Best Advertising Medium York County Transient advertise ment per Nonpareil lino for first insertion cents nor lino for each Tub Comparative Synoptical Chart Co of Toronto baa our thanks for a wall chad History Wo chart bo a great aid 10 tho study of in ibo School Si current in Winnipeg tbat It will Into by Premier Or proposed rail- way and also acquire control of to wist says however that no announcement re Hardline will bo made until early In but progress ing hero la more truth than in following paragraph which wo American ana It goo to prove that human is akin In without regard to nation ality Many who do not con- tributo a dollar to support of a paper and apeak a kind word for it wonder that they never a puff through lu columns same people probably novor a to church or up a petition and they expeot to moot thorn with a dele gation of angola to them to heaven To Joseph I Davidson Warden County of York ACE Inches Incboa ifti wo awn woo I 100 Advertisement unaccompanied writ ten Instruction Inserted until forbid and Accordingly each month If dealrcd tor changes of toner than each month composition bo paid for regular rates Changes for contract must bo In by noon on Wednesdays Special Kates for Executors Notices Farms to Kent Articles Found 1 I 1 L I I I Inland Revenue Figures report of the Depart- of for the fiscal of June 1897 hag i3itiel and put in circulation dam it is food for though us bearing social habits customs of people For instance from this roporfc wo that quantity of spirits during the was proof gallons as compared with previous year This not mean however that qantities produced in these two years fairly or properly re- presents difference in tfio quantity consumed data simply means the fact stated that these respective quantities were produced in years Indian corn constituted the bulk of raw material used in the production next item we notice has reference to the quantity use of and in this respect wo find there was taken for consump tion in 1897 than in the exact figures in 1897 are gallons the previous year consumption of malt was in as compared with in 1896 Borne further statistics we gather from a synopsis given in an Ottawa despatch by correspondents to the as follows The number of cigars consumed in 1897 was 000 as compared with 108290000 in There was an increase of of tobacco from foreign leaf used and the consumption of to bacco from Canadian leaf was very largely increased the figures being pounds in and pounds The duty collected on spirits an increase of over 1898 duty on malt was an increase of over The duty on cigars shows a slight increase and on cigarettes an increase of The number of cigarettes taken out for consumption were of Canadian and of for eign manufacture a total of cigarettes smoked in Cana da during 1897 as against in 1896 of Canadian manufacture in numbered so that there was increase in of about fifteen million native made cigarettes consumed total revenues for the year of the whole de partment were as against in It is explained that the great increase of revenue a million and a Quarter as ted with 1896 must be held to wholly in anticipation of years receipts The con sumption snuff was about the same as the previous year tiou per capita of the various articles paying excise duties compare with was as follows 728 Wine Tobacco 22i average confederation per n and while consumption Tub Toronto World baa to of Dominion Gov- in al Canadian route- to Yukon gold Jidda Yukon Railway deal which consummated at Ottawa on Wednesday a master for somebody As far to la it settles whole problem building the Yukon rail way will disarm Americans of tho and weapons they been wielding with all their to deprive this country a that justly toll Their and bonding regula tion tbelr threats of flllibusteriog their shipping their custom house annoyances many tin swords which can no longer hurt or cause alarm Wo have asserted oar right to control trade of Klondike and we have by a master adopted a policy which will ensure for most of tho material benefits that ought to from tbo of that right date of January wo notice word has boon received Mr of Interior from Dominion Major in Yukon dated at mouth of Big Salmon River on Christmas Eve In which a note of warning to interested gold respecting food supplies tbe coming season He also warns the publto of United States and Canada against a lot of who are profess ing to bo In mining certificates Ho aaya I am informed that fifteen or twenty agents and brokers have come out from Dawson carrying with them some say hundreds some thousands of certificates for entries of OR the streams in ike Neighborhood Klon dike believe there was an ounce gold found In and on all other streams in the neighborhood and to the mountain tops with the hope that can be put on the market and be readily seized by the of United States and Canada They are trying to imitate the brokers of South Africa and It this true there Is no but it will be to the country and to the good properties that may be put on the market Sec What We Only Cents 1 Notice You are given a choice of one of the following articles and The months for only cents Lord Lisle s Daughter by Charlotte Book of pages on Crocheting and Knitting or a Stamping Outfit of patterns many now designs including centerpieces doilies etc The excellent stories for which Home is noted will bo continued the Fashionand Fancy Work departments will bo kept up to a high standard Kato Sanborn will continue her bright OffHand Talks and everyone of the numerous Departments will be in creased and made brighter Premium List or outfit for canvassing sent free The Home Pub Co 141 Milk St Boston Mass About people in have the mumps or aro just getting over them The Now York Fishery Protection League is asking Government to coopemro in protecting the bass fish eries along tho boundary between Can and New York State In the Criminal Assizes Henry James was found guilty of stealing from Frank Pratt a fanner near York Mills for whom James worked The chief witness was William Tuck who testified that James had confessed to him he stole money and bid it under a stone For Infants and Children Bib When I bad honor of Inc yon on a occasion yon occupi ed tbo of Warden but relation I nhahaed and I no doubt you glad of l6t mo aav air I your In reply to my previous letter with somewhat emotions fnr while it afforded mo a certain amount of amusement It mv a for lino of In first place you commoner vour die- vnurnclf no occasion for this yon arc not who has of a oommnn farmer In to and garb of innocence the to immunity for I noticed too yon resort to coorso usually followed by and In Ironical and a sub- for arumont at oamo bestow a of pralso ty1oof composition la than familiar to mo and combination not next point worlhy of notice la con- In third paragraph of your an- epistle In which you alator I have taken a over for several years past and fall to find a year in a Warden did not for extra services and did and air while you War den voo wore no to Now sir will pardon mo for thought that had yon en than a you not have into ho error of comparing action of taking indemnity for with my of for railway and hotel ox- pcnsc8 aotoally diBburfled by mo hence your assertion that I was no exception to la simply and miB leadtnjr I am amazed that you a statement void with facta before you amazed that you should thus falsa to play upon credulity of the you represent well as upon public at You the assertion you fall to find a sino year in which a Warden did not pay for extra and disburse ments words In Italic call yoor special attention to and now assert that I did not receive one dollar extra fny during ttio year I Warden for extra Mr vices I challenge proof I did receive for railway faro and hotel expenses to Ottawa and subwaye and hero facts recorded published Ibat year In County Commissioners report presented to the and adopted at the Novem ber clause reads as fol lows Since last meeting of the the question of railway subways at and Street adjoining Toronto largo importance Considering very great interest involved and counselled toy of this ConnotI residing in southern part of tbo County com Instructed the Warden to pro ceed to Ottawa to attend a of Government Hallway pointed for the consideration sab- ways and your Commissioners are pleased to bo able to report that of the Interview was eminently satisfactory curing an for said fourteen feet high Instead of or IS as contended for by the respective railway companies interested cW For journey to Ottawa the commie- filonora ordered the refunding of actually paid out by me for expenses and nothing for extra More was offered but I declined to accept it and in the same paragraph from wbioh the above extract Is taken Councilsvoted Mr who a member of Council accompanied me the sum of for services and expenses When the report was presented however amount to be allowed was left blank the Council In Committee of Whole naming sum allowed subway was construct but the for street was never undertaken Hence to make allusion do sir by endeavoring to convey the Impression that I received ae you did for extra services Is not the fact and Is not according to the plain record yoa so cursorily glanced You next deal with the scope of your labors daring past year and for which you consider the extra Indemnity It Is not my purpose to discuss the details of your tabors but what do say is more meetings of Commissioners were held than the nature of the duties warranted or necessities of- the case justified and on account of tble tho added insinuation of my voting pay for extra services to seJfV is a perversion of You know and every municipal man In the country knows that appropriations of this character have to go before tbe Counoil for approval and In this case tho not only ap proved of refunding outlay but offer ed to make an allowance for my time as duty discharged was outside county and not specially to my work as Warden In your letter to me yon as a man jealous your honor bat have no apparent hesitation In hiding part of truth in an endeavor to make the general believe your of an extra as indemnity for what con sider extra seryioesMe parallel to the case of paying me disbursements for railway fare and hotel in the per formance of work outside the Do yoa the ratepayers of your will justify this In yoor next paragraph white referring work of tho my- self It Is yonr pleasure to again Indulge In sickly Irony as a substitute for thereby misrepresent not cam what I in my previous letter but also do an injustice to the gentlemen with me as Commissioners I stated the for they rcquji about tan countable S3 ftt1iu Lirc structions tho county now In this you and your colleagues pursued this for yoa County County as wo bad half the meetings of Commie year would been sary mileage and Indemnity saved and tho outrage on avoid ed Your personal as If thy moro figure beads therefore tbo electors will estimate at Its worth men who know their duty and dono it Possibly you think It smart to It appear they verononontities I could easily indulge in kind of for foot or reason by way of distracting tbo public mind from tho purpose of this correspondence but bearing in mind your modesty as pre- In paragraph I forbear I no to dlscoarago your literary lost you should feel it Incumbent to rest of yoor daye following two plows But you throw tho aihllity of holding many of tho year upon your colleagues double I venture to Bay over any previous history of the county for the thirty years I cannot help thinking you have ehowa ready willingness to yield to tholr desires Of would be wrong to hint that bonus to yoa given as a quid pro quo for a con on your part to allow county treasury to bo raided but I do say if I wanted to mako an insinuation your willing in this direction is capable of kind of interpretation Next you detail some of the work in which you were engaged tho your I have no deelre to detract from this tak ing it for granted that were perform ing duty yoa assumed on tnking office you have changed to advantage the method of directing affairs or of hus banding the expenses of tbo county I should naturally The War den and Commissioners not capable of making advancement or profitting by the experience and exigencies of their do not answer tho expectations of tho people But according to your own showing you ought to have reduced tax- rate If tbe taxbill under normal condi tions however be a criterion of municipal capability I am afraid the electorate of your division will be obliged to tell yoa the executive management of has not been along the economical lines you would make Hero a few figures for you to con over county rates collected from your divi sion the first year entered the County amounted for corgi and North to but last year these rates went up to an ad vance of almost and yoor extra meetings contributed to swell Increase facts liko these which when he down In hie pocket to make up the defloit net atone responsible for this it Is true bat you are in the Id the next paragraph you seek to justify a appropriation for a wedding to a yo lady whom I understand was employed in the office of a legal gentle men of the and who also pots as County Far be it from me to reflect either thelady In question or the Solicitor In connection with this matter but wheb yoa Sir take it upon yourself to state that the payment Is a matter commissioners had more to do with than yoa bad as was in the chair bat do not desire to shirk any responsibility for the same as neither voted for it or Against it give away the whole case Why air the very tone of apology In which allude to the transaction Is Internal evidence of selfcondemnation played the part of and herein avowedly admit you allowed others to raid County treasury of yoa were the sworn guardian In order to play the agreeable to a young lady on wedding day You tell ma bad Commissioners de cided to deceive the Council or rate payers they could easily have entered It for ser vices rendered bat having nothing to hide decided to pat it plainly Yes it is true had yoa wanted would have entered It for services rendered Bat this have been adding crime according to your own showing to wrong of taking peoples money for a justifiable as admit the Commissioners decided to make the young lady a present and if a present then in the very of the case it could not possibly be for services rendered At this time you had the services of a County Clerk and an Engineer to do yoor cor respondence or copying the same as your predecessors had and to make as yon imply for work for which the County already Is paying salaried officers because to them Is a wrong to the ratepayers and a blot on municipal administration especially when the people are paying more taxation now than lo the year occupied the position held by last year More taxation and yet money to away as wedding presents Yoa wind up by acquainting me of my privileges under the Jaw tor which I am profoundly thankful bat It may be news to yoa to know that I have the privilege of in an constituency where oan taki my representatives to task for any wrong doing I also happen to be a ratepayer in the Division In which you are elected and hence am not travelling beyond legiti mate bounds when in any reasonable exceptions to some of your official acts very laat over your shoulders indirectly implies that a whipping Is de served by some but you Want to get it J the In Days Jules Vcrno wrote his fasci nating book Around world in Eighty Day he net a mark which the public evidently agreed to in noting any advance in the speed of circumnavigating world writer to show very utmost that could be accomplished by means of transportation of his day and at the time book out had all the possibility and improba bility which characterized the other works of author In less than a quarter of century however the feat of touring world in 80 days has not only passed out of tho realm of fiction into that of fact but wo find ourselves within a few years of the day when the ordinary tourist can the trip in loss than half of days This will bo possible just so soon as the TransSiberian railroad is completed or early in twentieth century Tho Russian minister of communi cation has stated that when tho great railroad is opened the tour of the world can be completed in days If any ono wero to set out to com plete circuit of globe in the least possible time that modem trans portation in the shape of existing ships and railways is capable of irre spective of cost it would lyj possible to estimate of by five days at least Enterprise Ont Jan As Henry Keller from Croydon was unloading pressed hay at the of station here last night his team became frightened by an incoming train The horses ran up the railway track for about ono mile were over taken and killed Keller escaped un hurt Nearly two thoueand people at tended the assignees sale of John Millers effects on Con It was like a fair The long lane fences round the house and tho front yard were lined with rigs while the buildings and barnyard were mass of humanity The horses and implements brought fair prices but the fine Shorthorn cattle brought about half the prices expect edthey did not average each Only was bid on the 50 of cedar swamp land in Scott and on the homestead of 150 acres subject to a mortgage of and Mr Millers interest 20 was bid The land was withdrawn The amount realized at the sale was The creditors will meek next week and decide on the selling of the lands It is not now thought that the creditors will realize more than five cents on the dollar A Little Child With a Little Cold Thats all What of it Little colds when neglected grow to large diseases and Cherry Pectoral CURES PERFECT PILLS A Small Dose A Small Price Only Cents a Box A SURE CURE FOR Billiou8ness Headache Torpid Liver Dyspepsia Constipation Eto Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store TY Balsam For Coughs and Colds Chemist la V I f fKi iheroodaudRcgula- 1 THAT THE- FACSIMILE A SIGNATURE OF- Promotes and neither nor Mineral Not otic nil Seed A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Worms and LOSS OF SLEEP Simile Signature of NEW YORK IS ON THE OP EXACT COPT OF pit la eeeUe It not told la allow to cell entUcg the or It It aa4 will that job 5 MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Next time you Come to Town Call and get a bag of Ogilvies Manitoba Flour and please your Wife We guar- antee that there is no grown wheat in it and it makes FirstClass Bread nothing sticky about it ALBERT TRAVI PROPRIETOR Orders delivered around Town on short notice r Do you think of If you do write THIS SUMMER NEWMARKET ONl And get price of Vaneered Doots A Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match A Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows I Woodwork Factory in for the of PAILS CLOtHES PINS Etc and Impair all kind on The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co tooriD NEWMARKET ONT iHi Wis Geo Aohor of J Si her fcvt Term a lPRIVATE SCHOOL English French have stood

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