BANE CAPITAL It President General BRANCH l FEB 4 9 A A General Banking Business TRANSACTED InterestAllowod on Deposits AT COilHEMT DRAFTS AT 1 NIB and American bought and promptly attended to AUCTIONEERS ppank fll- Auctioneer tor York Co Farm and Chattel will receive special attention W Main St or Box PO Duncan Licensed for Co of sold on Terms able Farm Bales attended to A trial solicited Street LIVERY SornetfVllles Oppoalto all Main Street South of 2d Main Street MISCELLANEOUS lifts Simpson Ed Main St Jrugi8U Sundries and Fancy Goods Out Fathers Feb J Pet Matt for you Another to the Jesus was in the turds circling head and any beautiful of blooming around feet and coloring dis tant landscape whoever had a deep appreciation for the Fathers handiwork in nature drew from illustrations to press homo upon his hearers tho important lesson of heavenly Fathers constant and loving euro for bis children PRACTICAL God and provides for our needs Our first should bo for our Worry hinders rather than helps us If wo find sinful pursuits and pleas- congenial we begun Jesus Light is into world but men loved darkness rath er than light because- their deeds were evil 19 Our cupadornment must un folded from within Anxiety destroys peace and opens way for sin and sorrow Some people carry continually three packs of troubleall they have hud all they how have and all they expect to have Flowers are not only but they always seem contented and glad Get all good out of things you have you wish for things The flowers have no tongues Jet the silent beauty of flowers teach us to do all tho good wo can and make no fuss about a Too Difficult XUldoto Wondrous Virtues of Compound R Signal Victory for the of medicines Pains Banished Eyesight Quito Re stored and a Now Life Begun miss PorfSrt fit guaranteed In fll latest Ions sent through Newmarket PO- will recelvo prom attention of Woe Culture Violin Pianos and all String NEWMARKET LATEST Monuments and Head Stones ttr Ordering Elsewhere Money to Loan At Five pec on Farm Security by lor taking Affidavit Beal Conveyancer of Marriage Agent for thofollowlDg Queen of London Montreal efibliaUedfnlsalo for Life Association To ronto rfstry Office Corner of Main Jims Photo OPEMEDI the POO pi of North that he ha I cased e Art on the corner of Main street and Ave Newmarket and having putting in and prepared to execute all with div ert who In Toronto la engaged an In leading and Chicago and no that none hut the work turned out Your patronage aoUoited I 9 boat Family and Flour at right to any Nut Stove and Egg Coal cos tan tly on hand Call at Storehouse Main and Huron Li J WILSON Cords Dry I Past said so bat American Nor- vino has no Cases It to Health and Never Fails For fifteen years I was victim of dyspepsia Ad intervals I was con fined to my bed and my life despaired of I consulted many doctors with little or no relief they proclaiming my case past oaring South American Nervine was brought to my notice I procured a bottle The first few doses gave me great relief Its effect on me wonderful and I think it is the greatest cure in Jhe market today for stomach disorders Mrs Bold by Burns and of Toronto were Henry James to the court on Friday to be sentenced for stealing from Frederick Pratt of York township were driving down the incline to the street bridge a team of horses belonging to an East York farmer frightened dashed toward them an approaching car made it im possible to turn aside and a collieon seemed inevitable Just as the team were almost on the constable one of the horses kicked over the wagon pole and fell with a broken leg causing James to remark he thought he was going to get his sentence without going to court R of Outnesses in no Uncertain the Pain Annihilating Properties of can Core Heres evidence enough to convince the most skeptical that South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure does all that is claimed for it Mrs Parkin of Bin- brook completely cured of with four bottles of Hamilton laid up several weeks with acute rheumatism Three bottles cured him Mr Sinclair of Hamil ton over years old could not raise his hand head from rheumatism Three bottles cured him Mr Adams of Hamilton sciatica so bad could not walk cured in four daysand thousands more Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Jan The death took place this morning under peculiar circumstances of Mr Lemuel Aboui a month ago Mr sustained a alight injury to one of his fingers which at first was thought to be trivial Two weeks ago blood poisoning developed followed by erysipelas which caused his death this morning When it comes to keeping a sec ret the less said about it the bettor letter Than Klondike Gold Is health and strength gained by taking the great blood puri fier the whole system and gives you strength that nervoas cease work which seemed wearing and laborious becomes easy and Is cheerfully It has done this tor ft will the family and liver medicine Gentle reliable sure Wells Co Ten years I was attacked with neuralgia and though treated by doctore tho disease grow worse and nearly drove mo in sane I wasfor one summer an out door patient at tint hospital here but only got temporary relief I was alecplcss for nights my digestion was bad and I would feel a pain in my stomach every I Day after day I suffered most agony and often I didnt go crazy I took endless medicines given mo by medical men and getting worse I became ut terly disheartened One day my deliverance came A lady who had suffered just as I had told mo that Celery Compound had cured her I used the Compound as a last resort and it simply made a now woman of me The pain vanish ed my eyesight which was impaired returned and I felt myself growing well and I never felt happier in my life I am now well and strong and all my health and happiness are due to Paine Celery Compound I will always gratefully remember the medi cine that cured me and will speak a good word for it Mrs Tnos MoMaktkr Cumberland St Toronto Reading papers fop Profit Some people road newspapers aim lessly and for mere pastime while others read them for profit Hugh a farmer near is of the latter class People in his county raise many onions which they have been selling to commission men at the rate of lbs to the bush el but when delivered his crop he remembered that he had no ticed in the papers an item to the effect that the last legislature had passed an act making pound a bushel and he demanded settlement on that and got it thus saved mora in the one transaction than the cost of all the news papers he ever bought or will buy in his life Dreadfully Nervous GzNia I wae dreadfully and for relief took your Karls Clover Root Tea It ray nerves and strengthened ray whole Nervous I was troubled with Constipation Kidney and Bowel Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly re gained health and strength Mrs A Sweet Hartford Coon Sold by Lehman The current issue of the Ontario announces the incorporation of the Gold Mining and De velopment Company Limited with a capital stock of and the fol lowing members Dr Burt A Cunningham J H Jackson and Rice all of the vil lage of Severn Bridge When Fags A c to the here today flic fuels being For some time past has been going about a pill which he represented being same as Dr Williams Pink Pills Dr Williams Medicine Co placed matter in the hands of Detective of Canadian secret vice who soon had collected evidence to warrant the arrest of on a charge of obtaining money under falso pretences Meantime had left Montreal going to St V On his arrival in that city he was at once placed under arrest and an sent to bring him back here Ho was brought be fore Judge this morning on two charges and pleaded guilty to both It was pointed out that his offence was a grave and left him liable to a lengthy term of imprison ment The counsel for the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co stated that his clients did not wish to press for severe punishment at this time they only wished to establish the fact that re presenting an imitation pill to be the same as Dr Williams Pink Pills was a crime which left perpetrator liable to a lengthy imprisonment On charge the judge then imposed a sentence of ten days with the option of a fine of ten dollars and in the other case a sentence of two days in jail without the option of a fine This decision is likely to have a farreaching effect as it seems to es tablish the principle that substitutes and those who hull imitations repre senting them to ho the same as Dr Williams Pink Pills are liable under tho criminal code which is in force all over Dominion and it will no doubt to a considerable extent put an end to this nefarious business as it is evident from the fact that the Dr Williams Medicine Co went to tho ex pense of bringing this man back from so great a distance tin St John that they intend sparing no expense to pro tect both the public and themselves in such cases Eagle Street And Ufas a Drudgery Because of Disease South American Kidney Cure the of Good Health I was a great sufferer from kidney disease bo badly effected that I could not attend to my household duties I read of the almost miraculous cures made by South American Kidney Cure procured a bottle In a few hours I had permanent relief and six bottles cured me completely I glad recom mend it Mrs D Spring- bill N8 Bold by Lehmani Pharmacy Newmarket The Engineering and Mining Journal says If those who think of going to the Yukon county to get rich will work as hard and undergo as many privations here at home in the pursuit of money they will we have no doubt be richer at the end of five years here than will be the average of who go to Klondike Dyspepsia Cored SbUohs Vitailzer mediately relieve coming up Pood and It great nay and liver remedy Bold by Lehman The number of strikers at tho Al monte woollen mills has increased from yO to It is probable that before tho week cads employes will be idle that with Core The best Cough Care Relieves Croup million cold Sold by To Ike Editor of the Dear Sir Will you allow me space in your paper to offer a sugges tion re Repair on Eagle St from Yonge St to Newmarket Corporation limits a distance of about rods Stone has been proposed through the Era but it is too expensive To make a permanent road they should bo laid ten inches thick and nine feet wide which would require about 118 road measure This at a moder ate calculation including stone break ing preparing roadbed laying on would be not less than This amount you will readily admit is more money than could be raised for the purpose at this time My suggestion is to lay the roadbed with cedar eight or nine feet long by six inches in diameter cover with light coat of clay to fill crevices and add two inches of gravel This I think will make a fixed road for thirty years with an occasional re covering of gravel Cost of material etc feet pieces per ft pieces These at per Laying down per red Gravel Inches deep it wide will repair yds delivered at per yd Total This amount should be within the limits and possible from three sources viz a grant from Whitchurch also from Newmarket Council and private subscriptions To say that Eagle St is one of the worst roads in the Township goes without contradiction The granU from the Council here have been small few and far between and all we ask now is that this piece of road be made good that tho Council of the Town ship of Whitchurch undertake it at once either on the plan suggested or a better and make a permanent good road coming season Failing to do this they had better select a roost in the Klondike eer another election day comes round By giving the an insertion you will confer a favor on very many people Whitchurch Jan 1898 Homo time in the when I was in Highland on the Hudson ills Jherc came a man in village who it is said hod been a sailor He seem ed to bo reticent but somehow he chose to a confident of me and case drawing mo aside one evening while were in a store related follow ing incident of his seafaring life in ail undertone that savored of apprehen sion either for iiimset captain of the vessel in winch lie sailed He said that while on way to America with a cargo of slaves men women childrenthe vessel one was becalmed not a zephyr ruffl ing surface of the sea The weather was excessively hot and the decks fairly blistered tho feet The mate being a good swimmer and withal very fond of a bath concluded to cool forthwith plunged into the sea ami swam a considerable distance from the ship It so happen ed that the captain glanced in the direction of the man when to his horror he discerned the fin of a man eater cleaving the water at some distance beyond and surely marking mate for Ids prey Hut the captains presence of mind did not him and with won derful self control and decision of occasion ho turned to crew and with terrible meaning in every lineament of his face exclaimed Let no man dare to open his mouth If I do not forget he had drawn and displayed his pistol In the next in stant he called loudly to the mate not however to appraise him of his danger for that would have so para lyzed him with fear as to deprive him in all probability of his hence his command to the crew to maintain silence Taking out his watch and holding it aloft he shouted Jim we call him if you will reach the in two minutes I will give you this gold watch Now At once with a mighty effort he start ed to gain the prize With bated breath and countenance aghast with intense emotion the crew now saw the occasion of captains stern com mand to them It is an unequal race for the shark gains rapidly Will the sea demon close his jaws upon the man or will he reach the ship in time to escape No the shark is with in a few lengths of him and is turn ing over to grasp the prey Hes lost No a dark object rushes and strikes the water with a ringing splash between the man and the fish The shark with a vicious plunge seizes it and the dark sea is the grave of another human being The cap tain had picked up a negro child that stood near him and cast it into the sea and thus the mate was saved Forest and Stream dont fhere rills do all yon them lot nod eren more Wheal have a cold and ache from heels a pill a llll all the medicine needed COat The act me right again purposes it protects rTvwyv the pill and to sensitive coats too heavy they wont dissolve and the pills they cover pass through tho system harmless as a pellet Other are too light and permit the speedy deterioration pill After years exposure Sugar Coated Pills hay been found effective as if just fresh from laboratory Its a good pill a good coat Ask your druggist for testimonial will be found In full In with hundred others Free- Address J Lowell r J Fresh Groceries and Choice Fruits AT- Choice Stock at Your Own Price A ROBERT The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner William was fatally crushed while at work in the Ontario rolling mills Hamilton Jas a 13yearold boy addicted to appropriating other peoples property has been sent to the reformatory Joseph Fluker a Pembroke hardware man didnt know it was loaded and as a consequence he got the bullet through his hand Two men named Evans and have been sentenced to three years each at Nelson for rob bing the Hudsons Bay Companys store Eugene Cote son of Frank Cote of Cornwall was instantly killed by a falling stone at the Canada Construc tion Companys quarry at Roches near Cornwall While Robert Little York was taking out turnips from a large pit the roof fell in burying him only leaving his head free His cries brought the neighbors who extricated him with considerable effort He re ceived a number of body The Municipal provides that no council shall assume to make any appointment to office or any arrange ment for the discbarge of the thereof by tender or to applicants at the lowest The of every council should be to secure the moat efficient administration of affairs can only be done by appointing good men at sala ries for which they can afford to pro perly perform the duties of their office A poor official is dear at any price Officers of experience whose service have been satisfactory should be re- tamed no matter how many personal friends of the councillors may be de manding recognition Continuance in office be a reward for effi cient service Independent capable permanent officials are a necessity in every municipality Municipal World We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done- see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order promptness is verbial dkdksjklfcyfa A hennery in Alliston home of oyer wju destroyed by fire of the fowls were lost If your local paper lias trod on your toes a little in performing its mission dont get your back up and editor but stop and take long think for a season and see if cant remember some kind ness shown you in the past Then that it way not be long ore want a favor again NOT TOO LATE eater In any department of COLLEGE Of Toronto Current Members may Enter at Any Time Xvhkrfdy IVActlct Shorthand thoroughly taught Principal St forwd Itarouto 22ty22ttl Oat This will not be the case with an animal whoso blood Is out of order When a all run down he needs ft tonic the as a man Often he cannot have complete rcjt Give him Dicks Blood Purifier end note how quickly he will pick up His whole will be invigorated His digestion will be strengthened fco that all the nourishment will be drawn from food and leas of it will be required Dick Blood drives out Worms and all parasites In cows it greatly increase flow of 60 A IK I it THE A book I pas a of vbout tbe Dlrtctory December edition having regu lar of or more Abo separ ate ioaps of cud every of the Union those towns only there are more tb This look I ot ddrtiou wchrt one dollar Ad Geo Howell Advertising FOR TWENTYSEVEN I Bra i If i iPa