Newmarket Era , February 4, 1898, p. 6

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l around the Hob THE NEWMARKR WHAT WORTHY TO i in meetings aro going on ibeohurch hero The social at Whites on Wednesday evening under of Aid was a success and socially v JUNCTION Far mors around hero are busy draw- logwood The young folks enjoying good skating Mr and Mrs and Mrs George been visiting friends in Qucensvillo and past Mr of Zephyr and Mr J Owen of Beckon are visiting Junction have Temperance meeting on Friday night RoseBud a BRADFORD Mr Jas of skating on Saturday night hist hod misfortune to fall and break his leg A couplo of dogs went into the other day and came out their noses full of quills Mr Jos and Mr Jack have and it runs very well Mr Win Church of Scotch Settlement Mr Albert hired man was kicked by a young colt on Wednesday of last week and one of his ribs broken IT v annual of North York took Landing on Friday afternoon of last week and was largely attended Some being present Unfortunately speakers who billed for occasion Mr A MiscampbcH and J W St John unable to at- tend causing disappointment Mr President acted as chairman following gentle- Col of Mr T of Aurora Mr John Curry of Mr of Mr Jamea of Bradford Mr East Mr W of East and Mr J A Allan of following officers Hon President Col H 1st 2nd J Barry J A Allan Lennox A mass meeting of electors will be held at at an early date Miss Vincent and Miss of Australia are expected at tho Metho dist church on Sunday Fob morning and evening and at Presbyterian church in afternoon Quarterly Meeting service be gins in Methodist church at Feb J TENTH LINK KING Roy Dr preached a Tory interesting and edifying sermon in Presbyterian church last Sun day but owing to the anniversary vico in connection with St Pauls church lino his congregation was small Mrs Robinson of Man has- been visiting with relatives hero during tho repast few weeks Jho addition to Reeve Cherrys will soon bo finished White tjio contract Mr has been v getting a position in a business col- lego in Pickering Miss Davis who has been visit- friends in has returned Some of the young attended annual ball given by the Bachelors Of Mr Jos Hunter with the assistance windmill can how crush grain or cut straw with very little trouble While cutting he accidentally allowed the hammer Jo get into and when ho palled for windmill to it could not hear owing to high As a freoti he hasnt seen bis faithful old Great wonder it visnt worse in sympathy with the cause attended the lecture in Temperance Hall at Wednesday evening of last week wore delighted with it and do not hesitate in pronouncing Mr a matchless orator i school was closed last Wcdnes- v to of the tcach- Toronto A very pretty wedding occurred at tho residence of Mr Toronto Junction on Wednesday Jan occasion being the of his Miss A to Mr Samuel Davis of this lino On Wednesday Jan Mr Frank of was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Elizabeth Thompson of this A largo number of the im mediate friends and relatives were present to witness ceremony which was performed by Rev Mr of Kleinburg bride was recipi ent of many costly and appropriate presents Mr and Mrs will take up their abode in and their many friends wish them much toy and happiness in future home w a Mr met with a heavy loss on Friday evening last on the 10th line of King Ho was moving tebingouginp from farm to and tho very icy slid on the road and- upset into It was badly wrecked to get it repaired will take the season threshing Bob narrowly escaped being crushed be- It but glad to know ho The coupling broke and freed the else moat likely would met with serious v Whow but wasnt Sunday a snort- or degrees below aero hero But despite this a largo crowd went to Bethel and listened to an eloquent ad dress from Miss Vincent of Australia Mr Travisa has returned from far and is calling on old friends are nursing colds and many with la grippe The sido lines very badly drifted but will soon bo passable again A Womens Christian Temperance Union was organized herb on Monday by Misses and Vincent of Australia These ladies are travelling through tho country as and many good results follow them Tho Union hero will meet in hall on Wednesday next at p with a membership of thirty ladies and thirteen gentlemen Mr Sclby Draper returned homo on Saturday evening Quito a number from hero attended the in Keswick Meth odist Church on Monday evening Miss Louie Draper returned home last week after sponding nearly tbreo months in Toronto The following the officers of tho C T U President Mrs A Winch VicoPres Mrs McCordick Secretary Miss Maud Morion Treasurer Mrs Morton Auditor Reporter Miss A Winch Mrs John Ward of Tp is friends in the neighbor hood A of unusual interest took in the Lloyd town Moth Church last Tuesday overling subject Resolved that for to have equal rights with men would bo beneficial to our country Messrs J Ferguson of and A Fer guson of ably sustained affirmative but were overpowered by strong arguments of Mr A Wilkinson on tho negative Rev F Nurse A of King preached very acceptable sermon in the Methodist Church Sunday tho pastor being at King in Missionary interests is now besieged bv tem perance workers Last Thursday wo listened to celebrated Catswell this week a band of temperance advocates named The Reaper are stirring this vicinity- with excellent addresses and music Wo sorry to to record death of another of Schomlwrgs oldest citizens Mrs Hughes Tho de ceased- has been a sufferer for several months hut was relieved of her pains last Wednesday evening On Friday afternoon a largo number of friends assembled at church where tho funeral was conducted by tho pastor Rev Robinson Tho friends the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement Mr A Ferguson of is reported to have narrowly escaped death through a kick from a horse while teaming to Bradford Ho has fully recovered from tho injuries MOUNT ALBERT Wo has Kcstt day now has been very change- the roads very iov and the blacksmith has very busy has boon a great deal of around bore but wo glad to hear of prospects of recovory The special services being con tinued this week Childrens services to bo hold Tuesday and Thursday afternoon A from Pine Orchard Lodge passed through the Valloy on Saturday evening with a team on their way to Kettleby to at tend open Division Thoy report a good time In speaking of the i i v The anniversary of the Methodist School on Sunday and Monday last was very successful On Sunday according to announcement Rev Mr Leo preached morning and evening The morning service was specially for the children The text was The little foxes that spoil the vines The sermon was appreciated by both old and young The evening sermon was a powerful one from the text found in Daniel the 2nd chanter and part of tho verse But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits There was a good at tendance at both services Mr Lee sustained his reputation of being an able preacher On Monday evening despite very cold and stormy night the house was comfortably filled The entertainment was we think the best ever held by the school The children did their part exceeding ly well reflecting great credit upon those who had the training of them The following also assisted in the en tertainment Mr Isaac Gilpin Mr Oldham Mrs Wm Mrs Atkinson Miss A Stevens and Rev Mr Lee but Mr Abe Oldham of Pine Orchard was the great attrac tion He gave some half dozen tipns on concertina He has the reputation of being the best concertina player in Canada He was heartily encored every time he appeared The chair was ably filled by Mr Robert of The officers of the School are certainly to be con gratulated upon the success of the an Mr Marritt accompanied by his sister Miss Amy and a young of Albert spent Sunday at Mr Wm Mr and Mrs Elliott Oldham of spent Sunday and Monday at his brothers Mr James Oldham and other friends They took in the Methodist anniversary Mrs Ward of Markham was also visiting friends hero for a few days Mr held his singing school on Wednesday night this week instead of Monday night Roads aro being badly drifted in this vicinity this week Miss Williams of spent Sunday at Mr Terrys Wo understand Mr Duncan King has bought a carload of American corn to dispose of part of it among neighbors- Miss Ella Terry is visiting her aunt Mrs Lapp in for weeks Mr A E Miller who for sometime has been somewhat under tho weather returned on Monday after a months absence much improved health He visited in Toronto and Mr Anson Jones has now complet ed hie task of taxcollecting for this year Messrs Boyd and commis sioners for the purpose of purchasing bridge timber for East for 1898 met at Rosamonds Hotel on Saturday and contracts Rev W K and his helper Rev Mr are now conducting revivals at Methodist Church Mr John Shields of Toronto has a gang of men on his swamp lands getting out timber for a large hiproof barn to be built on his premises tho coming summer The stabling will bo fitted up for 100 head of cattle as Mr Shields who is an extensive cattle dealer proposes to fatten quite a number each winter He now has at his farm ve SO ready for export Messrs Haywood and have the contract of sawing lumber for the barn with their port able mill C and Harry Si mons returned Monday evening after a weeks visit at Toronto A largo number from here attended the Carnival at last Thurs day evening at which a matched race for mile took place where the con test lay between McLean of viilo and Dusty of The latter was the favorite and appears to have won the cup by a fluke Fisher of this place was on the ice but not being named was not allowed to skate Several leading conservatives of this place attended the convention at Hol land Landing last Friday among whom were Messrs J Rosamond W Marr J and Thos Frinkwon ST SOUTH Mr Amos Rogers from Elgin county formerly of St was visiting friends hero last week Things are pretty lively hero this winter lecture given by Mr Edward last Monday evening under the S of T was well received by quite a number of people A good many were kept homo on ac count of vory stormy night and a grand treat Mr Webb tho chair in on ablo manner Collection The PieSocial given by Literary Society last Tuesday evening was not a very good success financially About lady and pic for or gentlemen Wo glad to hear Mr Richard Lunny Is improving after a short illness The District Division of will bo held at Enterprise Div on Feb This is the annual meeting Business at 1 oclock and a good en tertainment in the evening Tho Friends Sunday School intend holding their annual social and enter tainment on Feb We hear Mr Anthony Brown in tends moving farther north on Miss Sarah Millards farm near Holland Landing and starting farming for himself Wo wish him Tho Australian Ladies are to lecture hero temperance There is lots of loom for improvement on that line for hardly a day passes hut half a dozen men aro worse of liquor There is also to bo a band of Reap ers here in a week The Presbyterians are arranging for a musical concert in two weeks Talent is coming from Toronto so wo can expect something pretty good The market was very small last Tuesday on account of cold weather Miss Leak is away on a holiday trip Tho choir in tho Methodist Church miss her services as organist Tho members of tho at- tended a mooting in Newmarket other evening Hon David Mills Minister of Justice in an address British Possessions in Africa aid that British energy would yet up in in South Africa a dominion as loyal and patriotic Having received instructions and taken the contract of writing news for Elmvale for a short time owing to change in occupation to bush-whack- ing I will have to bid adeau to College Corners for a short time Stanley is spending his holidays out in the country at his grandpas Miss Mary Rush and her sister been visiting Mrs A for a few days They expect to return home in a short time Miss Stewart whom wo made men tion of as being in New York Hospital training as nurse has been accepted after two months trial and has been engaged for two years A good antidote for a stove louse take an axe and saw go into a bush and make them ring for a week Ill go his bonds hell have a appetite and a strong hardy constitu tion which will give him the title a forest King Wo are pleased to comment on the progress of our School under the management of Miss Etta Davidson All your friends who are contem plating going to the gold regions should make sure preparations You will want tots of clothes grit sand grub patience and sterling courage so that if you have to sleep in a wood shed or have to stew a piece of buffalo robe for supper you will not fail in heart but get your baggage on the deck and dont forget your check for you steal aboard and hide away Mr Jack Frost is as good as a monkey Hehas tightened up all the pond holes and a few of our boys ears last Sunday morn The special services at Corners commenced last week under the management of Rev Mr Stur geon and an evangelistic revivalist Revivals are also going on at Brown- hill at present I have come to the conclusion that a certain young gentleman is trving to form a matrimonial alliance with one of our fairies Mr Phillips was the guest of Mr Baoho over Sunday The Simmerson boys moved into their new house and have built anoth er commodious building which has been already dedicated arid for After our old sleighinc being freshly shod up again wood hauler have taken advantage of it fcnd are- hump ing their wood homo Mr A Mitchell is of best choppers Ho can put up cords of wood day the Owl any ouch good moft ii his r look formerly A rugging boo fast Thurst crowd of our ladies them a big lift frolicsomo wind built nice snow heaps here abouts but did not leave enough in other places While Joker was walking along a path in a bush a partridge flew up and made tho loose snow fly Mr Henry Smith has invested a portion of his income in a grand new and expects to it christen ed next 8unday Mr J M do re j an aged man is very low with sickness at present Slight are entertained of bis re covery Revivals still continue at with unabated interest One day last week while Mr and Mrs Thos Sedore were at Newmarket and the girls were quilting at home the stove pipe fell apart and some coals of fire ignited tho carpet rags upstairs tho ceiling and walls burnt two or three beautiful pink waists a bed and feather tick and lastly tho Jokers carpet slippers Luckily Albert happened to be at homo feeding the horses at noon when ho looked towards the house and and saw the smoke pressing through tho roof Only for his prompt action tho house might have been consum ed We received an inkling to the effect that Mr Parks of Egypt who has taken chargo of the North School lately vacated by Miss Rush is progressing favorably and more than that his winning ways has cap tured belle of that vicinity A pleasant and most enjoyable time was spent at Mr P one night last week when several sleigh loads from Bradford Newmarket and street Roachs Point and sur rounding community gathered for the occasion The time was lively taken up with plays singing by C Goodyear who was considered half a concert and played the organ to the satisfaction of all concerned and the wee wee hours away until dispersed to their homes very much animated by their nights sport I was sorry that I was not in the tide The Owl and Joker being in the literary field again with humor in our pates will try and make the Era more interesting than ever as it is emphatically requested by the public and your readers The Joker ly Last week we neglected to state that it is a For dairy use A child 1 years old can easly run it and it will separate of Milk per Hour Ten days trial will be given for approval AGENTS ilvester Dougherty Hardware Dealers STOUFFVILLI TO FARMERS A PureBred Improved Yorkshire White Boar will be kept for on Lot Con cents WANTED A few good men for canvassing on yearly salaries THE COifPANY Toronto AGENTS Thobtetllfeof have writes Lord homo about Queen Victoria make dollars dally COMPANY Limited Toronto WOOD WANTED Cords each of Green Hardwood and Dry Hemlock Apply to JACKBON r KETTLKBV On Friday last the remains of Mr Lemuel Lewis were interred in the Cemetery followed stand the cold by a large concourse of friends Mr Lewis has suffered for some years with an which caused his death On Sunday last the remains of Isa bella Boadwin were interred in the Christian Church Burial Ground here Elder performed the funeral obsequies John Clark who was in the act of repairing Mr Malcolm well fell in but we can congratulate John that ho only went as far as the top of the curb and stopped so he came out alive but very sore Mr has rented his acres of Nursery to Mr Shropshire of Mr will sell by auction his farm stock and implements on the The Lecture on Saturday evening by Mr was well advertised and well responded to the hall being filled to overflowing and the grand old man delivered a lecture notwithstanding his impaired health of an hour and minutes duration He held the audience completely and is literally unparalleled as a Temper ance Lecturer Pine Orchard of muster- ed up courage about strong and drawn by horses wended their way to last Saturday evening on a visit to our Division We were much pleased to entertain them to a moderate banquet at Mr borns For some untold reason the Metho dist Church hero was not supplied last Sunday Three young men are hero named Judd from Caledon of Mr Carberry Mrs Samson sister of Mr Love is here from Manitoba Mrs Lou Mount is visiting friends at Tho Endeavor of ihi Methodist Church will hold a Box Social on Tuesday Gib at tho of AGENTS WANTED Woman Maiden- Wife and Mother A book which every woman buy is almost ready Special by Lady Aberdeen Intrcducuoa by Frances An encyclopaedia on the woman question hundred noted women and numer ous other Illustrations A snap for lther men or women canvasser Prospectus THE COMPANY Notice to Creditors Pursuant toll 16 Chap Sec all persons haying claims Township of East GwlUImbury married woman deceased are hereby required on or before the day of A 1898 to post prepaid or to deliver to Mark A- Wcaaloo Bradford their name and descriptions with full particular of their duly verified by declaration nod showing the security If any held therefore And that after the Raid day of February A the administrator of the said deceased proceed to distribute the assets of her estate persons thereto ha regard to tboso claims only of which he have received notice as aforesaid Bated this th day of January A MARK A WILL PURCHASE A In Good Condition This Jo a snap for a beginner From here to Lake done In an hour and twenty on It Enquire at Era Office NEW SHOP Having rented the premises next door to Feed Store I am now prepared to make all kinds of Harness light and heavy HORSEMEN 1 J WEAVING ISAAC OPPOSITE THE Homestead On Street Having been with ft LOOK Is now prepared to weave to the satisfaction of fats customer Call and see sample A trial TENDERS ii Boxes provided by constituency ki a bay for A meeting of tlon win bo held In the Hall under Peppiatts Gallery -on- Saturday the at oclock for purpose of different Milk Routes Ho North l No South North to be exteedd as farnotthas actor No Sod St South No Route union fct No Route No Ore hard not routes be find it to their advantage to and see me for all Interfering PadsT Ship Quarter Boots Scalpers ShoeBoil Boots And all kinds of Paraphernalia belong- to the speedy ones I will also carry a Full of- Valises Whips Horse Blank ets All kinds of Horse Clothingkept stock or made to order on shortest notice Light Carriage and Track Harness a speciality Call and see me SWINANS Block Newmarket WANTED of bo at the place on date mentioned to 0ABLOABS OF From to ISO lbs and from to years old Also a few NAMELY Hotel Newmarket Feb ShotnUjr Hotel 9 Hotel at Wednesday m 9

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