Newmarket Era , February 11, 1898, p. 1

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A 44 IN mo tho to know to uttor and to arguo according to all othor liberty AND PA No paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance 4- Vol No Single Copies J Newmarket Ont Friday February 4 1898 Terms per annum thinking of building a bam or romodoling and repairing the in If bo you will want Paints Oils Glass Furnace etc Plumbing IT WILL PAY to drop a card or call and get estimates on any of the above goods from if paid NEWMARKET LEGAL J Barrister Notary Public Owes Main to Loan o good security t Barrister Solicitor etc Solicitor for or King Money to Loan Court Building Newmar ket Ontario p Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer carefully managed and collections EX promptly made to at lowest rates Block Barrister Solicitors Manning Arcade WKJog fit West INSURANCE Standard Life Assurance Co Eataollebod Assets Invested in Canrda over Children over 12 years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Local Agent f Reformer Block Money to MEDICAL Campbell Residence opposite Christian to and to P Joseph Cody I Ft A NCE IN Tueadaya and Saturdays At Town Clerks Office next to Fire Newmarket J Agent for Fire and Life Companies Florence Nightingale AN COMPOSITION Y A PUPIL OK A Lady with a lamp stand In great history of land A type of good Heroic womanhood A Many people in thin world wish to bo notable Of course many do notiiovo chance and others do not their privileges This a woman who possessed many tnlcnte and did not allow them lo bo idle Florenco Nightingale was second daughter of Shore Night ingale She born in the year at tho residence of her father in Florence Italy that lovely city earth and sky Are pictured both and poetry Miss Nightingale had a beautiful home which was surrounded by a large lawn well shaded by luxuriant trees The was in the shape of a cross with gables at its extremities Tall chimneystacks were erected on tho top of the which it look much higher there were also many bay windows The wholo place was enclosed by a large stone wall which was by vines This was among the most at tractive spots known influence of this and cosy home impressed upon a gentle and loving nature She had the coolness of a man and tho gentle bearing of a woman Her mind was tilled with unselfish and loving thoughts for others Honor to those words or deeds Thus helps us in our daily needs And by their overflow Raise us from what is low County Council DAY York County Council business at Court House Thurs day morning warden Mr Geo High presiding Commissioner will bo Councillors and Hall with the Warden The names Hamilton of North John Taylor of and Dennis were pro posed to fill vacancy in the gift of the county of nominating a student to Under an existing bylaw of the Ontario Agricultural College Money to Loan in at Current Kates At Newmarket A Insurance Agent Low Ratca on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket PAINTING for of Women of jronto Of to a to fed Own to w3aad6to8pa j Wesley and Coroner Of North Telephone Communication Tho leading House Painter and Paper Hanger experience In all of Full lino of samples of latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them door North of Primary School Church Bolton Hewitt Painter Papernanger and Corn Church Street Millards and ft I Block opposite Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed Aurora to toiOKflCSDr Geo ttlood House Blgn Carriage Main i J Ulm ficinney Member of the Ontario Association of Arch itects Consultation Invited with con templating Building or Remodelling their Buildings by Fire adjusted Main St Newmarket Aurora LIOENBES g j of LICENSES It- MARRIAGE At the A Office a How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scotts Emulsiom is hard to explain but it certainly happens It seems to start the diges tive machine working properly You obtain a greater benefit from your food oil being and combined with the pophsphites makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power physicians know this e a fact Her face was always lightened by a cheery fimilo and tho bright twinkling eyes which were overhung by heavy eyebrows When a were child Florence took a great interest in suffering humanity She was for ever helping tho poor and administering to the sick and needy She viited chief military hospitals in Europe and studied the principal nursing systems In she went to on the Rhine in order to practice the work to which she was to consecrate her life and there she remained three months She also took management of the Street Hospital iin London and sacrificed a large part of her fortune in reorganizing that establishment During the Crimean War of 1854 Nightingale organized a band of nurses at Scutari After a short time she left for the East where her labors were invaluable in attending the sick and wounded She superin tended the band of nurses she brought out with her and was known to work for twenty hours at a stretch with the sick and dying soldiers It was God that sent her to my bedside She nursed me day and night She possessed icreat coolness and was able to help in some of the most exciting work Indeed she was al ways ready to help for the sake of others In 1859 Nightingale pub lished notes on the Hospital notes on nursing in I860 notes on the sanitary state of the army in Of all the loving unselfish and thoughtful characters I think Flor ence Nightingale deserves to bo one Did she not leave her comfortable homo and many kind friends for the hardships and trials of a soldiers life not for the purpose of gaining fame old County Council the of an incorporated village or municipality has power to commit indigent person to tho Industrial Homo The reeve of a minor municipality under the now system of county councils is not amenable to the County Council and it said that their discretionary powers ire not always exercised which accounts for the many able- bodied men now being cared for at tho of county On mo tion of Councillor and Hall the Committee on Bylaws was in structed to repeal bylaw No 183 which gave reeves this power of com mitment voting for auditors occupied much time The names first put in nomination Messrs Over Lucas Scott and After seven ballots the voting stood Scott After several more ballots had been taken for second name Scott was the choice Lucas a close second until the last ballot new law however requires an expert accountant so the Council a long story short and also added to County expense by de ciding to appoint a chartered account ant to supervise the work of the auditors at S3 a day of six hours Mr Robert Wray received the ap pointment Mr and County En gineer appeared before the council to speak in reference to a dis pute which has arisen in reference to the construction of York Mills bridge The dispute involves between and 1500 The timbers put into the bridge the contractor calls piles and what tho contractor calls piles the engineer calls timbers The difference in tho cost of the bridge is the difference in the amount allowed in the contract for these items Tho matter was discussed at length in committee and then it was decided to leave matter in the hands of tho commissioners to pass upon in their report Here again the working of the new County Council Act was put to the test It became a question whether ex- Warden Davidson by virtue of his office as warden could act with the commissioners when an other warden had been appointed and before the new commissioners were elected Without looking into the legality of tho matter it was decided that the exwarden should still act and that if the council were not satis- fled they would raise objection to his action when their report was present ed The Finance Committee reported in favor of guaranteeing the waterworks debentures of the village of to the amount of 25000 for years The report was adopted Voting then took place for member ship on the Board of Audit The re sult of the voting gave the positions to J Stokes and These with the County Judge will form the board to audit Criminal Justice accounts Committee on ByLaws and Legislation reported that it would bo necessary to appoint a Commissioner of York Roods for that portion of Kingston Road lying in Township of Pickering Alex received this appointment On motion of Mr Woodcock the Committee on ByLaws was instructed to prepare a bylaw allowing jurors at tending the High Court and Sessions of the Peace extra compensation of cents per mile at any adjournment more than one day The Board of Audit reported constables accounts for civil justice amounting to There has been considerably less vagrancy in the county than in previous years They notice a number of cases where the magistrate imposed a fine and gave time for payment In every case the has absconded and none of tho fines have been paid They re commend magistrates to enforce pay ment of fines or commit to jail They also think expense might be saved by using local constables instead of send ing county constables from Toronto to all parts of the county The practice of some northern magistrates sitting on cases near Toronto was likewise re prehensible The Council then adjourned in order to give the Equalization Committee an opportunity to sit Adjourned till Tuesday Thomas who left years ago and was working in a grist mill at was killed in stantly a few days ago The body will be brought for interment to where many relatives reside A widow and three children survive him Diamond Dyes are the Only Safe and Peine Our legislators have enacted strin gent laws for the prevention of food adulteration and as a result our people have been benefitted and all classes of our population get value for their money It would be a boon to the women of Canada if the adulteration act applied to package dyes sold for home dyeing are now used in tens of thousands of homes and too frequently valuable goods and materi als are spoiled by use of adulterated dyes that should be prohibited by law The Diamond Dyes for long years given the most complete satisfac tion They are the only reliable pure and fast dyes now before the public the only package dyes that can stand the most crucial chemical test Diamond Dyes are by all up-to- date druggists and dealers If you meet a dealer who recommends some other make of pause before you buy from him Such a dealer is work ing only for big profits he has no re gard for your success and comfort the Klondike TALK WITH THE INVENTOR SEVEN AND THIRTYTWO FREIGHT CAR8 NOW IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION Chicago Jan Geo a Chicago inventor has solved the problem of getting Bupplies into the Klondike region this winter by means of his snowtraction locomotive When reports of the growing of food began to come from this El Dorado summer very little attention was given to then However as the weeks passed the reports become more Dire calamity threatened the hundreds of American miners in that country of gold It devolved upon the Govern ment to avert the impending crisis The War Department took the matter up and finally agreed that it was ab solutely necessary to get supplies there during the winter to stay starvation But a more serious question confront ed the Secretary of War How was this to be accomplished in a region that was impenetrable Here George Glover came to the front with his snow locomotive and made bold to say that he could solve the problem Thereupon the snow lo comotive was considered by the vernraent and was finally adopted Congress having recently appropriated 200000 for the relief in question of these locomotives are now building in Chicago and New York and thirtytwo freight and passenger cars will be made at Portland Ore for this work These will bo at by February 1 and will start by Feb for Dawson City over the trail School report op school fob January Lena Daley Qoraldine Haines X Fred Annie George Driver Earnest Vernon Wesley Bert Fair Fred Kitely Craw ford Wesley III Jr III Charlie Etta- Stephenson Laura Tate Joe Peter- man Henry Violet Curtis Frank Brillinger II Ralph Frank v Tate Walter Arthur Jr II Maude Morrison Annie Curtis Wesley Brillinger Ada Wright- Charlie Amman George Part Roy Vernon III Tab Eugene Vera J- Morrison II Tab Bert Nellie i Wesley Sarah Maude I Tab Bella Doan Frank man Leonard Curtis J Turner Teacher REPORT OP NO WHITCHURCH AND BAST FOURTH DAY BO CfctmUu and renown but for tho design of comforting and healing tho suffering Surely the memory of her good works and noble character will remain green in minds of those who knew her and those who read about her A workman was employed on the fifth floor of a new building in New York when he fell down the elevator shaft He carried the scaffold on the fourth floor with him and two other men also fell to the ground All will likely die Chatham Jan While driving a spirited team of horses attached to a wagon near village yester day young children of Edward Perry had a experience boy aged and the girl thrown from the vehicle tli3 thlUiim litter sustained wounds resulted fatally It was decided by the Council that a years subscription of the Municipal World should be presented to each member A bylaw to appoint three members of tho County Council as members of the Board of Directors of the Art and Agricultural Association received its third reading The blanks were filled with tho Warden and Councillors W and J Bull The Councillors reported that York Mills difficulty was fast ap proaching a settlement The County of through its defaulting treasurer is not able to meet county in reference to tho building of bridge across tho Hol land River near Bradford so it was decided that now bridge be not built before the winter of but that specifications should be got out during summer and contract lot so as to allow timber to bo got out the summer They also decided to move the old YorkMills bridge to the and York where it will ho to replace the over the now Co The Metropolitan Railway Co which operates an electric line on street between thoCPR cross ing and Richmond Hill suffered the loss by firo night of its car shed and almost all its rolling One car had been taken out to clear the line after the snowstorm and up on its return the discovery was made that the shed was on fire All thought of saving the shed and the four motor cars inside was soon abandoned No damage was done to the power The loss will probably not exceed It is supposed that firo was started by the contact of a live wire Music To introduce our new monthly pub lication American Popular Music wo following liberal Send us the names of three or more per form ers on the piano or organ and fifteen in money or postage and will mail you s of the latest popular songs two etc full sheet arranged for piano or organ arm American Popular Music for Address Popular Indianapolis TALK WITH THE INVENTOR The locomotives that are now be constructed for this Klondike trip said Mr Glover yesterday will weigh about eight tons each half the weight of the logging locomotives Their capacity will be about tons burden respectively I find that an eight ton machine will do the work quicker and easier The are now practically ready for shipment to where they will be assembled and then shipped to gether with cars to Dyea Here they will be put up and placed in readiness for expedition which leaves that point on Feb for Daw son City in charge of of the United army Chilcoot pass will be the greatest obstauction encountered on the first trip There is no part of the pass however that pre3enti a grade greater than per cent These locomotives can climb such a grade readily Each machine will have a steam windlass attached and by means of this the train can easily pull itself up at a re gular speed I calculate getting over this pass in less than fortyeight hours with the first train The way once opened subsequent travel will he easier MAY MAKE THE TRIP IN DAYS Capt thinks that the trip to Dawson City will about days I think thirty days will be more accurate Some bridging will doubtless have to be done and parts of the trail opened up by blasting However these things are readily viated The cost of building and equip ping this train will he les3 than 35- Each locomotive will cost about passenger and freight cars and their transportation to will not exceed On reaching Dawson City four of the locomotives will be used in trans porting supplies and passengers to and from the various points and villages lo cated in Klondike gold fields The others will return and make another trip before the winter in Alaska is over The Snow and Ice Transportation Company which owns the right of Glover locomotive will receive cents a pound for transmitting the food supplies for the United States Gov ernment to Dawson City There will be tons in this shipment Patents have been taken put for the invention not only in but in Canada Russia and other northern regions where logging is a distinctive industry the next few years the traction loco motive may revolutionize the logging industry and it seems destined to be come an established means of winter transportation in extreme northern climes Class Polly Skinner Harold Miller IV Mabel Skinner Jr IV Ruby Skinner Gertie Goodwin Eva Skinner Fred Harper III Byron Graves Jr III Skinner George Bishop May Fee Flora Harper Willi Harper Walter Graves Robbie well Clara Moulds Part Monte Sidney Gamble Ross Boden Fanny Hale Frank Fee Part I Wesley Wilkinson Goodwin Lily Graves Present every dayFred Harper Flora Harper Willie Harper May Fee Frank Fee Abram Skinner Skinner J Gibson Teacher S NO EAST IV Class John Mortimer Ill Class Br Fred Boyd Norman Gibney Charlie Boyd Herbert Boyd Ill Class Jr James Gibney Frank Hopper Annie Harrington Jean Bar- Grace Annie YS Class Hector Moulds Esther Mary Me- Main II Class Jr- Fred Mortimer don Pitt Lome Evans Annie Mary Percy Annie George Pull Flossie Gibson Florences Tablet Marguerite Sam I Tablet Stanley Boyd Mabel Mortimer Garfield Pitt Charlie Moulds Roy Evans I True prayer is a mystery to those who are no filled with the Spirit To some it was a labor to others it is a form but to those who know God and follow wholly it in a glorious privilege Prayer is God and man communing through the Holy Spirit Prayer bridge the gulf between the finite and infinite between earth and heaven We shall never bo channels of blessing to men that God wants us to be until wo have learned to wait upon God in prayer Do you break clear through to God in secret prayer or do you do just enough to easo your conscience Do you oyer wrestle In for wave of salvation until you fee you have prevailed to some took posses sion as landlord of the hotel last week Joe Wilson had a of first finger of out off in ft punching in the factory Tottenbim on The Aqueduct Company boon stock of to supply for light beat and and power for

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