i the life Tho vicinity enlarging their 9 to hear Mr in vpcdilql wor6nloB improving of who has Ihreo at fitoriand has returned roan attended the week having flip A Wilson of Whitchurch who last week under parental roof has returned home Vi Mr has had a Blight ttMkofLaGrippo jflftaa May Wcddol Is at present Buffering with a on I Jerkins of has bee been a Miss CITY wo are called upon to of two of our oldest Ferguson and Mr tfjif if death was in way tut he had not been well tiiuo hut Mr Fergusons us only ho was up and out of doora failure is to have been frill greatly wnahday8chool as ho was a attendant and took great in- in Sunday School work The purveying relatives of the heartfelt sympathy of rf City Sous off aoontend lading a Pio Social a inn Monday as in spending a few witbhor sister at of Toronto in home VI t last air waa taken seriously ill A from Aurora was called in and his suffering trouble Wo have to chronicle ill a of Joseph youngest son of Mr who at present care Of a doctor On Tuesday of last week Mr and wife attend the funeral of Bradford are informed that Mm Beatrice of Aurora but late of Kettle- will shortly sail for aid on a visit to her fathers people jAt Birmingham Among the visitor past week Mr It Stewart and family of Miss Love of Aurora Miss Rebecca Pax ton of SHARON The annual meeting of Northern Protection SocoHy to take place hero on Saturday m MOUNT ALBERT John A Esq of Toronto Co Clerk spent- Sunday hero with rel atival A largo number from attended carnival at Newmarket evening and report a good and a splendid rink Misses Vincent and of Australia who have been conducting temperance throughout On tario were at Methodist Church here evening last week As our nourishingrtbwn somewhat of a model Jown barring gossip there to be any for of a from drunks in last weeks as most will agree with me that there in not on an average of one a week and at that liquor furnished else where and inebriate home to sober up The Quarterly Meeting of tho Metho dist Church was held hero on Monday when the work at tho various revivals discussed work is consider ed to bo very flourishing and will be continued during tho rest of tho win ter in the different appointments Mr John Thompson has removed his implement to top of hill where also in his resi dence will bo A successful carnival was held here last Thursday evening on Mr Jewells rink Although owing to inclement weather attendance from a dis tance was greatly curtailed raco resulted as follows 1st J Fisher handicap laps 2nd handicap lap Fisher Best Ladys Costume Miss Maggie Best Girls Costume Miss Etta Ross Quite a treat expected at high class concert to bo held hero in the Presbyterian Church on the inst when Misses and of Toronto will appear Tho ladies of church decided to make this concert a great success This place has already three imple ment agents but this last week wo have had an addition itj person of Mr Fred Jacks of Uxbridge has located in the premises lately occupied by carriage factory ho now carries a full stock of harvesting machinery and other goods Mr Jacks is a hustler and we wish him success THE ERA FRIDAY FEB a J On Thursday evening Feb there will be a Valentino in Hall of tip place to each bring a box and a Valentin on which their name should placed and cither en closed in an envelope or if more gentlemen will attend to tbo rest A program provided A big time ex pected Everybody come and enjoy yourself Proceeds in aid of a church fund BALDWIN BREEZES CON The Revival services which been held in tbo fission Church on sixth have been a great success About come out on Lords side Sabbath in connection with the Church is in a flourishing Mr Geo Green is super- LANDING in vain am market arid two sisters attended a party in Albion on day even in Division has decided to visit Bond Bead one week from this Friday evening The Carnival in connection with the rink here been postponed owing to the hoys taking to sleigh- riding and the rink 1ms has taken to cutting ice for farmers Again those line wedding bells rung out the marriage of Miss only daughter of Mr Ferdin and to Mr Jos former village The event took place at the of the brides parents and the marriage cere mony wan performed by Elder Chid toy of Newmarket in presence of a largo concourse of friends and rel atives Mrs Ramsden was made the recipient of very many handsome presents Win Curtis and- were attending at Mr Lloyds on Wednesday last when nis daughter Miss Mary was united in wedlock to Mr Wood I of King City Rumor says that paid f holders will enjoy a treat on the Saturday night MOUNT PLEASANT On Thursday evening Jan at the annual entertainment the friends of the Presbyterian Church and Sunday School presented their Pastor and Bible class teacher Rev J Sturgeon with a pair of Driving Mitts and their Sir with a Teachers Bible and following address To the R J Sturgeon Dear Wishing to assure yon Id some that voar work of faith end of love on oar behalf very much appreciated we take this opportunity of to the gr6at benefit we have re ceived during the time you have labored among as both in Bible CJia Instruction and in the of the as well as in oar homes We pray that the blessing of God may reel upon you in all your labors and that the seed sown from time to time may pro dace abundantly both time and eternity A token of our regard our esteem end our good wishes we herewith present and may it ever remind you of the warmth of love May we both pastor and people long be helpful in the Vice the Master We remain faithfully youra Signed on behalf of the by Wight Council took place at bridge line Umphrey 1 Taylor Armstrong ktter one was accepted and rftyBfieve Corner and Councillor ire appointed to aupenntena and accept aame when con Riven To Mr Thomas Sib We the era of deeply your faithful diligence In discharge of take this of satis- faction with your efforts on oar that appreciation expressed help ful both to the laborer and those who ere served in more firmly the bonds of christian love and wishing at this time a manner to express that ap preciation we present this token of regard trusting that you will accept the spirit in it is presented We farther wish and pray that as work- ere together with Him who is the Lord of the harvest cur present relationship to each other may long and wish ing you and years the blessing of God which rich an no sorrow We remain respectfully Signed on behalf on the by Shaw Miss Wight Mr Sturgeon and Mr both in a few well chosen remarks thanked people present for the kindness shown them and expressed themselves as being completely and agreeably surprised Mr Clin is showing signs of improvement up Geo Crittenden our tailor powerful sick Iwy His case all along has puzzled Sometimes they pronounced it sometime rheumatics Monday oil operation was performed on his leg which gave relief A deeply seated on his lanced Our teacher unconsciously raised a tempest in a teapot Ho promised a prize for the ono attending every school day in the year also for tho attending all hut one day when and behold there wore so many candi dates mora than were expected Just think of it wee trudging two and a half miles day in tho year all for a small prize Sutton is stupidly dull at present Couldnt find a scrap of news there excepting that Scott has sold out his bakery which lie purchas ed of Mr French to a Mr Arnold of Ml Albert Where did the Owl And tho chick en Why in the soup of course Where was the scribe last week Wasnt brought up in hush to lie by the hoot of an Owl eh I The grass widow alias Swamp Angel alia has returned from the seclusion of dumncovile i Governor Greens castle to her old haunts in Sutton She was commit ted on the charge of having stolen a largo amount of money from one of her numerous guests and also for keep ing a disreputable house ladies of Sutton should show their virtuous indignation by forming a vigilance committee and bouncing her from the corporation Its not nice to have tho family escutcheon sullied by tho ex posure of the names of her visitors as happened at the recent trial Yes ladies bounce her Our teacher has developed a certain fondness for Baldwin which he didnt Whats magnet Do tell who knows The scribe failed to catch on to this Ill tell it Mr of Queen St the boys that ho went down to the city recently and went up and had a grip with Laird They were old neebors among the grani hills of Scotland Aye and Laird treated me like a gentle man so he did And we took cup and drank it up for the sake of Lang Syne The heirs in this section of the now famous Baker millions in Phila delphia are quite sanguine of getting their hands on shekels The fair is in the hands of an A Yankee jurist who dont get his pay till he gets the Se assures them that Bakers millions are in the Bank Banister Lloyds letter to the con trary but they to fight old Uncle Sam to get it They have the most minute details no of heirs dates of births deaths and marriages from records way And may I bo there to see when they get it Will Stevenson and Allan got severely hurt on Monday while getting out togs for Thomas Yates Come now Joker trot on your items and dont go to to do ft either That little fur ex pedition Neednt ye The one of the most screes or shine his news is on week Our boys developing into a In the building of that little church Mr Rogers has erected a monu ment to his that will bo enduring than all the granite or marble that over was built by any millionaire It reported that Mr McNeil leased the J J farm near and will in a couple of weeks Mr John Draper going to work Of course John going to keep batch Mies Jennie Scott who is learning dressmaking in Newmarket is home for a couple of weeks Master Hubert is going into the breeding of pure bred poultry and pigeons quite There is a wedding booked for our line next week Particulars later Mr John moved to West Gwillimbury last week Success to ye John wherever you are Quite rnild this week also rather juicy The Mioses Deans of Toronto Jet who visiting at their aunts Mrs wcro At Home on Friday evening when a number of friends wore present and a very enjoyable time spent Mr was At Homo on Wednesday evening last with a from tho village and surrounding vicinity Good time reported League largely attended on Wednesday last Queonsveillo and Sharon League being resent The meeting wag conducted the members of the Sharon League Mrs Harvey of Parry Sound was calling on friends on Wednesday last Mr Garry Thompson has purchased a young driver Collection Tho benediction was then pronounced by Roy J sturgeon ice gnu Tho mild weather this week has helped the sleighing farmers very busy drawing in wood Miss Christy Winch spent Saturday with her parents Election excitement is running high throughout the Province but our Tp is very quiet yet A special collection was taken on Sunday evening in to help the destitute in Cuba A busi ness meeting was held in the hall on Monday evening Quite a number from hero attended Indian on Island on Wednesday They report an enjoyable time Mr Draper is attending the District Div Sons of Temperance in Grange Hall St which is in session Friday Wo arc pleased to state that diphtheria epidemic has been stamped out once more A regular meeting of the WCTU was held on Wednesday afternoon It was expected that Cane of Newmarket would be present to assist in tho advancement of the Union but sickness prevented her coming The midweek meetings at Bethel arc being well attended The query among farmers now is whether the price of grain will ad vance before Spring or not Who knows The Misses Albert were in the village this week visiting their sister Mrs Cook KESWICK Not much stir here yet about the election hut there is a deter mination among the supporters of Mr to roll up a larger majority for him than ever before Good many Methodists here at tended the Quarterly meeting at Queensville Good meeting reported Rev Mr Jenkins evangelist who assisted Mr Powell of Sutton West in revival services at Bethel ap pointment is expected at the Metho dist Church here about the 1st March to hold a series of meetings There was quite an interesting De bate at the of Temporanco Division here on Saturday evening lost subject was Resolved that a man can obtain more useful information by travelling than by reading The captains were Mr Goodyear for the affirmative and Mr Draper for the negative The chairman Mr John decided according to marking result was a tie con sequently it was decided to continue the debate in two weeks which will bo on the This will give just ample time for preparation and thoyaro looking forward to a very interesting time Mr Temperance They are having immense fun with in the Hall on Thursday evening last ft was in the the boxing glove without much was a good J science or knowledge of How ever not so funny though when one is getting pasted pretty badly and slings the gloves and gees in for a rough and tumble an actual fact Thats not fun its business Old must bo to al low such weather- as this A varia tion of eighty degrees in a week is too much of the tiling Sunday flight warm enough to do without any Sunday week you couldnt pile on enough to keep your teeth from The skating Carnival hero didrft out per cent- Bad weather ice everything including hoys tempers They still I on Mondays is would call a fa i very badly drifted interests of the Sons of Temperance as an organization referred to the Hon J Davis as an active member and spoke in very high teims of him asa temperance man The collection amounted to over A of the members of the Division expect to attend the District Division on Friday at the Grange Hall Yonge St There is a growing interest in the Division at present Mrs is visiting friends hero this week J Wo are sorry to have to report that Mrs Thomas Huntley is down with a severe attack of sciatic rheumatism Mr had the mis fortune to lose a cow on Sunday Mr Brown of Hope neighborhood is visiting friends here this week Mr Brown is an acceptable in Methodist Church ii friends hero viSl bo always fceo him Mount of King has been visit ing friends for the past week Mrs Taylor of re turned home after spending a month with her daughter Mrs J Norris Miss accompanied by a young lady and gentleman friend made a flying visit to Holt one day last week Miss Hannah Cunningham and her mother visiting relatives in Mark- ham Miss Ida is spending a few days in this week We sorry to that Mr Walter Hamilton is sick with that dreaded disease diphtheria also Mies Vina Cole is down with it James Clink has been on the sick list for past few weeks Wo are pleased to say that who has been under the care for time is slowly improv ing Mr and Mrs J Abbott of Mark ham are visiting at Mr W A Deans A very quiet and pretty wedding took place on Tuesday Feb 1st at the residence of Pearson when her daughter Lizzie was married to Mr Ed Miss Flo Pearson of Newmarket acted as bridesmaid while the groom was assisted by Mr J of Queensville Rev Mr Leonard performed the ceremony The bride was tho recipient of fiome very handsome and useful presents showing the esteem in which she is held Ed ia to be congratulated on securing auch an estimable young lady for a wife Mr Ira Crittenden of Portage La Prairie spent a couple of days list week with bis sister We are very sorry to lose Mr A A Smith who has accepted a situation up west as traveller We wish him success Quite a number from here attended the carnival at Newmarket on Friday night Mr Harry Shaw of spent Sunday with Mr J Wight S Convention The sixth annual Convention of the East Association held its in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening of last week In the absence of President Rams- den Mr Alfred Dyke VicePresident took the chair After singing Rev Mr Webster led in prayer Rev T Leonard then read a por tion of Scripture after which the chair man called upon Rev John Locke of Bradford for the address of the even ing His subject was Our Boys and Girls He began by telling of great possibilities that lay before childhood In our boys and girls of today we have our future men and women and as we train our children today we are shaping the destiny of our country He gave an illustration of a boy who was accosted by a portly old gentleman to know what he was making a noise about Why said the youngster Im thestuffthey make men of He also warned parents to be careful of the example they set be fore their children for the child is sure to copy the parent and if the parent is worldly and nothing for the Sabbath or the sanctuary the child will be very apt to follow in the footprints of father or mother He gave numerous illustra tions to prove his point Among others he told of a little boy who was seen chewing black and spitting Being asked what he was doing lie said Oh J Im spitting black like Alter speaking about half the Rev gentle man concluded one of the most practi cal addresses ever given at a Conven tion here After shying Rev J Sturgeon in a few words proposed a of thanks to speaker of tho even- fog which was seconded by in a short speech em- words of the speaker A no session met in Church The Vice- President in chair After devotional K was called upon for an address The gentleman said his subject was The Bible as Literature Ho said tho Bible was foundation of all standard litera ture from the fact that it was a book for all time for all classes and for all conditions of men Then look at the writers have their books have had their day and are now laid aside but the Author of the Bible made no mistake and the more we read the wo love it We find each time it unfolds new trutlia and ho advised his hear ers to read and reread it until we become familiar with He then began at Genesis and showed how the was constructed the harmony between the rent books of which it was made up and not one contrdic- in whole but one book prov ing what tho other has said until the is blended in grand book Another hymn was then sung after which McFadgen of Albert took up lesson Our Father Care By the way it was dealt with it showed that speaker wa no amateur at teaching but one who could rightly divide the Word of Truth Owing to a mistake the timo was cut short by minutes so the lesson hardly half through when time was called to the regret of every worker present After singing Rev L pronounced the benediction i J I On Cedar Street in rear of Drug Store Haying been with a LOOM A trial solicited The beet Family and Pastry Flo at right delivered to an part of the Town The market Toronto and vicinity are talking forming a joint company for of a canning factory It appears that a very decided among them respecting prices for their tomatoes by the canning of the city It is that a capital of will be to begin a A city bank has offered to advance per cent on capital aathe company formed charter la obtained A I meeting held during the week a committee aa appointed to complete Arrangements in of better were cot for the coming year Nut Stove and Egg on hand Call at Storehouse Gov Main and Huron J WILLSOff Cords Bart The farmers in vicinity of resident in of Whitchurch and considering the bility of a cooperative pork packing establishment in the village of Btouffville Chief Game Warden has estimated that the deer at present in the province number 1000000 This is an increase of onefifth from the number existing five years ago and is a tribute to the measures taken for their protection Art A gew A quiet Woman to general servant and act eeper In ft of four- only one email child This Is a good chance tor a- woman willing to help and who would appreciate a quiet home near One that can and make butter preferred Mrs p Era Office State age wages required and give If yon want your taken dont bo satisfied with old method years ago bat have it produced in the latest and be with your oily friends work 1 Specialty We are giving excellent work Call and see specimens and you will be con vinced- V T OLD STAND NEWMARKET VALUABLE FOR SALE West half of In the Con of the Township of East GvdUlmbury In County of York over SO acres plow land acres good hardwood bush frame bouse with rooms- frame barn 0ft ft Implement shed and hog pen firstclass fences through centre of farm range from to acres In Hard water at bouse and bare Soft water at house Terms Seasonable to LLOYD Solicitor Newmarket WANT A QUANTITY OF Good Building Stone and In exchange for Furniture WAN Scaled Tenders will dcreltr till A In Good Condition Is a snap for a beginner hero toe Lake done In an hour and twenty It Enquire at Era t XvU S of the Newmarket Dairy Associa- -ON- See the ir to be Cemetery Avis Poets top a hanger neat your J Wo words