ni i w ij THE NEWMARKET ERA FEB At a Worth do HALL FEB CXI 1898 GROCERY DEPT J AW received a Very fipeoial Lino of California Prunes to at 8 lbs for finest quality of Apricots o Oranges and finest quality Marmalade or Tabic BAKING POWDER To reduce our wo will sell a quality good you can ask r nice in Haras Rolls 2 cans CANNED GOODS NvCiotii Peas Tomatoes Best Salmon Wo ft lbs of Tea for Pure per lb Fresh SHOES Long Boots at worth 8 Spring will soon bo in AND When looking for a Dinner Sot it ill you well to see our stock variety and Lowest in In Toilet wo can suit in taste and pocket jbe Grocery We would J profit on all goods will not be under- A fv jSgc Weeks IB OH IK AJWT TOWN flah Spool In Pauls Church and in Johns flt Home a of the pupils of Division of hero formed themselves into is known as Elizabethan each member taking a charaotor familiar to car during Qucon Elizabeths tlmo On Friday last tho were At Homo to a number of friends in Hull was pretti ly decor Mori for tho occasion Until near nine oclock woro entered into with zest and evident enjoyment by all present Then followed a short but pleasant program consisting of music both vocal and Instrumental readings and recitations After this and refresh ments by the pupils In a manner that would do credit to older hands and heads mombors or Society desire to thank frionds who bo kindly assisted to make an enjoyable one A tho storm on tho Church was nicely to hear Rev of Toronto and audience enjoyed a treat gentleman is not only an eloquent and speaker but his native wit sparkled brilliantly il lustrated by the and Incidents that his on the from Toron to to by way Salt Lake City and Ban Ban and humorous told with a degree of com placency and fltnoss that the time passed by till everybody was to Bee him look at hie watch and hoar the remark I dont know what time you go to bod but I dont want to keep you up all night description of many places was bo full that would almost think bo was passing through the country audi ence will not forgot for some the reference made to Mr Moodys work in Chicago tho armour slaughtering house the plains the Cow Boys Denver Colorado Springs the Garden of the Gods arid hie fast ride Pikes Peak Bait Lake City with Its Mormon Temple and amuse ment balls and Ben including the visit to Chinatown A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Elder Chidloy and seconded by Rev J Bell in response to which the reverend gentleman paid a high compliment to a Newmarket audience Instead of having a load to carry the audience was so ap preciative that it was a pleasure for him to speak The choir contributed a good anthem and everybody was delighted throughout COLLEGE CORNERS SM J BELHAVEN The Grocer ift Timothy Sts feHMANS PILLS A 8mall Price i Only Cents a Box A CURE FOR Headache Torpid Diver Dyspepsia Constipation Etc Pharmacy Store Any common or young married with a common book wishing turn out in axe- handles or handles of any description grain or any other kind of rooking and hand can make an Investment by calling on Mr Draper Any short sighted In checker can their eyesight magnified by a practical lessons from Messrs Ma honey and of They set up an game Hoi Yo reapers what yo doing Pansy Scaro Crow and Dud had better get to farming again Why There bright of a rich harvest of news enough to keep two self binders on tho and put a flavour on thorn an old Dutch woman docs an apple pudding Mr of conveyed a load of fine to Toronto market last week and received a fine price A largo Eloign load of young folks from Pleasant took part at McMillans Corners in special vice an of Revs Sturgeon and of Gait The Indian on Island last Wednesday night was a decided success a largo wont from this part of township Mr Andy Moulds of this section in tends remodelling his barn sea son by putting a stone wall under splitting barn in two widening and putting the roof thereon contract ors for the stone work are Messrs Kay and Fairfield and Mr will furnish timber and lumber Mrs Ann Cunningham Mrs Martin Rose and her father Mr J Hicks were paying friends in a visit last week and report a very enjoyable time Mr A was down seeing the sights of tho last week Mr A was on tho sick list a short ago but is able to be around again The revival at tho church at is officiating of Rev Mr Fritz Facta are stubborn things Pleas ant smiles will drive away the blues and pleasant smiling weather will drive away sleighing but wo think it will get the blues again Sickness is prevalent hero Colds and a case of a very nature has been working a consider able time The patient it is said has lost ten pounds but wont consult a Dr Mr J Rose conducted services at Dry Town church a week ago to the satisfaction of all Mr Jacob Smith talks of building a large cement silo next summer It will be watched with deep interest as as it is to bo a circular one feet in diameter and 28 feet high Ten feet to be in earth and feet above the ground A change in farming circles Mr Boat gives up fanning and goes to the gold fields mother Mrs goes to Aurora Mr Young has been hauling saw logs to Albert mill for lumber preparatory extensive building im provements The wave has taken its flight from this vicinity Mr Anson Comer of this street was united to Miss Bessie Manning by Elder We all extend our boundless congratulations to the new ly wedded couple Mr had an occasion which was uncalled for While Borne with a load of brick he turn ed out to let a rig pass load upset in the deep enow and ho was detained from getting home until pm Rev lecture entitled From eternity to eternity was very interesting as well as beneficial Mr and Mrs of paying friends a fort night visit at Belleville Fishing on Lake Sim coo is said to be pretty good Mr Fountain of Jersey was out our peddling and left some daisies York machine in County Mr K Morrison enjoy like a spring lamb Why ho has in the mighty arms of la grip by faithful attendance of his spouse put grip out Mr and Mrs Ja and daughter in Mount Albert viJt- friends A slighterror corrected Ho wishes to bo called by his right name Mr William not Robert as stated last week It must bo that Crow all other creature i setting I got something that was as good as a whipping lastweck My friends say I no right to desert College Corner altogether to write for Elm valo And also that amateur trav eller who has been away for months the Owl that fine haired joke off which I gave him foundation and as I am of good stable qualities and bound to do to the best of my ability in whatever may lie called I hope Owl and his fellow travellers will and grow fat Tub The Provincial Fight Balsam For Coughs and Colds E Lehman Chemist add Druggist The old inhabitants say we have a January thaw but we had one this year very changeable weather has been the cause of much siokness this winter Mrs Mainprize of Albert is spending a few days visiting in neighborhood Messrs and of have purchased the machinery of the chopping mill form ally owned by Mr J are do ing a rushing business It is under stood that they intend enlarging in the spring Hello Mr Owl I Wo are pleased to hear the Breezes but dp not im what you meant in reference to the scribe last week The horsebuyers are paying better prices this season Messrs A Co bought three line animals one day last week We understand that Mr Draper has been appointed secretary for North York Sons of Temperance A very severe snowstorm weed all day Tuesday but the roads were very little better at night We aro pleased to note the advance of the which was a few weeks ago They intend holding a series of gospel temperance meetings which are to be addressed by resident ministers and others interest ed in the work We are sorry to report that Mr A is suffering from Jobs comfor ters There is not much comfort de rived from it A large of electors from this intend going to to attend the nomination held there on Tuesday next From all appearances j fast Hon EJ will obtain a larger major- change has been made in the WOOD WANTED The revivals in the Union Street Christian Church under the leader ship of Elder Daniel have been withheld for a week on account of the diphtheria scare Some of our farm laborers arc re- their summonses fpr or months hard labor Wages from to per month Mr J who we reported us being very low with sickness is of Apply rip Dry JACKSON than he did four years ago The farmers are beginning to hire their men for the summer Dont- be too long in obtaining a place boys ell the good men secure their help early in the season Mr Editor there a great query around this neighborhood who your But some one is always re- Free Methodist Sunday School Last Sunday instead of being in morn it was held the afternoon and is to bo continued at that hour Mr Win is able to out again He was very poorly for a long times Mr J is with forUoTtemVaVd we cannot attack of ascertain who trouble is they Wo saw Mr J and A firtii for cither i COMPAQ as have never bit guilty party Mr Wm of Toronto is spending this week in the neighbor hood He intends completing his business here and returning to the city to reside pass with very largo proportioned gentleman which surmises ho has mivltj a fine sale As the threshing season is over Mr J Smith bus sent in his annual re port which exceeds all previous years Card lad Below a Riven a fall Hat of rfatoa for nominated Id con for the ponding provincial contoal Lib Con Addingtod Cattlo Re Far well J Chad wick Brant Burt Brant Hardy Elliott Graham John Bruce Bowman Brace Brace Malcolm Bhouldice Wright Little Kidd Coo Laweon Whitney Faille Durham Mitchell Elgin Maolntyre Blower Auld McDonald Grey Grey Morgan Grey Boyd Barber Kerne Hamilton Carecallen Hamilton Morrison 1 Hastings holt Allan Huron Moron McLean Huron Beck Kent Ferguson Mason Hall Kingston Symthe Pardee Lanark Caldwell Preston Lanark 8 Clarke Lennox Meacham Lincoln London Leys Beck Middlesex Lawrence Middlesex Boss Langford Lamarohe Norfolk Charlton Book Carpenter Robertson E Douglas Northombd Clarke Mulholland Ontario S Ontario Chappie Ottawa Ottawa Powell Oxford Oxford Chambsrs Parry Sound Beatty Peel Smith Cameron Perth N Brown PerihS fllonteith Shaw Garvin Prince Edward Renfrew Campbell Renfrew White Doff Harvey Davidson Thompson McLaughlin Toronto Caldwell Toronto Crawford Toronto Toronto Rogers Victoria Austin Carnegie Victoria McKay Fox Waterloo Waterloo German Pew Wellington E Craig Wellingtons Mutrie Wellington Scott Wardell Dickenson Evans York Hill St Davis CANDIDATE The Patrons and Independents have can- as follows North Brace Centra Bruce Dufferin Glengarry Booth Grey East Lambton Lincoln Zimmerman Bock Prince Edward Cavao Bennett Centre Bimcoe Trains East Wellington Park- Wellington Anderson West North Perth Bruce Thompson Cod West The Vote in Following figures as record ed in North York in last two elections By way of wo our readers will bo glad to them just on eve of another battle Vote- Davis Hutchinson Davis- Robinson Corners King Horn Kettleby King Creek CO 61 Lloyd town 48 White Koto 23 CO 21 Orchard Vivian 64 East Sharon Qoeenaville Holt Albert Manors J ALLAH IN- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel l Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware House Furnishings Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds 24 North Keawick S No Pp Virginia Egypt W Newmarket Andrew Majority 74 Aurora- North Ward Centre Ward South Ward Majority Majority GO Hoi Landing Majority and General Tinsmithing J A W ALLAN CO 49 22 64 28 2 9 62 While you are buying your 42 47 Majority 48 30 48 47 CO 43 AND- HOE Dont forget that King 277 N 126 Newmarket Aurora Hoi Landing Sutton Total vote 1714 488 186 120 net Has the Finest and Largest Stock to be had in town We have also a very Large Stock of Heavy Winter Goods to keep the feet warm and dry and dont forget our Prices are the Lowest A sure sign of that is to see the quantity that we are turning out SIGN OF THE RED BOOT 8H QRIFPI8 Total PREVIOUS CONTESTS the eight previous contests in Enter the New Year with necessarily a Fine Fresh Stock of Groceries after the rush and crush of the Christmas Trade North York since Confederation the majorities obtained at each were follows over over 3 1875 oyer Jackson 1879 Murphy 18S3 it 1890 Davie over Robinson i i ELECTIONS Polling on March Jan ii 1 Feb Pec June Jane 26th March let Our Pure Coffee whole roasted or ground at Our Fine Old Government Java and Mocha at are giving great satisfaction Our Ceylon Blend Tea is proving its superiority over package teas at and the demand for it is increasing rapidly Our old favorite the Japan never lets up but cheers people for very little money California Dried Fruits Peaches Apricots Prunes Muscatel Raisins Figs Ac Try our Pan Dried Rolled Oats and Molina Rolled Wheat Our Buckwheat Flour is free from chemicals Please call and examine our DAVISON CO STREET SOUTH Mr Edward Miller and son Lome split and piled cords of hardwood in hours Who can beat this The Friends Sunday School i3 making preparations for their enter tainment Friday evening Feb A good many people of St attend services at the Industrial Home Sunday afternoons Mr Bing ham of Aurora was to take charge last Sunday not come Rev Matthews is to take charge next Sunday Dr of had a narrow escape with his life in the Blair flood while driving Mr Geo Pratt of York Mills lost a valuable horse through cold on Saturday last Village WaterWorks and Electric Light plant wore de stroyed by fir on Los Stares you in the face Provide yourself with a comfortable- Suit or Overcoat and we are satisfied that no house in the County of York can sell you as Good goods at as low a a figure as we quote you Call and see the Goods for yourself This cut shows how neat your Trousers will hang charge as we give you a hanger MY TAILOR