Newmarket Era , February 18, 1898, p. 8

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THE FRIDAY to to Operate I features peculiar to Hoods Pills In site lstctcis efficient one man if the Hub con- aid You know taken till ft air Co Proprietors She only puis to Hoods ml of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid up Capital Fund nearly A Branch or this Hank Is established at BRADFORD Whore received of and current Wo a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes i And Halo Notes at LOWEST RATES further Information apply to JOHN A rent Bradford WORTHY TO of- this place will hold their third annual supper and dance in the Hall here on Tuesday Fob 22hd The drama and ribbon drill In Hall last Wednesday evening proved to be a marked success and Was a great treat ordination and induction of J Wilson took place in James church hero on Tuesday Jess youngest child fell off the on Monday and its arm Tho annual meeting and of the Congregational church hold Feb was a complete success During year about was raised for all church purposes AH accounts reported paid in full and best of harmony prevails Convention ATTENTION I THE I8AAO USHER SON guaranteed to bo equal to any of Portland ail aorta of farm structured bankbarn walls floors silos hog pens abutments culverts cisterns etc Cement is at about price of Portland Personal Instruction given of and work warranted For further Information apply to king Qcneral Agent A lino of flrat etc always on mind lowest prices i Stammering and other special Impedimenta permanently by a who an stammerer particulars Box Give the Baby The only food that will build tip a weak cons ally but surely is Martins Cardinal Food a simple scientific and highly for infants delicate children and invalids KCRAY WATSON A CO Notice Creditors- Pursuant to It IBM Chap Sec all persons haying claims against Of Bast married woman deceased hereby the A 1898 to deliver to Out d descriptions with duly verified security if lo send by post prepaid SAK irria names addresses i particulars of their by declaration and any held therefore And the said day February A D tbe of will proceed to distribute the assets of estate aulong the persons en titled thereto having regard to claims only of which be snail have received notice as aforesaid this day of A 3w2 MARK At E SCAKLOK Bradford Ont WANTEDI A few good men for canvassing on yearly a atari THE Toronto Town I kinds of Teaming on Short Notice and on Reasonable DAVID MILLARD Cor Main A Ontario The canning factory to be estab lished by Hamilton gardeners is to cost 85000 of which tho Bank of Hamilton offers to advance per cut Heart Spasms DR CURE FOR THE HEART A wjtaa la the human aoatetax be mora readily 4 of the medical them a to ipreperusattaeot If yoahaTapal4taUa or fiulUrlag of swelling of or tela la its left routing ttndttoy at how longstanding lAa9VCro for the ii a nXekIytou Hi i I I wax given up to lor Oat doo Obis fertile my fiftfitj yjaraUm- Km tfadtowocd About eighteen solcct members were added to the council by This week arc in Richmond Hill and following go to Mount Albert Misses and Ethel Fry and Messrs John Thompson of and James Fry visited friends in Newmarket Sunday of last week Mr Jool Phillips of this villago of oldest and most favorably- known residents of this community received a paralytic stroko last week There is no hope for his ultimate re covery Mr Fred Miller of Newmarket oc cupied tho Methodist pulpit here on Sunday ovoning Ho was accompani ed to by Mr Frank who paid an official visit to Sun day Schools On Friday last the annual oyster suppergivon by King Plowmens Association took place in St Georges hotel and the attendance was by far the largest in the history of Association Everything was in readiness at the appointed hour the tables being laden with all varieties of cookery and other delicious eatables Numerous remarks passed as to richness of spread and it was truthfully stated that genial host of St prepared best spread for the occasion ever wit nessed Everything was in perfect harmony until about when Sec retary arrived on scene and informed all those who were await ing admittance to banquet hall that was admission feo for gents and for ladies This met with disapproval of those present as admitted gents at previous sup pers given by the Association and no notice having been received to the con trary the usual admission fee of was collected from who had no tickets If the Secretary is not at fault Association will have to bear blame However the little rum pus subsided and in due time the pro gram was commenced Dr occupying the cbair Speeches wore delivered by Hon E J Davis M P P Norman postmaster of J Walton post master of Kettleby A Wilkinson principal of Schoinberg Kettleby Fox of Murphy president of King Agricultural Society and James Cherry Reeve of King Vocal- solos rendered by Mr of and Miss of respec tively were distributed among tho speeches and were well received The banquet was closed by the singing of the National Anthem Sutton Associa tion The annual meeting of the above association was held on Monday last quite a largo number of those inter ested in the factory being present The patrons of the factory last year sent lbs of milk from which was made lbs cheese average selling price being 885 cents per lb The patrons were paid for milk for drawing The six patrons supplying the larg est quantity of milk wore McDon ald lbs J Howard 653 M Silver Jones James Lyon 40078 Wm Station A lengthy discussion took place re specting the drawing of the milk to the factory and it was finally decided that all patrons living within two miles of the factory who deliver their own milk would bo allowed half the price paid on an average to regular waggons that draw tho milk Mr Silver was reelected President Mr reelected Messrs D Glover J Hamilton- J Howard and John Kay Directors factory will open his year in all probability on the first in May Berate Tho Epworth League of- paid tho of this a friend ly call on Monday night last program which was supplied by them was rendered in excellent stylo A pleasant time was spent Mr and Mrs P Jones and daugh ter Clara have moved to Toronto whore they Intend keeping store of Christian Church mot at borne of Mrs J Davis on Friday afternoon A largo number of people from attended the Methodist Quarterly ser vice at Tho Farmers PorkPacking Co has advertised a public meeting to bo held hero in the school on Wednes day night A school meeting was hold hero for purpose of making arrangements for a new school house and transact ing other business A largo number present J is the happiest man in this vicinity It is a boy Unlit tin i The and tho choir of the Methodist aro preparing to their friends a very pleasant social evening for Wednesday March 2nd when a conundrum supper will be served The cheese factory and cheese mak ing plant sold by auction on Thursday afternoon of last week for six hundreddollars Councillor A being the purchaser It is his intention to employ a firstclass cheese maker and run factory this season He will pay cash for milk at the end of each week One of the most remarkable events we have heard for time occurred at Comers a and a quarter east of this place last Mon day During the noon hour of Public School at that place a number of boys among whom was a boy by the name of George were sleigh riding down the hill in Mr A Haines field After going down tho hill a number of times the boys missed it was thought he had gone home During the afternoon some of Mr Hartmans family heard a boy crying and calling They followed the sound and finally found young Harman lying in snow badly bruised and at first it was thought his leg was broken He was taken home and medical aid sent for when it was found that his leg was not broken but badly sprained It appears that while the boys were sleigh riding down the hill they passed over an old well andwhile young was passingover it the top gave way and he fell into it Being some distance from his comrades his disappearance was not noticed by them The well was about fourteen feet deep and the boy after several attempts succeeded in climbing up the stones and reaching the top Ho was in the well about an hour and a half and will not soon for get his experience Mr Haines was not aware of the existence of the well and had repeatedly ploughed over it Banner out ii The third session met Feb 3rd in Methodist Church After Hinging To tho Work Smith of Bradford led in prayer reports of schools were then heard and on whole wore very that work gaining ground year Rev Smith then gave a short address on Hints on preparation of no said the teacher should have a good with a concordance also a text book then if posaiblo a good commentary and these judiciously Then he should como to lesson in a spirit of humility will- ing to learn from tho threat Teacher also lo often in prayer so you may be filled with Spirit for if it not the of Spirit to take of the things of God and show them unto us The next item on the program viz Experience of teachers as to pre paration of lesson was taken part in by Rev Leonard Rev Smith Rev K Rev J Sturgeon Rev A MoFodgen Messrs Young A Bain Miller Stick wood Dyke In absence of Amos of Aurora subject he was to take up viz The duty of the Church to tho Sabbath School wan discussed at by the Rev R J Sturgeon Rev Smith Rev T Leonard and Mr Jos After singing a hymn the Rev Smith then addressed children and in a clear and practical way point ed the little ones to Lamb of God which teketh away sins of world The address was a treat to both old and young alike report of the Nominating Com mittee was then adopted as follows President Robert Raven- shoo VicePres William Tansley Sha ron Secretary J Squire Treasurer Peregrine Queens- ville Messrs Wright Fogg Jos John Hopkins Alfred Dyke Miller A Theaker Boss Irwin Mr John Hopkins pronounced the benediction The last session of the Convention opened by singing and prayer by Alfred Dyke after which Mr was presented as President for next year In a few well chosen words ho thanked the Convention for the honor conferred tin him and promised his best for the welfare of the Association lie then called on Mr T Peregrine for his report which was adopted In the next item pledges from the schools nearly every school in the Tp responded and as some promised to take upja collection the exact amount is not given but will be as good as formerly The Rev Amos of Aurora was then callel on for the address of the Those terrible to which women ore subject are due nine times In ten to or unhealthy con dition of the distinctly femi nine The average doctor in gen practice does not half realize this prescribes some treatment for headache or dyspepsia or trouble without suspecting the real cause of tbe difficulty A woman usually understands what it the trouble but is loath to undergo the mortifying and gen erally useless examinations and local applications on which the local practitioner is almost to Insist But there is a far more sensible alternative Any woman afflicted with a weak ness of tbla nature seek tbe aid of that marvelous favorite Prescription invented by Dr R Pierce chief consult- ing physician of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo In any case so obstinate as not to be cured by this great advice for inexpensive home- treatment adapted to the individual case will be sent by Dr Pierce to any one who address him by mail All letters are treated with the strictest privacy and never printed except by the writers special request Cases intrusted to his care arc la the hands of one who has a lifetimes ex perience and who among the most eminent of living specialists In this par ticular field of practice Every woman should possess a copy of Dr famous thousandpage illus trated volume the Common Sense Medical Adviser which has had a larger sale than medical book in any language A any paperbound copy will be sent absolutely free on receipt of onecent stamps to pay the cost of customs and moiling only Address Dispensary Medical Asso ciation Buffalo or send stamps for clothbound copy A whole medical library one 1000page volume Dwelling to Lot With six rooms and cellar garden attached Apply at the BRA Office TWO TOWN LOTS On Situated near old Woollen Halo on Tern to Real Agent Pino IK AURORA For Sale Cheap or would Exchange for Farm Property Newmarket Form to Boat West half of lot cod Township of King Pall wheat In ploughing in good order well buildings well watered acre timber Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to George Ram- say farm south Roe on the J CR08LBr or VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The Canadian Pacific has equips pod the fllccpingcar Winchester with a system of electric light generated iron the axle car was attached to the Boston train on Sunday night and in a few days will be put in regular of Christian SHARON OFFICER8 FOR Hon President Leonard President I Irwin 1st J Turner 2nd Mercy Barker 3rd Mary Haines Miss J Turner COMMITTEES I Endeavor Deft J Turner Mrs Watson May Missionary Department Mercy Barker Maud Maggie Wataon III Literary Department Mary Haines Ida Flora Social Department Charles Watson Eves Ed Barker Infants Ld service between Montreal and Toronto V evening which was The Teacher his aim and the means of securing it He began by saying that the aim of all true workers should be to point their scholars to Christ whose whole aim when on earth was the salvation of souls All power in heaven and earth was given into his hands in pursuance of that aim There is not much said in scripture about making money or giving them a good school education but a great deal about training them to live a Godly life- We have a great deal of teaching that is aimless- We will never get the right kind of teachers till we get them that have the aim of bringing their scholars to Christ The means to be adopted- to secure such an aim should be the word of God What we want is a knowledge of its contents with a view of yinning souls to Christ He was afraid that our helps do away with the special study of the Word of God Educa tion cant fill the requirements The teacher should have a life to corres pond with his teaching for it is the life that tells The Resolution Committee recom mended that the next Convention be held at about next June and also that the thanks of the Con vention be tendered to all speakers and those that took part in this Con vention Report adopted- After singing God be with you till we meet again the Convention closed by the benediction The West half of Lot Ho In the Coo Of Township of East In the County of York over acres plow land acres good hardwood bush frame bouse With barn ft Implement shod ana bog pen fences through centre farm Fields rang from to acres In site Hard water at bouse and barn Soft at Terms Apply Solicitor SewmsrXet North York Election Election day la now flt hand and every man wants a vote- No better way to to purchase that farm on street known as the John Millard farm comprising about eerie of which a a good rd rfood balance In flrstclata state of cultivation on which la erected a splendid flrstclitts out- buildings There Is also a splendid young Orchard Ituatod less than tworallea from Newmarket very low considering lo cation Terms to suit purchasers For full particulars enquire of J WOODCOCK Newmarket Jan Vendors Agent New market P Farms for Sale The Executors of the Estate of the Edwin Hunter Invite propositions for of the following farms tores Wee half lot con GwJIIimbQr sores lot Si ecu acres East lots and con King acres Van of quarter lot 2nd King aoresiFart of In con of Whitchurch Apply or send propositions to Mr J Barrister Newmarket Ontario or to Mrs homestead on Street one mile West of Newmarket not sold vhl bo lease expire I r a Feb II Knox of Port Hope a brake- man fell from the top of bis train at noon today when west of the two and died He was veers of age and had only been on three weeks What Two will Prow A r Vox p two cent stamp Bay a free of EKPCAIKNClS Ma nun Ac sstidfcw Buffering from cook book to COM Hffi 1 I ImrMi Keep It If you expect to conquer In the battle of You will have to blow your trumpet In a way If you toot your little whistle And then lay aside your horn Theres not a soul will ever know That such a man was born r The man that owns his acres Is the man that plows all day Q And man that keep a humping Is the man thats here to stay But man that advertises With a sort of sudden jerk Is the man that blames the printer Becaueo it work But the man that gets the business Uses brainy printers ink Not a clatter and a sputter But an ad makes you think And he plans his As he plans his wellbought stock And the future of his business Is as solid as a rock The the ground in t I J 9 J J i will ever the coming year prepared to give to the thai a lhwit quarter- men and the w A uch OUR PROSPECT rifMEcrx oris ISO SSE till vi NOVEL OF THE YEA by i nert fah d by Richard Hardier Paris I reverie AIcKserf iin be a ankle i THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE AHD SOCIAL ART AND THE ARMIES AND STUDIES SOCIETY CHARACTEfl i alt in Atoxic A a i Notice to Creditors ofII JAMES to the vised Statute of Ontario tors arid ill other the Estate of Town Of Wow market who of August flirt of to into Town of of their full Of th Estate a statement the of their mediately after the said the of the be dlfltrlbuted among thereto having which the undenlgned have had notice and th he for the anv person of whose clall bad notice period of the that behalf having James late County of York on or aboat the eon or before the 1898 of the said tor for the of address the Wilms their end If any and Mazy may be parties y to claims of then will not a be anal I not have distribution w Executor Dated At day of ia PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED oar til Beckon the of a poor Inventor who mad Send us a sit etch or model of your and wo wlu tcU you FREE if it Is table Tough In other hands appUcatlona Honor- ableT prop of La Honorable A the leading Banks KrtrCcmpaM any locality Patents through our agency are brought a special notion ta a tofrts Temple The only Arm of In the Dominion transacting patent this paper And the garments yon wear cost money wash- era and by the arc worn out more by washing than by actual wear can much la one hours a lady will do In tour the on A Trial will Cost You Nothing Study your own sea If will not pay yon to buy the Knoll Washer Competed with over machlaea from all over Chicago In and was In 1st Premium and Gold Medal sold I Ta06CBOKW Yews P tmt are Pubpsj I and the market I put or Wooden Piping work easy up to foot I afro put In TANKS up i JOHN

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