J ERA FRIDAY FEB Ill I IllMM I Mi l l f for Allan A Kilto J J Pinion Barley David Howe tor Wanted MrtVAVmCftno QoH I RANDTRUNK RAILWAY If I K Is 1 Sft888 a c ft a i 4 a a a k 3 ilk W WOi She to UP I BUT WITH EACH all FRIDAY FEB 1808 Cot mixed in His Figures TUB FLKCTOKS J At nomination last Tuesday iho Opposition nominee confined Ins address cliiclly to Provincial finances and somehow reached conclusion that the sur- claimed by the Government is a mythor as late Hon Mr would say theres nothing to it Col however was cautious and candid enough to admit His conclusions reached such data as he had able to gather the public accounts and campaign documents published Some which we now submit for the consideration of our readers and for Again it asked if Province has such a largo surplus why not pay off railway debt above alluded to instead of borrowing money to pay oft those- railway certificates The question is a and equally obvious to who facts The Ixjcrowcd to meet railway grants lias obtained by tho Provincial Government at pan and by so doing instead of taking thin amount from the surplus Jive Wnf twasury is advantage urn- thereby effecting a saving of the dif ference in interest to the We think Government is to Iks for this It shows ability along lines of financing not by Mr Whitney friends in the of Dominion luTairs Now just a few words an other feature of Provincial finances and Government Administration and we have done In first place the affairs of the Province have been con ducted one J But instead of direct taxation- the departments of have so economically managed that during the past yearn the Government has to tfui to fawn Mttnmjml enormous sum of an increases over the amounts granted iii 1871 Just fancy it total in crease of grants over made to the people during the past years to Education figures up to to Agriculture and Arts to 1488- to Hospitals and Charities to to Asylums etc to 10973078 to Administration of Justice to to Colonization Roads to 1427463 thus making up the above 22301810 and by the same token had the pre sent Government grants to the above purposes to the totals granted by the Government to which the point as their model the HardyRoss Government would tolay have hod an additional to their present surplus The increase to the purKses stated last year over 1871 amounted to The Government has ever been a pro gressive instead of a sordid and penurious one the people have had the advantage- and taxation reduced to ratepayers of the Province by the additional grants thus nlade Every dollar granted to Education for instance was just bo much less for the people to pa in school taxa tion and so in regard to the other grants alxvc quoted No one who will candidly ponder over these figures but must reach the conclusion that Ontario has been wisely and judiciously governed and that the present is no time for change became at the in crowd got for bo- Provincial It to hoped he two MM by viz South Bruoo and All As nomination so airy Government probably bo BOBtalncd by a majority groat- or than in past two I Liberal Government of lm- or four millions a without taxing and colyo over annually as interest on capital account from Dominion Govern ment which at five per cent roprceonte of dollars and yet Op position candidates at nomination that without a surplus the course of his address on the Yukon day last Hon Mr completely up- tot contentions of tho Opposition in House and Conservative press by de claring that there was no truth In the statement that Messrs Smith and Drat- never agents of Rothschilds had to railway from Pyramid Harbor via tho trail This was a for World The should when they go to poll their votes next Tuesday that to all years no one has been ablo to that one dollar has been corruptly spent by Government of this Province During the first few otter Confederation when formed part the then Govern thoro was a corkscrew trip to Fort William bat nothing of kind has occurred slnoe the Coalition busted In Commons at Ottawa tho rnombcre occasionally indulge in delineating their estimate of one anothers ability and char acter For Sir Charles Tupper speaks of Minister of Railways as a distinguished and during the debate the address Sir Richard in alluding to a statement of Sir Charles Toppers said that if Sir Charles had practiced medio no in Jerusa lem nineteen centuries would preferred him to Ananias every time Of coarse most of theo of wit or sarcasm as the case may be are intended for the galleries or for the pen to givo the country interested in either flower or gardontng should send for an of Steel Co Toronto It has a very handsome and contains a free Gift Co is offer Ik recently Hon Senator Boots of made the impor tant announcement after the 1st of August noil preferential tariff would bo made to apply to the Imports from Great Britain and British I only Gar Society Miss spent over Sun day In Barrio Miss Maggie tumble Is to To ronto for a or two Is slowly improving and his is anticipated It school of Toronto was in Jown East vJeit- log her ton Mr A fitouffsr for a week Mr Marshall is homo from Michigan on account of his mothers death Mrs J Lush en to rial nod Thursday and Friday evenings of last week Mr of Toronto attended Friends Quarterly Meeting here last Saturday A It Watson who has been very with for a couple of weeks is improving Dr Toronto was in Town on Wednesday attending the funeral Mrs Miss of cousin of Mrs McKay was hero on a visit for a few days this week Hon K J Davis meetings this week at Keswick and Ms Albert All our Overcoats must be cleared within week To do so we offer the remainder of our Overcoats at Mens Fine DoubleBreasted Beaver Overcoats worth to go at 6 Mens Fine Whip Cord Spring weight Overcoats well worth 10 Mens Frieze Ulsters Black and Brown regular 7 and 8 to go at All our Boys Overcoats to goat half price We have received another lot of our famous Pants well worth only Only two left of our famous Goat Robes worth 840 to go at 5 I OUR SHOE 5 5 XQELS EVERYTHING Ladies Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots reg 150 at Womens Strong Lace Boots extra value at f Mens Very Fine Dongola Boots worth 225 at Mens Strong Lace Boots worth 125 at ft ft ft ft ft ft I Mr examination wo ap prehend must have leon overlooked when compiling figures For at close of 1897 there was a Provincial surplus of assets over liabilities and bearing interest amounting to This not denied oven by Mr Whit ney but the LtOol province has railway liabilities pay able during the next forty years and these liabilities should be deducted before declaring what the actual is This might be regarded as argument if the Province had not for these liabilities as ley mature not otherwise for the sake of argument and to give the opponents of the Government J the benefit of their contention let us I admit their proposition and then see how the record stands The railway liabilities which Province has in curred payable during the next forty years and which will be paid out of current revenue as they mature had they all been paid off on day of December lasr would have taken to wipe out Deduct amount from the sum on hand and bearing interest on the of December last and tho Province would still have left as a surplus of assets over these very liabilities which Mr figures should be deducted from the claimed surplus of the Government Then again if we have no surplus as both Col- and the preach er contended how is it the Provincial Government admitted to the Legislature and country that they had received as interest from moneys in the hands of the Dominion Government This- is marvellous thing the Province annually receives interest from the Federal Government An amount which capitalized at per the rate Vfr which the interest is payable would represent a capital of nearly I Now unless Col ling supporters show that this received interest fast year from the Dominion treasury a myth then Iris ilit tie story about being a myth electors to however we argue on anything like but he has in his data conclusion- to Hod Mr Provincial the Government will carry at least two more eeala In the than were held by Liberals last election and lakiDg a review of the whole he the will be by or a majority Out of a of members this is quite as strong any Government be Tobokto Stan- The spent education making the system the choicest on earth for the people The asylums the are onderthe the Provincial Secretarys Department The above aleUoetates the of aaylam is per capita pec aonom No otber asylums in the world are ducted as leaders when want to something funny allude to Mr Campbell Provincial Good aa a highwayman The other day Mr Whitney wouldbe Premier Ontario in dnlgedbia propensity along this line by observing that the lecture delivered by Mr Campbell word for word the same as the in Londons Encyclopedia It never to Mr Whitney tbat Mr wrote the alluded to and now tbe laugh on the man who did not know The letter of Hon Mr to tue liquidator of the Farmers Loan Company offering to for hie release from all liability with QUI prejudice alike creditable to his head and heart Local election prevent our giving the text of that letter week but it breathes an honorable manly spirit and will raise the Hon gentleman high in tho estimation of the public In general and hie constituents in particular Rib offer to distribute from to among widows and of limited means who took while hie name was connected with the Company is specially considerate and commendable A bill been introduced in he Com mons long demanded by the and men our cities It provides among other things that all fa the hands of the Government or under its con trol payable out the consolidated re venue fund Canada be liable to at- at the of judgment creditors just the same as if the money was held the hands private persons This will make those In the civil service who liabilities come to time like debtors The Conservative candidate for Russell Mr H acknowledges that before he would consent to become a candidate he was promised a position in the prospective Cabinet of Mr Whitney by Sir Charles Tapper In this fact we see further evi dence of Sir Charles hand to capture the Treasury benches of Ontario a stepping stone to defeat the Liberals at Ottawa Dr wanted a similar promise from Mr Whitney before he would spend money contesting East Toronto The promise was withheld and the Doctor stepped down and out Mr Whitney did not care so much for the waning cause of the P A for the prospective help to be derived from the possible capture of in- on the eastern borders the Pro vince Great head London Prat this ob servation The Govern ment has robbed the municipalities of millions of dollars under the liquor license law Here is a Daniel come to judgment surely In the first place the license money taken by the Government and do- voted to meet the expenses of the Province which the traffic entailed was voted for the purpose by the peoples represent ativea and time and tor years the electorate have endorsed that action by re turning a majority of the House to con tinue that line of Secondly the Government not taken any license money from the municipalities for the Government has left It tree for muni clpal councils to license fees to a Larger amount than were imposed previous to their taking the millions oar speaks of Please draw It a little milder in future A little dub truth too would make the grievance more point ed the of Hon Mr Rose at Reform which nominat ed the Provincial Secretary he made a statement that great weight with the electors when they go to mark their ballots next Tuesday viz The Liberal Government of Ibis Province expended eightynine millions dollars and not one cent has been proven tc have been corruptly spent The Administra tion hat constructed public buildings in various parts of the Province and now have a system inferior to in America not one cent of the cost was rais ed by direct taxation They were paid out of current revenue and no scandal attaches to their construction Tab Opposition candidate in this Riding made a fatal blunder to his intelligence when the public schools of to day were not equal to those of twentyfive years ago In this regard Col education and his knowledge of the history of our education al system are defective It cost more to run the Department Education years ago than to day and it parents leas to educate their children today than it did under the old to which the Opposition to to there were no less ibeo text books today they are reduced to Under the old system the Education Department was largely irresponsible with an Advisory Board to a considerable extent nominated under denominational inQuGDoea Today the Departmental Head Is directly responsible to an Advisory Board composed of the peopleflrepreeenta- in the Assembly The present government a quarierof a century ahead the Colonels notion Pickering Nttvi Richardson and wife attended Friend Quarterly mooting at this week When last heard from of Roaoha Point was doing nicely and his recovery is anticipated Rev Matthews ana enter tained a number of friends at the Parson age on address Mr Ward Collins of Toronto at Methodist Sunday School last Sunday was appreciated Mr and Mrs J Millard celebrated the iSili of wedding by having a few relatives in to dinner on Mr of Toronto came up to attend the funeral of Dennis and will remain here with friends till Tuesday of Port Hope Mich was In Town week and took his wifo home with him after a visit here of six weeks or more with On Saturday the following dined with Inspector Davidson Rev Amos and wife Aurora Rev P and wife and Mr and wife of Brad ford Messrs Ed Richardson Gerald Pear son and started for about miles north on Tuesday under contract to work on the railway Mr Norman brother of Mr of is here on a visit and expects to return to the North West in a few weeks Mr Boake and family are going back with him Our thank are due to Dr Cook of Toledo Ohio formerly of New- market for a splendidly Illustrated pam describing the beauty and facilities of Toledo as the location for the proposed State Centennial In No It will have a great influence towards securing It While the Rot was on his way to church on Friday evening he seized with the symptoms of a strike His wife drove to Silvester store where he was taken was on his way to Ringwood at the time so he wan easily attended to Mr wai able to take the services at two of bis appoint- last Sabbath and we hope he way soon be restored to bis good health to continue hie career of usefulness for many to come We received a letter bis week from Mr who arrived at Mexico about ten days before writing He flay the climate there is doing for hi daughter Mrs what medicine failed to accomplish The improvement has not been rapid bat what to be of a permanent type It fa certainly an Ideal climate for the consumptive an altitude feet and air light pure and dry A cloudy day a Parity No snow only on the Rocky Mountains and temper similar to June let In Ontario We should be pleased lo bear from Mr again giving something about and country life custom of inhabitants pro- etc Florida on As a kindergarten it is a child while grown folk find It Intense ly Interest car is called Florida Rolling Exhibition The admittance to defray incidental expenses the nominal of ten cents should be proud of this exhibit the whole affair reflects much credit on their and is a striking commentary on their car on way to Newmarket Vote Next Tuesday and vole early Big Snaps in all kinds of Rubbers and see us we do the Shoe Trade always lead in Staples Dress Goods are now offering some Special Snaps numerous to mention We H Charles Van Allen employed at Iroquois started to walk to Morrisbure on tho track in a snow storm Ho by a passing train and died from his injuries Fire at Burlington Ont Sunday destroyed the Burlington flour and grist mills The Cradle In on the inst the wife Jos Brown of a son town on the of Jan Edward Condon of Hamilton of a son Nash In on Tueeday Feb to Mr and Mrs Sep formerly Newmarket a daughter The Altar In Sharon on the by Elder at the resi dence of the bride Mr A Hodge to Ida A On the fast at the home of Mrs Earner mother of the bride by Rev J Mr Geo Wallace to Mies Nettle both At the Christian by Rev on the Mr Samuel Goodyear to Fannie both of In Aurora on the by Rev MoDoweU Mia of East to Mr Geo Hooper of Sale March Mr Luke Doyle will a tale of farm Block and imple ment on lot in the con Whitchurch Lock out for posters Hay Seed Peas Corn Potatoes etc Cash months credit on over Hate at one oclock sharp March A mortgage of Farm Property in East will take place at the North Ameri can Hotel Newmarket at oclock a m For particulars see bill March Mr Randall Farm in will of and implements Terms months on sums over Sale at one oclock Smith Auot March Mr Alex Shields will have ah unreserved sale of Farm Stock and Implements on lot 8 in the let con of East one mile east of Holland Landing Credit till of Oct on soma over Bale at one oclock -v- Leading Furniture and Undertaking Mouse Feb About six oclock this morning engineer of the water works was awakened by smoke and on investigation found the building on fire Mr climbed to the roof and gave the alarm in his night clothes The fire men arrived and found the fire had gained considerable headway and with the wind blowing a terrific gale and the thermometer below zero they were at a great disadvantage fighting the flames The fire was got jinder control after an hours hard work The water works and electric light plant were almost completely de af royed The total loss is about IieftxOvets fa r The House Beautiful Everyones home if they have the HOME idea the house beautiful v for him It need th furnishings you can put in it Wo call attention for this reason to low prices Who can resist temptation they offer or forget the opportunity Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket Tomb In Whitchurch on George ell aged Selkirk Man on the Inst J Allan Gamble son of the lata Thomas Gamble Toronto brother of Gamble and formerly of Newmarket In Newmarket on the 24th Hector aged years Ths funeral win take place on Satur day Feb from the residence of Mr J oclock interment at Newmarket Cemetery At on the George eon of John and Mary A Williams aged 33 years month A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence Street Main St North Newmarket- Orders will Careful and Prompt I I I Weight Son Undertaking and Fop Voters to Think i I the electors of North York when they go to Vote on Tuesday next ponder oyer the following sures which the Conservatives in the The provision for expert auditing of accounts i- The appointment of a drainage re- The creation of a Department of Agriculture with a responsible Cabinet- at the Head limiting of children inshop3 The increase of in our lunacy and other asylums The creation of the Department of Neglected Children The appointment of a Good Commissioner The nomination of a Clerk of Forestry The bill reducing the size and of County Councils The passage of the Streams bill giving enlarged liberty to lumber Reform in the Law Courts OK a a a a a a a 081 barret W a CO White Wheat per bushel Wheat per CO Wheat per Buckwheat Barley per bushel 00 bushel per bushel Bran per toa Shorts per too COCO per Butter lb 01S per lb Potatoes W I a Apples per Sheepskins- Wool per lb Hay Beer per Pork per re Perk per opt lb Chickens per pair pair per lb lire OK 018 aid all a a a a a a a a a a CO a BIO 005 a a a a w lb dressed Clover Seed per bushel CO a per bushel a Seed per bushel loo a OCO Toronto Toronto Feb Bed Wheat per Oft Whit Wheat per push el ow Wheat per per per bushel Oat per bushel Pea per bushel Rye per bushel CO Butter roll per lb Sheepskins Wool per lb per 0 Chickens pair i i i a a a a a 0 a NoxfcTje4dyndT9MS Prompt to all order v yXhv c V a a a a a a a a a 060 Id CO my