Newmarket Era , February 25, 1898, p. 8

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rah THE ERA FRIDAY FEB 1898 mo tho Vol Single Copies Con I itife the Hub ffllA COR RESPONDENTS FIND WORTHY TO RECORD bold a interesting meeting last Sunday Two topics read by E and A Mr Morris principal of tho public school owing to illness Bent in his resignation on Tuesday Mrs beloved wife of Mr E Godfrey of this village passed away an Monday morning remains Interred in the Methodist burying ground aervioo was by Mr of Bolton Tho old WOMEN and weak nerve ft Lives of Affliction Marvellous Case in Manitoba Celery Compound Proves a Success lady was respected and had nearly AnrttTii tblS Hank la ad ford received of up una paid cat outwent Wo of Mounting Farmers Notes And at RATES for apply to JOHN Agent USHER SON to to any of lie for nil of farm bos peon ibout price of such flB bankbum walls amnio pens tit Cement Is J a merits arch is SO Portland mid or further ft wlvon frcool cliarsonud all For further apply 14 ticncnil Agent lltio of ivhlctiuiilli etc nand at lowest J J A til M I id particular Box M9t many friends to tho last Bho passed at the ripe old ago of eighty years SUTTON Through the of Cane of Newmarket a splendid union was re cently organized among Indians on Island Mrs Mark is the president and Miss Lizzie Big- is secretary On Tuesday night in James lull tho event of the season came oil the cricketers ball hall was nicely trimmed and everything in shipshape Tho company went in for a jolly and harmonious and had it till tho wee hours supper was of nicest wo have had the pleasure of sampling for some time The hall was comfortably filled about being Tho music was furnished by Messrs Taylor James Taylor and West with organ accompaniment Sim Miss Parr Says After Dose I Felt Now Hope and Now Coming Prostration Mental and Excruciating Sufferings Are Banished- Mr sold a last week for Fur ore still in groat de mand A good many preparing to build walls summer Mr J is among number BBETON Mr was to on Tuesday at funoral of his aunt Mrs Godfrey Mr J Bell formerly of Noble- ton Is under tho weather from la grippe Mr Powell of Aurora father of Mrs Mitchell died on Wednesday at the years of Mrs Walter Evans has left a fortunoof by the death of an unole cents paid on Wednesday for wheat on our market building committee here on to locate site for tho Hou60 of Common Bred Cow toned up by Dicks Blood rwill give as much and as ilk as a highly Jersey cow gives upon l cow Blood Purifier will wonderfully- her uica amount of well the the system and every of nourishment sticks A CO 1 WANTED Industrious Hen of Character If You are Enerjetlc and Strong xlng for a good book write and get prejudice against rfnf for a good book write and get my The information cost put of in the way of whom are now rich J do good for will if otic hard Toronto On Tuesday after an illness of about a weeks duration Mr Powell died at his residence here aged years Deceased was of oldest residents in this section having resided hero for over fifty years Ho from England and settled hero and shortly altorwards married Miss by whom he had six children four boys and two girls all of whom aro alive excepting son Mrs Powell died eleven years ago Deceased was a shoemaker by trade but retired from business several years ago Ho was a Conservative in poli tics Ho was a man highly respected by his neighbors and noted for his sterling honesty funeral took place on Friday to Wesley church cemetery and was attended by a large number George who works in Georges planing met with a very un fortunate accident on Monday While adjusting a board which ho was passing through the rip saw his hand came in contact with the saw which passed between two of his fingers and severed bones of the palm and that of the thumb It was not found necessary to amputate but he will prolably be unable to close his hand in future His thumb at least will remain inflexible There was a large attendance at the Methodist Church on Friday evening last to hear the delate on the subject Resolved that Canada is a more de sirable country to live in than the United States The affirmative was supported by George Flint and James Hand and the negative by J barrister Toronto and A In the debate the public were treated to a great array of in teresting and important facts relative to both countries the advantages and opportunities in Canada being shown forth in excellent form by the affirm ative in whose favor the weight of argument was declared by the judges Sanders Dr Rowan T Perkins and J Brown The church choir also sang some appropriate selections in their usual good style Tribune Compound the Great Life Builder and Richardson Co Sirs For several years I had weak nerves and was gradu ally running down and last March I was prostrated with nervous debility My were excruciating in the I really thought never was another who suffered quite as much with mental depression and weak nerves This lasted alxmt three months and I was taking doctors medicine continually but was getting worse instead of better Ono day while feeling dis couraged and wondering if ever I was to get out of that dreadful state a dear friend said to me I wish you would try Celery Compound Ah I hat intended to try it I acted upon her advice and started using it the very same day and from the first dose I felt new hope and new life coming I continued using it and am still taking it once in a while al ways asking Gods blessing on each bottle I am very much improved and cannot say too much in favor of the medicine and would recommend it to all suffering from nervous prostra tion and mental depression Yours faithfully Crystal City Mich At the Chicago Worlds Fair the Educational system of Ontario ranked as first over all Do you want a change in this respect If not- vote for Mr Davis and the Government of which he is a Wash Feb Reports of very severe storms on the Chinese coast were received by steamer today Over 100 lives are re ported lost most of them being Chi nese and Japanese sailors Foley the lawyer charged t at Paris with fraud was sent to jail because he could not furnish necessary bail A Dyspeptic it SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE IS THE RAINBOW OF on abjK from and American diacery In medic acitaca or alt At all aada ItsKfof tier a wonden six at a lam RkfitBio mrrMHrt Oat aooraot Ho a Adam an of House of Refuge at Berlin received fatal injuries in falling down the stairs During the past twentyfour years of Liberal Administration in Ontario Government has given to hospitals and charities thereby lessening municipal taxation The Department of Hon J Davis an Provincial Secretary supervises these institutions arid does it with satisfaction No has ever charged Something for Nothing suffering from who for postage only and we will tend a free Magnetic Ointment with a Cook Book free J Bay St Toronto No matter may do or say let the friends of the Hardy Government act on Tuesday next as if the fate of the administration de pended on their individual vote Take your neighbor with you when you go to polls and vote for Davis Feb 16 Foley for thirteen years one of the most pro minent lawyers in this town was arrested at oclock this afternoon on a warrant sworn out by Philip Whelan charging fraud and misappropriation of Two other informations have been laid on the same charges for 700 and The prisoner was arraigned at once before the Police Magistrate and requested a remand The request was granted bail being fixed at but this Foley has been unable to obtain and is now in charge Foleys defalcations are set down at considerably over and this sum it is expected will be considerably increased Rn Rctov Talks Tells What Dr Catarrhal Powder Did for Him and Bis Wife Truly a Friend to the Profession I can but proclaim Dr Catarrhal Powder a wonderful medi cine particularly for singers and public speakers or those who have a tendency to sore throat hoarseness and catarrh Myself and wife are both subjects of catarrh and We had tried most every thing but never found anything to equal this great remedy For quick action it truly is a wonder worker I couldnt be without it by me and I am continually recommending it to my brother professionals Em- East Street New York City Sold by Pharmacy Newmarket AH I he fraternal Insurance societies across the border are making a stiff advance in their assessments this year in some cases the new rate three times oh great as old This means that many of poorer or older members of these societies must drop their policies or largely re duce amount of they are glad to welcome Mr homo from the General Hos pital Toronto where he underwent an operation having had his injured successfully removed He arrived home on Saturday Extensive internal improvements have been made at St Georges hotel of the oldest and bestrespected residents of in the person of Mr Michael passed away on Saturday last at the ripe old ago of years The remains were interred in the cemetery on Monday Mr Robert Winter who been ailing for tho past few months to his illness on Friday even ing last He was in his year The deceased was a prosperous farmer and has been a trustee of No for several years The funeral took place on Monday the remains being taken from his late residence to the Baptist church where service was conducted by the pastor Scott B A assisted by Rev W Robinson A and Mr Hand of College Toronto Rev Mr Scott preached an impres sive sermon a large congregation after which remains were convey ed to Aurora cemetery limn t Of and Officers The following officers were elected by the A U W Grand Master P Graham Grand Foreman Grand Overseer Joseph Gibson Grand Recorder Carder Toronto Grand Receiver Rushton Messrs Carder and were elected for the twentyfirst time Hasty judgment of the actions of others is dangerous and often unjust We measure too much by some super ficial appearance and condemn hastily when if we but knew and understood the motives and reasons we would warmly approve George Williams of Whitchurch son of John of Bloomington who suffered for some time from con sumption died on Monday and was buried yesterday at Baker Hill The service was conducted by Rev A P Kennedy Every business man paddles his business canoe with the same kind of oar If he collects his accounts he must off creditors Those who are very stern in collecting come out ahead of the game but those who are easy suffer they have to wait and wait When we read of an elephant hunter who been trampled to death In the of India we wonder at the foolbardlnets of a man who will travel round the world and endure all manner of In order to court death in a far away jungle A man not have to make a journey to India In order to court death In a manner equally foolhardy Thousand of hard working men are dally courting death In a much more certain form without ever leaving their native vil lages or cities They are the men who neg lect their health They are the men who court death from consumption or Mime other deadly due to Improper or insufficient nourishment The man who suffers from bilious or nervous disorders who has a weak stomach and an impaired digestion who lost the power to eat rest or sleep and who alia to take prompt remedy these conditions Is court- death in guise of some fatal malady Dr Pierces Golden Medical- Discovery cures per cent of all cases of bronchial throat and laryngial affections that lead up to consumption It soothes the cough facilitate expectoration and restores the lost appetite It all disorders of the digestion make the assimilation of the lifegiving element of Ihe food perfect It invigorates the liver and purifies and en riches the blood is the great blood maker fleshbuilder nerve tonic and re storative It la the of all known med- for nervous disorders Dealers sell it and have nothing else Must as good I had a bad coukH and to loir with that I could not sit up wriie Mrs New London Union Co Ark family told my husband that I had I had pains through ray chest and up blood I took your Golden Discovery and it cured me It saved my lift Keep fit It If you expect to conquer In battle of today You will have to blow your trumpet In a firm and steady way If you toot your little whistle And then lay aside your horn Theres not a soul will ever know That such a man was born The man that owns his acres Is the man that plows all day And the man that keeps a humping Is man thats here to stay But the man that advertises With a sort of sudden jerk Is the man that blames the printer Because it dint work But the man that gets the business Uses brainy printers ink- Not a clatter and a sputter But an ad that makes you think And ho plans his advertisements As ho plans his wellbought stock And the future of his business Is as solid as a rock to Lot With and cellar garden attached Apply at the Office TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably Situated near the old Woollen Factor gale on Terms Apply to E JACKSON Real Estate Agent IK AURORA For Sale Cheap or would Exchange for Farm to Bout West half of lot con Township of Fall wheat In fall ploughing done In good order well fenced good buildings well watered acres timber Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to George farm south Win on the farm J KiPg P or J VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The West half of in the Township of In the County of York over acres plow land acres good hardwood frame house with The Jlerjumapket a the ground in CARPET PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED rooms frame barn Implement hog pen flratclaaa fences Lane through centre of farm Fields range from to acres In sire Hard water at and barn Sort water at house Reasonable to LLOYD Solicitor Newmarket North York Election WEAVING ISAAC On Cedar Street in rear of Lehmans Drug Store Having been supplied with a Little Daisy LOOM la noir prepared to weave to the satisfaction of Call and see samples A trial solicited or modal of your Invention and vre wul promptly tell If it IS Hew and probably patentable v Hob tonaatBwrvtoa CA4C6 rejected other Honorable A Rosa flaws agency are Temple BoHdlaglwer Jan The firm of Gradflai the Dominion patent mo Wflg58t only firm of Election day is now at band and every man Ho better way to purchase that magnificent farm on the John Millard farm comprising acres about acres of which atate of cultivation on which is erected a Is a good hardwood bush In flrstcUs lees than two miles from flrctclsa Brick House and good out- bniWinga Theria also a splendid young I iViiv For Infanta and Chlldxeih take the balance sheet of Ontario and I find that without tax ing the people one farthing unless you call it taxing to take a small portion of the unnecessary property of a tew rich men to supplement the expendi ture of the community in the form of succession duties without a single farthing of taxes that I can see inflict ed upon the people Ontario under the wise of my friend Mr Hardy and his predecessors has scoured for itself a revenue of four millions of dollars a year a very large portion nearly half of which is deriv ed from their edacious and prudent administration of Crown lands of Province P lagoly due to thf personal exertions of Mr Hardy himself before Premier and When ho ftdminiatrator of the and8 Cart- might at Newmarket Price very low considering lo cation Terms to cult purchasers For particulars enquire Of J WOODCOCK Newmarket Jan A gent Farms for Sale The Executors of the Estate of the late Edwin Hunter Invite propositions for of the folio wing farms acre West half lot con acres East bill lot con acres EasVTiAlves lots and con King sorestPart of quarter lot 2nd King acres Part lot to cod Whitchurch or send propositions to Mr fiohertson Barrister Newmarket Ontario on Street one mile West of Newmarket Knot sold be WANTED J KXPBRIBNOPV The Undersigned will be prepared Weighing from to lbs gonad Good Con dition and from to old following places- without fail Hotel Feb g Thurs Pb Hotel Friday- Feb g Hotel Newmarket Saturday Feb Feb Albert March Zephyr Hotel March Hotel feavenshoe oclock Wed Hotel Newmarket forenoon I A Montreal TIME IS MONEY And the garment you wear money Garments that are waited by those old wash ers and by the washboard are more by washing than by actual I can a Washer bat will much in one our a lady will dp in four hour the or dinary war A Trial will Cost You Nothing your own interests and see if it will not pay you to buy the Washer Competed with over machines from all over the world attosjotn wuano- In taking 1st Premium and Gold Medal sold already Newmarket North of Butcher Her and the Empire ftSSS- weekly Tb writ a make five daily Si manufacture and sell the Cheapest the market I put In vaulted or Wooden Piping Guaranteed to- work easy up to W feet in FORCE PUMPS 1 STERN TANKS- made Cheap from up WeUDIgglng dose Cheap and all kinds pumps repaired on shortest notice Any person wanting any work of- Odu kind- done me a postcard and bo at- tended to and you by- so hare a large stock on hand JOHN BENNETT Box Newmarket Town Carting All kinds of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms MILLARD Cor Newmarket for on yearly COMFAJiY I-

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