THE ERA FRIDAY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL CHICK TORONTO President General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A A General Ranking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed onOeposlts CDI1RKKT It ATM DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL fllerllng American bought and collections prompt attended to AUCTIONEERS CD- Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Bales will receive special Mention J Main St or P O Licensed Auctioneer for Co of York tioodo commission Terms reason- able Farm attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket LIVERY i Opposite Hal Main Iiivepy House Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods miss Perfect guaranteed In all the ash- Con sent will prompt attention fflv R Stouffejp and Violin Tuner of all String Instruments PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupil receiving primary instruction Stood in f Geo Z Miller of and TS Mires a limited somber of pupils at her Tea deuce Cor Lot i moderate NEWMARKET LATEST Monuments and Head Stones Vf Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Allan Money to Loan At Fly per cent on Firstclass Faro Security by David OoouulesloQcr for Affidavits Real ftmrerancer Issuer or Licenses Etc Also Agent for the following for Confederation Association Old Off Corner of Main ad Lot GRAHAMS Art Studio If want taken dont be with the old method of years agoibnt have It produced in the latest style and be with your Stmday The and the Tare March IS Matt 2430 He that good is Bon of Man Matt INTRODUCTION Eager multitudes still crowded around Jesus and to address them more ho day stepped into a little fishing boat and from thieaaa pulpit gave to people clustered upon tho wonder ful series of parables recorded in Matt each of which discloses some par ticular feature of his kingdom He founded the parables upon scenes which lay before tho of bis hear ers PRACTICAL enemy works white wo sleep evil often spared for the sako of tho good At end of this ago Jesus will to gather his own to himself separating them for all that is The punishment which will como upon disobedient will be as terrible to spirits as burning is to tho human body Let and work and pray for the coming of heavenly kingdom upon earth Doth good and evil like many things in material world of gradual growth White wo in this world wo can not escape contact with wicked people but we can escape becoming them Our privileges and consequent re sponsibilities far surpass thoso of people of ages Jesus longs to do good to tho hu man race Found Dead 160000 in Gold Returning With Fortune to Death l OF Victoria It in said by passenger on steamer dander just arrived hero from Al aska that several days ago two Can- Mounted Folic into with two sleds in tow over which were strapped two dead men attention of Mounted Police at was attracted by the dismal howls of dog After a short search they found bodies of two men They been frozen to death It is they were returning Klondikcre and hod in their possession in paper and gold dust names not known- death rate at averages daily one of the latest victims he- the post master It is stated by passengers on the steamer Islander that the trail is strewn with dead mules of the steamer loc ate reports that there are about 12- peoplo in and camped a- long the White trail for a distance of six the town Many going over passes but a far great er number arriving daily En route down passed vessels hound for and There is little or no abatement of epidemic of spinal meningitis at march I sM J J Use the Only Spring Remedy in the that has Stood Every Test of Time Meads Platlno Work A Specialty are giving lion Id our work specimens and you will be con vinced T GRAHAM JONE8 OLD NEWMARKET Its Easy to Die WITH DIAMOND IS Beautiful and Brilliant Colore That Will Not Fade Diamond Have Special Colore for Cotton and Mixed Goods- How Wise Women in Hard Times A TonCool of Dia mond Often Saves Dollar In these days of enforced economy it should be a pleasure to any woman to learn how she can save cost of a now gown for herself and suit for little one or can make her hus bands faded look like new Diamond Dyes which aro prepared especially for home use will do all this are so simple and easy to use that even a child can got and colors by following the directions on each package There is no need of soiling the hands with Diamond just lift and stir the Roods with two sticks while the dye bath and one will not get any stains or spots In coloring dresses coats and large articles to get a full and satis factory color it is absolutely neces sary to have a speotal dye for cotton goods and a dye for woollen goods This is done in Diamond Dyes and before buying dyes one should know whether the to be colored is cotton or wool and get the proper dye not buy dyes that claim to color everything for their use will result in failure Feb Two oclock in morning is an early hour to be married yet Miss of New Dublin and Mr Justus of had the unique exper ience yesterday The ceremony was fixed for seven oclock- Thursday even ing but the officiating clergyman of found it impossible to reach the residence until the hour mentioned owing to the blocked condition of the roads The guests and the contract parties had confidence in Mr Grout that he would fulfil the engage ment they passed the hours pleas antly until he eventually put in an ap pearance Catarrh Cored A clear bead and sweat breath secured with Catarrh Rem edy sold on a guarantee Nasal free Sold by Orillia March Mr John Scott has received a letter from Messrs Graham and Stevens two former who shipwreck ed about six weeks ago while en route for the Klondike The steamer on which they sailed foundered about six hundred miles from Victoria and the passengers were cast away on an island for five days Messrs Stevens and Graham lost their entire outfit valued at 6000 Karls Clover Boot Tea for Constipation Ibe Best and if alter astog it yon dont say so return the package and get money Sold by In Australia spring begins Aug ust summer November autumn February and winter May Weak Kidneys once Apply to A Sh KBBiG i in to powers by package 5 w Banning Creeping Skin Diseases relieved in a few min utes by Agnews Ointment Dr nows Ointment relieves instantly and cures Totter Salt Rheum Scald Head Eozcma Ulcers Blotches and all Eruptions of tbe Skin It is soothing and quieting and like magic in all Baby Humors Irritation of the Scalp or Bashes during teething time cents a box Sold by Wilmot Lehman Newmarket The West African war scare of a week ago has crumbled hardly leav ing an echo If there is any fighting it will be on the initiative of the Company which proposes that any French troops in the Com panys territories immediate ly ejected by the companys troop which Captain commands The company unlike the Government has a comparatively free hand being in the position of an individual eject ing trespassers from his property and the officials of the company say they intend to act vigorously The Suffer In Every from Catarrh Have a Friend in Dr Catar rhal I was a catarrh victim for many years Dr Catarrhal Powder has done me great service- I tried every remedy in the category of ca tarrh cures without any permanent relief After taking only a few doses I received great benefit and in a very short while catarrh had disappear ed I am satisfied it is the best safest and quickest remedy known for this today James Bell Paulding Sola by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Financial- Proposition Now theres the and heres the dime papa left to you for taking it All right mama If you take it and dont tell I will give you half Harpers Bazar OiuxgeviMk March Mr Rob inson a fanner living near Mono Mills got up on a straw stack to throw down some fodder He slipped off the side and struck a harrow leaning a gainst the stack and one of tho teeth caught him ripping a terrible gash from his abdomen to his breast Hopes of his recovery are entertained When you meet a girl carrying what looks to be a pair of pretty little morrocco volumes bound to gether do not be too sure they are prayerbook and hymnal even during these Lenten days The newest cases for playingcards are red just the shape and size and clasping of the and hymnal and with nothing of he inside showing but the demure edges of the two pacjes of cards any all under cover of eminently ecclesiastic scarlet the il lusion is perfect If one had ever the desire to appear pious when in reality on pleasure here is a convenient shield ready to hand and an oppor tunity that no telltale conventional case for playingcards could ever hope to bring about But chief charm of the new case its ability to lay bare the gullibility of tho average hu man being- Not one in ten of those who see the little red morocco hypo crisy for the first time but tike it to be tlio real In March April and May use Celery Compound And only Celery Compound For it is natures remedy It is only spring medicine that best physicians recommend Clergymen of all denominations speak of the wonderful medicine with enthusiasm Paines Celery Compound has a record of lifesaving work that has never equalled Celery Compound cures dis ease It makes people well It has saved the lives of thousands of suf ferers It makes tho weak strong It purifies the blood and enriches nerves Every condition of winter life has been detrimental to health There has been a steady decline in nervous vigor Now that spring comes the body is ready to cast off unhealthy tis sues if it is only given a chance This opportunity comes when the excretory organs kidneys skin and bowels are made to work actively and the nerves able to furnish sufficient energy to the digestive organs No remedy in the world accom plishes these results like Cel ery Compound It nourishes regu lates and invigorates the entire ner vous system from the brain to the minutest nerve filament It causes an increased appetite ami tones up stomach to deal with increased food Its nourishing action is imme diately manifest in a clearing up of the muddyunhealthy skin an increase in weight and mpre refreshing sleep First discovered after laborious sci entific research by the ablest physician America has produced Prof Edward Phelps MD of Dart mouth College ic is prescribed and publicly endorsed by the best prac titioners in every city in America It has been so enthusiastically recom mended by grateful men and women in every walk of life that it is today in every sense the most popular rem edy world ever knew It has proven itself the greatest of all spring medicines In Montreal Toronto Hamilton London Quebec Halifax St John Winnipeg and other cities the leading druggists have found that the demand for Celery Compound passes that of ah other remedies to gether Celery Compound taken during the early spring days has even more than its usual remarkable efficacy in making people well It makes short work of disease It rapidly drives out neuralgia sleeplessness dyspepsia and rheumatism from the system It removes that lassitude or tired feel ing which betokens weakened nerves and poor blood Women working in close offices saleswomen tired out and nervous from long hours standing on their feet and waiting on impatient irritate customers overworked worried and disheartened men and women everywhere will be astonished to find how much happier life becomes when their nerves have become strengthened and their blood purified by means of this great remedy No other remedy has the hearty approval of a like body of educated and women and professional men has there ever been a remedy that J was welcomed in so many intelligent prudent homes where care is taken to get only the best in so vital a matter In families nil over the country Celery Compound is the first last and only remedy used Prof Phelps had studied the nerves in health and disease when well nour ished and when undernourished in men and women and children years before he looked for the remedy Celery Compound is the out come of his entire professional life It is the one remedy that the world could not lose today at any price Celery Compound induces the body to take on solid flesh Physicians Celery Compound as the one scientific spring remedy and it is universally pre scribed by them wherever there is great need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of health and strength to the wornout Celery Compound is best spring remedy because it is more than a mere spring remedy It brings about a healthy- appetite complete di gestion regular action of the bowels and the other excretory organs when over taken whether in summer or in winter but as the greatest of spring remedies it has extraordinary turnities for inducing the body to throw off morbid humors that poison it and cause rheumatism heart trouble and low state of the health as in spring the system is more pliable and chrome diseases so securely lodged in the system that they are with ousted become more tractable Thousands of men and women have noticed the unmistakable improvement in the health of the children from tak ing Celery Compound in spring It is the one scientifically ac curate remedy fitted by its composition to thoroughly purify the blood anoV dispel the exhausting feeling and get rid of the diseases headaches fits of depression with which children with I weak nervous well as grown people are afflicted in after momentarily expecting for years that death might snap the vital cord at any minute This is the story thou sands could tell and have told of the almost Divine formula Dr Cure for the Heart Every day chron icles the taking away of many who have not heeded natures warnings that the heart was tired out and need ed the helping that this wonderful cure gives Heart diordera are in sidious Dont trifle This great re- medy attacks the disease instantly Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket March An evening paper is authority for the story that a fire broke out on Tuesday about noon in the house of Mr Alfred Bout St Theophile which com pletely destroyed the building Mr Boutin his wife and two out of his three children perishing in the flames The origin of the fire is unknown but it is attributed to an explosion in the stove caused by throwing coal oil on the wood in it The other child an infant of five months old was saved by a brother of Mr Boutin but is so badly burned that it is impossible for it to survive Spruce Sore throat etc Gum KEnav TO FARMERS A PureBred Improved will bo kept for Lot Coo Terras cents Weight St Son and Prompt to orders J The Gold Fields Marie Mich March 1 Parties returning this morning from the gold district state that the Great Northern Company is down fifty foot in its Jubilee claim near Lake and that the vein is still looking well The shaft is bout twelve foot square and neither wall of the vein is touched The quartz at the depth named contains if anything more free gold than the surface quartz which gave an average of fortyfive dollars to the ton of rock The Gold Fields company has a shaft down twentyfive feet on its claim near the mouth of the and the quartz is running satisfactorily in gold A hotel is being built sanabie and to run to Dag and itou Lakes en route to the gold fields are projected The wide range the circula tion of American magazines and the manner in which they penetrate the farthest points of the earth found new evidence last week when a single list of five hundred subscriptions to The Home Journal was received by that magazine from Bulgaria the list being headed by the name of Her Royal Highness the Princess Maria Louise George the Siberian traveler said that he found this mag azine in homes on the steppes of Si beria while Peary met with it in Greenland It is an interesting fact that The Ladies Home Journal has subscriptions in fiftynine of the sixty- five generally accepted civilized na tions of the earth During the single month of December last for instance it received subscriptions from Syria Japan Uruguay Turkey Congo Free State Transvaal Liberia Natal Sierra Ione Bavaria Brazil Bohemia Canary Islands Honduras Costa Rica Nicaragua San Salvador Chili China Egypt Fiji Islands Germany Hawaii Madras Presidency Hungary Java Straits Settlements Ma laysia Samoa Palestine Peru Portugal Tasmania and the Danish West Indies What Dr A- Salter Says- Gents From my per fiooal fa observing the your Care In esses of ad Consumption I am prepared tossy It is most remarkable that had ever been brought to my attention It has certainly many from Bold by Just From A Dawson City mining man lay dying on the ice He didnt have a woman nurse he didnt have the price But a comrade kneeled beside him as the sun sank in repose To listen to his dying words and watch him while he froze The dying man propped up his bead above four rods of enow And said I never saw it thaw at ninetyeight below Send this little pinhead nugget that I swiped from Jason Dills To ray home you know at at Deadwood in the Hills Tell my friends and tell my if you ever reach the east That this Dawson City region is no place for man or beast That the lands to elevated and the wind too awful cold And the Hills of South Dakota yield as good a grade of gold Tell not to worry with a sorrow to intense For I would not thua have panned out had I had a lick of sense Ob I the air is growing thicker and breezes give me chills Gee I wish I was in to Deadwood in Hills a 44 Tell the fellows in the home land to remain anH have a cinch That the price of patent pork chops here is eighty cents an inch That I speak as as one whos been here scratching round to find the gold And at 10 per cent of discount I could not buy up a cold Now solong he faintly whispered I have told what to do And he closed his weary eyelids and froze solid p His friends procured an organ box and the bills And sent the miner home that night to in Hills Please place it with our ad- vertisement on top You see we always expect to be at the top and trust that you will render us this slight favor In any case you will always find PURE and the leading remedies that have not lost their qualities by standing a long time on our shelves together with a complete line of Toilet Articles AT r Next to the Post Officer