Newmarket Era , March 25, 1898, p. 1

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v NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PAG mo liberty to know to utter and to argue freely to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside North York In advance Vol XLVII No Single Copies 8 Each J Newmarket Friday March 25 Terms per annum 100 if paid in advance or thinking of building a house barn remodeling and repairing the place In If so you will want Faints Oils Glass Furnace etc Plumbing IT WILL PAY to drop a card or call and get estimates on any of the above goods from NEWMARKET LEO AC INSURANCE Thos J I if a AooiirnnQ Ac LUC nublildllbu llUi Strict Newmarket ao000 to on good Farm security Asects Lilrwri Invested In over Barrister Children over years for Township of King InShTed Court Era In of miss Ontario p Solicit or Conveyancer etc with Marsh Cameron Barristers Toronto estates carefully managed and collections promptly made tS Money to Joan at lowest rates OrriCESflx tons Main St Newmarket Dunn Solicitors Ac Manning Arcade King St West Reformer Block Money to Loan MEDICAL Campbell without extra charge GEO HUNT J A DA DO Inspector Local A gent Joseph A Cody AGENT Goaf deration hit also Fixe at rates Several Good Farms for ale At Town Clerks Office next to Hall Newmarket Always In on Saturdays A Agent for and lilfr Dipnoi Money to Loan merest at Current AttheostOfl1ceNcwmflxket an at Residence opposite Christ Church to to 3 and to p Formerly at Chelsea Hospital London of women Recently of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Pharmacy a a to and to p T AGENT Canada Assurance Co INSURANCE RISKS AT LOWEST RATES Money to Alfred DrTSoiers flret of Post J Wesley physician Surgeon and Coroner Pharmacy Newmarket RE8iDEsCEMaln8t North Telephone Communication DENTAL A I Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church allied it Satisfaction Guaranteed J Rogerrs Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Robinson ICE AMP RSSICEXCEDr Robinsons late LICENSES Iiyman Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the OtttcHvsto Issued at private if A A- Ramsay Fire Insurance Low Rates on Farm and Isolated Property Over Newmarket AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel will special attention Newmarket PO Duncan Licensed for the Co of York- Goods sold on commission Term reason able Sales Attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket Thin in flesh Perhaps its natural If perfectly well this is probably the case But many are suffering from frequent colds nervous debility pallor and a hun dred aches and pains simply because they arc not fleshy enough Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with pistes strengthens the diges tion gives new force to the nerves and makes rich fid blood It is a food in itself The world in her in grief profound mourns For tho of loved gone whence no returnB That riht queen of heroines with ho high life much neelehhero should fade away and While in her work fiho The message leceivetl To work no mom oh mundane Her putt had been achieved Her life in noble declH with long persistent zeal From year to year ho on for greatest weal obstacles that seemed to block her way Neor yielding to discouragements God was her help and stay trusted in His mighty aid Her counsel was His Word eer she had received Her mission from the Lord Through her native land she went traversed from shore to shore In every state truth proclaimed the temperance banner bore lUcluiming with the poor inebriate In every place grand trophies won her joy was to relate From to West the Hag unfurled Oer territories large Oer prairie plains of great domain Fulfilled her sacred charge So forcible her arguments so winning to persuadn That very many were reclaimed who shipwreck would have marie And many live who bless her life for happiness she brought For joys restore and peace by loving labor wrought And in her soul she did rejoice That she was understood And soon became in and mime A prodigy for good In other lands beyond the sea her potent voice was heard Whore friends she loved now wep oer friendships broken cord God bless them there who were so true in Queen Victorias realm Who toiled with her so earnestly let not their giief overwhelm Soon they will meet where love abides On Edens golden shore Where she awaits at heavens gates Where death divides no more The chariot of temperance will for a moment stop And in the hands of charioteers the slackened reins will drop The prancing steeds will silent stand will cease to onward move To give the occupants a space to drop a tear of love j A moment only to relieve The burdened hearts that mourn In grief sincere that one so dear Will never more return Then forward charge with increased speed her purpose to complete Urged oh conquest as she would hells power to defeat To raze the traffic dealing death and extirpate its woes Till fieed at lost our world will thrive and blossom as the rose When plenty and prosperity Will over all preside And woe and want with visage Will slink away and hide The great petition which she planned a wonder to behold Wherein for Prohibition were ten million names enrolled Gathered from lands afar and near between the distant poles Of huge dimensions when compared with all preceding scrolls What a vast army would it he If all who wrote could stand In phalanx strong to right the wrong That curses every land On on ye brave true hearted ones slack your onward march Inspired by her fidelity around the state and church Let not your efforts flag until the is outlawed And Prohibitions banner waves oer our Dominion broad And on the ballots of our hearts Miss Willards name engrave Who gave her all at Jesus call A sacrifice to save Seeking His Ocun i Yes the sun was certainly shining Hugh gave a sigh of perfect bliss and lay still for a moment without opening his eyes rejoicing in the touch of the warm finger which had laid it self gently across bis closed lids How often he had grumbled that he could not shut out that ray of morning light would thrust itself between the closed blinds and waken him from his sleep But today it was a harbinger of good tidings the promise of a per fect day Not long however did he Ho there by tho sunbeam He was out of bed and bad taken his cold plunge almost before the robin in the tree outside the window had half devoured his first cherry By the time his breakfast was finished and he was taking a walk upon the lawn Hugh came flying down the stairs and bounded out upon the porch frighten ing air out of bis seven senses What and noisy creatures these boy humans were to be sure And he flew away scolding Have any of my boy readers bless their dear hearts ever been invited to go for a whole days pleasuring with a firstclass elder brother and his ever and just at that moment some words fell upon Hughs ear which made him start and catch his breath Ho had heard voices the dining- room directly above his head but hod paid no attention whatever to what was being said till these words reach ed him and then quite forgetful that he was listening to what was evident ly not intended for his he raiser himself on his elbow and held his breath lest a word should escape him YcVV haw his brother Jacks voice I heard lost night that Harvey had gotten home Id give a lot to ask him to go with us for Harry tomorrow but Ive promised Hugh and the boat will not carry four But I think Hugh would give it up if you asked him It was his mother who spoke and Hugh caught his breath in agony till the answer came No I could not do it He has been counting so on it and this is Spencers last dav The poor little beggar would do it of course if I did ask him but I cant It would have been a lark though regretfully Then they went on to talk about the lunch which his mother was pre- adding Where do you exf to be about iwo oclock Up at the old mill I should think Why are you coming up Perhaps It will depend upon how I get on with what I have to do If I do goi well have supper up there somewhere and come down by moon light Hugh was curled up in the window seat in the shady little not to his own infinite surprise entirely un happy when an arm was thrown about his shoulders and he heard his uncles voice Come along my little man he said your next work is waiting for you than wonder vaguely what he meant his uncle began explaining where wanted his help and after that he for got all about it It was a busy and by no means unhappy morning They carried some comforts to ladies worked in the garden and while Mr was doing some writing Hugh read resting in a hospitable cool chair in the study Once lifted his eyes to find his uncle looking at him very tenderly Hugh he said I am just be- ginning my sermon for next Sunday fln1 IV a particular college chum If so he j paring but Hugh hod ceased to hear and the text is Charity love you Richmond Hill March 8th P L Plague Riots in India Bombay March Two hundred and fifty new cases and deaths from the plague were reported today Five Europeans have been attacked The Mohammedans at on the South railway hearing of the riots in the city have decided to resist the plague precautions and op eration over the line The volunteers have been mobilized and the infantry has been summoned but as yet there hasbeen no conflict Mr Win Carroll of Deer Park the possessor of ft cherry tree which was in full bloom oh March There is quite a profuse display of blossoms March A terrible ex plosion took place today in the Santa Isabel mine at Province of Cordova Sixty corpses have already been recovered and many men are as yet unaccounted for The Provinces of Rat Portage lost its central school by fire Loss about It is belter to deserve praise and not get it to get praise and not it A bill has been introduced into the legislature to abolish all toll gates on highways in New York State A coal oil lamp caused a fire near Gait one night last week Farm house and contents destroyed Insured for Burglars at entered a eery store and a woolen mill and ap propriated to their own use tobacco underwear socks and cents cash Miss A Murphy of Bay who has entered the Kingston Dairy School as a student in cheesemaking is the first of her kind in that institu tion Ninety car loads of oranges are leaving Southern California every day for East As three hundred boxes of two hundred oranges each fill each the shipments nearly hours and in the Islands are in open rebellion and ft is twentyfour feared others will follow their lead It la reported that and other have landed from Horn Kong with troops Artillery has been sent to the provinces within the last three days and at Manila few Troops are left through out is critical will understand the anxiety with which Hugh had scrutinized the evening sky and the delight with which he had felt the light touch of that first early sunbeam across his closed eyes They were to start directly after breakfast go up the river in their boat rowing floating landing as they felt inclined hunt out the cool deep pools where the trout loved to He close bid beneath the banks or tak ing the photograph which Harry Spencer was so anxious to carry home with him Then they were to take their lunch with them eating it be neath trees on the mossy banks and best of all he Hugh would for one whole long glorious day be al lowed to listen to the sation the record of the college these two great men his heroes Could any boy have stayed in with all this weight of anticipated bliss filling his heart and sending the excit ed color to bis cheeks Not Hugh certainly But on the other hand how was he to pass the must intervene before the expedition started out On an ordinary occasion he could have filled in the time quite easi ly but today ho was too restless to settle down to his ordinary occupa tions He went back into the hall and glanced at the clock Only six Too early even over to see if Unole Godfrey was up Uncle God frey the clergyman of the pretty little church just across the road was an early riser and he and Hugh who were the best of friends often spent an hoar together working in the rec tory garden or doing some studying But plainly there was no hope of find ing him about so early as this and after possessing himself of a gen erous slice of bread and butter as a sort of stay til breakfast Hugh took up the book which he had read ing the night before and running down the flung himself at full length on the grass He was soon lost in the delights of his story nor once thought even of his impromptu meal till ha felt a cold nose rub itself aganst his cheek and heard a begging little whine in ear and pulling himself up on his elbow found as he had expected that it hi dog Flash coaxing for a bit of the dearly loved bread and butter Very well sit up and it like a gentleman said Hugh thrusting his knife into a bit and holding it up before the quivering nose of the eager little animal but dont you take it till I give the word old fellow So Flash waited till Hugh spoke and was rewarded by receiving more than one bite for it was breakfast time now and Hugh himself could very well afford to wait Youre a gentleman Flash said the boy and if you had lived in the times my tells about you would have been as brave and splendid as any of them It is rather a pity isnt it old fellow that folks dont Set the chance to do all sorts of things like they used to do in King Arthurs time Though Uncle God frey did say last Sunday days of chivalry were not I dont understand just what he meant though do you Flash But Flash was far mom intent upu receiving permission to take that tempting morsel from Hughs knife which his little master had forgotten to give than he was upon ago of With hi arms flung out upon the grass face buried in them he was doing that which some people claim boys never do thinking with all his might and strength and fighting his battle like the little hero that he was Mr Hex ford had come out on porch and was watching with amuse ment Hugh training Flash to receive his breakfast properly But suddenly he saw the boy lift his head and ap pear to be listening eagerly to the conversation which was going on above him for he could see his sister and Jack as they stood talking earnestly beside the open window just above know not her own that is is willing to deny herself for the sake of others Do you like it And Hugh answered Yes a sudden thrill of happiness about his heart Helen Mr said at din- Hugh has helped me so well with my work that I think I will take a holiday this afternoon as you have been begging me to do for a week If you will go over and have supper with Alice I will go up and meet the boys at the old mill and come home by moonlight It is only a little after J one now J can row there by two Would you care to go along Hugh where the boy lay then fling himself lose it after all Hughs heart ox despair upon his gave a great throb of such happiness and lie there motionless Wen- that his eyes fell for a to his with face very much what had distressed him and still more that the honest little lad should play the part of eaves dropper he turned and reentered the house as his wife called him to plate before he could reply And even then his answer was not put into words those refused to come What an afternoon it was How delighted the three boys were to see them And fast But hardly had he taken his were to Hugh He seat when steps sounded on the porch vaguely why after they and Hugh appeared He came over j March About clock this morning as Mr Howard Port Hope was attempting to booed a freight train he missed fooling and fell under train One of bis legs was cut completely off below the knee i9 chivalry and so made no reply often to take breakfast with them that they only gave him Hie usual hearty greeting without question but his uncle saw at once that something was troubling the child He helped him all he could by keep ing up a conversation with his wife in which it was not necessary for the boy to join and was not at all surprised when Hugh came to him in the study after they nad risen from the table with the evident intention of making gome reqtiest for a moment he stood without speaking his eyes cast down and laying his hand upon his shoulder uncle kindly Well old fellow what is it Are yon are you going over home Uncle Godfrey Yes going immediately to ask your mother for some things which she promised me for one of my old ladies but why Hugh Will you tell Jack please that I have changed my t mind about going up the river today and am going to stay with you I may may I Certainly I be glad of your help in several ways Ill tell him and I will be back in ten Stay here till I come Tint there was something back of this r well knew but he knew also that Hush would have told him bad he wished to know what his trouble wis So respecting si lence he left him without a question But when he had delivered his mes sage when he heard his sister say And now you can send for Harvey Watson go with you Jack when they had explained that be had re frained from doing so before because he would not disappoint I say the meaning of that little scene which he had witnessed before break fast was quite plain to Mr Rex- fords mind and his heart went out toward the lad who had fought and won battle with self But I dont he changed his mind Jack was saying I know his heart was set on it and be knows that it is Spencers last day He simply adores you Harry turn ing to his friend Say Uncle God frey is the youngster Ill go over and have this cleared up Better not Jack Hugh de cided for himself for his the matter rest Send for whatEon and start out his uncle said come up to him suddenly as be stood looking blissfully down the river and throwing his arms across shoulder called him a firstclass little trump when Harvey Watson insisted upon his- taking his brandnew fishing- and Harry Spencer announced that he was going off to fish along with Hugh for half hour or so the cup of his happiness was indeed full to the brim Yes said Mr to him- self as he watched the boa bright happy face I was right The days of chivalry are not past nor will they be while love not her own Save DIAMOND DYES WILL MAKE FADED V i HAT BONNET FEATHERS GOOD AS It may be that ladies are not aware of the fact that old hat and y net Feathers can be made to look as new by the Diamond Dyes those veraalhome friends Let us tell you how to do the work Use the Diamond Dyes prepared for Wool and Silk that can now be bought any dealer Clean the feather by soaking it in strong soap suds fifteen minutes then draw gently between the thumb and forefinger a number of times and rinse in warm water dip and dyebath until the desired shade is obtained J rinse in cold water and press gently with the hand between two cloths to remove the water j now bold before a gentle fire slightly until v dry and taking three or four sprigs of the feather and draw log briskly between the thumb and back of scissors and so on unlit it is finished Old feathers can be to look like new To color black be sure to use Diamond Fast Black for Bilk and Feathers pre- pared by the of the- Diamond Dyes this is lhe only dye for coloring feathers a rich A man has shipped 2500 cattle to Buffalo since June Why does the roan who blowing usually find It difficult to raise-

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