Newmarket Era , March 25, 1898, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY MARCH a CHINA HALL J j GROCERY DEPT Wo have just received a Vory Lino of California Prunes to sell at lbs for Wo have also the finest quality of evaporated Peaches Apricot o Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalade or Table BAKING POWDER To reduce qui- stock wo will sell a Glass Jar for quality good as you can ask Something in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls Ac CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes Boat Salmon lbs of good Japan Tea for Pure Coffee per lb Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots at 226 worth Our Spring Stock will soon bo in CHINA AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Sot it will pay you well to see stock The Largest in variety and Lowest in In Toilet Sets we can suit both in taste and pocket The Leading Grocery Wo would like to get a living profit on all goods but we positively wilt not be under The Leading Grocer i Coi Main Timothy Sts PERFECT IVER Weeks WHAT IS ABOUT St Pauls Mr of Toronto pooled to preach hero tag and IB Social Ladies Aid of the Christian are no pains to Iancako and Maple Syrup a on of April l Church pastors eubjoot noxt morn IB Will wo know our In in Tho Judg ment cordially invited Yesterday morning just as Mr Starrs town peddler was ready to atari from store moved off before driver op lines The was that wheel ran against a and the of ahaf was broken Corning Here Mrs rcndorlng of that beauti ful song For All captured audience Ham or Is a soloist of ability although not known In mask circles hero Judging from effort last evening has a vory brilliant career in tho world of Toronto World Lights Out It very unfortunate that the arc lino of light should break on Satur day night leaving atreota in darkness break was caused by swaying of tho wire by wind at the polo in front of the Eagle Hotel Electrician was about an hour finding the break and making the necomry repairs on morning Gospel Temperance Good attendance again last Sunday the program provided by the Royal Templars Mr J occupied the chair and Miss Eva Lush presided at the organ The Royal Quartette gave a tlon Mies Olive Gray a recitation singing by the sisters speech by Mr solo by Mr Oliver and recitation by one of the little Lush girls Program next Sunday to bo provided by The mooting last Monday evening was made doubly interesting by presence of about visitors from Holland Landing League The President Mr Joe Meads occupied the chair during the evening The scripture lesson waa read by Mr Hiram Wilson and Miss Maud Richardson presided at the organ during devotional exercises After a duett by and Jackson an address of welcome given by Rev Matthews This was followed by a most excellent paper by Miss Parsons VicePresident of Holland Landing League on Why we should contribute to Foreign Missions Jackson the pastor read an interesting letter from the League Missionary In Japan Rev Norman A quartette by members of the Landing and Newmarket Leagues concluded the program which was followed refresh- moots and a very social time was enjoyed Next Monday night is the regular bosi meeting when reports of officers for the past quarter will be presented A Small Pitt A Small Dose A Small Price Only Cents a Box A CURE FOR Headache Torpid Liver Dyspepsia Constipation A Pharmacy Lefimans Drug Store Rare Treat it f IN THE Ghareh Newmarket I A Under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Violin a Solo a a Instrumental PROGRAM Piano Duo Recreation March Victor Ml8 Solo Childrens Home Frederic W Reading Tho Ministers Grievances Miss Solo Palms 5th Air Varied Mr A For All Eternity Mrs M Hamer Hondo Mendelssohn Miss Millard Solo Oh Where is Heaven Miss Princilr Reading A Railway Mr J McKay Piano Duo Knights of Columbus Fischer Miss Nkitik Forstkr Miss Jessie Dickson- 11 Solo A Dream of Mrs Reading The Soldier Tramp 1 Solo My God and Father while I Stray Mrs M Violin Solo La Bellini Mr A Solo The Angels Serenade Mrs A 10 Instrumental Selection by Chopin Mies Mularu The Angels Promise Mr Ksowlrs The If nseon Kingdom Gerald Lane Mrs MB Please do not encore- 10 00 01 Council Regular meeting last Monday oven- Present- Mayor Reeve Deputy and Councillors Manning Smith and Bom bills parsed A Hunter cleaning snow cleaning enow cbg to lots J stone Smith teaming coal Packing Co for John breaking 00 Joseph Gould cleaning snow to lots Martin Grant cleaning snow off bridges Win Preston wood for M cartage for charity Can Gen Electric Co for book Conrad breaking stone 00 John Gill snow cleaning to lots The Auditors reported that they wore unable to complete the audit on account of the incomplete state of the books at the Light Station A communication from Co Clerk with reference to change of time of assessment was referred to the Fi nance Com A communication from Mrs Mc Laughlin asking for water to be put on her premises on Park Ave referred to the Fire and Water Com A communication from the Clerk of North Toronto asking an opinion up on action of the Co Council with reference to the control of franchise re Electrio Railways on County roads was referred to the Finance Com Petition of the President of the W U and others asking the Council to take such action for the social purity of the Town as will cleanse the place of disreputable houses The matter was left in the hands of the Mayor The account of the Can Gen Elec tric Co for supplies amounting to referred to the Fire Light Com was ordered to be paid Council adjourned at p m THE LEADSWQ J DEALERS IN- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware House Furnishings Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds L r I Eavetroughing and General Tinsmithing A J A W ALLAN J J 17 Solo Solo it tha bad roads Sab bath the was well filled both and evening The Clues on at in the body of the church la found to be very helpful All men who have no belter to go Sunday after- Donation noons will be made welcome The Ladles Aid of the Methodist Social The young people of the Church intend holding a on Toes- day April Full particulars next week Balsam For Coughs and Colds E Lehman Chemist and Druggist House Garden For Bale Cheap Corner of Superior and IlentaYorlfiOa year Apply to J WOODCOCK Newmarket FOR SALE Pedigreed ShortHorn Bull ff8 Dark J A Lot Con PO TTT A WWTI Parmer or other In persona of fall month bo art of fair education bom a month would bo an Inducement I could engage a few at their own homes I Toronto Now let everybody unite in building and booming the Town Make it all that Implied in being The Hub of the County Spring la here Start garden rake going in the back yard commenced About time to organize for outdoor porta baseball football lacroue tennie Royal Hotel put in three more In candescent light week Mr Mo- electric lights Into his shop barber shop It brightened by a new coat of paint Next Sabbath is Review Day at the Schools good time for parents to make them a visit The road between Sharon and the Town has the reputation of being the between points North and East New market It has been a perfect fright for a leading road King meets at to morrow Next the last day to apply for a Liquor License for 18939 Next Friday is the laat of grace lowed for fences to be removed that were erected by order of coun cils Schools clow a week from next day for Easter holidays Alderman loat a valuable horse last Monday through inflammation A been caught in the creek here A bus load of went on to the Entertainment at Orange Hall 8t Friday night and report a good time Mr Geo at has made over gallons maple ready this season a number of people vUIted the cemetery last Sunday afternoon The weather for the present month has been most remarkable The oldest resident cannot remember as warm a spell during any previous March The Bakery property was not sold test offers did not reach reserve bid The managers ftre remodelling the seats a little in order to give more seating ac commodation The basement it also to be repaired Next Sunday night the pastor will take for his The rails of the dark chamber Every person made wel come are sending a goodsized parcel to Bark Falls today to assist the ladies there in a Bazaar which is to be held to relieve the church debt Another Surprise On Wednesday evening between and 60 persons met at the residence of Mr John Thompson Prospect Ave and held a basket Surprise Party owing to the con- removal of his boo Mr Ellas Thompson The following address was read by Mr Angus Williams of the Christian Sunday School and during reading of It Mr Stanley Scott made the presentation of a handsome Gents Travel ling Grip Mr As the time has approached at which you sever your connection with the Newmarket Christian Church and School we feel that we cannot permit you to depart without some tangible souvenir of the pleasant and profitable time we have spent together In our School as also In our Church Choir you have rendered valuable assist and you have done muoh to sustain Oaf Boys and Girls It is a fact that success In life is not best measured by dollars and cents but rather by the results which accrue from the cul tivation of those forces and with which nature has endowed the individual Without a thorough general education along practical lines these forces are likely to remain dormant and highest degree of success Is not realized Our own land offers the facilities under the son for the general education of our young people and in this respect the Modern Business Training School plays a most important part The Central Business College of To ronto seems to be a recognized leader among anoh institutions judging from the very liberal patronage it enjoys and the ex cellent character the work It is doing The Spring Term in this which continues from April 1st to Jane is an opportune for a short course of study along practical lines and doubtless many yoang people of oar Province will avail themselves of the superior advantages and strengthen the interests of both In deed your services have been most popular College offers See Adv in able and the willingness with which you this sue have Invariably carried out any part of duty assigned to you has furnished an excellent example for Imitation in this particular Your removal from our midst Is a subject of general regret throughout the Church and School and we feel that it April George Pollock will Host Council Shakos Mar 1898 Meeting of E Council held this day All members present Communication received from Geo Pollock re wood supplied to Fenton family quarantined Smith supplies re quarantined Geo Main- prize sheep County Clerk re time of making assessment Clerk of North Toronto County control of Street railways Toronto Hudson Bay Commissioners Petition from and others asking for repeal of commutation of Statute Labor in Sharon Messrs John Tate John J Graham and others were heard in opposition to said petition Mr Shier was heard re damages sustained on highway and Mr J A re expenses re sick ness and bunal of Wilkes an indigent On motion Council decided to pur chase a road machine and the Reeve and Reeve Boyd were appointed a committee to investigate and procure said machine The Reeve introduced a bylaw to appropriate the sum of per year in Statute labor and money for a term of in maintenance of eastern town line and Reeve Brodie was appointed Commissioners for su perintending said expenditure ByLaw regularly passed Councillor was authorized to have ditch on lot con carried to a sufficient outlet Payments ordered as follows viz Geo four sheep valuating Dougherty sheep killed killed value 16 20 Fred Eade one sheep killed J value Geo refund re double Assessment Myers pieces cedar 18 Council adjourned to meet in Sha ron in April at a On Saturday morning at oclock we place on sale a lot of Clothing from the Carrie Fire Coats Pants Vests at Give- Away Prices Heavy Tweed Pants pair Vests cents each COME EARLY A JOBBING HOU ARK Some people have an idea because we do such a large business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery 7 and Newspaper Departments are ours and we will stand by them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office 1 w TAR Sol Reqistet will be Ion long to be remembered and the gup la oar ranks by your departure will sot soon be filled Yon may that we will a warm affection for yon and dare to ventnre a that may tome day again be permitted welcome yon back have a tale of of and Implement on lot St In the Con of East Credit for on of and over for fat cattle and Bale at oclock a In May work be prospered and baed wherever yon April andmaywe that Church and School will to be kindly by yon in In new borne and that thin memento which in behalf of and arch Choir we now to you oar absence continue with to of affection and regard for the dear friend with whom are soon to by Teachers and Officer of Sun day School and Choir Mr Thompson briefly replied and a very enjoyable time spent party break ing about one splendid farm in eUoate at Mount Albert to take at the North American Hotel New market Bee advertisement lor par ticulate Ont March Fire broke out in a large block known as Greaves at six oclock this morn ing It was checked by the fire bn- but not before the entire blook was smoked black inside Trouble White Pass Washington March Inform ation has been received by the War Department that the rowdy element of Alaska have seized road leading to and over the White Pass and have placed the country in a state of terror Instructions were tele graphed today to General commanding the Department of Col umbia at Vancouver to order the Infantry garrisoned at to take proper steps for the protection of pro perty and persona in the disturbed region regardless of expense attend ing such a movement of FOR THE THE Garden fag The ear works of Rhodes Currey Co at Amherst were damag ed to the amount of And the From reliable Seedsmen OUR MOTTO i PHARMACY- Next to the Post Office a AM

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