Newmarket Era , April 1, 1898, p. 1

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7 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER to know to to freely according to conscience all other t No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol XLVII No Single Copies Newmarket Out Friday April Terms per annum if paid in advance of building a remodeling and repairing the general If bo you will want bam or ft Saiate Oils fflass Furnace etc tee IT WILL PAY to drop a card or call and get estimates on any of the above goods from NEWMARKET Sujeet Spring The days growing longer now sun is high arc some signs of coining warmth In cold wintry sky The arent bursting out as They know loo much for that But Ethel has begun to think About her Easter hat hand organs coining round To play the same old tune t play it in November and murder it in Juno The air is growing softer A haze everything Oh wo dont need the To prophesy spring Yes spring is coming sure enough I men That tired feeling advertise In black typo again Yes gentle spring is coming fast Ana that 1b not worst Spring poems too coming euro And this ere is the first j J Notary to Loan on security Barrister Solicitor Solicitor for Township of King Mousy Office Division Court Building Ontario p Barrister or Conveyancer etc with Marsb Cameron c Toronto carefully and collections promptly made tar Money to loa at lowest Of rice Block Main PUNK Dunn o Arcade SI King St West Standard Life Assurance Co 1 J Assets In over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge Toronto Co I Barrister Block Money to Loan Dp Campbell jr a p o opposite Christian to JO a to to 3 and to p At Church at Chelsea Hospital London or of Women Recently of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Central Pharmacy noons to a in to and to pm HUNT irlct Inspector J A Local Agent Joseph A Cody AGENT FOB also at heat rates Farms for Hale Town Clerks Office next to Hall Newmarket Always In on J A Agent for Money to inter eat at Current At the Newmarket Palm Sunday PICKETT Tommys Composition Tommy was a boy Grandma often he was liko hie who was a clergyman and had written a learned book about Bible but mamma Tommy was imago of her brother Thomas who ran away when he was sixteen and was never heard of after So you sec I cannot tell you definitely why Tommy was bo serious Ho liked to woll enough but ho did not understand why so often and he sometimes had to have jokes to him no it is not surprising that people made mistake of thinking him dull Naturally enough his first composi tion seemed a very sorious affair to biro and with bis mammas perrnis- ho wont upstairs to little room off hall called study in which was his papas old and fishingrods and in ono corner some of his grandfathers books too plainly bound to have in the bookcase downstairs an Dr Dicks works and Concordance Tommy had washed his slate and the new corner Mies by name You shall all see them if youll come over this after noon I must send them back on Monday are all from Ralph and Michael Angelo and such a treat It i3 real sweet of you to think of us Nelly If we dont come it will be wo are so busy flitted away and a few moments after Dr Dobb3 minister was announced Grandma and mamma laid aside their work and received him in the parlor but Tommy sat near door and heard every word of conversation Mrs is ah I regret to say suffering from a severe indispoai- and is compelled to keep her bed said the Doctor after a little and speaking evidently with an effort and our domestic Bridget by name went out last evening and not returned and ah small boy this morning carno and informed us that her couflin has been taken sudden ly ill and that she cannot return under two weeks We are expecting Bishop this afternoon and I need not that our situation is em barrassing Canada Iiife Assurance Co FIRE INSURANCE RISKS AT LOWEST RATES Money to Alfred Newmarket first of Post to am io3anddto8pm Wesley physician Surgeon and Coroner Over Pharmacy Newmarket Main North Telephone Communication DENTAL A I Post Block the Church Air forPainleca Satisfaction Guaranteed fl fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low on Farm and Isolated Property OrriCE- Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket AUCTIONEERS J Resident Aurora Succcor to Dr Robinson Dr residence Yongo Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES Iiyman Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Office Newmarket 17 at private residence If feogaf fc Auctioneer for York CO Farm and Chattel Sales will receive Main St or Box 13 Newmarket P Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for Co of York sold on commlaloQ Terms reason able Farm attended to A trial Street Newmarket The germs of consump tion are everywhere There is no way but to fight them If there is a history of weak lungs in the family this fight must be constant and vigorous You must strike the dis ease or it will strike you At the very first sign of health take Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil with It gives the body power to resist the germs of consump tion- failing last days in of Je sus on earth has been called this PASSION WEEK Sunday before Easter is known fts Palm Sunday On that day Je sus lowly en tered Jerusalem in triumph caus ing such a com motion that the whole city was moved saying who is this Who this Jesus who ho That the city In accents hushed a voice replies Jeans of Nazareth by Through the galea up into city the vast and joyful procession passed pausing not until King of en tered his own palace the holy temple The unholy that filled place fled in terror from the presence of the Holy for who may abide the day of His coming He said It is writ ten my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a deri of thieves They are gone and in their place come the blind and Same and Ho healed all In the place of the hum of traffic is heard the grateful praise of the once Wind and lame and the of the child ren Wrathful priests and learned scribes angry at the breach of propriety but Jesus said Have ye never read out of the of babes and sucklings thou hast perfect ed praise be the childrens To Christ the King oar shall be to oar King Once more there is quiet in the city and in tho temple Happy innocent childhood wearied with joy and song like the songbird of the morning Is seeking rest in peaceful slumber The shouting multitude have dispersed dis- appointed and grieved And when even was come he out of the city Along the now silent streets across the brook up and over Olivet to Bethany his only sentinels the twelve The labors of this Sunday the first day of the paseion week were now closed They are plotting in the city but Jesus is sleeping Rest Master rest for thou wilt need all thy great strength for the mighty la bor of this the most eventful week in history Jesus could sleep in the shadow of his own cross I Postmaster Sent to Prison March This afternoon Thomas who was found guilty on a charge of supplying an instru ment to Fanny Young to perform an operation from which afterwards died was sentenced to one year in the Central Thomas Gray lost two fingers while working at Mr Graves shingle mill at on Friday Papas Welcome SCOTT March J Franks hardware store was burglar ized hero last night and about worth of and revolvers were taken besides out of the till thieves gained entrance by break ing the glass in the door and sharpened his slatepencil and was all ready The composition must bo written before night and it was Saturday but when Tommy had written Time in his best hand and then this sen tence is passing rapidly away he was so at a loss that he eat ten minutes swinging his toc3 and watch ing a robin feeding her young in the great sugar maple that shaded the window But big town struck ten reminding Tommy that time with him was passing rap idly away And not knowing what else to do he went downstairs to the Bitting room which was also the fam ily sewing room Grandma was knitting as usual on her counterpane begun be fore Tommys remembrance and des tined when done to take a prize at the county fair Mamma was sowing lace on a muslin dress Nelly Tommys oldest was hemming of on tho sowing ma chine and Alice was embroidering a tidv Mrs Deacon Bland who had just come in Bat in the big rockingchair fanning herself Itll be real in she said in her mild voice Miss North Dr Norths wife to tell us bout women in She lived there of four year an see Id like to come firatrate said Mrs anxiously But you see Nellys going to go out to East New Gypsum next week an Im so busy with her things sighed Mrs Bland ris ing I know but I all on come We dont do enough for missions Hi never get my tidy done if I have to go to that stupid meeting said Fanny when was gone be stupid Grand ma pausing in her task of counting stitches You ought not to speak so oyer of But I dont sposo youve got to go I for I do so want to finish this Just then a light figure in with a skip Cousin cent some of the mo The Doctor coughed and grandma gave what sympathy she could by saying vaguely Thats a fact I am not much acquainted with the Bishop went on Doctor He is a very precise person I be lieve and somewhat and under the circumstances I thought youd pardon me for asking if you could entertain the Bishop over Sunday Id love to said Mamma nett after a painful pause She was really very generous at heart We have been very much pressed for time this week and I dont know Never mind the Doctor ner vously interrupting her perhaps Deacon Stone can take him and if he cannot we shall get along I would not discommode you for the world Dear I Dear exclaimed mamma when she took up her work again this has been a dreadful morning for interruptions But sho was destined to be inter rupted once more This time it was Mrs Dorcas the Secretary of the in Im out on a disagreeable errand she said when she had rested a moment Were going to hold a temperance convention here week after next want one or something said grandma energetically Its a shame to the nation the number of drinking places there are in this town Even public library is over a wholesale liquor place I hope youll have success We shall strive for it said Mrs Dorcas and rousing But the fact is entertainment of the delegates and visitors is going to be hard work Ill give five pounds of coffee mamma leaning over her work absently and lemons if you like three dozen Thank you Mw said Mrs Dorcas again with a discouraged nolo in her voice but grocers have promised to give every thing of thit we use Mr to send two boiled hams and Mr Voas has offered to lend us all the dishes we need The help we need is the kind that cannot be bought and with a tired laugh Mrs Dorcas rose hastily and bade them all good morn ing I havent the time said mamma half to herself I do not to promise more than I can do You did quite right grand ma who was very fond of her Tommy who had eat quietly beside Barkis his brown terrier now took up bis slate and wont back to the study with a most serious face No need now to scratch his yellow curls into snarls or to rub brown eyes till they ached his composition was ready he had only to write it out spelling was not perfect but he was only eight This is what ho wrote TIME Time is rapidly passing and Ja the moat thing wo have nothing will bring it back when we have it I have beard grandma this She ib old and vrhc Few people have all time want most of us have to leave out I have to leave of this Hat lord ay of this position Thai is not time for both I mean fan and thia composition Women dont have as much time men They to making and cakes and every thing dont have time for nicer Grandma and mamma and Nel lie and Alice have no time for mission or or company or temperance or nothing It is bid their day is long as bodys I am glad not a girl for I like time always remember time is ra pidly passing away At papa request Tommy read his composition directly after dinner to the family Papa laughed until he wiped his eyes and the rest looked at each other and whispered Did you ever and Tommy under- neither the laughter nor the whispers But an hour later Nelly took him to her own pretty room and telling him that Time was not a good subject persuaded him to write a de scription of his white mice which everybody pronounced excellent And at four oclock while mamma and the girls went to see Miss New- combs choice photographs grandma went to tbe parsonage and after making Mrs Dobbs as comfort able as possible carried off the bishop in such a friendly manner that the Doc tor concluded he had misunder stood the ladies that morning There were five at the missionary meeting the next week for Tommy begged to go after the tem perance convention wag over Mrs Dorcas said emphatically The who promise the least often do the most No family in have done so much for the success of our work the Habit strong and often member of the family pleads lack of time as an excuse But if it it is an excuse to place small matters before greater and worthier ones it is speedily silenced by some merry voice proclaiming Time is passing rapidly away The Editors Shears CUPPINGS FROM OUR A little adopted daughter of Mr Barrows of Loudon was given mistake for with tho butcher has promised fatal results v- Templars of Temperance The Dominion Council of the of T which met in Hamilton was many respects one of the most import ant meetings ever held in the order The is the official organ of the body and published monthly Every member in the Select get a copy of it The Royal AhwiU has no official con nection whatever with the order This year considerable advancement been made In the Province of Ontario alone there are Councils with a membership of The Se lect Degree or beneficiary department continues to advance In were r An important change was made by employing A Esq as Beneficiary Manager who will have the employment of Special District Deputies and will visit different of the Dominion with a view to stimu lating to more aggressive action The order was never in a more flourishing condition and prospects for the future are bright ii A light overcoat is always a good thing for a spring fever A man is judged by quality of candy he his The grand organizer of the A initiated new members into Orillia lodge last week A newspaper should be like a toot brush everyone should have his own and not borrow his neigh bors J Davidson town treasurer of has been arrested charged with being short in his a counts to the amount of Help one another and dont pass a Mated cyclist in an hole with a punctured tire without first offering assistance You the same unfortunate plight your self some day The merchant swore by all the gods beneath the starry though he live a thousand years hed never advertise hut ere a year de spite the boast he confidently flaunted he ran an ad beneath the head of Situations Wanted John A Trimble tax collector- Brampton resigned There is a deficiency in his accounts as found by special audit dated March amounting to and the Coun will demand immediate payment of same- The first of the Japanese attract to this country by the Klondike excitement arrived on the Northern Pacific steamer Victoria from Yoko hama She had Japanese all told and probably half Are bound for the Yukon Two car loaded with horses pass ed through Oiillia from last week to Mann to work on the new Yukon railway The freight bill reptesented a tidy little sum being no less than fixe hundred and seventyfive dollars for each car Town of bonds always command a good figure on the money market The recent sale of consoli dated per cente beats any previous record of similar bonds The just issued have been for the sum of or about equal to A similar issue a year ago at a fraction less than 106 At New Hamburg the Western Bank was entered by burglars who blew out the combination of the vault door Geo Sterling a young bank clerk who sleeps above the bank fired through the stovepipe hole first a re volver and then a Winchester rifle The burglars fired Lack at him Then they boat a retreat firing several shots at the bank windows from tho out side Minister of Customs on Sat urday night received a telegram asking him to authorize the passing in of several carloads or nursery stock that had arrived at the border just after the signing of the act excluding American nursery stock from Canada because of San Jose scale The act gives no authority for the admission even after inspection and the only safe plan for the importers is to at once cancel all orders sent to the States Preachers who cannot fill their churches should follow the example of D wight Moody When Mr Moody was a young man and soon after he joined the church he took a pew for own and soon filled it with attendants When this was accomplished he took another pew and so he continued as long as was an empty in the entire church The editor of tho Christian Endeavor Why cant our societies do the same It been long known that the precious metals reside in sea water that the ocean is a veritable Klondyko and that the only problem is the cost of extraction- At North Maine the test has been applied and 92 ounces of bullion in the proportion of onethird gold to twothird a silver and valued at has been deliver ed at a Boston astay Nothing revealed of the economics process But as a matter of fact ocean is great reservoir of every thing soluble an incessant and restless collector

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