Newmarket Era , April 1, 1898, p. 6

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I A f THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL I wound the flab WHAT AHI COR- WHO WORTHY TO SHARON Wo having lovely Spring weath er Flowers out in bloom in of our gardens It turned out to bo a sugars year There is lots of syrup and taffy Mr Heller treated bis to taffy on Saturday evening Mrs and daughter have returned from the city Mr is moving to our village Master Frank Wesley had the- plea- euro company of a fow school mates on Monday evening Mr Job Hughes is attending jury In tho city Messrs Win and left for West on Friday last CORNERS w At oclock last Saturday after noon a frame dwelling owned by Mr Isaac and occupied by a tenant caught fire on tho roof a spark from the chimney In a moments tho whole roof was in a of building valued at about 100 was burnt to ground Insured for KISTTLlCHY with will With this present fine weather fol lowing a mild winter I cant see that Lady March has any apology to ren der She is revealing to us a specimen of refined dignity and beauty Mr McDonald Keswicks genial host of inn lias all youthful wits agog in checker playing A informed me that ho is an expert If of you get a few games dont build castles in the air like Samson of old lioll pull pillars asunder Mr J Smith of is going his rounds in clipping horses and turn- cattle into Mr has now a fine wind- mill erected on is barn which is a grand help in doing chores No more slow tardy hand power Our local sportsmen aro having hard luck in wild Their seem to teach them that theres danger in powder Rev Mr Clink has his bronco en tirely broken and it drives nicely night after the Joker and his pal bid each other goodnight and started for home with their shoulders under their axes tho Joker tripped in the dark on some object and axe dipped off his shoulder but it had on his foot and did not cut it There is a bright light at Mr A Howards A pretty littlo girl has to hes afraid will coma and steal it away Mr M well proparedfor cold weather winter has taken wings in some places on Queen St Mr J who has been about six years in Michigan has again land ed safely on our fair Canadian soil and will spend the summer with Mr Lewis Mr Parks tho North School teach er is right kind of metal Being informed that a young lady had been insulted by of his pupils he in flicted temporal penance Boys dont do it again youll got the catonino tails The wood piles aro getting pretty well squared up in these parts Pigs are pigs wherever they may be One would think so if they saw where a flock had rooting lately three graduates have received nice gold watches old clocks are no use now I Garden rakes are beginning to move slicking up the yards and making a clean appearance Last Sundays rain resuscitated vegetation and hastened a greener case Mr E Smith who has been attend ing High School at is home under the parental enjoying pleasure of his friends arid a littlo taffy occasionally Mr A Rose and wife were making friends and relations in a visit last week Mr Frank Terry has his magnifi cent sugar bush tapped and is boiling both day and night Mr Rose has purchased a new horse preparatory to starting on the route A correction necessary Some of tho officers having resigned a meeting was called again which resulted in a change of officers in the P S Now we have a correct list President Miss Clarke Annie Cor Secretary Mr Rose Roc Secretary Mr Jos Clarke Treasurer Mr Albert Organist Miss Nellie Cowieson Prayer Meeting Committee Mr Mrs Edward Johnston Miss Clarke- Mr Cowieson who was in acting as Juror is home aguin On Thursday of this week there will bo a rug bee at Mr venshoe Wo hear Mr Fred Green is going to spend his summer months at Mr J McMillans Walter Simpson has engaged tho firm at Aurora and commenco work on Monday Mr Zones Black assessor for the northern division of Township terminated his work in this village on Friday last Mr Murray has spent the past week north of Bradford removing pine stumps Mr hitched his horses to his democrat on Saturday morning last and let them stand he ran in for his coat The horses however being ready to go went on and did not stop until they had riddled the democrat so it could not be used Mr Win may be termed happiest man in this section On Monday last there came to his house hold a pair of twin girls Better to be born lucky than rich Mr J Walton has at present two tailors in his employ Messrs Pottage and A Murray took a load of apples to Toronto on Monday last Maple syrup seems scarce in this section Among those engaged for the sum mer with farmers Oscar cock with the con Willie Blackburn with with Paxton with Fred Webster John Black of with CStephen son Oscar Hamilton with Win I White W with Levi Watson Stephen with Che- vins Geo Wright of and John Archibald of King City at W Proctors saw mill Mr Jas Murray will have full charge of one of Mr Mark stumping outfits On Easter Sunday the Methodist Sunday School will hold a special Easter to consist of music by the school and church choir and a special address by Rev Mr Robinson of A collection will bo taken up in aid of the school fund Fifteen new members were initiated on Saturday evening last at Division of T here CON Lovely weather for March oldest residents say they never saw such fine weather for this month Hope wo dont pay up for it later on Mr John Andrews who so lately took to himself a bride has moved over on tho fourth con and has en gaged for tho summer with Mr Dunham Miss Hannah Cole has returned from a two weeks visit with sister Mra Duncan King of North Mr Eaves is building a fine now front for Mr Stephen Scott Now Stephen get awiro and you have model farm of tho fifth You might as well do things up brown when youre at it Mr J took a trip to Phila delphia not long ago to learn particulars about tho great Es tate but wo hear ho had not very good success Mr Win Sanderson had the fortune to have a couple of ribs broken by a kick from a not long ago Mr John McDonald who had ouch a terrible fall assisting Mr to put up a windmill for Mr Squire is getting along as well as could he expected It was a mir acle that he was not instantly killed Mr Alex Arnold also Mr Scott report a good run of sweet liquid Taffypulls at largo white house on the fourth and we won der if it is the taffy or sweet weo lassie that makes it that attracts one of our prosperous young farmers that way so frequently of Proud of Our Prospect at v A combination never equal led in bicycle history Cleve land reputation sustained in A every Model It Takes Nerve It Costs Money But it Controls the Business G Factory replete with the Greatest Facilities for Eco nomical Construction Man ufacturing from the crude all parts Sustained by an Enor mous Business throughout the World puts it beyond the power of ordinary manufactur ers to duplicate Cleveland Quality at Cleveland Prices Greatest Improvements of any year The Greatest Reductions ever made MUTUAL CORNERS Section Ho 10 Las decided to build a now school Mr and Mrs Joshua have returned home after spending several days with friends near Toronto Mrs Jacob Rose is very ill with an attack of congestion of lungs Mrs of Pleasant Valley was calling on friends one day last week Miss Ettie was calling on the sick on Thursday of last week Mr Townsend the great Maccabee worker of Port Huron lias captured three of our young men latelv for Ven dor Tent Mr Nelson butchered twelve fat hogs last Monday for To ronto market Mrs William Willis was calling on friends on Thursday of last week Jingle jingle hear those bells I Another of our fair young ladies is thinking seriously of starting housekeeping in the hear future We are glad to learn that Geo and Rob Hacking reached Vancouver safe ly We wish them success Mr Robert has purchased a horsepower Mr Edgar Rose started work at Mr Tom Spaldings of Pine Orchard he intends putting in the sum mer Two of our young ladies got lost Tuesday night of last week coming homo from Wesley Church Endeavor but after a long struggle they secured a lantern and two escorts and arrived home safely Mr and Mrs of visiting at Mr Win Willis last Sunday Mr Howard Willis has taken an agency for this neighborhood Mr Fred of was a guest at Mr Homers last Sun day Mr Marshal Rose left last week for where he intends putting in summer Miss Flora Willis has returned homo after spending three weeks up North Mr Fred intends putting in another summer with Mr Robert Will- son Mr Will Rose has hired with Mr Ed on St Why not sign for if you so anxious for the news of this place and got it fresh every week Robert Kerr of Montreal was burned to death her clothing catching fire from grs stove Mm Jas Crittenden is visiting her daughter Mrs Henry Mr Harry spent Sunday at his grandfathers in Keswick Mr Rose lost a valuable fresh milch cow byinflammation last Tues day Another of our boys gone He is now a married man- Mr J Jennie Hill was united in marriage to Mr of Indian Head T on Tuesday They left for their distant home on the even ing train presents were numer ous and costly among them ono from the Methodist Choir of which she was a member Misses Clara and Amelia of Buffalo arc home for present Miss Eva of Newmarket is visiting friends in tho village The two Misses spent Sunday at tneir uncles in Sharon Listen for the wedding bells in the near future Mr Jas Hazard has moved on Mr Wights farm lately rented by Mr Moulds Mr Jas Cunningham has removed the barn off the lot over to his building Know All If MODEL MODEL Guaranteed Equal to the Highest Competitors MODEL MODEL MODEL Beautiful and Acknowledges no Competitor Contains the fleui and Many New Features a ij MODEL The Worlds Greatest Cleveland Improved Bearings in themselves a Lecture on Building Irish Cyclist Conceded- by mechanical experts to be the only correct principle many other artistic costly and effective improvements No Twist No binding No Sole Representative a a A GO TORONTO NEWMARKET Another wedding this week This makes the third this sea son and all within the course of a few weeks We wish them all many years of happy wedded life Special meetings still being continu ed this week in the Presbyterian Church here under the able and earn est ministration of Revs and Sturgeon and much good is being ac complished Never have we heard the of Salvation preached more simply clearly and powerfully than in those meetings Rev Mr Leonard preached an able and powerful sermon to a large audi ence in the Methodist Church hero last Sunday evening from the words of Joshua to the people of Israel Choose ye this day whom ye will serve We understand that Rev Mr Jen kins who has been recently holding revival meetings at Keswick and pre vious to that at Bethel will soon be holding revival meetings here in the Methodisfc Church Mr Jenkins is to preach here next Sabbath morning and evening His reputation as an earnest and eloquent evangelist pre cedes him Surely with such power spiritual influence from without combined with the earnest efforts of the pastors within the village there should not remain an unconverted soul not but should accept the gift of free salvation Good roadg fine weather and pro spects of early seeding Miss Jennie Hill of and Mr Robert of the North West Territory were united in marriage at the residence of the bride last Tues day at 180 pm by Rev Mr Leo nard of happy couple left the same on a bridal tour to far West They re ceived many beautiful wedding gifts and the hearty congratulations of warm find true friends Mr has secured one of the fairest noblest of ladies of Queens ville May the years of their lives bo many and happy is wish of and all A C The regular meeting of the U was held on Wednesday 23rd inst Mrs Morton presided over the devotional exercises Her remarks on Charity were excellent An appeal from the Provincial Un ion in aid of tho Lumbermens camps was read and discussed It was de cided to contribute The following Our accommodating miller is doing a big business these days We are to see Frank Keena in his accustomed place after his recent illness Rev T Scott returned from a visit to his home in the west At last the Railway Companies real ize that there is a wealthy fertile dis- in this vicinity that must be r reached Now we have of two resolution of condol- 0 running from Aurora wag adopted j the building of which To bereaved on the first of May which connects us with the We the member of bo or extend our hear J a zntf the bereavement you are having to a i endure indeed very painful We most I understand from the vicinity of commend yon to the bleeding and to Parry bound stietuioing of our God praying He Sudbury We hope to soon listen no renumbering hie assistance and the town in this vicinity that would pro- iotereat in organization of our Union a better market place than ours as well in many other he pot 1 if the present prospects are fulfilled forth for the good of th030 around him I him meet Wo shall meet we id the language of many hearts Trusting that you all may with him in realms of day The next Gospel Temperance meet ing will be held Monday evening April The Sons of Temperance Keswick will provide program We extend a hearty invitation to all BELHAVEN Milch Cow for sale Due to calve April 1st A Girl Wanted Ladies Blouses Ladies ReadyMade Skirt Mens Fancy Shirts JOOBIN References required Apply personally to G fel Church St Newmarket At a man nam ed quarreled with Ed Fay a gamtjer and brutally beat en by Fay and his companions He returned with a United mar- shall to arrest Fay but the desperado both dead Fay was captured Gospel Temperance meeting in con nection with the T U of this place in the hall on Monday evening next Keswick Div of will A collection ioVA furnish the program will bn taken to defray and furnish Temperance literature for free distribution The hens have gone on strike Eggs only eight cents Many men will find new and move there for summer on Friday or Monday Mr Herb Flowell left on Tuesday for Dakota where he intends remain ing summer Several of the farmers have com menced plowing and some grain has been sown Mrs Friend Morton celebrated her birthday on Saturday by in viting her family to spend the after noon in the old homo Mr had a woodbee on Saturday All bis summers sup ply of wood is split and piled Mr Guthrie of Tp has been spending a few days with friends in the village Mr intends moving to his new homo this week Thanks me prompt and hi Brown Hill in recent tied by the Norwich I Society through their of March my hanks lent way my by tire was Fire Assurance agent Mr A hi 1K3 To Rent Sell 01 Exchange FOR FARM PROPERTY Seed Wheat for Sale Quantity or Wild Goose fidectod Apply on the rear or lot In the 3rd of rt in Newmarket P 0 BOARDERS WAITED A nice comfortable with modern convenience and a place for students or MRS LEWIS Easiest By Old Established 1lh Grade Man or Wo man of Church standing to act as Manager here and do office work and corre spondence at their home already built up and here Salary Enclose envelope for our terms to A P Elder General Macger Ave Chicago 111 Warm weather Is Coming acre on St which 19 situated a Kood Newmarket on is situated a good bard and soft water at the door Good Barn and underground stabling an ex cellent orchard consisting of pear plums c The above property can be rented for one year or a year For further particular enquire of J Savage Esq New market or if by letter to Let remind you that I am prepared to cut worn end Mr Join of Chatham oId Buggies ft returned to tho neighborhood for few days Mr Stephen Winch went to Toronto on Wednesday Mrs Winch intends remaining a few days Run like Onca for per set Guaranteed J J Colon Eulo AH duo the undesigned not settled by the loth of April will bo placed in other for col lection Noma Bros a Reel Scotch FOR V Drop in and see what ID Ml JV Has in Spring Suitings Also ft fine Assortment of and Overcoatings At Right Prices Lundy a Shad A VfGtJ tt once Apply to r

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