Newmarket Era , April 22, 1898, p. 1

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rr NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER mo tho libuty to know to uttor and to freely according to confidence all othor liberty No paper outside of North York unices paid in advance r I J Vol No Single Copies Newmarket Ont Friday April 22 1898 I Terms 125 per annum if paid in advance I thinking of building a house remodeling and repairing the If so you will want barn place or in Oils to Plumbing IT I Vflll l0 a ca anc estimates of the above goods from y NEWMARKET J Notary Public OrriCB Strict Newmarket lo Loan on Solicitor etc Solicitor for of INSURANCE v j Standard Life Assurance Co 0000000 Invested In over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured Division Court Ontario extra charge p Solicitor Conveyancer etc Lute with Cameron Barristers Ac Toronto Estate carefully managed collections made Money to loan lowest rates Block Main St Newmarket Dunn Solicitor C Manning Arcade King fit West HUNT IiiKpeotoi J A 11ASTEDO Local Agent- Joseph fl Cody also tit rates It Up Mnndy and mo fell out today of us to I got an I said my nay An alio put a word in mora or Ices Bo I for town thinks I fJhcIJ round an make up by noon So I- tried to whistle an put it by the muio nut tune of the bitter things alio fiftid by to my memory come Till I couldnt cm out of my head And my as I started borne I took my time no twas pretty Into When I cleared pasture an reached An I her meeiin mo at A she did lo please me onoo in a while Thinks on airs an bo I told that I didnt care An atc with a to show lord an the master there xi into her tidy room An stood thero a minute too shamed to oat alone in the v i I 1 1 An the icara wet on her careworn cheek An in her hands some little thing Wo had laid away bout a year When our baby changed fur angel wings An our nigh broke caused we him bo knelt oroide her an in her lap I laid my head as the child might do Who had worn the tiny cap She held- an the little out shoe I thought of all that us two had homo I looked at empty trundle bod An my kisses fell on the garments worn That were stained with the tears we both had shed held close an I tried to speak Of love an comfort ad bust I could I my lips to check An an mo made up for good Is her all her livelihood naked Yes I fiho an orphan and it little brother and sister dependent on her Her father a man and made a of his property but fortunately of be fore he totally squandered his estate Sir Russell Sydney seemed disposed to question Mabel further about the I young music teacher but her replies were so brief that after awhile he Could not avoid weeing that the topic was unwelcome and so dropped it weeks after this conversation Mabel gave a musical soiree I dont wish to have Miss Leslie here at all said she to her mother but no one else plays my accompani ments so well But remember mam ma I do not wish her asked to sing When the guests were all assembled there was one who looked strange among gay company a young woman dressed with a ladylike refine ment but perfect simplicity the fact- lit up by clear gray eyes and shaded an 1 leave them desti ny waving black hair that rippled on throat she said her temples The first song Mabel sung was Schuberts Gondola song one in winch the effect of the song is greatly and gloomy as the tomb by the word rich beauty of the ringing repeatedly a servant she might die Dining her illness Sidney several times Where is your toucher i She never to come here now Every time he asked Mabel she made the same reply she was fortified in her resolve never to have Alice there again It was the first of spring when Alice crept from her sick room A faint hint and whisper of com ing sweetness and bloom lurked in the air Still weak and faint her brave resolve Ijoic her up as she wended her way along Besides the necessity there was for her to their daily bread she had to work too for the past as her illness had brought her into debt She was not able to give lessons that day but wished to fix on the hours for future lessons At the first house to which she went her reception was discouraging The young lady either was or fancied herself too delicate to prosecute the study of singing It gave her a sore so she had decided to stop her lessons At the next place Alice was startled to observe that the whole house shut up and looked After came accompaniment that the majority of forth from the alley and informed her tin hearers listened more eagerly to t scarlet fever had broken out in this than to the song and after Mabel t had finish singing a lady standing the children to near hogged Alice to sing adding that one who accompanied the singing of other so beautifully must surely sing j well herself This request being seconded by a large circle Mabel and mother wen forced to let Alice comply lid sickening feeling had so Mabel found that instead of choosing her he chose for his wife the woman whom she had introduced to his notice as being Only a Music Teacher A better from April For the Era Why the City of Albuquerque has become- noted for a health for Consumptives Its location on or about the centre of the Great American Desert or Arid Regions and its remoteness from any great Iwdy of water secures for it a climate almost entirely destitute of moisture consequently it very seldom rains Weeks and months pass bye without a shower Constant sunshine If snow falls to whiten the ground it is a great surprise Very scant vegetation except in the valley of the Upper Grande River in which the city stands where all kinds of vegetables are grown and are now on the market Also at Alfalfa where wheat oats well peaches pears apples cherries and grapes are grown to perfection by irrigation only Its altitude of ft and latitude North gives a light and equable climate The whole combine to pro duce the most essential healing pro perties for diseased lungs a light warm equable pure and dry atmos phere in unlimited quantities and without price and if taken in time will produce the desired result When she turned away a is at he heart run down my reception at the The Editors Shears gone away stay she did not know how long Alice had had four pupils in this A junior lacrosse club has been organized in Montreal ocean steamship com panies expect to benefit largely in the event of war A number of grain storehouses cat Millbiook and a valuable lot of lum ber were burned David Hastings was dragged un der a harrow near Chatham and prob ably fatally injured The Parry Sound Star says that only once in years has navigation opened as early as this yer John Porter was a R train and narrowly escaped death while driving over the track at Owners of boats at Marine City St Clair and Port Huron have been notified by the United States Govern ment that they will be subject to a lino 7 of if they engage any Canadians on any of their boats Mr Stone an employee of Mr Hart of the 2nd Concession of Vaugban happened with a severe accident a few days ago by having three of his fingers severed from his hand Kettinu in a cutting box a more Good Farms for ale Toronto Money C Reformer Money to MEDICAL Campbell P A at opposite to a in to and to p ivviCR At Town Clerks Office next to Fire Hall Always In on Saturdays J A Agent for fire and Life Money ntercet at Current At Newmarket AGENT Canada flssupance Co Hut a Formerly at Chelsea London Knglaud for Diseases of Women Housesurgeon of Hospital Ctitldrcu Toronto Central to a in to and to p in Alfred Newmarket the late Dr door South of Post io3imdflto8pin AT RATES R A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket J Wesley Physician Surgeon and Coroner OrriCKOver Pharmacy Newmarket Mnintt North Telephone Communication AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will receive special attention orloxij Newmarket DENTAL Dentist Post Block opposite the Methodist Church Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp J Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Dr Amu Dr late Street Aurora Duncan for the Co of York Goods sold on commission Terms reason able Farm attended to A trial solicited Residence Street Newmarket MARRIAGE MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Newmarket Private toy Papers Issued at private residence If Nature makes the cures after all Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out Thingr get started in the wrong direction Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phites can do just this It strengthens the nerves feeds famished tissues and makes rich blood all SCOTT Toronto The Teacher Only music teacher said in reply to an inquiry from her companion as they heard a timid double knock at the front door She sat teteatete with Sir Russell Sydney a handsome wealthy young baronvt on whom the haughty belle turned her eyes with a softened lustre The music teacher Are you tak ing lessons Miss he asked Yes she replied and this is my hour If you have nothing to do however you may stay here and look over the pictures and read till I re turn I generally get tired awl wind up my lesson in about half an hour I love so well that I would gladly stay even to hear you practice he replied Very well but you must stop your ears when I come to tho scales said Mabel laughingly as she left the room Sir Russell Sydney admired Mabels beauty and elegance with sufltcient warmth to have his sentiments for her kindled into love if no fates interfered and his regard bad now reached a critical point at which the scale must soon be turned He listen ed eagerly for sound of her voice for music formed so important an ele ment in his existence that he wished the woman whom he might choose should possess a voice Mabels however disappointed him It was correct but cold and lifeless The electric spark did not glow in its tone3 But ere long another voice broke on air so warm so full of sympathy and of airy exquisite sweetness that he felt himself carried irresistibly along in the tide of melody The song was Gounods delicious Spring Song and as the singer went on it seemed to Sydney that he could see tho fragrant green and tender violets springing round him Snow and sleet lay on the ground The wintry breeze sighed through tho bare trees but all this passed from his consciousness in the bright vision of spring which this voice called up He drew a long breath of regret when the song came to a close but when repeated it after her teacher although she did so very well as far as the execution was concerned yet the spell was broken the snow sleoj and wintry windwore no conjured away Who is your teacher asked Sydney eagerly when Mabel returned Ab the say tho Angel Her heart strings a lute and she has tho greatest of all Gods creatures She is Miss Leslie said Mabel coldly She is a good teach- I think which is very fortunate for her in her reduced Never Mabels beauty shown with a blighter luster than on this night but her haughty jealous heart chafed as she saw Sydney bending over Alice in long and earnest conver sation She resolved that never again should lie sec Alice if she could pre vent it in which cast she felt sure that her own attraction could speedily eradicate any impression the insignifi cant music teacher might have made on him But fate defies all human Not long after Mabel went to I a concert with a party of friends being one the number Who should enter and take the scat in front of them hut Alice and a lady friend who had brought her hither knowing her passionate love for music Alice was sufficiently near for Syd ney to readily enter into conversation with her and gradually he trans ferred his attention almost entirely to her as the concert went on and he found that no one in his party could enter into it with the keen delight and subtle appreciation that Alice showed Her beautiful eyes kindled her cheeks glowed her breath became quick and short There was a greater beauty in her face for the time than in Mabels She and Sydney enjoyed with kindred rapture Beethovens immortal seventh symphony filled with such unearthly mysterious beauty that it seemed like angels talking together They enter ed with keenest enjoyment into each note of Mendelssohns wonderful Brilliant into the heav enly sweet Sonata and all the selections from the grand masters Seldom were two persons gifted with a finer music intuition The concert had but one alloy to them which was that it must come to a close To Mabel the close was a relief Her jealousy and chagrin had so mast ered her as to make her forget com mon good breeding She threw scorn ful glances on Alice and whispered derisive remarks on her dress and ap pearance Sidney could not help over hearing some of these and they had the effect of making him more defer ential and attentive to Alice than he was before and he wondered how he could ever have thought Mabel so beautiful when her expression was so haughty and arrogant For weeks Alice went bravely and hopefully about her work But at length a day came when could no longer go She had never been very strong physically and exposure to the weather and insutlicent food and clothing commenced to tell on her frame she struggle1 bravely against sickness hut at length had to yield and lie prostrate It wrung her heart to see the little loy and girl who dependent on her efforts They did all that childish care and skill were capable of but thoughts of luumi them her malady for the instances I terrible idea would flash over her that next house and then she thought she frjem ftw would to Mabels before her in entirely ebbed away It was early twilight when she as- the steps the unit stars i 1 were just beginning to gleam 111 the sky After she had waited for some cure It may prolong to some be almost and Marten purchased thirteen horses at Bolton on Wednesday He paid of for a ho so and another gentle man for a mate Wilson Fleming received an even hundred dollars a good animal Master Clarke son of Mr there scent to a most Clilrk was kicked losues sun the exceptions in lip all not the rule ami are the very lew the many time a servant came to the door to The city of inform her that she need not come about whites 2000 consumptive invalids balance Mexicans It enjoys the privileges of modern cities streetcars electricity gas waterworks Ac Good Public again as Mis had provided herself with a new teacher Stung to the heart with this fresh Mow Alice grew deadly pale and lurmd away on iday last The injuries were very painful and the young fellow found contains j His face is badly disfigured M of Zephyr was agree ably surprised on Saturday lo find that his wagon collar and harness hud been returned Later in the day a kind gentle voice greeted her It people of which to aie was Sydney indignation had 1 whites and the balance a mixture of But just as the servant -a- coin- and High Schools Academy to deliver this a Military University Indian School j pedlar that had hired man came up the steps and in fact it is the educational centre of it just weeks before turned up the poor little teacher descended them j territory which contains i the A sad drowning accident took place near on Good Friday A little threeyearold son of George Marshall while playing around out side fell into a well and was drowned The Marshalls had only moved up there from Oro a few days before drowning Markham Village Council has Mexicans joe Apache Indians arid all of whom are very much mixed up They appear to be a very sociable and happy combination When a quarrel occurs it generally ends in a tragedy consequently there is very little been aroused by the unfeeling message and whoso compassion had been aroused by Alices pallor Mid feeble ness Take my arm said he turning back with her You do not seem strong enough to go alone Alice felt her strength ebbing away to a degree that she was thank ful for her support of his arm and the support of his presence was great er still She could not nerve herself against gentleness and consideration Her blended emotions joined with her physical weakness made her burst into tears Oh Sir Sidney pray ex cuse me she sobbed out after awhile and do not think strangely of my conduct I have been ill and am still weak which makes me act childishly If tears are a relief to you I am very glad for you to weep said he veiling his concern and sympathy under a light cheerful tone Deeds not words was the motto of Sydneys life so now he set to work to find a delicate yet efficient way of helping Alice and unknown to her this zealous friend was exerting himself for her while she was toiling on with her few remaining pupils to gain a mere subsistence Sydney sought unremittingly for some good employment and by dint of keeping constantly on the alert he at length discovered an admirable opening for her The soprano in a fashionable choir became fired with ambition to go on the stage and so deserted the choir Sydney succeed- and do not decay a great ble ed in procuring this vacant place for to many places I have seen- here trouble as they nearly all go prepared passed a bylaw exempting the for emergencies The criminal laws I leu mill from all taxes except school are fairly well sustained unless the rates a period of nine years and criminal is rich he then has influence and cannot be spared as they have no business men to spare The Spanish language is used as much as the English lxth on the street and in business I must now give you a description of the Mexican House called here or mud houses They are marie of mud bricks dried in the sun size about Walls about ft thick and one story The only wood them are window and door frames and a few heavy timbers to support the roof doors and windows We were surprised to see how clean and neat many of them are It is claimed that they are cool insummerandwarm in winter I have been in a good many of them and they are certainly very cosy Another peculiarity about Mexican towns is that there is no regularity about them Streets are very narrow and none them straight It just looks as if when one of them wished to build he could do so in the middle of the road or any place he wished There is an other strange freak any vegetables or dead animals exposed here just dry AHce and so she walked up one morning and found herself rich as Byron found himself famous And to crown her satisfaction Sir Russell Sidney attended the church in which she was to sing Never lieforc had he been so devout in his attend ance there never had ho thought heaven eternity and the angels seem ed so near and so real as when this beautiful voice sang of them When he came to know her lxtter he saw that her lovely harmonies were not confined to outward embodiment but that there was a breathing in her trite pure womanly heart and Yours Respectfully M ALLOY Mr Frank house at Hamilton was struck by lightning dur ing Sunday nights storm The metal pipes in the house were melted and the set fire to the gas April 16 Police Magistrate Lowes sentenced Samuel Shaw to fine and one months imprisonment for having in his pos session an illicit still Shaw is a inner Jiving in Minto three miles from here also emitted last years taxes which were unpaid The conditions are that the mill is to employ at least hands for eight months in the year An up in Belleville has been talking on dancing lately and says among things that as wo men are cutting oft the tops of their dresses to go to dances and cutting off the bottoms to go bicycling its hard to tell where they will go next It seems to us that they will have to go to a warmer climate than The York County Womens Chris tian Temperance Union held thei semi annual convention in Annettestreet Methodist Church Toronto Junction There were present over delegates from Sutton Richmond Hill Newmarket and other parts of the county as well as about yO representatives from unions in Toronto No one goes out of the world with out leaving an impression of some kind either for good or for bad That impression all depends on whether or not a successful life has been lived and success cannot be named by fame wealth or station The humblest among us has an influence and it is the quality not the quantity of that influence that makes a successful life Many things point to fact that better times have come to Canada price of wheat and other grain has been satisfactory and and cattle are bringing good prices Wholesale report as encouraging and statistics show that tho number of failures and amount of liabilities for tho first three months of this year less than they have been for pastfivo years Many mills factories are working day and night all of which go to show that the era of better times has sot in

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