Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 5

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4 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY 6 as til 4 ONTARIO BANK REST HEAD Q AS President General NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT C0HRKNT HATCH DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AM mid American and ittoia Note Discounted Collections promptly attended to Life Assurance Co 1B35 In over years of agfe Insured females Insured- without extra charge HUNT Inspector J A Agent Joseph Cody ivLbcat Good for Hale Town next to Hall Always In on J A Agent for Aud to at Current Office Newmarket Canada Iiife flsaupance Co FIRE AT LOWEST KATES to Loan Ramsa Fire Insurance Agent Kates on Pari it and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket DENTAL A J Dentist Post Block opposite the MethodlBt Church Vitalised Atr Satisfaction Guaranteed J- Rogers Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Dr Robinson Office and Dr late residence Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES Jackson lsucr of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private residence If MISCELLANEOUS Simpson S3 Main St and Fancy Goods International Sunday Lesson The 1898 Matt Text for all things aro now ready Luke 14 IKTIIODUCTION After another night at Beth any Jesus returned on Tuesday morn ing to Jerusalem The evangelists recorded teachings which fell from Jesus lips this day than any other day of his ministry As ho into the temple chief priests and questioned his authority to teach and work within the sacred courts Jesus silenced thorn by an adroit question then gave the three parables of The Two Rons The Wick ed Husbandmen and The Marriage of Kings Bon Through ho Once again offered to the Jewish nation earthly salvation and then in the parable before us offered to individu als a place in the kingdom of heaven bible is an infallible chart to us loving Jesus stands ready to clean so us from all sin and the Holy Spirit to cultivate in us like ness to Jesus still fierce oppo sition in many wicked heart It is not worthiness but willingness that God looks for in us In of Gods abundant provi sion wo may go starving and miser- bio if wo Neglect of is thus just as perilous as tho open of it Facts About Cuba The principal products of Cuba are sugar tobacco molasses rum banan as iron ore cedar and ma hogany The island is wonderfully fertile Before the war Cuba produced about tons of sugar a year and ICO- tons of molasses Tho yearly product of tobacco was bales commerce of Cuba in times of peace amounted to about in imports and in ex ports Most of the commerce is with Spain tho United States and Great Britain There are miles of railroad in Cuba and 2204 miles of lines doing business at telegraph offices and sending yearly 402900 messages Throughout the island are large tracts of land which still unexplor ed and the value of which may not be known for years The export and import trade of Ha vana which in 1810 amounted to nearly had in 1891 reached the sum of Spain buys next to nothing in Cuba and for that little pays in depreciated silver the tonnage of the vessels entered iu the various ports of Cuba 1190858 while in 1891 it reached the sum of According to the last census the number of sugar plantations is 1200 tobacco plantations coffee plan tations 160 cocoa plantations grazing farms for horned cattle small farms warehouses de pots and factories Cuba contains cities and towns and villages and hamlets except ing such as have been destroyed in the last three years The sugar and tobacco grown on the island are shipped chiefly to Che Unit ed States Many vegetables mature in twenty days alter planting and sugar cane has to be replanted only once in twelve years Cuba was enriched by nature with a multitude of first and second class harbors so that the exportation of its productions is most easily effected Every house contains ft modern sewing machine but the plows are of ancient make It takes a team of oxen a Cuban plow and a Cuban four days to prepare half an acre for tobacco planting Thirty six million dollars represents the amount in taxes sent during the year from swell the cof fers of the Spanish Government What Does This Plebiscite BY MAS C CANE OF THE YORK CO UNION AT GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MEETING LAST SUNDAY THE OF SCIENCE miss la prepared to do Sewing at private Perfect lit guaranteed in all the latest fash ions scut through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention To Cure a Cold in On Bay Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c fianney Reg Architect of the Ontario Association of Arch Consultation invited with parties or Losses by Main Newmarket their and People of One Mind R and Violin Tuner of Pianos and flH String Instruments GeoVToore formerly Miss V V Miller of Vocal and Instrumental a limited of at her SdriS lot and Church A Host of Tell of the Wonderful Cures Effected by Dr Agnewa Catarrh al Powder Right Rev Bishop DD Rev Rev and others sound its praises It cures young and old Mrs Geo Graves Ingcrsoll writes My little daughter aged thirteen years suffered from catarrh of the very worst kind No physician or re medy cured until we used Dr Catarrhal Powder and after us ing two bottles my child was complete ly cured It is a pleasant safe and speedy remedy for Catarrh Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore Throat Tonsi- and Deafness Bold Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket We are face to faco with one of great social problems of nineteenth century Our government assures us that as speedily as possible it will take a plebi scite on question of prohibition christians will an oppor tunity of declaring themselves for or against continuance of tho liquor A cricis is before us Our victory will bo effective in pro portion as tho majority in favor of prohibition is great Every prohibi tion vole left unpolled will materially weaken result at which we aiming Probably never before have we ox tho franchise under more solemn circumstances responsi bilities of the voters great- their opportunities are great There is no question before the people of this Dominion today that is comparable in importance with that of the suppression of drunkard- making business There are billion dollars spent yearly throughout world for drink and for this vast outlay the world has a standing army of drunk ards and every year fill drunkards graves 180000 Who can tell the value of a soul Our government derives a rovenuo of from this traffic and the question is asked how is this to bo re placed in the traffic is prohibited Are not health happiness and good morals of value to a people than gold Tho awful harvest of poverty crime disease and death revealed to us by official statistics is too great a even for millions of revenue Think of committants for drunkinnoss in our province for year Think of every year of our population going down to a drunkards grave Think of it taking two million hoys every generation for raw material for tho saloon Hon Gladstone once A question of revenue must never stand in the way of a reform Give me said he a sober people not wasting their earnings and I will easily raise the revenue Surely a sober people will be as able to pay their taxes as a drinking people The millions that are wasted and worse than wasted on strong drink would go into different branches of le gitimate and useful trade customs would be greatly increased and the more than compensated for the loss of the liquor traffic The money would then be invested in dry goods shoes furniture food etc The drunkard almost always drags his wife and family down to poverty If you would go into our large cities and see the places called homes by poor families it would arouse your sympathy Often wife becomes a victim of the husbands brutishness and a part ner in his consequently the poor children the sufferers sent but to beg or steal often beaten if they come home empty handed Men go into the liquor business what comes out of it Wrecked men ruined homes wast ed lives crimes of every name down to murder Hardly a day passes but the news papers tells us of some terrible crime What would prohibition mean Comfortable homes kind husbands loving wives happy children clothing to keep the fauiilJ comfortable plenty of food where now there is a scarcity Sober men that could do a good day6 work and thereby earn a good days wage Men who Saturday night could would bring home the earn ings of week to their families A God fearing and Christ loving people Think of it No gilded saloon to tempt your boy or mine away from the paths of duty which you have spent hours yea days and nights to teach him True there might be some liquor smuggled into our fair Dominion but would have to be sold in such a way that all of our respectable hotelkeep ers would be ashamed to be found carrying on business in such a way The christian people of Canada can stop this and sweep it away if tliey like man who takes sides with the whiskey ring and votes for the liquor traffic and then goes to house of God and prays for purity righteous ness and temperance of blas phemy He mocks God with his prayers while his vote he builds up the kingdom of Satan If tho prohibition vote is not pas6ed at time it is before the people it will be because the professing chris tians have not done their duty What will their answer be when God will call them to give an account of the deeds done them on this earth Vote for God and Home and Native Land Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Disease IMPROVED People Id All Valks of Life Cured by His Remedies CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL Mr Geo carriage trimmer for Geo A Co residing at Alloc Toronto rays I wne troubled for year with lines extreme I was also from trouble which gave mo After using a mail via I each of Munyona Dyspepsia and Curbs I now feeling all ami well I have also used Conch and fold for our little rlr I hart great faith Jo f An of Tests that cannot be Duplicated in any Canadian Factory great Jo j A Cora seldom falls to Me witnessed the thorough friction tests that conclusively proved superiority c WJcf of the Cleveland Two Point Contact Bearing over the three and four point kind The Cure sod breaks up a cola la tti Congh euro stop sac kidney Price Sec- Kef Cure M- builds up he Price HeadacheCora stops tM3trtltf Ibrce minutes Price Ointment or piles Price Cure til lmiurittt Price female Remedies are a two Co sill MuoroQaCiitsnhnemedes fail Core price the duetto from the and the Catarrh cleinte sod heal the Aatbma sad cure Price Vltsllior great tonic to- weak people A cars for etch disease At all gists a rial Personal letters to Prof Albert street Toronto fret cil for only bearing which insures perfect alignment reducing friction to a minimum Also a large number of rigid tests on sensitive fixtures that record infinitesimal variations insuring such accuracy and durability of constructionthat every ounce of power is utilized in propulsion and Clevelands last twice as cheaply built wheels of same price Mr If J Law of has whipped twenty- two car loads of po tatoes no far thin season This re presents about 4000 Cured raediatoly Sour Stomach coming up of Fond nl Jb the great kid liver remedy Sold by W Lehman J Agents Everywhere Sole Representative A inch frame Write for Catalogue NEWMARKET A CO TORONTO JUNCTION OF Rules and Regulations adopted by the License Commissioners at a meeting held at Sharon on April 1 That the windows of all BarRooms and all other rooms in Hotels in the License District of the North Hiding of the County of York in which liquors wine or beer or any other beverages ait usually sold or served to customers shall not be covered by blinds or screens or anything to obstruct the view of the public at any time whether during prohibited hours or not with the exception of sun shades when necessary That the windows of all shops licensed to sell liquors by retail in the said License District shall not be covered by blinds screens boxes barrels littles artificial frosting or anything to prevent the public from obtaining a view of the said shop at all times whether during prohibited hours or not And there shall be no room connected with the said shop to which the public have access That no licensed dealer in intoxicating liquors within the said License District of North York shall harbor or supply with intoxicating drinks any person or persons who is or arc known to le addicted to excessive drinking or any person to whom he has at any time been prohibited from selling such intoxicating drink That the transfer of a license from the holder to another person shall not be granted without a certificate signed by a majority of the electors entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly in the polling subdivision in which the premises licensed are situate approving of the character of the proposed transferee and asking the consent of the License Commissioners to such transfer That no benches choirs or scats of any kind shall be allowed in the barroom of any hotel licensed to sell liquor wine and beer in the said License District That any person holding a tavern or wine and beer license for the said License District of North York who indulges in the excessive use of intoxicating drink on his or her licensed premises or who by the excessive use of intoxicating drinks is unfitted to provide or care for his or her guests as by law provided or who on or about his oi lier licensed premises is abusive to or ill treats his or her guest or guests or uses profane abusive or indecent language or violence of any kind whatever shall he deemed unlit to hold such license in the said District of North York and upon the report of the License Inspector or any other person and upon due consideration thereof the License Commissioners of the said district may suspend the License of the party so reported for a term not exceeding two months such suspension of License to signed by two of the Commissioners and Inspector and forwarded to the party or parties so reported by registered letter to his or her post office address and the certificate of such registration to be evidence of suspension of License having duly served upon the delinquents who shall further be subject to the penalties herein after provided That in the License District of North York it shall be a condition precedent upon which the granting and continuation of all Licenses for hotels all other places where spirituous liquors wine and may Ims sold shall dependent that the said licensed hotels and places shall provided with clean and comfortable water closets with separate and distinct compartments for ladies and gentlemen and so designated by suitable signboards That said water closets shall further provided with separate means of access with wife and dry walks to and from the same and that of the ladies both closet and walk shall well screened from public view and said closets shall be kept continuously clean and during the warm months frequently washed out And the Inspector shall particularly examine said water closets when making his regular Inspection trips and any licensed dealer or dealers in liquors wine and beer as aforesaid so found not conforming to these regulations or in any way violating them shall be liable to the penalty hereinafter provided And the Inspector shall urge and require wherever practicable the introduction of the Dry Earth System or Torjun System and particularly so for the ladies water closets No person holding a Licnese in the License District of North York shall permit or suffer any Card Playing to be carried on on such Licensed premises or in any building or place in any way in connection with the said premises For punishment of offences against any one of the eight sec tions mentioned the following penalties are imposed 1 For the first offense a penalty of not less than 5 and not more than 20 with costs shall in case of conviction be recoverable from and leviable against the goods and chattels of the persons who are the proprietors in occupancy or the tenants or agents in occupancy of said place or places who are found by themselves or their servants or agents to have contravened any one of the said eight sections or any part of any one of them and default of payment of such and costs the offender may be imprisoned in the county jail of the county in which the conviction is made for a period not excelling fifteen days with or without hard labor For the second offence a penalty against every such offender of not less than nor more than with costs or days imprisonment with or without hard labor 3 And for the third offense a penalty against every such offender of not less than 25 and not more than with costs or thirty days imprison ment with or without hard labor and such conviction for the third shall in addition to any other punishment by law provided ipso operate as a forfeiture of the license held by the person so convicted and disqualify him from obtaining a License for two years thereafter 10 That from and after the first day of May all notices given by the Inspector to any holder of a tavern or wine and beer license in the North Riding of the County of York forbidding the or disposal of intoxicating drinks to any person or persons desig nated in such notice shall be kept constantly and conspicuously exposed to public view in their respective barrooms or shops for one year from the date of the receipt of the same by them under a penalty of 5 for even- davs wilful of negligent omission so to do to be re covered With costs from the licensee aforesaid so making default unless the Inspector has given written instructions and directions that said notice is not to Ik posted up That the foregoing rules and regulations shall be printed and that a copy thereof shall be mailed to each tavern or wine and beer licensee in the License District of North York and that the so supplied shall constantly and conspicuously exposal in the barrooms of each and every hotel and licensed place in the said Dis trict after the first day of May A 1808 under penalty of J5 for every day wilful or negligent omission so to do to recovered with costs from the licensee aforesaid so making default AH fines collected under the rules and regulations shall Iks paid to the Inspector and disposed of by him as provided in case of fines levied under the Liquor License Act That allrules and regulations at arty time heretofore passed by this Board in any way conflicting with the above are hereby repealed Terms moderate firo at Ottawa on Friday Five families burnt out- Care that with The beet Cough Core Relieves Croup promptly million bottles year doses for eta Bold by Lobmsn so No sale shall take place in any Licensed place of any Liquors as termed by the License Act from seven pm on Saturday until six am of the Monday and on all other days of the week from the hour of pm in cities and towns and all other places from the hour of pm until am of the following day See Sees and License Act STATUTORY PROHIBITIONS Only one bar allowed in any Licensed House See No minor of either sex unaccompanied by a parent or guardian is allowed to loiter on or about hotel premises The the minor are each liable to a penalty of from to for each Offence Sec SubSec

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