Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 8

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I r I J NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY 6 Like WUousncas stomach Indigestion ore promptly cured by Hoods Pills They do their work easily and thoroughly Best after Prepared by I Hood Co The only Pill to Willi Hoods Paid up Capital Fund Total Asset nearly 800000000 A of this Hunk la nt BRADFORD deposit received of Interest paid thereon Hi rates We or Discounting Fanners Notes And Notes til LOWEST For Information rtpply School Reports yon A NAMES IN OF ANE COTt- TO BRAD TORI The firt of issues in a new year of the Public Library and the have two hundred new which will be put on the shelves that flute The Library has ha1 a very largo membership which promises to increased during the coming season A span of horses belonging to Mr ran away on Monday of last week from ho station ranUowards the river and finally got on the marsh when one of them fell and was nearly drowned before Mr who was driving them succeeded in getting it on its feet again To Cure Bristol SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it At Trinity Church on Sunday morning administer- the rite of confirmation to nineteen candidates Judge Aidfiuli on Friday gave Win Roll of West two months wieh for stealing robes at Roland whose operations in were reported last week was sentenced on Saturday to four years in the Penitentiary for stealing grain from John Ross and given two years on each of the other charges the sentences to run concurrently Tt is only about six months since Roland was discharged from the Penitentiary when he served three years for theft ho also spent six months in the Central for theft Geo Livingstone one of his pals spent a year in jail for having an illicit still and six months in the Central for theft He and the younger Roland were discharged NO VII Class- John Mortimer Dike in Fred Boyd Charlie Boyd Jr III James Frank Hopper Jean Mary Stick- wood II Hector Lcpard Frank Maria Moulds Jr If Fred Morti mer Annio Orval Moulds Annie Gibncy Percy Rea George Flossie Gibson Ada Flossie Jr If Mortimer Tablet Bertha Swain Ida Eva Moulds Stanley Boyd Walter Stick wood Charlie Moulds Emily Swain Boyd Jr III James Frank Hopper Jean Barker Mary Stick- wood I Teacher BRISTOLS I Nursery Stock Agents Book Agents Agricultural Implement Agents Or anyone to Wetter their position mid increase their Income write The demand mock We more men If you want steady paying via Wo nil ftupin free in both whole or part lime our Stock Our Nurseries over acres mid stock In enables us to at the closest Men Succeed with Us who have Failed with others will cost you to what can do for you Don write unless yon business and want profitable employment Stone Wellington Toronto Collins has to clear the limher off the tfwamp south of the town which will remove an ancient Ezra some time cut his wrist slightly and blood poisoning set in He was in a critical state for sonic time hut is now able tobe around again On evening there had been water placed in houses and more have asked to have it put in The waterworks art evidently much in favor will yield a handsome revenue Messrs Jos and Simeon of and Ernest Button of left yesterday for the Mountain Mine Sudbury District Special meetings are being held this week in the Christian Church by the pastor Rev and apparently much good is being done The meetings are well attended On Monday evening in the base ment of the Methodist Church the Epworth League were joined in fra ternal intercourse by the Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church All seemed to thoroughly enjoy them selves and it is hoped that such union meetings will he more frequent in future they cannot but bo pro ductive of good OK NO WHIT OWIIIIMIIUItY V Class Polly Skinner Class Mabel Skinner Jr Class Ruby Skinner Eva Skinner May Pee Skin- nor Meade Graves Class Flora Harper Willie Har per Bobbie Walter Graves Clara Hale Class Skinner Ross Gamble Frank Fee Fanny Hale I Class Wesley Wil kinson Tablet Arthur Goodwin Lily Graves Skinner Alex Emer son I Tablet Louie Emerson Sarah Skinner Ada Harry Fee Gertie Brandon Present every day Polly Skinner Mabel Skinner Abraham Skinner Robbie Skinner Skinner Louie Emerson May Fee Flora Harper Willie Harper Frank Fee Harry Foe J Gibson Teacher Why They Wat From The American people are at war be cause Spain deserves to bo driven from the continent Europe can this rolio of this inventor of the Inquisition this lover of bull fights because Europe is tolerant of bigotry Ignorance and cruelty not only tolerant of it but helpful to it Nations that sustain the Sultan on his throne and that arc robbing China and pilfering land the opportunity for grabbing presents itself cannot find Spain a disagreeable neighbor and perhaps no European power except England would have found Cuba an unpleasant neighbor would not been dis turbed by the stories of the starving victims of order or by the knowledge that murder of the most atrocious kind was perpetrated there in the name of civilized warfare if there be such a thing But the United States could not stand it Whether they wore wise in incurring the awful material and moral cost of war to put an end to the evil was once a question It may again be come a question when the time shall return for dealing with some of the abhorrent forces that have hastened war For the moment it is not a question The people have decided that cost what it may an end must be put to Spanish rulo in America and not one American of all those who hoped that Spain might be driven out of Cuba without the exercise of force by this country will deny that Spain has richly earned the hate which is felt and manifested for her by I he people of the United States story of her rule in Cuba in peace has the story of robbery ill war it has the story of mur der The people of the Uuited States have had enough of it They will have no more of it in the Old Says EMULSION and all or BLOOD to von toss OP APPETITE benefits of mo it By the of The A I of a backlog couth wbtch bad mo for vet a year and consider- la II VINGHAM CE Montreal and per DAVIS fit CO On Friday last Mr J Blaine one of the Red Jacket In dian doctors was arrested at Bond Head for violating the Medical Act He was fined 25 and costs Not hav ing the wherewith to satisfy the de mands of the convictions he was sent to jil in charge of a County Constable It Is sad and pointing for a to rear a son hard earned for education work to Insure him ail advantageous Mart in and build In the air about the boys future only to have him killed off In early years of manhood by the dread disease con sumption Until recent years consumption was con sidered an incurable disease Now it is known to tens of thousands that Doctor Golden Medical Discovery cures per cent of all cases if taken in the early stages of the disease It also cures bron chitis laryngitis throat and nasal troubles and all allied diseases of the airpassaged It is the best bloodmaker and fleshbuilder the best general tonic nerve restora tive It gives a keen edge to the appe tite corrects the impaired digestion pro motes the flow of digestive juices facili tates the production of chyle in the lower stomach or intestines invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood It team down old and inert tissues and builds up new firm muscular tissues of health It strengthens the hearts action promotes the circulation of the blood to every part of the body and deepens the breathing thus supplying the blood with vitalizing oxygen Thousands have testified to its merits The dealer who offers something else as a good is dishonest I never was very strong and then I had Grippe write Mrs Grade Smith of St Salem Oregon Had a cough and felt tired all the time I took three bottles of Dr fierce Prescription two olden Medical Discovery and two vials of I have better health now than for many years Thirty one one- cent stamps cover the customs and mailing of a paper covered copy of Dr Pierces Common Sense Med ical Adviser Cloth bound stamps Send to Dr V Pierce Y Dwelling to Lot With roornbnnd cellar Apply at the Office TO Nice good repair street In MRS I Newmarket TWO TOWN On Street Desirably Situated near the old Woollen Factory on Easy Terms Apply to EJACKSON Heal Estate Agent MARKHAM 1 There isnt much wear and tear on a womans mind as there on a mans probably she change it RELIEVED IN I DAY RKLIIV8D BY OF DR OINTMENT CENTS It a tAatvcUoun euro tor all Mo am Id Blotches of til it Agent On Monday morning about a in Win of came to Mi to attend a sick animal belonging to Mr and iii driving homo again along the concession Ins stepped into a hole at it culvert in front of Mr stumbled and nearly fed The sudden lunge threw Mr forward oft tlie seat and out of the his foot caught the step and the hub whore it was held securely wedged In this manner he was dragged for fully a mile the horse going at a gallop to Mr barn where it stopped and hero lie was found by Dr a short time after who dressed his wounds and took him to his home When found presented a horrible spectacle his ankle still fast to the vehicle the wheel ha1 to be taken off to him his clothes torn to ribbons and covered with blood and dirt but still alive Medical aid was sent for post haste and injuries were found to serious but not fata a terribly lacerated ankle with the bone exposed several nasty scalp wounds a lacer ated back and bruises innumerable but strange to say no broken bones The wonder is how he lived through such an ordeal At last accounts is progressing favorably A thing that re tained consciousness until the horse turned into the lano and managed to keep head from ftcraping on the ground a part of the time- Econo mist Running upstairs is a very foolish and dangerous practice and should be shunned as a contagion The persons who do it surely do not realize how they court disease and death If they would consider what must be the effect of such violent exercise they would really be frightened In the normal state the heart beats seventysix times a minute Assume that a man ap proaches a stairway with a regular heart ascends th steps as rapidly as possible When he ar rives at the top his heart is one hundred and twenty times a min ute The change is fortyfour puls ations a minute and the strain on the heart is severe In the case of those whose produce death and it may cause previously sound hearts to diseased It deranges the whole constitution and seriously shocks the nervous aystem The person who runs up stairways will certainly become a physical wreck from the practice of it if followed for any length of time Disease with a multitude of painful symptoms cannot be escaped It is the effect after the cause The proper way in which to ascend a stairway is deliberately and slowly Avoid all the exertion pos sible for the easiest way is the best The object is to escape the strain on the heart Just in Time Heart Had Door Dr Ainewfl Cure for the Heart Worked Almost a A Campbell Minn writes I laid just at the point of death from most acute heart disease and with hardly a hope that any remedy could reach my case I pro cured a bottle of Dr Cure for the Heart I believe this great remedy got to me just in time The first dose gave me great relief inside of thirty minutes and before I had taken a bottle I was up from what I thought was my bed I was cured and I consider my cure almost miraculous Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The Provincial Legislature of British Columbia had a Redistribution Bill be fore it one day lust week when the Oppo sition it could not defeat the Governments proposition played the baby act as all retired except three from the chamber The Bouse was in com mitee at time and proceeded with the consideration of the bill as if nothing un usual had occurred to disturb its serenity or excita spectators in the gallery House and Garden For Sale Cheap Corner of Superior and for a year Apply to J WOODCOCK Newmarket TO LET Fine Brick Store In Newmarket with dwelling house above cheap Apply to Newmarket TO SENT Houses One on Street south- eight rooms cellar furnace do mestic water good garden One on Millard Avenue six hard and soft water garden Apply to Street Art Studio For Infanta and Children a for Era Itching Burning Skin Dis eases fop Thirty- five Cents Dr Ointment relieves in one day and cures Tetter Salt Rheum Head Eczema Barbers Itoh Ulcers Blotches and all eruptions of skin It is soothing and quieting and acta like in tho cure of all baby humors Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Sleigh before halting litem GAINED POUNDS I have more faith in Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills than anything else I ever used Since using them I have recommended them to several of my friends who were troubled as I was and now they are in splendid health I had been a sufferer like a great many other women with a disease peculiar to my sex I tried everything I could read or think about to help me but was getting worse instead of better My condition was terrible I was losing flesh and color and my friends were alarmed I consulted a doctor of this town and ho said I would never get betters that I would always be sickly and delicate and that medicines were of little use to me Hearing what Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills had done for other I de termined to try them myself and today I weigh one hundred and forty pounds while before I weighed only one hundred and eighteen pounds and now I have a constitution that hard to beat I have not suffered any pain in months and earnestly hope that Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills will reach every woman suffering as I did Sincerely yours MAY COLE Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills are at per box boxes for at druggists or mailed on receipt Of price by THE DR WARD CO Victoria Toronto Information free If want your picture taken be satisfied with old method of years ago but have it produced in the latest style and bo with your friends Platfno Work A tea the people who buy By the people who have money to buy with By the people who pay CASH for their By the people who make desirable customers By the people whom the advertiser is in quest of By the people who know a good thing when they see it By more people in North York than are reached by any other two papers daily or weekly circulating in the County By everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for the money By everybody who is possessed of any enterprise who is progressive and who believes in a bright original progessive newspaper that keeps its constituency and its interests to the front That is Why the hould Receive Your Advertising Patronage My London ting April Owing to the war between Spain and the United States Derbyshire lead advanced per ton today and sugar rose a ton at Glasgow making a rise of per ton during the week EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CoPYBlOHTS fic fending a and description nay Ascertain our opinion free whether patentable Commnntca- confidential Handbook on Patent tent free Oldest for Patents taken Mann A Co charge the Scientific American A ftandioraclf weekly cir culation of any cientioc a lour month Sola by All New York Branch Office fit RELIEVES IN MINUTES of A The most pronounced bean disease are palpitation or or the shortness of breath weak or Irregular pulse smothering at night Cains In region of heart The brain may congested or vertigo In abort the heart flutters aches or palpitates It la diseased If life is valued treatment I must bo taken Dr Cure for the Heart Is the only remedy discovered which will relief In and care absolutely PROMPTLY GET RICH Write today for our beautiful illustrated LEHMAN Newmarket J Wo are giving excellent satisfac tion in our work Call and see specimens and you will be con vinced T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET The Battalion hasbeen ordered to Niagara for twelve days drill on June Some of the new rifles have been shipped to for the purpose of instruc tion preparatory to going to camp Practical Gardener AND l Prune of Trees Light Of your invention ana will- promptly tell you FREE If It la new and probably patentable Specialty- caaes rejected in other and foreign applications References Honor able J Wsse Honorable I A Ross the leading Companies clients in anylocUityVAH Patents opr agency brought before the public by a special notice in over Temple JamesSt Montreal The only of Dominion transacting patent business ozclaslvely Mention this paper- IT the World OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART Grafting a Specialty Street Newmarket joining Mr Fosters redldence 12 FARMERS ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SON CEMENT great Masters Ideals of the No other book like it ever Agents are taking from tbree to orders dally The book so beautiful when people see It they wont it Published year and already in Its twentyflfih edition some editions of boons The presses are running day and to nil orders A perusal of book Is like taking a tour among gTcat art Europe The Louvre Vajlean National of London National of Berlin and other celebrated European galleries all placed their rarest and greatest treasured at our disposal that they might be reproduced for this First glan brought my Cleared first DO NO Large broke on my body bead and limbs and my bands so that I coold not do work and my hair came out My trouble was called eczema I began taking Hoods When I had taken bottles the and itching disappeared and I was cored Mrs 3 Brown Ont Hoods only pills to take with Hoods Cure all liver ills got from bank at Comber KIN8 Pore with Clcrt- sold by all druggist- pack- Is guaranteed to be quite to any of the Portland Cemenis for all sorts of farm structures such as walls stable hog pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement sold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge and man or all work warranted For further information secure position Of Manager here to do apply to in worandcoijeaionding with agents in this A line of first and secondclass Shingles etc always on nand at lowest prices Eyes iys one work with book another men and women buying and paying for horned from this grciit work Also of good church standing can position Of Manager hero to do FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS Floor THECOOKS BEST FRIEND Sale in Canada Town All kinds of Teaming on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID MILLARD Cor Main Ontario New market I Public Notice la given than on and after April riding a on sidewalk within too Corporation It Newmarket will bo- prosecuted without favor ANDBUSON Inspect or Established ir Grade Man or good Church atandlng- to act here and do odlco work end at their homo already bull up and established Salary stamped envelope for A P Elder General Manager Michigan Are Chicago 111

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