J- T THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY M around the Hub WAT COR- WORTHY TO Mr from in Methodist Church on afternoon The Sunday School has elected following Sunt J A Colo AM Stephen John Lib Henry Glover Stephens Bennett of Kclliavon spent Sunday Mrs Edward of Into Mrs on hold on Monday HOLLAND LANDING Mr Smith of Barrio won of Mr Lloyd a of days week I Miss of Second St was employment or toon i The of June Is the day for our school Wo won the cup last year and would like to do so again intend hold ing a special evening on Sun day being the anniversary of Mi and Mrs spent Sunday at Mr of Newmarket spent Sunday here with his Mr and Mrs of Aurora were the of Mr on Sunday While playing football at school on Monday last Master Bert had to his ankle Wo are pleased to Miss Annie Eves able to le brought homo have made their ap pearance hero BALDWIN BREEZES With deep regret we received the announcement of of our friend neighbor David an intimate acquaint- extending through the whole of our lives I can sincerely say he was a true and noble friend and a sincere christian possessed of that fundamental principle Do as youd wish to be done by He was the soul of honor one whose word was as good as his bond I wish indeed were more like him Mr probably be home this week as tlio Dr has given him his ticket of leave We hope friends will rally round him and give him a right loyal support Help him recover trade lost through his ill- and consequent inability to look after business for Charlie is indeed a right royal good citizen Beware of wet paint A very com mon and most significant sign at the entrance of chambers these days is chairs barrels barricading the doorways some unheeding these ominous warnings go blundering in and then dont they dark looks from the careful housewife ft m Mies Clara of was homo on a last Sunday Mr Leonard is having a sale of his largo stock popular Miss visiting Mitts Kitching last week of the Church Messrs Clarke Moon and Millard has resigned owing to pressure of other viniting hero on Sunday Has anyone lost two colts I They A meeting will bo held in Lloyd- in pound hero and will bo sold on town on Friday night to try to Monday unless the owner turns up Mass Meeting Owing to delay Evans lost a valuable- cow last year no meeting was held Wednesday morning year wo hope to meet with success i flpcnt last with friends in Barrio seem to bo quite in our midst at present MOUNT ALBERT becoming vory com mon others our old friend Geo Hughes is riding one Wo understand Quarterly Board of Methodist Church have invited Rev J ft Simpson to their pastor next year by Dean Harris on May will no doubt be largely attend ed The boys organized a football team last Friday with officers as follows Hon Dr E Graham VicoProsa J Captain Frank Milne Harry Fogg Committee of Management Art Milne frank Embury Frank Mor ton Mr J is working- up a good trade Ho is improving the stock in all lines and intends to make things Take notice of his ad in this John Largo is at present visiting at her lathers Dr Pearsons Mrs W Turner of was down to her mothers funeral on Monday Quite a little crowd at church Mrs of Toronto Keswick on Sunday j was visiting at Mr to Public Library can now receive books by calling at Mr Lloyds Miss way and Miss of Uxbridgo spent Sunday at Matthew Porters Mr Jewell has dug a cellar for ft now to bo built soon Mrs- Roger of Toronto is her brother Win Sidney Barrett this week Mr Bedford purposes to erect a dwelling this summer A conundrum social will bo hold in Presbyterian Church School room on Friday evening Rosamond is yet unable to ho up on account of his fall Mr Ah him taken a situa tion in shoo depart ment Uxbridgo Among those visiting in this section the past weok are Mr Will Ramsay of Manitoba who has been in clerical work amoug the Indians of the west liARRlE James has a limp in his walk result of a kick in the right leg from on Sunday of tho District decided to support a student in Vic toria University Toronto and a native of Japan who to return shortly to his own country On Saturday evening an occurred at corner of John and Elizabeth streets which was duo to novices on bicycles racing A dog light was- in progress which caused two ladies to dismount from their wheels than intended A horse driven by Willie Ness shied ftt the upset and turned into a passing who was foolishly racing with His companion The result was that a now racing wheel was smashed be yond gutotfecmcutis fob THAT Desirable Residence owned and occupied by Mr Wo it t price- and on terms For further information apply on Lecture and Grand Concert I In aid of Mission will be in 9 Mrs I Cooper was visiting friends in the city the past week Mr Win of city was calling on friends last week Messrs Ferris and Jess Kaako made a flying here on Sunday Miss Johnson of Albert was A guest of Miss Clara on Sun day Mr on Know All Hill left for Tuesday over Sunday Mrs Carter of Park Dale was at Mr Geo over Sunday Mr Henry of Toronto has tho past week been engaged fitting to comple tion engine Mr Love has re cently put in his mill Ere long that tall chimney will bo ejecting fire and smoke address of the Rev E Perry on Sunday afternoon last was of con siderable more than passing interest subject Success in Life was ably handled The house was filled On Monday evening in the Temperance Hall ho lectured to a full house subject Life of Joe Hess It was certainly very thrilling and in- Last evening the Epworth League of this place held a most suc cessful social in the basement of the Methodist Church The following program was well and ably rendered to a largo and appreciative audience Music by the Methodist Choir of Mr Stewart and reading by Mr Draper art calling on friends here on of solo by Miss Link of Monday last essay by Mr Richardson j latel of instrumental music by self Rev Jenkins of Keswick solo by Mica Christie Winch of reading a number from here a tended by Mrs Winch of duett lho entertainment at this by Mrs Leonard and Miss Pear- son reading by Mr seems a little scarce this of solo by Miss 1 WeYor mil as this of instrumental cleaning painting and papering and music by Rev Jenkins encore and response reading by Mrs H Winch B9lhayen music by the touMota in the God the Queen sung by highest degree of good workmanship the dressmakers get their work in we will no doubt have plenty to write about itis thing of beauty a joy forever His next and crowning ambition is to build a twentyfive footer a regular waterwitch Mrs Tomlinson was visiting her friend Mrs A of Cedardale on Thursday Mrs was extremely ill with that bane of her sex the head ache so out pure sympathy Aunt Marias head ached too On her ar rival home and finding that her parents Mr and Mrs Arnold of con of East Gwillimbury had been to see her during her absence then her heart ached terribly too But who dye did Charlie go to see that day eh boys The talk of the town As nearly everybody knew more or less of the unfortunate victims of the ac cident at Second St it was the gener al topic of conversation when the horrid details reached here Some be it to their shame did not hesitate to impute impure motives to vic tims It is bad enough to slander the living let the dead rest in peace I think what do you think if a fow these engineers on locomotives who neglect to whistle at cross ings were yanked before the beak and heavily fined there would ho more careful attention to this sary provision of the railway I noticed many times a great laxity in this respect Wild fruit trees in bloom Now go We have discovered a vocal prodigy in our midst in person of Johnnie Taylor our popular baseball captain Like all great artists ho is very modest Ho is not everlasting hoofing like the Owl but when he does warble all- nature is hushed little birds pause to listen and then what a flood of me lody wells forth Yes Johnnie is a singer away up in treble A large concourse oi young men gathered at Mr Cliff Sunday Of course this does not neces sarily imply that a bevy of pretty girls were there hut it is regarded as a terribly strong indication the audience rising to their feet after partaking of some excellent refresh ments served up by the ladies brought BETHEL CORNERS Owing to the May Quarterly service to a close a very and profit- being hold at Virginia Church there able entertainment Where all did I was corning service in the well one should not particularize Church here There was an some did remarkably well Mr Jen- i evening service when kins prohibition piece captured the Evangelist Jenkin preached to a full audience and was loudly encored bouse Mr Jenkin is quite popular He is always good Mr Drapers amongst us As the pastor Mr How will you vote was another Powell is to hold the Quarterly service good piece in the same line Island next Sunday Winch sang with much sweetness morning the pulpit hero will be Im on the Shining Pathway by Mr to Welcome me Home On last- Thursday night the annual Winchs reading Saunders meeting of the Bethel Sunday School Courtship tickled audience Mr Richardsons essay Luck and Pluck was listened to with deep attention and contained many thoughtful ideas Miss Links was excellent was held Mr Huntley was elected Superintendent in place of Mr who held the for a num ber of years Mr retires from the of school full of wellmerited honors He has been A vote of thanks to the chairman faithful and in discharge Rev Mr Webster whose duties were of his duties and is a brother be loved by all We are glad that he is not severing his connection with the school but has accepted the position of Bibleclass teacher and in this ably done and to all those taking part in program especially to the friends from Belhaven was moved by Mr J Pollock seconded by Rev Mr Leonard and voted with hearty applause A group photo of League and PLEASANT Diphtheria has again broken out in this community Mr John Ander sons eldest hikl is very low with it his is fourth school has been closed on this account Mr Sturgeon the Pres byterian Pastor who is about- to leave circuit preached his farewell ser mon at Pleasant lost Sunday people around here are very sorry to him go Rag Bees arc all the rage in this vicinity The saw mill is busy these days on farm of Mr Our frog band is at it again Mc- thinks this should be called the Band of Hope as it is hoped they will soon stop their music This is great growing weather so the farmers say of I fun 1 instructed by the to re turn their sincere thank to all who contri buted gratuitously to the of ccrt mat Friday evening m well as to merchants and others who so generously I various etc for the decora of Hull and to for their hearty support and cooperation Secretary will be two colts sold On Monday Kay unless owner of same cornea and claims them Drown Filly years old bind Bay Filly I year old whlto on face white locU on and hind root ouTHnnnT Holland May CARETAKER WANTED Application for position of Caretaker of Model School Prospect Ave at a salary per annum will be re ceived by undersigned up to Friday the clay of May Inst at p TO For further particulars apply to Secretary order DAVID 2wI0 flecrctnrj- P 8 On Tuesday Evening May DEAF Will deliver his Famous lecture Ellis launched new on Monday It is feared that Mc Kay o well known and esteemed everywhere in the vicinity of Lake pacing away His daugh ter of Toronto is at and Miss McKay is expected today Tuesday from Washington A very sudden death occurred in our village on Sunday last Mrs John Mullen was taken ill about seven oclock in morning and before eight in evening she passed away Her health has not been good for some She leaves a husband and seven children It is reported that she drank Paris Green Mr Harton of Gilford very nearly met with a fatal accident on Friday When crossing the railway a freight train backed out of the depot and al most ran over him Mr T Wilson of Keswick spent his birthday on Tuesday with his daughter Mrs at Sutton capacity we feel assured he will render and effective service Mr Wellington Morton was elected Assist ant Superintendent taking a day School I workers assembled in front of the was taken officers and an by Mr Jenkins last Monday afternoon of teachers the old J f J Bethel Sunday School has entered up on another year which is sure to bo crowned with success On the evening of Thursday the there will bo an Entertain ment or rather a in Metho dist Church The lecturer will be the Rev George W Dewey of Aurora The subject of his lecture will bo A House without Walls As this public school children and of Mr j residence and grounds The funeral of old Mrs Ferguson who resided on the con a mile south of took place last Monday afternoon the remains being land to rest in the Queensville toy funeral sermon of the late David was preached at his lecture is very highly spoken of by all home by Rev assisted by who heard it at and as Rev interment being Deweys praise is in all in private burial ground of deceas- confidently expected ed There was a very large attend- the church will be filled on tho firicc evening of There will bo iui music etc also admission cents Poor little Cora Eves who has been such a long and patient sufferer growing daily weaker and end is I six near Starvation and Rioting May The Madrid correspondent of The Daily Telegraph says Bread riots continue through out Spain The painful monotony of the story was broken this morning- by lists of victims killed and wounded in the wild attempts to obtain food In Real and in almost every town of the province of that name there were very serious disorders and the outbreaks were only quelled by the military Now it appears that the prisons arc too small and too fow to contain people arrested Yesterday at Linares 14000 workmen became disorderly and a regular battle ensued with the muni cipal guards The rioters possessed themselves of a quantity of fire arms The streets were barricaded Twelve dead bodies and many wounded still lie in streets and nobody dares to remove any of the dead during the firing which continues steadily FURTHER VIOLBKCE Madrid May The bread riots at Alicante the seaport of Valencia which began yesterday were continued all night the women taking a promin ent in the work of destruction A riotous mob paraded the streets demanding cheaper bread and other necessaries of life The rioters march ed to the factories where they were joined by the who were at Work Later they sacked- the bureau and burned the furniture and archive A strong force of gen darmes was sent to scene and a charge made upon mob which was temporarily dispersed But the rioters reformed and attacked and burned all tho bonded warehouses after possessing themselves of the wheat in storage TUB RIOTING AT Roam The at Naples yesterday was widespread It was started by big bands of student armed with and revolvers The made several attacks upon soldiers using stones and revolvers and the troops fired killing or wound ing a number of the rioters By special request This is the Lecture that led to the prolonged in tho Brooklyn between Rev Dr and Rev Long For tho Concert the best Toronto talent has Wen secured The famous T J in bis Comic Bongs and Funny Sayings wilt be a leading feature Miss A Clarke of Toronto Accompanist Admission Adults Children 159 Reserved Seals Doors Open at Concert to i Commence at Doyle Murphy J JDescW Rev Pastor PoPttrmt 1 you had any taken lately a trilling and you will be delighted Willi the result Courteous Photographs Prices reasonable Call today This weather just suits Peppiatts Art Gallery North of Royal Hotel HORSES WANTED The be prepared to purchase HEAVY and HORSES Weighing from to lbs These horses Sound and Con dition and from to 8 years old Will beat the following places namely Hotel King Tuesday May Hotel Bradford Wednesday May Zephyr Hotel In the forenoon May Kings Hotel In the afternoon Thursday May 8t Hotel Schoinberg til two oclock Friday May McDermods Hotel Bond Head in the Friday May Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday May A Montreal Notice to Creditors r the matter of HENRY WOODCOCK of the of KU GwllUmburyinlhe County of York hotel ftcjXr itisolvtnt Notice Is hereby given that the above nam ed made an assignment to me of effects for the general benefit of creditors under Chap A meeting of will be held at my office Albert on the day of May at one oclock p to for the purpose of appointing Inspectors fixing their remun eration and for ordering of generally Creditors are requested to file their claims with roe duly proven as required by statute with vouchers attached on or before the 1st or after which date I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which shall then have received DAVIDSON Dated this day of May Assignee Mount Albert It Costs Cents Pet hour to run this Can you afford to do without our Blue Flame Oil Stove 750 See it in operation at a A Newmarket Gov LEWIS St HAS FALLEN Now look out for Bargains in Dry Goods Boots and Groceries and Crockery All- to be sold at a tremendous sacrifice as follows DRY GOODS Cottons per yd 15 18 per yd Prints 8 10c per yd Flannelette per yd Ginghams per yd Cotton Bats per lb Tweeds per yd One lot Fancy Shirts GROCERIES lbs Dry Apples lbs Japan Tea lbs Currants cans Com Packages Corn Tapioca per lb lbs Rice 26c American Oil Canadian Oil boots shoes Mens Dong 126 Mens 150 Ladies Dong Turns Ladies Dong Buttoned Misses Shoes Youths Shoes 75c Job lot Boys Oil Tan Shoes A Full Stock of Paints and Oils constantly in Stock Highest market prices for all kinds YOU ARE aking a Mistake If you are not buying your GOOD FROM US TORONTO JOBBING HOU t To the best opportunity of a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss noise or nonsense We are putting a Magnificent Line of Goods on the market prices that will make them jump Its a quick turn on very close margin to satisfy a lively demand Call and inspect BICYCLE SUITINGS i i FANCY SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS ALSO THE 1 la For either Coat Vest or most of its kind on the market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from Call ana examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and deal more for the customer who deals at Central Tailor WiaU When EAST of of the Court of for the Saturday May At the hour of oclock All p interested to take themselves AJ Clerk l6 you prepare for Papery do not forget that W a very choice of including com binations of border and cell lag at wonderfully Low Wo whether you buy till you what wo to glvo you and Paper Church Apply JB MILLAHD n