Newmarket Era , May 20, 1898, p. 2

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r THE NEWMAR E FRIDAY MAY Advertisements Excursion N A Society Machines- It Notice to Creditors Thompson Land Titles Act I Scott Corn Steam Saw Mills I McDonald Attention IV Lehman Dog Tags 1 J Anderson Answer that Letter Court of Revision J Lloyd Sanitary Notice P J Card of Thanks Fred Jones llelp Wanted Jns Posture to Let J A Cody Servant Wanted Mrs GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION a t Jd p ills- I 3 CO O go to Jy 0 IS CO CA Ol Co a IS CI WO a to OCT 3t la political at Capital that parliament will or early in week following A days alter rises Hon Mr Blair and Hon- Mr will leave for Europe A week from tomorrow Charles Topper ox peels to start for Lon don and Minister has his Intention of leaving for coast early next month of Lord resignation as crGcneral of da to take iffeotin curly fall of this year has been aeurprieoto Dominion About only man who will not regret his will probably bo Kir Charles Hart who has a vivid recollection of His refusal to acknowledge the right to appoint to office after tho people had given him hie conge A in Spain is title of a of Articles by bo- ginning in number of Harpers Weekly dated May Mr made a trip through Peninsula in Interests of Weekly to ascertain of the of all classes in country in toward to many subjects that now of vital interest artiolcs will bo illustrated with photographs by an- opening of communication be tween Dawson and tho outside world loiters from special correspondent in Hon Gladstone Has Passed to CO JMOOO W J IK CO fl On W Is a of public sentiment running through political circles in favor of nominating a Com mercial Agent to metropolis of Great Britain Wo no sympathy with tho idea of another Canadian repre sentative to England present with its salary and an addition of as much moro for etceteras is about as much along that lino as this Dominion can stand Put in a lees high- toned who are not afraid to do a little work themselves especially subs of the and tho commercial agency business can bo added to present duties without detriment to efficiency At oclock yesterday morning Right lion Gladstone entered into rest full of years and full of honors During the crisis at oclock a members of his family were summoned Rev Stephen Glad stone read prayers and hymns includ ing favorite one of deceased Rock of Ages When this was done Mr Gladstone was heard to murmur Our Father These were his last audible words William Gladstone states man orator and author was born in Liverpool on of December 1809 His John Gladstone was a wellknown merchant of that city and for some years was a mem ber of the Imperial Parliament De ceased was of Scottish descent was educated at Eaton and at Christ Church Oxford Wo have not room for a lengthy obituary but may say that in his death a prominent figure in the public life of the mother country passed away revered and respected by all classes of people not only in Great Britain but also on this Ameri can continent lw Eva HUT AND WITH EACH ISSUE The pals Printed all FRIDAY MAY 1898 Ik Mail yesterday appears an from its Ottawa correspondent announcing a rumor at Capital that Govern ment purposed bringing down another Yukon railway arrangement with Messrs Mackenzie Mann involving a cash and land for a line from River to BRADFORD Tub bill of im posing on was on Tuesday last when moved on amendment extend ing the zone of postage to weekly papers from ton to twenty miles Hon Mr accepted the amendment and the clause passed to the Fed oral Governments Bill on account of want of uniformity in Provincial as they put it has been fairly met by tboso who supported bill on grounds 1st the immense saving of expense to the Fed- oral treasury without increasing materially tho cost of preparing a voters list for the Dominion an up to dato list and as each province can only send a fixed number of representatives giving of votes to propertyholdord in each of or one man one vote principle as local Provincial Legisla tures may declare does not interfere or alter the Status of the provinces towards oyier The measure therefore is quite in accord with largest measure of liberal tclertioo The of repre sentatives to tho Federal Parliament from each province is determined by population SixtyFive the limit for Quebec while the provinces of have a proportionate number accord ing to population province being al lowed to determine its own standard of franchise Messrs and George Coombs attended an meeting in Sharon last Sunday even ing Mrs returned home to Lon don on Monday after a months visit with her daughter Mrs Locke at the parsonage They have a new boy there Mrs Speight returned homo to To ronto on Monday after spending couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs John Elliott of the Standard Bank Sacramental services will held next Sunday evening in the Presby terian Church This a preparatory service will be held when a sermon will be preached by Rev John Locke of the Methodist Church district meeting in the Oar Society Column Out Toronto tetter Accidents in this city by very numerous Riders grow very careless who was knock ed down on St on March by a died of hie injuries in General Hospital on Saturday debut of Mile- Toronta last night was a brilliant success Masscy Hall was crowded with the Wealth and beauty of the city to greet tho young prima donna and re ception was most cordial York Criminal Assizes opened at the Court House by Mr on Dr May of De partment is at Ottawa this week in connection with Art School in that city Four pockets arrested on Fri day appeared in the Police Court on Saturday and were given hours to leave the city It is surmised came here to ply their voca tions at the Woodbine races Dr is way off in his recommendations respecting treat ment of inebriates If we are to have prohibition what is the use creating institutions and appointing salaried there will bo no inebriates after tho plebiscite enactments passed least that is A second fatal accident in Toronto this year from rubbish burning occur red on Saturday James Weeks sot lire to some grass while at work dig ging Tho lire spread to the side walk whore his fiveyearold daughter was playing and set her clothes in a blaze Before the flames could be ex tinguished the childs legs and body frightfully burned She was re moved to the Sick Childrens Hospital but to her injuries a few hours later It has been suggested through the Toronto press that a statue of late Mr McCarthy should ho in the Queens Park not by or politicians of any par ticular party but by citizens general ly as he was in the truest sense a Canadian A big convention of is being held in Township Over delegates came across on the Tuesday Tho Grand Jury in the General Sessions returned no bill against John Bruce who was charged with breaking into a railway car in New market He was immediately there after arrested and taken before Magis trate Ellis of the Junction on a charge of trespass and convieted A fine of and costs was imposed or ten days in quod Ho took latter A McDonalds suit against City Solicitor for libel has been Hits f oo Remember we never sacrifice quality for price but guarantee to sell you a good suit for as little money as some would ask for shoddy badlymade or out of date goods arid then you have a much larger stock to choose from here than elsewhere One special lot of Mens Suits the prices were 7 8 and 850 any of this lot on Friday and Saturday at Nobb Tweed Suits wellmade special at i Pine Suits made of pure wool Canadian Tweed in neat pat- best workmanship all sizes at Dress Suits the kind you would pay a tailor 19 for our price 00 A Big Snap in Mens Tweed Pants at i I he Finest Range Suits from 150 up to 00 and 7 50 We are doing an enormous Carpet trade this season The stock is larger and such prices as these make things brisk Good Union Carpets yard wide at Handsome Union Carpet regular price at Good Wool Carpet regular price 75c at Handsome Tapestry Carpet regular price 65c at Our Special line of Lace Curtains at 125 is a wonder they should be 1 Lace Curtains from 25c up to 4 Roller Window Blinds from 25 up HAVE JUST OPENED LARGE LOT W GINGHAM NEW NEW COLOR NEW PARASOLS NEW BLOUO We will pay top price for ten thousand pounds of Farmers Bacon r QLOV Church next Wednesday and Thursday will be attended by about twentyfive representatives from the dismissed in the Police Court He district A meeting will be has however exercised his right to held on Wednesday evening when a third reading of the Bill the Commons on Tuesday feet An amendment affecting was suggested bat after an assurance from the Premier that the matter complained of wold be brought to the attention of the Ontario Government with a view to legislation along the line covered by the amendment it was withdrawn and the bill adopted The Mail conceived a happy thought for its subscribers and fostered an extended circulation of- that journal when management determined to send Kit a fascinating lady writer at their corres pondent to the seat of war now waging be- Spain and the American Republic People like a dash of romano9 with enter prise sometimes and the have both in the arrangement made by our The Public Accounts Committee of the Commons did the correct thing last Tues day when an order was that the chief railway companies of the Dominion send a statement of they issue to civil servants It in of the discovery that an engineer of the Canal Department had been charging the Gov ernment double firstclaes fares when he went to Montreal while at the eame time travelling on a pass to think Ontario is be hind the neighboring States to the sooth of in regard to trout and baas culture If we are not misinformed no lees than established hatcheries for the free distribution of trout bass and other game fish thereby enabling sportsmen and holders of various streams and other suit able waters to the same with able fish This is in addition to the regu lar distribution of fry for commercial or net fishing and solely to provide rod and line fishing for amusement health and reoreatiou According to the Telegram Ottawa cor- respondent there are members on both side of the House to the Commons chamber who are not above playing the game that nearly upset the Ontario Gov ernment once by indulging in a grab not content with a each and mileage that dont pay they now want to put their into the box fo4 another each The electorate of the Dominion should mark the men who support such a move in case it lakes tangible and without regard give them walkingticket If they think the indemnity is too small let them talk fete and do more work thereby shorten the It votes that count Jon drawn speeches POINTS Miss Meads of Toronto is home on a visit Mr Norman Is from College Mr and Mrs Ate visiting in the this week lire John Eves has gone to Barrio to spend the Mrs Harry of was visiting relatives here last week Mr Well of artist was in Town last Saturday evening Sun Mrs A juenuo is visiting Newmarket and Toronto Esq of Toronto was visiting friends in East last Friday Miss Ethel of Aurora has been visitins for the past week with Miss Gertrude Miss Smith is occupying The Cedars again after an absenoe in Western Ontario all winter Rev of Richmond Hill and two from Toronto guests at Mayor Canes over Rev Pearson of chair man of the Barrie District was a guest at the Methodist Parsonage on Monday Capt of the was in Town on Wednesday arranging with the Presbyterian for an Excursion next month About a dozen from Newmarket drove over to on Tuesday evening to hear Dean Harris They were delighted and report that a full house greeted him Jas McClure Esq of Holland Land ing was in Town on Monday to old friends He leaves next Tues day for Smiths Falls to reside with his daughter Mr and Mre attended the Concert in Massey Hall Toronto on Wednesday night to hear bis cousin Madam the prima donna of Canada Also Mr and Mrs John Brim- son and Mr Montgomery Rev who has had charge of the Tottenham and Methodist Cburohesfor the three years was asked by the Quarterly Board to tho fourth year Mr Keam married Miss of Sharon and is evidently a popular pastor and variety fell through the ice below Lake on tho way to Yukon and wore drowned program will Iks furnished by the clergy of the district And the pro ceeds will given to the Ladies Aid Society Miss Bessie Sutherland and Dr Campbell Were in Toronto on Tuesday evening for concerfcgiven by Mile By the way while Toronto this young lady as a native it may not be amiss for us to state than Bradford is birthplace and that her parents resided here for years Consequently much interest is taken by our people in her brilliant career Host Council May 14 1898 Meeting of E Council this day All members present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Com were and payments ordered as follows John services re Snow Bylaw 1 ironwork on Road Machine The Reeve introduced Bylaws as follows viz To reduce and direct the perform ance of Statute Labor To Permit owners of Marsh Swamp or lands covered by water to mark boundaries by posts To set apart certain lands as the unincorporated village of Sharon and to provide for the commutation of Statute Labor and cleaning sidewalks of snow and ice To make grants on Roads Bridges for year 1898 To appoint certain township officers as follows viz Belfry Road Overseer in lieu of Geo Wilkin resigned Dunham in lieu of Gregg resigned Milne in lieu of Cun ningham resigned in lieu of A Manner- tug resigned Lewis Toole in lieu of Hansford resigned Win Sutherland in lieu of A Mitchell resigned J York as PoundKeeper con Mount Albert village All above Bylaws regularly passed and adopted Council adjourned to meet in Sharon on May as a Court of Revision and for other business have the case brought before the Assize Grand Jury and was bound over in to do so 88 15 1 80 1 40 18 80 Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Reeve Deputy and Messrs Cody ville Smith and Manning The following accounts were pass ed J Collins unloading coal Millard do J do Hunter do Johnston street sprinkling 11 days Sincere livery re Line P OLeary dng out hydrant Office Specialty dog tags Brown at and Fire Hall Atkinson at do P OLeary domestic water service J Gould do Grant do J Manning rep to lamp freight duty and storage of coal Pay Sheet No and B do No do do No do The following accounts were refer red to the L Com viz Dr communication and account The James Morrison Co Roche Co coal A ByLaw was passed to prevent the spread of caterpillars in the muni cipality The Inspector was authorized to put up notices informing citizens that a By- Law has been passed for the sup pression of and the Apple Tree Worm nuisance and calling on them to obey the provisions of the By- Law The Town Hall was granted to J Green on the afternoon and even ing of Juno 1st for the usual charge to church or temperance organizations of There was some discussion over this matter as the Hall was asked on behalf of North York and not solely as a Town organization and an amendment to charge was voted down Mayor Reeve Deputy and Messrs Cody and Somorvillo were pointed a Court of Revision for the Town of Newmarket to hold their first meeting on the day of May at 10 am Oh whats the use of keeping store Unless the people know it And whats the use of enterprise Unless you try to show it What matters that year goods are best Your prioes tantalizing Or that theyll stand the public test Unleaa youre advertising Que May A fire broke out at an early hour this morning in the Materie St Jospeh Two boys named were burned to death Mrs Dr of Fall River Mass jumped from an upper storey window Both of her legs and arms were broken in the fall She died at halfpast two oclock Four Grey Nuns were severely injured I It jumping from a fourthstorey win- dow The Cradle In on the the wife of Anderson of a daugh ter KelUKotok At Orchard Grove Raven- shoe on May the wife of John of a daughter Locke At the Methodist Parsonage Brad ford on the of May to and Mrs John Locke a son in Victoria May 16 The steamer from the Orient brings news of an uprising in For mosa by a secret society of natives whose avowed object is to drive the Japanese from the island The rebels who are divided into small bands are sweeping through the interior a large number of persons and destroying much property One shocking massacre is reported from a small hamlet twenty miles south of where a party of re bels suddenly swooped down from the hills on a house where about Jap anese and natives were gathered The rebels tore down the doors and butch ered the inmates in cold blood and set the house on fire Other residents barricaded their is claimed that they were in sympathy with the raiders and many were ar rested later by the gendarmes Many other massacres of a similar nature are reported The Japanese gendar mes have sent home for reinforce ments Leading ami House Apbess despatch from Montreal states that Hon Peter Mitchell one of the Fath ers of Confederation in an fit at his hotel in that city on Saturday last Word has since been received that the Hon gentleman is recovering from the stroke The Tomb lbe tail- Edith daughter of the late Jones photographer aged years Aurora on the Willis aged years Town the Robert John Davison merchant aged years 1 mo and days In Richmond Hill on Wed nesday May 18th Irene beloved wife of and youngest daughter of Schmidt of Winnipeg formerly of Chatham aged 36 years Funeral from her late residence to Aurora cemetery on Saturday May at p Do not Spttsiy WHEN IK BLOOM 1 It is not the right time to spray It may destroy insects that are then fertilizing the blossom It is destructive to bees It is forbidden by law A London lad named Corp fell against a barbwire fence destroying the sight of one eye ENTRANCE AND lieaving Candidates Of something to advantage by sending name and addreea name of teacher and location of s to the Toronto j Send postal without delay and tbia paper until July and members be admitted ud to that u le to complete any course alter the holidays Write for particulars to SHAW Principal Toronto Modern Furniture Lacks the cumbersome features of the old style The strength and durability are as great You do not have to employ an army to move a modern across the room and yet it looks much better ancient and heavyweight predecessor The new styles of furniture are charming are almost works of art The possession of them is a proud bat not neces sarily expensive J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket and A SPECIALTY J Night calls attended to at residence Street S J Main North Newmarket Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention e Wheat FOR SALE Toronto Markets May IKS Red Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel 0 Oats per bushel Peaflper bushel bushel Butter per lb Potatoes per bag I Apples per Hay per ton CO Port per CO Beef fere 4 SO OS per pair 0 Turkeys per lb Oil a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 11 16 010 900 Newmarket Flour per barrel White Wheat per bushel per bushel w Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat 030 Barley per bushel a Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Shorts per ton Butter tub per lb Sheepskins Wool per lb a a a m m Beef per Pork live Pork per I Chickens pair Ducks live ro lb dressed V S0NjSS 0 31 31 063 a a a 0 013 060 1 a a CO 007 75 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n it a a

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