Newmarket Era , May 20, 1898, p. 4

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t THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY J ft WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST years it la stated than GOO men gone of business Ontario This cord of any lino of business in country A ill Guolph Mercury Hon John Minister of Extensively Concornlno Murray a well known violinist Of this who Agriculture that iho Agricultural bos traveled extensively throughout Province as a provlncoa this statement I was running down In and my foil off from to ICO pounds Proscriptions did mo hut My was called nervous resorted to and alter taking flvo bottles was greatly I feel as now as over In my and Increased In flesh so that I now I am well known In this part of country having followed my profession that of a violin musician for the last years I gladly tell my friends what floods has dono for mo I began taking medi- I did not ambition but now alt Is changed and my cured Jambs N anarllla do not any thing In a bad way and meditating so mo very radical innovations Tub annual mooting of Hook Room of Methodist Church was held in Toronto last business of year lias most successful In bo history of establishment The decided to giyo 10000 from earnings of business to Ministers Fund Weakness IK OR IN CERTAIN DEATH arc only nun to PUIS with to OJACKSON lnOP Best Advertising Medium York County advertise ments per Nonpareil Hue for Ural Insertion pcrMiieforiiciiBUbHient Insertion CONTRACT Inchon Inches Inchon i inch aom unaccompanied with writ ten Instruction Inserted until accordingly Advertisement will bo changed once each month If desired For change than each must ho paid for at uvular rates Changes for contract advertisements must bo In noon on Wednesdays Special Low for Notices Farms to Kent host round A rending notice will be Inserted tree for any Church lire when no admission la otherwise cents will he charged for such a notice No exception to arc in receipt of advance proofs of thrco very tin goo Pont Cards in colore issued by wellknown firm of J A Co Paper Montreal Wo anticipate thoy will be very popular with thd trade These cards will bo sold at per thousand Stamp col- lectors and Individuals will no doubt uso them for correspon dence In war time A despatch from nit Mario dated May furnishes intimation of furthor gold in exceeding in anything found in that island Assays from of the locations gives than to tho ton in gold and than to ton Numerous claims opened up and aro giving muoh bettor rosulta than between and 100 now The second reading of Public Works Loan bill which provides among things for granting a subsidy of to Mackenzie A Mann or the building of a railway from the Columbia coast Lake was carried in the Local of British Columbia last weok on a vote of to Tub Conservative members in Parlia ment at a receni caucus to hold a dinner of the session with viow of bringing various an tagonistic elements of tho party At present irritating remembran ces arising from causes which led to overthrow of party and continue to crop up and result in divided An effort is about to bo mado to overcome this unseemly condition The May Christian contains many ex cellent original articles and fully equals former issues of this highly commended journal whioh London Christian Times to bo One of host American periodicals which tho If said was best piper that comes to mo and which ninny including Moody have referred to in terms It Is published by Hastings Boston Mass at a dollar per annum It is now generally understood at Ottawa that Par- will prorogue not later than let of Juno In reply to leader of the recently the Premier stated that further important legislation would not likily be introduced Now that is insured as the country may look for reports of members leaving for home on important privato business The Opposition organ at Toronto is in agony because Hon Mr Hardy is allowing Hon Mr Gibson and Bon Mr to continue Cabinet Ministere over since their defeat at the general elections but until decisions of election courts the Province does not know that they are in any worse on tho floor of Legislature than the sixtyodd who had protests entered against them Just wail till the by elections come off- then see who on top our exchanges learn that all parts of Ontario is experiencing same trouble of which farmers in this neighbor hood complain in regard to the swarm of bugs and caterpillars infesting fruit treep and This is said to be the result of the past winter not being very cold With extreme degrees of cold in winter less trouble from insects and caterpillars are following summer and vke versa This year they are exceedingly numerous and will do large damage unless more than usual is taken to destroy them Among interesting reports sent out by Ontario Department of Agriculture may bo made of the annual report of the Ontario Entomological In it the San Jose flcato is described In detail and half- dozen paves are devoted to a description of tho locusts of the Bible A paper on household is of practical interest We aro that travel in a from house to house To pest light is required and then all should bo closed with powdered borax The ant that frequents pantries and drops into sugarbowls needs to be found in its nest and destroyed The London Advertiser is away off in thinking the Imperial Government would not a onechamber Parliament for Canada Imperial authorities would almost any form of administration this Dominion would demand far as the is concerned we quite agree with a remark of the Hamilton Times it saye The Benate just stands with a ready to hit Grit heads and there danger that with of it would devote itself to hitting Tory heads Let the people rule and if tho peoples representatives make mistakes or arogoilty of wrongdoing let the people settle with them and right the wrong If we are to have a Senate at all let the members be and the responsible to the people of aro Palpitation After Blight So- Paine and Painting Spoils It Can Cured Front Echo Echo hits has publish ed limit statements from people who have cured of various ailments by the timely and judicious of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People but never before have wo hud such personally convincing- proof of their as in the case of Mrs Taylor who with her husband and family in this village To an Echo reporter Mrs Taylor gave the following history of her illness and cure and asked that it be given widest publicity so that other might bo benefitted I am thirtytwo years of age said Mrs Taylor in 1880 my husband and myself were living on a farm in Perth county and it was there I was first taken sick doctor who was called in said I was suffering from heart trouble due to nervous debility All his remedies proved of no avail and I steadily grew worse doctor advised a change and wo moved to Out I put myself under the charge of another physician but with no better results At least exer tion my heart would palpitate violent ly I was frequently overcome with dizziness and fainting fiU While in these my limbs would become cold and often my husband thought was dying tried several medicines ad vertised to cure troubles like mine but with no better results and I did not expect to recover in fact I often thought it would belter if the end emtio for my life was of misery We moved back to the farm and then one day I read the statement of a lady who had cured of a similar trouble by the of Dr Williams Pink Pills so to my husband that I would try this medicine and it seemed to me that it was hist chance Before the first box was finished I felt an improvement in my and felt that thin was a hope ful sign By the time I had used three boxes more my trouble seemed to Iks entirely gone and hive not felt a single recurrence of the old symptoms Since moving to I have used two boxes and they had the effect of toning up my system and curing slight indispositions To day I am a well woman mid owe life to Dr Williams Pink Pills and to me my restoration seems nothing short of a miracle J was like one dead brought back to life and I cannot speak too highly of this medi cine or urge too strongly those who are to give it a trial It has proved and again that Dr Williams Pink Pills cure heart troubles nervous debility raatiem sciatica St Vitus dance stomach trouble They make new blood and build up the nerves restor ing the glow of health to pale and sal low faces Be sure you get genu as there is no other medicine the same as or ic good as Dr Williams Pink Pills If your dealer does not have them will be sent post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Recollections Jimmy said the sternly come instant Jimmy camo Your teacher tells me you werent at yesterday Is that so flir- Go out into tho back yard and cut I longest switch you can find and bring it to me Dont you hear Thats way I was taught not to play truant and its a good way too- Why papa said Jimmy his eyes growing big did you ever play truant Well I did once but my father whipped mo for it and I did again I I cried half tho night I waa just a little shaver then but I remember it as if it but yesterday Lets see must have been just about age Well well well The father was silent a moment Then ho said Boo hero Jimmy you neednt bring that switch after all Hun along now and dont you play truant any more And Jimmy ran Is Only What Ought to Expected From METHODS Do you think of THIS SUMMER Upright In Faith with People and All Curing Thorn of W Why Wouldnt Follow Mrs to IS Montague place Canada gays coDfldenco In Wince we entirely concur in Premier action in retaining Bon Mr as a member of hie Cabinet until after result of the petition against hie opponent in Ontario is determined which cannot be far distant vo have no sympathy with the alleged petition said to be circulated by Mr in regard thereto No or civil servant tho Government should de found sing with a petition to the Premier for or against the retention of any defeated mini The legal right may possibly be admitted but that la all there can be no question about it being bad taste say the least The New York Tribune has just been telling the Republic in particular world in general something of the territorial great of Britain for whom our cousins over the parallel have re- formed ao strong an affinity It says At present moment British Empire fiftythree France fiftytwo that of Germany three and a half times of of America thrice the size of Europe with treble the population of alt the It extends over 11000- miles occupies onefifth of tho globe containing onefifth of the human race or 360000000 people embraces four continents islands promon tories and iO0O rivers Ottawa Free Press to think there will be a claim in case the temper- trice plebiscite should be carried and a pro hibitory enactment passed as a sequence from those engaged in the traffic for com This is funny talk iu this day and age have not the GOO license- holders in Ontario whose hotels and sa loons have been closed by reason of license restriction been seeking for the compensa tion now suggested by the Free They had just as much right to look for compensation as those now in the business but the fact is that enactment of a license and its enforcement carries with it the presumption that the traffic is only ono of sufferance simply toleration without liability fln Epidemic of Colds Catarrhal Powder Proves the Good Samaritan to Thousands of in the Present Epidem icGeorge P is One of the Many Who Knows of Its Goodness What to do to secure relief in present epidemic is the question thou sands are asking Colds this season attack throat and head and there is nothing that gives relief so quickly in every such case as Dr Catar rhal Powder Geo Casey P is only one of fifty others of the House of Commons and Senate who have tried this remedy and hear testimony to its undoubted goodness Bold E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket the Old Says Music is an aid in school govern ment It softens the childish asperi ties sweetens the temper and pre disposes to obedience Harmony is the soul of music and where this reigns discord vanishes Especially is it true that teachers who love song are less likely to snappish and to stir than those who do not Hinging at the opening of school brings at once all hearts into unison and is an admirable preparation for the work of the day Those who come school on mischief are disarmed When school closes with a song in which all join the tired mind finds rest the overtaxed nerves are relieved the little annoyances of day are forgotten wounded feel ings are healed and the children go to their not to find fault with the school but to praise it and in stead of plotting mischief for the morrow they plan pleasant things Hon Senator of Barrio will lay corner stone of tho County House of at on May At North Kent County Mrs Henderson and her daughter burned to death with destruction of their house If you owe a debt andean pay only part of it go and do so perhaps the other fellow is in a worse condition or is waiting to help some one out to just that extent It is reported that valuable water powers which abound through out Mexico rapidly being taken possession of with a view to their profitable utilization The cataract at is said to be second on this continent to that of Niagara has recently been installed an extensive plant costing to convoy electricity for power purposes from the Cascade of to several mines and factories fifteen miles distant oclock last Thursday morning a very distinct reflection of a portion of the Georgian Bay and Christian Island was visible in the sky to south The view was as plain can he scon looking from the towards the island and if a large steamer had been passing in the reflected waters it would no doubt have been seen The mirage was vis ible for about half an hour and was curiously watched from Main street by a number of people Pile Suiepfc Dr Agnews ointment stands at the head as a reliever healer and sure cure for Piles in all forms One ap plication will give comfort in a few minutes and three to six days appli cation according to directions will cure chronic cases It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases in a day 35 cents Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The placed in the new High School building at Richmond Hill has failed to give the best of sat isfaction and a break in the heater a few days ago led to a fire scare in the school The lighting of railway cars is a- subject which has received much at tention of late from both railway com panies and manufacturers of elec trical machinery Many systems have been devised but so far none have given entire satisfaction The equip ment which has recently been placed on the sleeping car Winchester by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company probably comes nearer a solution of the problem than any other the re sults produced giving promise of ulti mate success The current is gener ated from the axle by the motion of the train and the surplus current is stored in a battery which maintains regular current and provides also for stoppages It is said that there is little flickering or irregularity in the light although in some respects the system is not all that could be desired That electricity will furnish the future light for railway cars is now almost certain Remedies used them with wonderful success both for myself husband and child I was subject to attacks headache each week and of the stomach tho Sine using Core I have not been troubled with an attack In the cose of boy the results have been truly Through the little fellow was com pletely run down had lost his appetite and was restless and Irritable all the Wo him and Debility Cures and In a short time the change for tbo bet ter was marvellous He Is now enjoying splendid health I nothing but Mud- Remedies now and have great faith In them fills is neve h a ITS Mac oat to hours sod carts In few Price Dytptcala Cur alt forms or tQdftcaua and Stomach troatytsi Care tod truss up a cold In a few Core and lanes Kidney carts tto tolas or forms Price Cute luld up the system Price We Cure Stop Ibree Price cam form of piles Price mood Cure eradicates ItoparttRj the Mood Price are a toon to all Catarrh Remedies fall Careprice eradicates the from the system sod be Catarrh SMbtsl the parts Remedies to sod Price It Vitalises a led people separata for each At all slits cents rial Personal to Prof Toronto One for Strong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Feed of all Kinds PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and ENSILAGE CORN For Silo and for Feed Purposes J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron fits Ok Tuesday last Premier an nounced to Parliament Mo of Toronto had been appointed to enforce the new Alien Labor Law Ho will probably bo instructed to play the same game towards American laborers and mechanics coming into Canada Da Barry does towards the some of Canadians goiiiij into alio This will bo a sort of retaliation policy between the two countries Suffocation Pains Certain of the Hearts Sickness Heart Cure Relieves in Minutes In cases of heart trouble Or Ag Cure for Iho Heart has proved itself the quickest acting remedy in existence It has stepped in when the victim of heart disease seemed beyond hope in the last gasp has stayed deaths hand and proved a never- failing and permanent euro It is an honest medicine and will do all claim ed for it Dr Liver Pills are the cheapest liver corrector known Sold by Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket FOR COUGHS and GOLDS If you do write LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL THE LATEST Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct HighOrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited- NEWMARKET TM Now look out for Bargains in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Groceries arid Crockery Ali to be sold at a tremendous sacrifice as follows- DRY GOOD Cottons per yd 15 18 per yd Prints per yd Flannelette 10c per yd Ginghams per yd Cotton Bats 10c per lb Tweeds per yd Ono lot Fancy Shirts GROCERIES lbs Dry Apples 6 lbs Japan Tea lbs Currants 25c cans Corn Packages Corn Starch Tapioca per lb lbs Rice American Oil Canadian Oil 10c BOOTS Mens Dong Oxfords Mens Dong Bats 1 Ladies Dong Turns Ladies Dong Buttoned 1 126 150 Misses 90c Youths Job lot Boys Oil Tan Shoes A Full Stock of Paints and Oils constantly in Stock Highest market prices for all kinds of Produce EL F3 for til THROAT and LUNG AFFECTIONS Large Bottles cents DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO Limited Prop Perry Killer Hew York Montreal NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Allan Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by for taking Affidavits Heal Es tate Agent Conveyancer leaner of Marriage Licensee Also Agent for EYE CHANGE As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS Insurance Companies Queen of London Confe nd Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In ISM aleo for Confederation Life Association Old Office Corner of Main and Lot Let mc remind you that I am prepared cut worn axle and make old Buggies like Ones for per set Satisfaction Guaranteed J J FOR THE JIardS THE From reliable Seedsmen OUE St Next to the Post Office

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