Newmarket Era , May 20, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY HEAD It II President NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT IIIOIIKHT CUIUtENT RATER drafts AT AM Sterling rind American Drafts bought and promptly lo Acting Malinger A Standard Life Co 1825 I In over Children over years of age insured females Insured without extra charge M HUNT Inspector J A Agent Joseph R Cody AOHNT also beet rates Several Good Farms for Hale At Town Clerks next to Fire ijlnll J A Agent for anil Money to Loan interest at Current Bates Sunday School Lesson The Day of Judgment May 1898 Matt Ho shall reward man according to his works Matt INTRODUCTION Place and Persons as in last lesson Jesus gives in pictur ed prophecy not parable a of great Day of Judgmont I Each human being who has lived on earth must appear before judg ment seat of Christ Jesus will welcome to heavenly Fortune Ohio Tello She Found It IN TUB CABH Some women Daily Commercial found in Iholr faces found a fortune in Bui interesting and profitable the of la that of Ohio who found a fortune in her car This young lady has been a resident ol fitato for fifteen years pre In Cincinnati ho ranks as of the moat successful mum- and voica in west personal and vivacious has combined with home who have accepted thoiV for her blessings received To look at her of his Bon and proved this by loving bright girlish face would sup- AGENT Canada fiosuronee FIRE AT LOWEST Hone to fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Rates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Newmarket I Dttitiat Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Painless Extracting Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp Rogers Dentist Aurora Successor to the Into Dr OpyiCE and Dr late Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Private tor Papers issued at private residence if Simpson Main fit Sundries and Fancy Goods helpfulness to their followbcinga Then they who not Christs who neither love God nor have upon their fellowmen must ho banished from his prcsenco to the company of spirits whom have chosen to follow From beginning it has been Gods loving purposo that heaven shall bo the home of his children Not as a toward for certain Rood works but by those works you showed that of Christ dwolt within your heart Heaven is a prepared place for pre pared people Character and faith aro measured by the works they produce who arc most Christlike unconscious of greatness and glory Failure to improve opportunities for usofulness is sin Good works do not make a Christian but ono must be a Christian to do good works forth fruit not fruit the tree I John a Hamilton tele graph operator was killed on the It tracks at Mrs W R Proctor of Richmond Hill happened with a painful acci dent While dusting a table cover she brushed a necdlo into her hand which unfortunately broke off beneath tho skin and had penetrated the flesh fully an inch and a half before it could bo located The hand became so painful that chloroform had to be ad ministered before the needle could be removed Ottawa May 11 Tho Bank ing and Commerce Committee this morning agreed to incorporation of tho Subsidiary High Court of the Ancient Order of Forestry for the pur poso of doing assessment assurance business They did so on the under standing that Foresters will pro vide a reserve fund in repaid to new business that will be satisfactory to Insurance Department A most distressing accident hap pened on tho farm of Mr Geo Lapp Uxbridce on Wednesday of last week Mr Lapp was working in the stable with a fork when bis 6yearold boy ran noiselessly in to tell him some thing Mr Lapp was in tho act of throwing a forkful when the child came against it getting ono prong just one eye and a second prong close above the other eye Tho sec ond prong entered over an inch deep A doctor was summoned with the greatest haste and at last accounts the boy was doing well and will not lose his eight Health is Better 1 had appetite and could not sleep at night and I was so tired that I hardly walk I Hoods advertised and procured four bottles My health is now better than it his ever been since I was a child and I have not been tick for a long time Mies Turn- bull Cranbrook Ont TrPatrick of has which have laid 111 doz eggs in two months Hoods Pills tho only pills totake ye miss IS prepared to do Herring at private residences Perfect tit guaranteed In the latest sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention Architect Member of the Ontario of Arch itects Consultation invited with con templating or their ISuUdlngsJ readjusted Main St Newmarket AStOUftetr teacher of Woe Culture and Tuner or Pianos nod atl String Instruments Geo formerly Miss V V Miller Tcaohor of Vocal and Instrumental a limited number of at residence Cor Lot Church Bra Hew Terms moderate her with Easy A Thompson P penses during the election campaign in Center were and David Davidsons wore Dreadfully Nervous I vaa dreadfully nervous and tor relief took your Karls Clover Root e It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous I was troubled with Constipation Kidney and Bowel trouble Your Tea soon cleansed my system bo thoroughly that I rapidly re- gained health and strength Mrs A Sweet Hartford Conn Sold by Lehman John the man who at tempted to kill Police Magistrate Hous ton at Chatham a few days ago was sentenced to years in Kingston penitentiary Dyspepsia Cured Vitalizer im mediately relieves flour up of Food Wistrces and is the great kid and liver remedy Bold by Lehman bushels of Quebec pota toes have been shipped into United States last Saturday The increased demand is a result of the war To a Cold in Day Take Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure 25c pOBo that her life had boon of perpetu al and that had never known a moments nnhappincHs No ono would for an instant surmise that this girl had for nearly two years been victim of a tormentor that near and robbing her of reason of esses where pre- appearances fall to an insight into past experience It was during n entertainment at the College of Musio in which alio took part that sho contracted what then regard ed as a slight cold took no of it at first said the young lady to a Commercial reporter but In about a week small red spots appeared on my face and so disfigured mo that lost my pupils one by Their mothers fearing contagion did not want them to come in contact with me A nervous racking cough robbed me of sleep and and each of four forent who called in gave a different opinion as to what my trouble was Eczema Blood Poisoning Lung Trouble and a complication of wero among of My suffering was intense and I began wast ing away to a mere shadow Dreading the solioitudo and sympathy which I could plainly read on the faces of my friends I changed my boarding When they found my now address I decid ed by of two physicians to go to a private Sanitarium in Indiana My journey In the cars continued the young lady was a terrible ordeal for aside from my physical suffering I saw that although I wore a veil the passengers avoided seats near me aud between my coughing spells I could not but hear that talked about my condition the skin disease shes got consumption and its going to kill poor thing It almost killed my sister re marked a lady in an audible tone to her companion across the aisle I shuddered as I heard my doom pro nounced by careless lips and didnt have enough hope left to pay moro than passing notice to the nme of the discovery which the lady said had saved her sisters life I had met with so many disappointments that I almost courted death and it was a to got within the sheltering walls of the and hear the encouraging words of the proprietor and his attend ants all my vanished when after eight weeks treatment I was asked for the addresses of my relatives and friends I knew then that these doctors also consider ed my case hopeless The mental agony I endured brought my journey on the oars to me with vivid distinctness and suddenly the name of the Discovery the talkative passenger mentioned as having saved her sisters life began in my ears Somehow I could not drive it from my mind and by an almost superhuman impulse I was impelled to secretly send a note for a bottle of it whioh I took according to The first few days it had no apparent effect on my case except to relieve my cough some what and the soreness on ray lung The second bottle gave me strength the eruption on my skin began disap pear sent out for three more bottles by the time I had taken them I felt almost well I knew it was against the ules of the Institution for patients to take except those prescribed there and called the chief physician to my room showed him that I had left his own medicine untouched for weeks told him that I had broken the and taken Dr Pierces Golden saved my life after fire different doctors had failed My cure is a matter of record and I cheerfully consent to its publication as a token of gratitude to Dr Pierce and his wonderful Discovery and in order that other women may be rescued from suffering and untimely death I have resumed giving music lessons and as you can see with your own eyes added the young lady to the reporter ray skin is smooth and clear and my health is per fect If I had not heard those two young women my case in the care would not be here today telling you of my wonderful recovery My hearing that con versation proved a fortune to me The case reported by the Com is by no means an exceptional one Many thousands Dave given their voluntary written testimony in support of tho wonderful curative ntw life giving powers of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Many of these have asked that their experiences be made for the benefit of other sufferers If it ecmetimes happens in long ne glected and seriously complicated Gases the relief and cure afforded by this great Dis covery doesnt promptly follow Dr Pierce will upon being advised by letter send free of charge such straightforward professional as will any suf ferers from similar diseases above describ ed to cure themeelves at pleasantly and permanently City and Soys Toronto News In largo cities of the United States it has been calculated that porcentof best positions in the cities are hold by country hoys This means that city children in the struggle for fame do not and not able to hold their own If we examine professions of our own city wo see practically result Nearly every editor of leading per in Toronto today was born and brought up outside of Toronto The Mail Globe World all tho evening newspapers Saturday Night and Can adian Magazine arc all edited by country boys Generally speaking tho foremost men in our city today in law financo medicine scholastic life and pulpit aro not natives of our city Thoy born outside of city life and bus tle In athletics the same peculiarity to extent prevails especially is it true in Association football Seldom has Toronto produced a really first- clues nativeborn player If this condition of affairs is true and it can be verified by auyono by a little thought and enquiry it behoves us to ask How is it that our citybred boys cannot and do hot competo with the countrybred or outside boys our Public schools at fault or are there a variety of causes No will doubt but that city children are seriously handicapped in their physical Block and asphalt pavements are not the most favorable playgrounds lo a physique Queens Park and Horticultural Gardens beautiful spots for very small children and old people but for boy or girl who wants to play they are useless are not allowed to play chore Over in Germany dozens of towns and cities have provided play parks for the children and this is what we should in Toronto space for all kinds of Model the city physical lifo after the country physical life and wo will have strength to compete with the outsider Some of our teachers tell mo that city children aro quicker to scoa point than tho outsider but that they do not digest so well nor can they be urged to work as hard Tho reason given is that there is too much distraction and attraction in a city Concerts and entertainments of all kinds seem to fill the mind of the child to detriment of the most serious work A third and deeper cause ie I be lieve the lack of self reliance City children aro nursed right on through the school period If anything in the breaks somebody is sent for to mend it AH wood is cut ready for the firo The city child has no thing to do and nowhere to go It has not the chance to developo power and selfconfidence It is not called on to use or exert its powers Con sequently the powers lie dormant and when larger opportunities offer the city child is found wanting opportunities for de with those of the country boy If anything goes wrong he has to fix it because no one else is at band to do it He saws and splits and digs and hammers and does a hun dred and one things that a city child has not the chance of doing And all the time he is doing he is acquir ing power and confidence in him self Learning how to do anything has an immense influence in building us up for future work A man ie a stronger man mentally if ho has learn ed how to play baseball He is thus conscious of power to dp something By learning how to do many things the country boy acquires a selfreliance that enables him to outrun his less fortunate city cousin No sadder sight is seen by any one than the swarms of children crowded into the narrow confines of our socalled school yards unless it be sight of hundreds of our city child ren playing on our streets until all hours of tho night J Starr PI it Compound the Hope of the Civilized World A MARVELLOUS CURE IN ST JOHNS Another Proof that Celery Compound When the Doctors Fail To gain admittance to Templo of Fame honor reputation worth and wondrous achievements must be some of the necessary qualifications Celery Compound has gain ed all of in its work of lifesav ing in the world It has saved hus band wife sister and child to family after efforts of the best physicians proved unavailing Pain Celery is doing its grand work every day bringing joy and happiness to thousands of homes The cure of Mr of St Johns is worthy of atten tion of all sick and suffering people The results as described by Mr should induce every suffering man and woman to use Celery at once Wkus Richardson Co With great pleasure I make known what your Paines Cel ery Compound has done for me Last December I was sick and suffered from a heavy cold My doctor said I was run down and advised me to give up my work the tailoring business as ho thought it was not conducive to my health Ho gave me medicines for rny trouble also for indigestion and nervousness The medicines however produced no good results and I was reduced to a mere skeleton and came to the conclusion that I was going to die Through influence of an old friend who came to see ms I was pre vailed upon to use Celery Compoundwhich he said would soon set me on my legs again After using the bottle and pills that go with the compound had such good results that I continued with the medi cine until I bad taken seven bottles when I found myself as strong and healthy as ever before in my life I am able to work at my trade as well as in former days and see no necessity for giving it up From the results that have blessed efforts with Paines Celery Compound I would strongLy advise every sick person to use the great medicine which has no equal in the world Edward Plank Road St Johns TH for Looks When purchasing a Bicycle this is all some people look at generally the poorer the bicycle the more profusely they are ornamented with gaudy enamel and decorations If you cannot afford to buy the best buy a lowerpriced bicycle made by a manufacturer who is known to possess absolutely unequalled facilities for accurate and economical construction even though it is plainer in finish Cleveland Bicycles are made in various grades to suit all purchasers- The Worlds Greatest Bicycle Acknowledge no competitor and are the only Models that have adopted the wonderfully improved bearings only bearing that insures perfect alignment reducing friction to a minimum Cleveland Bicycles Absolutely guaranteed to be the very highest grade equal in every feature of merit to the highestpriced competitor Agents Everywhere C B Beautiful great including many new features Write for Catalogue Sole Representative- A CO TORONTO NEWMARKET A TO YOUR AND SEE THE A twoyearold son of Charles Scott died as the result of the lodgement of some popcorn in his Philippine Islands Tho Philippine Islands lie to the north of Borneo and Celebes They are than hundred in num ber with an area of about 150000 square miles Population about threefourths of whom aro subject to the remainder governed ac cording to their own laws and cus toms by independent native princes Tho forests abound in ebony log wood gum trees and bamboos The variety of fruit trees is great includ ing orangocitron breadfruit man go cocoanut tamarind rose- apple Ac other important produc tions of tho vegetable kingdom being the banana pineapple sugar cane cotton tobacco indigo cocoa cinnamon vanilla cassia ginger pepper c with rice wheat maie and other cereals Luzon has a popu lation of For some time chief Spanish settlement was on Zebu but in Manila was built and since continued to bo the seat of government Peoples Cyclopedia Its Practical Advantages by means of fiprlmw at end posts cacti wire being attached to a ratchet on back of Is sufficient for over one hundred rods of wire We staples and In Just close enough for the wire to work freely through them on the middle posts Our stays are fastened to the Wo not only and con traction which hus been drawback to nil wire fences but wo add tenfold tothe6trenlb and durability of said resisting fewer of any ono wire being nearly resisting power of whole number or wires it is Impossible for any great strain to come upon one without distri buted to all and when any great strum comes upon on any part of stretch It is not simply up ie wire between two posts where the Our come would bo the wires ti hut thi strain Hi riut whole stretch back to Our a post distributed en In I Our stays bo more an animals shove it rally centre wires in trying through the tighter It hoMs the horizontal wires together They are easily readily put on strong and durable no thing to Hist or break What Fence- 1 The anchoring of our endpor no equal Our ratchet or made and arc by nil who tee allow for contraction and he expansion of wire stay Is the best and cheapest and holds the wires together Saving of poets one only being needed every thirty three feet Our fence Is simple that any one can build It Turns all kinds of Is not danger ous It docs not between snow will not affect it nor drifts posts wind or It collect It Is made of galvanized wire not only durable hut la appear ance It will penult cultivation right up to the fence and by this you can keep your fence rows clean general purposed fence has no equal can be put up any height with any number of wires public are warned against using any infringement on this patent WIRES AND STAYS PER ROD For Sale by J Subscribe for the Era ga SO cents until January 1899

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