Newmarket Era , May 20, 1898, p. 7

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CHINA HALL J May THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MAY Endeavor Convention magnificent Addresses annual Convention of the representatives North York Christian Endeavor and welcome Already York County Union opened in Presbyterian Church Newmarket on Tuesday morning Tim morning 1898 GROCERY DEPT Wo just a Very Lino of California Prunes to sell at 118 Wo have also fiuost quality of Apricots Oranges and Demons finest quality for or BAKING POWDER To our stook wo will sell a Glass Jar for 17c quality good as you can ask Something nice in Hams Breakfast Bacon Holla CANNED GOODS Com cans Best Salmon 2Go attendance was not very large hut it proved to bo a profitable session A conducted votional exercises or such a hearty delegates had been cheered helped and encouraged and ho was pleased to see by tlio register that almost every in county was represented Willi presence help and guidance I of tho Holy Spirit he was confident that Convention would bo a great Scott of gave success and delegates would return to a practical address on I their homes with greater earnestness member bow to get thorn to act I for tho work After referring to the obligation ho schedule time being more than stated that tho member not endowed exhausted Mr J DuncanClark of with the spirit of Christ will not be Toronto simply asked that in response lbs of good Japan Tea for 1 Coffee per lb Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots at worth 3 Our Spring will soon bo in AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Sot will pay you well to boo our The Largest in variety and Lowest Price In Toilet Sets we can froth in taste and pocket The Leading Grocery We would to get a living profit on all goods but we positively will not bo under sold The Leading Grocer Cor Main 8c Timothy Sts Warm weather Drop in and Bee what Has in Suitings Also a fine Assortment of bantings and Overcoatings At Right Prices E Old Stand a Move On We Spring to order work your J Painting Paper- Panging Calsomin Etc Ha dit en J Best North of Toronto can Wo can you Head of Church St market I to Loan on farm and village properly by Davidson Union Midland Also for the CO and Northern Wfc Mount Albert very active life must Imj within before wo can grow in grace and in dolent active must be in troduced to Christ in prayer Miss of Toronto read a good paper on The Associate Mem ber how to get rid of Work to have them attend all meetings Lot Lookout Com invito them to be come active tho PrayerMeeting Com that the hymns are suitable Social Com usher them to the lcst seats and give a hearty shake of the hand Some need to their names erase1 as it brings them to a realiza tion of their position but prayer for them is the greatest influence in re moving them from the associate to the active list Rev Mr conducted Hound Table Conference which was very helpful the following being con sidered PrayerMeeting Com Com Music and Social Com Tract Committee Mr Mills Rev Scott Miss Pope of Toronto and Miss Keith on tho advantages of Junior work TUESDAY Session hold in the Presbyterian Church which was comfortably filled Dr of led in devotional exercises Nominating Com appointed as fol lows Rev Lee of Pretty of Newmarket Miss of Lloydtown Rev Cocking of King Miss Winch of and Bingham of Aurora Mr J Moore of Toronto gave a good undress on Proportionate and Systematic Giving The power to get wealth is the gift of God The money used for war and liquor was contrasted with that contributed for church purposes The duty and cesity of giving onetenth was made evident and scripture proof produced The growth and blessing derived from giving and many objections which are urged were ably dealt with A lively discussion followed Rev of Albeit gave a splendid address on Personal example and influence We should assert our personality be constant and dont annoyed if we dont please everybody Work singly do not undertake to much and do well what do Each point was aptly illustrated and a hearty discussion fol lowed The Pastors Hour was a profit able period in which the following took part Revs McNabb Lee Dewey Cocking Locke Moore Fletcher Scott and The Christian Church was filled to overflowing and the session proved very inspiring Mr C J Atkinson of Toronto presided in a very efficient manner The pastor led the devotion al exercises On behalf of the members of the several Young Peoples Societies in Newmarket Rev Matthews extended a cordial welcome to the del egates and at the same time said many commendable things of the christian young men and women of He considered these organization the most marvellous and important move ment in the christian church today The Endeavor was started by Dr Clark in and now numbered on this continent while the League was formed in 1880 and also numbered on this continent Such a force must leaven the spiritual condition of the people and produce a good moral and religious sentiment He also spoke of their stand against liquor and tobacco and for peace On behalf of the citizens of New market Mayor Cane welcomed the del egates to their hearts and homes It was a good and glorious work in which they are engaged and deserved en couragement church was as much behind the times which has not organized in this way with the young people as a manufacturer work ing with antiquated machinery It gives letter fitness for tho work and with zeal of youth church can depend upon the young people for the Ho hoped Convention to tho hospitality and cordiality of the welcome the delegates show their gratitude for blessings received by kindly acts and loving words Tho church choir then rendered a beautiful anthem entitled was glad Roy Scott of Toronto then followed in a magnificent address on Christian Citizenship swaying the audience at will with his captivating manner eloquent language and apt illustrations Having explained that citizenship comes from a Latin word which implies duty wo owe to the State ho showed how the young peo ple of today were waking up and get ting out of the narrow Christianity that consisted in simply laying up heavenly real estate and hadnt to attend to the earthly What we want is to bring heaven down to men and install its blessing on earth The Kingdom of Christ must bo ushered in by christian citizenship bringing all classes up to a moral and religious standard Patriotism does not count any reward except the countrys honor it is general disinterested love in home and native land History is full of patriotism Spains deepest disgrace is not in her defeat at Manila but discord at home Brit ain is a fighting and dominant race and the story of British arms is one of matchless heroism and dauntless cour age Reference was made to various engagements the climax being the charge of COO against Rus sians Tho loyal love of home makes Great Britain the policeman of the Canada is the brightest gem in the crown of Queen Victoria What we want is a civic patriotism that will regenerate society stand for what is right with greater courage and turn out aldermen every where If christian citizenship means anything it means that the plague spots of the earth must be dried up The Carpenter is building a colli n to bury the liquor traffic fath oms deep We want a and citizenship in pol itics and members of Parliament who who have not two sets of principles purity at home and party at Toronto or Ottawa The weakness of such on the Sabbath Observance and Temper ance legislation was ridiculed In the recent provincial elections with two- thirds of constituencies protested in the courts it shows that a clean election is the exception rather than the rule We must demand an honest canvass and clean methods He strongly advocated sex in citizenship The reflex influence of bad government is on the home We want the purest strain of influence known to humanity to cleanse municipal and political cor ruption and that is wo men There is too much indolence inertia and neglect in the church The man that does not vote on a moral question practically joins bands with the rascals We want to push chris tian principles into the politics of the day Since the deposit of Christs the that has cursed Cuba in past centuries is not to be com pared with misery that has cursed this land through the liquor traflic but ho was confident that the held every other year and that the local organizations bo invited to meet with them The Secretary reported GO societies in the County with a total member- would absolutely wiped out of this ship of associate members country in the near future It in Gods J have become active are cause and therefore bound to win Junior Societies with 1000 member Tho movement is a result of conditions 11 missionaries are supported by forces but being pushed by weak ferent societies human instrumentalities we learn by Rev Mr McCarthy a returned mistakes and advance through Missionary from China gave a fine verses Knowledge is result of address on Evangelization of the failure out which comes success world in this generation spoke years ago there was not a temper- of the sincerity of the Chinese in keep- once pledge in Christendom Ho show ed how that movement was like introduction of the steam engine laughed and sneered at at first but now a mighty force Law is but crys- public opinion and simply a machino for the accomplishment of ic ing tho commandments and also their kindness He travelled miles on foot and miles by water in Chinese territory unmolested and lie saw no reason why the topic should not be accomplished Mr Robb of Toronto gave a suits but it needs tho the of agitation plain talk on the responsibilities of future would inspire them with greater zeal that they would labor until wel comed to a higher convention Mr York of Aurora in an but wo are facing able aud enthusiastic reply thanked than tlio Spaniards sacrifice the clock in heaven has been striking important events and the hands never go back The next time it strikes is when Christianity buries the liquor traflic and after that when capital and labor join hands For such a consummation let us toil and labor until it comes The Standing Committees were then appointed as follow Business and Finance J son Toronto Bingham Aurora and Newmar ket Resolution Revs Cocking of King Dewey of Aurora E Scott of To ronto and Mr Mills of Toronto A Greeting was then read from the WCT of Newmarket extending congratulations and wellwishes for future usefulness coupled with the text I These 3rd chapter verses 12 and The Secretary was instructed to send a suitable repiy Mr F of- Toronto was then introduced as a war horse on the temperance question and he also gave a stirring address on A Crisis in Christian Politics Ho referred to the patriotic address of the previous speaker and observed that tlio Ameri cans were in anna for the same prin ciples that he had overthrow of tyranny oppression and wrong and the establishment of justice the steam of enthusiasm and the force of moral sentiment to carry along the track of progress to reach The adoption of the Scott Act by so many municipalities showed that public opinion was behind it but the wrong kind of men were at the lever and kept the machine from moving Our position is a long way in advance of anything attempted be fore Figures were given to show that liquor is being squeezed down In York County today there are less licenses than issued ten ago Parliament is controlled by the people and they must give what the people demand See what has been accomplished years Iheie were taverns on every crossroad liquor in the harvest field and at every social gathering whether public or private The mighty influence of mor al sentiment like the snowflakes will bo the avalanche that will bury the so deep that it will never lift its head again The collections amounted to The choir sang another excellent anthem and the session closed at The floral and evergreen decorations were very artistic and deserve a word of praise SUNRISE The Friends Meeting House was well filled at am service Mr Bingham of led the meeting and gave a fiveminutes talk on Prayer The hour was truly spirit ual and profitable The opening exercises were conduct ed by Mr Pretty The minutes having been adopted the Nominating Committee presented its report as fol lows President Bingham Aurora Rev Lee Treas Miss Alice Winch Secy H Pretty Newmarket Directors H Fleury Miss Keith Newmarket Miss Morton The report was adopted as was also the Secretarys Report for North York from which we take the follow ing information At the Convention in 1893 11 societies reported this year the number lias increased to with active and associate membere Also four Junior Societies with a membership of Many so cieties are doing temperance work and giving liberally to missions One of members is going to British Columbia as a missionary next month The Treasurers Report was also received as satisfactory showing a bal ance in hand of The paper by Rev Lee on Op portunities use and abuse was an excellent one Every opportunity is a trust time is a trust Men miss op portunity and fall into despair Among the aristocracy of heaven will be found those who live in humble positions but use every opportunity Carelessness and idleness bring re morse Give to your loved ones the kind words and flowers now dont wait to put them on tomb Reports from delegates showed that the work in North York is exceeding ly encouraging Music its place in Society was the subject of an admirable address by Rev Dewey of Aurora Its importance is not always felt Sing ing should not be used to drown the noise of those coming in late It is an educative power and an elevating influence which if used aright will stir the soul Denominational hymn are proper Light trashy songs should not be allowed in church enter tainments Encourage people to sing in English and not in a foreign lan guage Have plenty of hooks Session closed at 1150 christians towards missionary cause and what a small amount pro portionately was being contributed Mr J Atkinson of Toronto spoke of the helpfulness that Conventions were in developing christian character and enthusiasm and gave an outline of the coming International Convention at Nashville Session closed at after which Miss Keith conducted a Junior League Meeting when Mr McCarthy sang a familiar hymn in the Chinese language Last session crowded out this week of the late Thousands of persons in all walks of life poor as well as rich paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Mr Dalton McCarthy last Satur day afternoon The funeral was of an imposing nature notwithstanding simplicity of the arrangements and wishes of the family that it should as quiet as possible Personal friends of the deceased came from many parts of Canada and some of the countrys moat prominent men were present at the obsequies That many of the admirers of the deceased might take a last look at his face the remains lay in at the residence on Beverley street Toronto from ten oclock until the noon hour during which time there was a steady stream of visitors Before a mantel on the west side of the apartment was a large panel near Prepare for it Kitchen Floor by Painting the Woodwork and Full JLine of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine Brushes- OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles DREAMERS MILK CAN Barrel Churns Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for MasseyHarris and Bros Repairs UK jacks for Hire Some people have an idea because we do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery square tho Hunt and Newspaper Departments are oups and we will stand by at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Club On it were iwo hunting crops turned upside down Below them was a stirrup inverted The words Presi dent gone away were worked on the panel in letters of immortelles On the upper corners were tied ribbon bows the colors of the club On one side of this was a huge column with an enormous base from the Par liament of Canada The column was composed of white roses and carna tions The base was composed of roses lilies of the lilies orchids and pale pink roses making the design look exceedingly beautiful On the other column was a card bear ing these words From the members of the Government of Canada in token of their respect for their late fellow- member of parliament Mc Carthy whose death is an irreparable to the country They mourn his untimely taking off and share in the grief that has fallen upon those to whom he was near and dear On the other side of the panel was another large broken column from the LiberalConservative members of the House of Commons The Governor General and Lady Aberdeen sent a floral monument which was several feet in height Central Telephone Office OF- AT Broadway is a bred Imported Trotting Stallion pedigree and a race winner the property of Mr E Draper The kind of horse that commands the moat money today and the easiest kept Visits Baldwin Egypt and on Mon day on Wednesday on Thurs day Keswick and Jersey on Stockraisers should see this be fore committing themselves very And the best of it is they are all- of the est AT- a foe more cruel ever were All WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Session convened in Methodist Church which was well idled and pastor conducted the opening The following officers were elected for the York County Union President Rev J Wilson VicePres A Aurora Miss Jessie Toronto Council IT If Bingham Aurora Mimicb Loveless T Watts Toron to Committee recom mended that the York Co Convention Wat The Spanish and American fleets are still apart and news concerning them is scanty and unreliable Words comes from Cadiz that the second Spanish fleet is ready for sea and is expected to sail in a few days The new Spanish Cabinet has been sworn in One of the first acts will be to drive American newspaper cor respondents out of Spain The new United States battleship Alabama was successfully at Philadelphia on Wednesday A special despatch from Paris to the London Daily Mail says negotiations are being conducted to secure peace between Spain and the United States the former is willing to make if is allowed to re tain Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands possibly only latter M the French Foreign Minis ter is preparing the way for mediation and Austria is working in the same direction It is likely that sug gested terms will take form in a few days Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business OF THE RED BOOT if ID a J To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with N what you want when you want it and how you waijt it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms Gash MY TAILOR

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