THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY Keeks Itoeat WHAT IB OH it motton Two dub load of and on Birthday ton Park a along road with music Hope Horseo Saturday Mr bought moro running from to Ho for magnificent heavy draft animal but it was refused St Pauls Church Mr of con ducted acrvioo last and congregation very fayptably Council i East mcota at on Council at and Council at Kottloby the day North bury Counoil meets at on Mon day Gospel Temperance Mrs HCody at mooting Sunday and Mrs Jackson at organ attendance was tho smallcat tSmo readings Mrs and Mrs and arising out of one of readings Mr J a stirring address on desirability of a Manhood as Womanhood will program again next Shoot Them According to tho of Ontario Chaptor any may kill any dog ho sees pursuing worrying or wounding any sheen or lamb or any dog without lawful in any on Held on any form whioh owner or occupant thereof or his servant finds giving tongue and terrifying any sheep or lamb such farm or any dog any person finds straying between and any farm wherein any sheep or lambs are kept next pleasure day will bo tho Ex cursion of North York farmers to which takes place on Tuesday the of Juno are out giving full particulars In addition to tho at tractions of natural scenery a has been arranged to take place be tween tho of and team which will no doubt be exciting general arrangements exceptionally good and excursionists may anticipate tho best timo they over Plan to take it in R Close Coll While opening a cellar drain on Victoria Avenue day last week one of the had a startling surprise When ho press ed on his spado to take out some earth it jerked out of hie hands and went clean out of sight Investigation revealed a covered cistern which contained about six feet of water planks were so rotten that it was a great wonder it had not caved in with the mans weight appears that the cellar had been drained into this cistern by way of convenience and being full of water did not serve its purpose any longer hence the discovery It was made none too soon for a serious accident might have occurred had it gone much longer Plebiscite Convention A grand rally of the friends of Total Pro hibition in North York is at the Town Hall Newmarket Wednesday of next week Every temperance organiza tion in the Riding and every Sunday School is expected to wind one or more delegates The names of all delegates who are to be sent to Mrs Cane previous to the day of Convention so that there may be no confusion in assign ing homes Everybody is invited to attend Public Meeting Wednesday evening when Mr W Esq of Toronto will deliver a temperance oration music is also being provided and an en thusiastic gathering Is anticipated day last week a Commercial Travel ler from Toronto hired a rig and drove out into country on business Leaving the without tying it took fright at something and started off Tho buggy was upset shafts broken and top all ripped to pieces Tho repairs coat 18 of the Season Ladies Aid of Church announce a Strawberry for Wednes day evening Juno The largo new Kink has scoured for occasion ground will bo covered with a light of For particulars sco poolers Remember dato and plan to como Early Barley On Monday a of Barley was brought to this officii from tho farm of Mr near which measured 21 inches high and was headed out with ears Who can beat Ibis for tho of May Mr James Wright of East also brought a samplo inches long yestorday Wholesale Depot Mr of tho Liver Pill Co was in Town on Wednesday and while hero ho sold to Mr W Lehman of Pharmacy right of wholesale jobbing of their Liver in section of country It is intention of Mr Lehman to place thorn with all dealers throughout this district Pills may be had at Bontleys Pharmacy for 25 cents box Itinen Collars New styles at Roches A Handsome Boat Mr Wm Trivett launched his new row boat at Orchard Beach on Queens Birth day and its nautical construction gave every In to this it is no doubt tho most handsome craft of kind on Lake Besides being up in an excellent manner the woodwork is carved in designs and the whole outfit is a tribute to Mr TrWetts skill as a workman Burned Wo understand the sawmill of Mr Marsh near Richmond Hill elation was burned with of lumber on Wednesday night supposed to have caught from amount of if any wo have not able to ascertain Something Remarkable On Sunday night a by Mr Btewart on dropped a calf and two put in a com partment calf was doing well up Tuesday evening but on Wednesday morn ing the owner was surprised to find two calves with thoasmocow The twin must have hours attor calf Collision evening week while riding on Park Avon Banker and Mr Mad- dock collided owing to tho darkness No personal Injuries were Inflicted but Mr wheel was badly wrecked Quarterly Tea Tho Ladies Aid of will hold their Quarterly Tea at homo of Mrs Jackson Church on Tuoeday May ladies are preparing for a largo attendance and it is hoped that all who will tako tea with them on that date Tea served from to oclock Admission voluntary W 03 Machinery There have not been better prospects for farmers for many a long day than at the present time and as a natural result many orders are given for new farm machinery The popularity of Mr Smith of Newmarket and the machines he represents is already demonstrated by the faot that he has delivered this sea son about machines and is constantly receiving orders for mere A visit to wareroome on the East side of the Market Square will convince anyone of the superiority of as he thorough ly understands their construction and It is pleasure to explain their many of excellence over all competi tors Just now Mowers and Bind ers that are commanding the attention The mowers be has on exhibition are fitted with complete roll er and ball bearings front and rear re ducing draft and friction to a minimum besides other improvements giving power and efficiency to the knives The have been on the market for years and are leaders In that line containing uptodate improve ments The Binders have also some new features including a new steel platform is not only more durable than wood but is especially commendable in down grain Every improvement up to the latest patents Is combined in this machine anjl any farmer wanting a new implement of any kind would money by calling on Mr Smith Bakery The old Bowden Bakery has been by Mr Walter Mintern of Toronto Juno and the premises ore being renovated and painted Mr of Toronto Is his baker and It Is expected that the first batch will bo ready tomorrow A now delivery wagon is getting the finishing touches at the paint shop Mr Mintern Intends running a fruit and confectionery bosiness and has received considerable en couragement Conference The results of the May examinations of Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church whioh have appeared in city papers so far candidates well known to this district are as follows year J A Patch in subjects per cent A Belfry in Bt John 81 per cent Third year A Belfry in all sub jects CO per cent Thos White in eight subjects per cent Tho following have completed the whole of five years- three on and two at college with the subjoined averages for the five years Sanderson per cent A Cars- per cent per cent Wallace per cent Wil kinson per cent and J Simpson per cent i Roman Stripe Silks 19c per yd wereoOc at Roches The of Poundage Everybody cannot be expected to have access to the Revised Statutes of Ontario especially in rural districts The question of pounds and of taking up stray animals is one of importance in country parts We therefore give the following particulars re specting the impounding or taking up of stray In case the animal a horse bull ox cow sneep goat pig or other cattle if dis trained by a resident instead of delivering the same to a poundkeeper he may retain said animal in bis own possession provided he makes no claim for damageaS But notice in writing must be forthwith given to the owner if known and then if not known notice shall be given within hours to the Township clerk together with a description of the color age and natural and artificial marks on said animal If the animal or animals be worth or more the distrainor shall ad vertise the same for three weeks In a county paper One month after taken up the distrainor may advertise and sell said animalsthree days notice of sale being first Out of proceeds he is authorized to pay for advertising neces sary care and trouble and for food of animals Balance if any if not claimed by owner within three months moat be paid to Township treasurer for local muni purposes Where animals are impounded the pound- keeper has certain prescribed duties laid down governing hie action In the premises In of geese or poultry trespassing the owners after having been notified if they neglect to take care of the same may be cited before a Justice of the Peace and punished Bee advertise- The a Davison It was our painful duty last week to re cord tho death of one of our best known oitlzens In the person of Robert John Davison occurred on evening of of May after an which confined to house over pfnoo last November Deceased was Horn at Holland Landing In and was of Iriuh descent his fath er Davison a natlvo of County who to country in His maternal grand father late Robert wan a UK Loyalist who emigrated from yania to tho Niagara District at the close of the last century and located in York County in pioneer Peltiers in and resided in a log house then located near prcsont reei- denco of Mr Moses Voruon on was named after him Brigley streit Tho DAviaon family removing to markot when subject of this obituary was a more lad ho received most of his at the common school on Pros pect Avemie and finished his at tho old Grammar School on Lot street under wellknown Mr A Marling Messrs Henry Richardson Millard J Caldwell and Timothy are about the only schoolmates residing here In deocased commenced hie com mercial life in general store and post- office of the late Roe then located at tho South end of Main street just North and adjoining tho family homestead Fol lowing this he was a clerk in the of the late wood Hughes on Hill South end of Prospect Aye from which position be advanced to the store of Messrs Burns Ac Sutherland in 1803 and on tho death of Alfred Burn be was entrusted with settling up the In he commenced business as silent partner in the firm of Harrison Co Mr retired in and the firm became known as Harrison Davison This partnership closed in when Mr Davison assumed control and carried on a general for 15 years Owing to ill health and business Iobscb this burden was more than he was able to since be has therefore confined his efforts to tho business in which he had unqualified success In Mr Davison was married to Miss Mary Wright of East who survives him and the family consists of three sons and one daughter all at home who mourn the loss of a devoted husband and loving father Mr Davison has been a citizen of the Town in the truest sense of the word When a young man he was an active member of the Fire Brigade and also en listed as a Volunteer at the of the Raid After going into business he was elected on the Public Board and faithfully the capacity of Trustee for the long period of For several years he was Chairman of the Board and on one occa at least represented the School interests in the High School Board He also served on the Municipal Council and was ready to assist in any movement calculated to advance the progress of the Town He took an active interest in the affairs of the Newmarket Cemetery Co and for a number of years served as audit or of the Treasurers accounts He was a faithful and honored member of St Pauls served in various capacities with great acceptance and will be much by that denomination In politics he was a staunch Conservative but never took a very conspicuous part As a man he was esteemed by everybody who had the pleasure of his acquaintance- The funeral took place on Friday last and was exceptionally large The casket was decorated by a handsome wreath from members and exmembers of the Public Board and Teachers of the Model School as well as other floral de signs Rev Mr of Toronto as by Rev Mr Thompson of Shanty Bay conducted the service Every person within sound of the latter gentlemans voice could but feel that his eologlstlo re marks regarding deoeased were true and could but wish that they might truthfully be said of themselves The pall bearers were Messrs A Watson A I David Lloyd and J A Bas- No leas than conveyances follow ed the remains from the residence to Newmarket Cemetery besides a large number of citizens on foot The following relatives and friends from a distance were in attendance Clark of Mrs and Mr George Davison of Toronto Mr Lemu- el of Allendale Mr Geo Atkinson of Lambtoo Mills Mr and Mrs of Riohmond Hill Mrs Nelson of Toronto Chas and son and Mr Smith of Mr and Mrs Geo Wright of Mrs Wilfrid of Bradford Mr Titos Robinson and A of To ronto Mr John of Mr Paroham of Holland Landing and many others During the many years do- ceased ws engaged in active life here no word of Impropriety ever tarnished bis name hie record was that of a candid honest man Coming Mr Tonch who much satis- faction a8 Mechanical Superintendent at Canes Factory some years ago and re signed to superintend Light Heat Power Co operations is coming back to town next week to hie old position rendered vacant by contemplated of Mr Purchase and Of I Fold A A Farmers Institute of Farmers has Issued a circular announc ing the annual meeting of each in stitute in the province to bo held on Juno 7 Tho Government grant depends on report given at meeting of the North York has arranged for annual meeting to be held at Chamber New- at oolock on date The Friends I Moore of Toronto purposoo giv ing an address on some of distinguish ing viowe of Friends and their reasons for them in Meeting House on St this Friday at p m An Invitation is extended to all Friends Quarterly Meeting will bo held at the same place on next at a with Meetings for worship on the at a m and p m Sabbath School as usual at a m UNT The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER Buy your Boots and Shoes from us and get the advantage of a most Complete Assortment Lowest Prices We carry the Largest Stock of Shoes ever handled in the County A It is here you will find the Biggest Stock to choose from There is not another Store in North York that canshow the Goods we do and our Prices are the Lowest Church morning the pastor preach ed a memorial sermon in reference to the Hon Gladstone and in evening bis theme was Canadian patriotism Rev J Gardner closed the service A special meeting of the Quarterly Board takes place in the parlor this even ing Next morning the pastor will preach on Tho dignity of labor and in evening he will exchange pulpits with Elder Depot Big crowd at depot on Many got off and many got on cars- During the Queens Birthday holidays 260 return tickets were sold at here The freight also continues brisk as will be seen from the following record 1 We keep a large and uptodate Stock of Hats and Caps our Stock ft Dont fail to look over We keep a lovely Stock of everything in Gents Furnishings at Right Prices cars lumber car slabs car binder twine car baggies car marble 2 cars coal car fruit i cars merchandise Id OUT WARDS 2 oars stock car 3 cars cars grain cars hay car flour cars merchandise A good deal of grain is still coming in was paid for wheat on Wednesday Junior Delegates of the Junior Lacrosse League met In Richmond Hill last week and ar ranged the following May Newmarket at Btouffville June at Richmond Hill at Aurora it Richmond Hill at Newmarket Newmarket at Aurora at Richmond Hill Aurora at Newmarket ii 25 Markham at July Newmarket at Riohmond Hill Btouffville at Markham Richmond Hill at Btouffville ii Markham at Newmarket 23 Newmarket at Aurora 1 Richmond Hill at ii at Riohmond Hill at Aurora Aug Richmond Hill at Aurora at Newmarket Aurora at Aurora at Pure Paris Green Sulphate of Copper FOR PURPOSES Bentleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Turnip Seed Fresh stock of all the Standard Seeds The latest Hartleys Bronze Top in stock Wilmot E Lehman Chemist and Druggist It Costs Cents Per hour to run this Stove Can you afford to do without our Blue Flame Oil Stove Dp Dentist Opposite Bakery Open day extraction Clothing Another shipment of Bankrupt Block Goods received at Roches Another A week ego last Sunday morning Mr Br died at his residence at The Narrows at the advanced age of years Deceased was a son of Louie a French trader who carried on a large trade with the throughout this northern country as far back as the shores of Lake Superior Louie Gaudaur a great influence oyer the Indians as did also bis eon who frequently accompanied him on trading expeditions end in time spoke the tongue fluently For several Mr Gaudaor occupied the responsible position of govern ment interpreter to the Indians at Rama During the rebellion of Mr a lad of carried Government military deapatohea from Newmarket Toronto down street covering whole distance on foot and exposed to considerable danger of being shot by the insurgents the Midland Railway was built gome years ago Mr was given charge of the railway bridge at The Nar rows which position he held until about months ago when ho took a paralytic stroke that confined him to the ever since Ho the father of Jacob champion oareman of the world 750 See it in operation at A BINNB Newmarket tftxnfiomf ymryyyiey To the of a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss noise or nonsense We are putting a Line of Seasonable Goods on the market prices that will make them jump Its a quick turn on very close margin to satisfy a lively demand Call and inspect BICYCLE FANCY SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS ALSO THE that Your correspondence will be at to with more promptness if you keep a supply of elation- We give you Note Heads Letter Heads and Envelope printed to suit your fancy at prices tbat will fiur- you Call at the Em sampled For either Coat Vest or Pants the most reliable of its kind on the market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced is money in for us and agreat deal more for the customer who deals at Tailor MCLAUGHLIN mm won bale Golden Pheasant Silver Spangled White Inborn HEWITT Cor Millard All kinds Bocd Etc SOWN OF BOO- Public Notice hereby given Cement lole over that all per- it will Mala Newmarket owning or harboring within I who have not taken out t Kept In previous to Wed June 1st will can bo SO per lb