Newmarket Era , May 27, 1898, p. 8

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If r I J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY a I by torpid lvef prevent permits food to ferment and the Then follow and not relieved bilious fever or blood iimiing Hoods tlio stomach Miiw the liver cure tip Hold nil Stair i OKFIOB TORONTO Paid Capital Reserved Fond Total Assots A Branch of this Hunk Ik BRADFORD Where deposit received of up- current rates We make Specialty of Discounting Farmers Holes And Sale Note LOWEST RATES For further Information apply to JOHN Agent Bradford I 9 the flab WHAT AXP COR- KIND TO RECORD Hand officiated at the English Church on andt is under stood ho will bo their pastor in the future The Box Social in connection with of Temperance was a com- plote failure there being only a few present Mr J Humbly and eldest daughter Miss Almn attended tho convention at last week Mr White a fine job painting Mr J Browns house Mr and Mrs J and Miss have been spending a fow days in the Queen City Corporation Committee has rapid progress They trans planted some trees and built a side walk on tho west side of Main There was an unusually largo at tendance at the Sunday School last Sunday exceeding the greatest number last year by two With Mr John assisted by Mr W Snider as leader our Sunday School is very attractive for poung people A groat many apple orchards in this neighborhood are infested with worms Pointed Paragraphs i- adverse to the Says Murray FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH ail PERFUMERS DEALERS B 11 GRAHAMS Studio If you want your picture taken dont be satiTied with the old method of 20 years ago but it produced in latest style and be uptodate with your city friends The Jackson Point flyer will com mence its summei trips on Saturday June selection of a site for a hall seems to mixed the Council up worse than over Each member ap parently has a site of his own brick sidewalk in front of J J residence seems to ho a decided success and it is to bo earnestly hop ed that our council will that no moro plank be placed on our princi pal Streets Congregational Church has undertaken the support of an Armenian orphan in Marash this year This is in addition to support- ing in West Central Africa a native who is being trained and is already in active service as a mission ary York bee- keepers held their spring convention here on Thursday last was a largo attendance The subject of spraying occupied a very important part The meeting adjourned meet again in October at Toronto Rev Hairier is still continu ing special services at Altona and at no stage of the meetings have they been attended with more interest than at present Tho last two nights Tuesday and Wednesday added to number journeying to better land making in all SUTTON ing water Nothing rattles timid belle an engagement ring The more get left the ho talks about his rights True friendship phosphorus up at darkest hour One mans calmness is frequently tho cause of another mans storm latest thing in the racing circle is apt to the horse you bet on A great many men by mak ing the most of other peoples oppor tunities It is well enough to call a spado a spittle but there are times when it should done in a whisper moro pneumatic live is blown up bigger it gets hut the a married man is blown up the smaller ho feels Politeness eases tho jolts in lifes Idleness slowly that pover ty won overtakes it There are a lot of grayhaired people dyeing to get married- Love fire and it bad cough lire three tilings that cannot bo hid A man occasionally says nothing and saws wood hut no woman can do it No book ever written is real istic as a wellfilled A dash of poetry in a mans nature seldom prompts him to loavo his hair uncut About all the use somo men have for golden rule is to measure con duct of others A baseball crank would be called a raving lunatic if his enthusiasm ran in any other channel When a poor girl who is long and lanky suddenly acquires wealth she at once becomes divinely tall and grace ful J FOR THE THE boys who save- something out of their firat earnings invariably make successful business men Those who spend all ihoy get at beginning of carters are apt to continuo to do so through cent saved each day amounts to at end of year in twenty years with interest it would amount to 100 Ten cents saved each day would amount to CO the first year and with interest in twenty years would grow to nearly Many grow rich by saving with very little faculty for earning Whenever you spend cents foolish ly you ought to stop and think that would take one dollar a whole year to cum that many cents Season in Cuba A Specialty We are giving excellent in our work Call and Bed specimens and you will be con vinced O t GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET 1 ALWAYS KEEP OK HAND WW IS MO KIND OF OR ACHE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL THAT WILL MOT RE- LOOK OUT IMITATIONS AMD dTlTUTES THE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY DAVIS SON Creamery Co have made arrangements for shipping but ter to England Heart Spasms J has the best hatcher on record at one setting Mrs while spinning down River St Tuesday was thrown from her wheel spraining her foot and indicting several bad The members of the League spent a very enjoyable evening at the parsonage on Friday last and Who am I was the for a time when it was discovered they were in the company of Shakespeare Tenny son Byron Burns and other authors Mr Hoidge gave a very interesting account of bis trip through Scotland in The extend to Mr and Mrs Powell their hearty thanks for their hospitality The board meeting of the Sutton circuit held last week in the church was the most successful in many years most successful in the hist of the circuit The pre sent membership is which is an increase of over last year There is no deficiency in the pastors salary for the conference year and all the connexional fund collections are in ad vance of last year When the collect ors shall have finished their work it is confidently expected that the mission collections and contributions will bo more than double of last year The prosperity of the circuit at the present tirao is largely due to the energetic and untiring efforts of the board of officials in conjunction with the pas tor as their relations all through the year have been of tho most pleasant and harmonious character OR FOR THE HEART A No In the human mora than of made proper If or abort of brainy or of In tide apill of WAHKawAWtroUibV aUndlnf aafal IBS KAMI tit bottle The coming of the rainy season is the prospect which has most worried the advocates of hasty action in Cuba An American who has spent many years on the island thus in New York the con dition during the rainy season The mud is something that know nothing of if you attempt to ride horseback on any of the roads outside the city the first thing you know your horse will sink down into a hole so that his legs will disappear completely from view Nothing short of a yoke of oxen can get the horse out and it requires dexterous management so to locate the oxen that by the time the horse is raised to the surface they will not- out of sight in their turn In short travelling is practically out of the question during the rainy season But these inconveniences of getting about are not the worst part of it The rainfall each day is almost torriental and the northerner who once gets thoroughly wet is sure to come down with yellow fever When the sun comes out between the showers the thermometer stands at 110 and the is beyond description The rains are almost downfalls of warm water and rubber garments in these circumstances would be very oppressive It will almost impossible for north ern soldiers to escape yellow fever and the percentage of deaths could not but enormous It is a disease that must be taken in the first hours or the case is Our bays would drop down like sheep and the prospect is horrible The great mortality of the Spanish troops has not been due to the arms of the in surgents but to the ravages of the fever Comparatively few Spaniards have been wounded by the relels This is proved by the fact that Spain has continued to kill as bandit all in surgents whom she has captured under arms This policy would not have been potable had the insurgents leen capturing Spaniards too for the of prisoners of war always stops when it becomes twosided In Ha vana and the fortified towns during the rainy season the mud is of course not so disturbing an element but the filth is something awful to behold and for purposes of health soldiers might just as well in the country districts as in the cities Russias Perils and Ambitions A country that assumes much risks Russias risk is that in extending boundaries which already include a seventh part of the land of this globe and of the earths surface she will present and more points to attract war Hers is a warlike people however and no one does them injustice who says that as a unit the intelligent people all who who are above tho massescherish the belief that sooner or later they are to absorb all Asia down to and including India The very steps that stand for mere progress in civilization in other now countries arc in Russia all taken with a view to war The rail ways in building which ho has put forth the most energy of late arc military instruments first and of landdevelopment secondary By means of her Black Sea naval re sources and her railways to the Cau casus across Caucasia ami tlir Caspian she has put herself in readi ness to hurl an army against India much more directly and quickly than England can mass there And throughout Russia the idea is becoming a household word that when the Siberian Railway is finished it will be time to move upon India I do not say that this is the aim or policy of the Government only that it is the popular idea And just as tins is true so is it certain that the ideas that mast res the minds of the mass are the fruit of old steady relentless policy of the Czars pursued with Asiatic calm and patience during generation after generation retarded sometimes sometimes halted but never altered or diverted Harpers for May Two hernia can make a love affair but It takes at least to make a borne and one of them must be that of a baby The young married couples that out life with the idea that children are puisanceo and that they do not want and will not them arc the kind that you read about every day In the in the divorce column A home without children la not a home God and Nature never In tended that there should be a place called that did not with the patter of childish footsteps There are tens of thousands of homes that are childless because of the illhealth of the wife and wouldbe mother There arc tens of thousands of other homes child- less because the little ones have died al moat as soon as they were born both Favorite Prescription a sovereign remedy It acts directly on the delicate and Important organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible It makes them well strong vigorous virile and clastic It does away with the dangers of maternity It banishes the usual dis comforts of the expectant period and makes babys advent easy and almost pain less It insures the little new comers health and ail ample supply of nourish ment The mother prepares herself for maternity by taking the Fa vorite Prescription and gives her child a fair Mart in life by giving it a strong and well developed body Thousands of homes that were childless today echo with babies laughter and bless this great medi cine Thousands of women who were weak nervous despondent invalids arc today happy health wives and mothers because of this medicine Medicine deal ers sell it Constipation kills slowly but it kills Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellet- cure it And the Vegetable From reliable Seedsmen OUR MOTTO I SCOTTS Next to the Post Office EC Dwelling House to Let With alx rooms and cellar garden attached Apply the EH A Office good so let Four cut lie miles from market Tor young Apply to I J A CODY Newmarket TWO LOTS On Gotham Desirably man the Woollen Factory For on Kiiftj Apply to Ileal Estate Agent House and Garden TU TO S DAY JUNE THEI4TH ABB KEITH Bkckbtary For Sale Cheap Comer of Superior year Apply to J WOODCOCK Newmarket FOB SALE THAT Desirable owned and occupied by Mr Win la for Mile at a reusonulile price and on easy terms For further Information apply on the premises linn or- The Ladies Aid of the Lemon- ville cburch intend holding a grand garden party on July 1st for the pur pose of reducing the debt on the par sonage property Two were lost in a fire at Rat Portage Mrs drop ped dead at the grave side as the re mains of a friend were being interred The other day while In ing Mrs Matthews Pickering met with an accident She was stand ing upon a chair cleaning out a cup board when the chair toppled throw ing her against the glass door and a piece of the broken pane cut her face She would have fallen upon the had not her husband been on hand and shoved her aside fin or DrM tic cured tor r of uUa election expenses in East amounted to Monday evening at the rail way crossing on the line Mark ham the Sutton mixed killed a cow and a calf belonging to Mr Good year Mrs of Pickering came near losing her right arm on Tuesday Mr was chopping barley with the windmill a motor power Mrs was going around the chopper when her dress sleeve caught in the cog wheels and had not the mill stop ped as breeze was light the arm would been severed from body The wound was and lady is progressing as rapidly as could Je expected Alexander Smith a farmer liv ing near Peterboro was trampled to death by a bull was unanimously elected trustee of No King to fill the vacancy caus ed by the death of the late Win- tor An machine for making sandwiches is used by many of the ocean lino steamships It cuts aud outturn slices of bread a minute One movement of the hand cuts and button bread and the machine can be arranged so that bread not be buttered if operator dews not want it to be no In making sandwiches three and pounds of butter are Raved it is said on of accuracy with which both are cut THE HEALTH NATION DEPENDS ON THE HEALTH 22 POUNDS GAINED OF ITS WOMEN I live a treat many other women a to my I irird every thing I could read or think to help me but getting worse of bet ter My condition terribly I wit losing flrsh color and ray friends consul doctor of this town and I would never better that would be sickly and that medi cines use me Hearing what Or Wards Blood a Nerve had done for others I determined to try them myself and today weigh one hundred and forty pound I weighed one bnpded and tecrj pounds now hav a thai Is hard to beat I have suffered any pain In Blood and will reach suffering aal did Sincerely yotirs j WAV Fresh Mileh Cows on J Holland Lauding LOAN Private funds on Farm Property JACKSON Heal Agent Papens I When you prepare for not forget that vre have a very cholco of Newest Patterns Including wall border ami celt- at wonderfully sell the whether you want us to put It on or Dont buy till you sec what wo have to give you Artistic Painter and Pit per Hunger Church St Newmarket Shackles Broken In Invent ors Help and How you arc swindled Send a rough sketch or your Invention or Improvement and will tell you our opinion as to whether it Is probably patentable make of applications rejected In other bands references furnished MARION ft PATENT SOLICITORS Ctrl A Mechanical of School of 1iUnt Law AfMclMloh American An datlon England Works ioc P Mux Can of an bear It out thai So In drd persons la country are in greater eerie Nu Stock Agents ii dropping In In throat fit tho tightening CATARRHAL POWDER It the potent cute known iod Recommended by eminent bm and threat relief to from to For years I was a of Catarrh the firit of Dr Catarrhal pow der gave toe lousnt relief in in while coxed tames Dundee WELEHMAN Agent 1 A Newmarket Town Carting All kinds of on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID MILLAHD Cor Main Ontario Newmarket r c- at dm or not- obtainable at your on f price by the VARD CO Vlcivli w Book of Notice to Creditors -OP- THOMPSON deceased Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario 129 creditors and tfil other per sona having claims the estate of Mary relict of Thompson deceas ed of the of Landing In the County of York who died du the tenth day of March A IKS arc to to Albert Thompson of the Town of agent for on or be fore 20th day of Juno their christian and surnames addresses i of their claims against the estate a statement of their accounts and a memoran dum of if And Immediately nfter the said day of June the estate may be distri buted the entitled therrto re gard only ha been had to the claims or which said Executors or their Agent then have had notice And the undersigned will not be responsible for the said or any part thereof to any person of not have had notice at the period of THOMPSON TH MP OK I Dated 16tn May IK A WT Teachers and other bright itiMiJ for vacation or perma nently to solicit for Canada An Encyclo pedia of the Country In Ave royal quarto volumes No delivery commission paid weekly THE CO Toronto AGENTS I business is better than for years past also have better and faster selling books Agents clearing from to weekly A row leaders are Queen Victoria life of My Mothers Bible Progrcosive Speaker Klondike Gold Fields Woman Glimpses of the Un seen Breakfast Dinner and Supper Books on time COMPANY Limited Toronto Seven order writers to suitable persons WANTED Or commission ADVERTISER Medical Building Toronto A Young men and women or A iU older onca still in spirit of undoubted character good talkers ambitious and ludustrious can fiid employ ment in a good cause with to per month and upwards according to ability T LINSCOTr Toronto Book Agents I Agricultural Implement Agents I Or anyone desiring to better and Increase their Income should write us for homegrown Nursery Stock Is on the increase We need more men If you want steady paying its nil free In the froth or wen We ruraUb with rrumOoTerumrbt la Our Nurseries comprise over acres and growing In large quantity enables us to sell at the closest possible figure Men Succeed with Us who Failed with It will cost you nothing to learn what we car for you Dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment- Stone Wellington Toronto 3m9 FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS I CANADA- -LJ- Men and women who can work bard talking and writing- fix daily fa W week and will be contented with ten dollars weekly Toronto El 11 EAST wH Court Revision The first sitting of the Court of Revision for year will ho held In Saturday May 28th Atlhehourof oclock a All persons are requeued to notice and go vera themselves to THE ISAAO USHEfi guaranteed to he quite equal to any of Portland for all of farm such walls silos hog pens bridge abut merits arch about onehalf the price or the to Clerk General Agent Lath on at lowest prices

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