THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE Advertisements Dross Clearing Solo A Smith Wanted Co Notice Geo Wright Apprentices Mrs P TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION TIME Kg 1 P a ft to St o I w ii a y OS ft as j is Of EDITORIAL The of Manitoba Hon J at Toronto this Ho paid a villi to Parliament on Tuesday and bad an Interview with Ontario Cabloot Mr stated to a reporter that ho was In city on purely a to a report a few days ago Hon Hardy an denial lo about retiring from political life to accept a seat on Ho bad no thought of a and If offer of a Judgeship should him would not at liberty to accept it at the present time Acoounta of questionable by a deliberative attempt was by party in to Province of Manitoba for was fully established raon who flxod tho and mothoda adopted to re- a It Is on pretty good authority that railway out rate war Is wearing a Antili At a recent VicePresident of OPR with President Jamea Hill of tho Groat Northern Hallway at St Paul it was a basis of had boon far as tho concerned although hostilities them appeared to bo their can readily bo adjusted after arrangements with American Hues Society PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPHED of for of has doing a grand work at where been conducting revival meetings for coven Fifty havo declared to Uvea bettor llfo 82 whom have joined and moro to follow- Mr Walter Mr Tj of who has boon in Nashville for past three writes thai boat is almost unbearable but notwithstanding this ho is having fine his aunt and cousins Mr and Mrs of Whit- were down to Co last week on a visit lo Mr who suffering a great deal from gangrcen In bis foot Mr Mo- Mullen formerly lived on Queen East side of Sharon His physician him no of recovery EVKIl LETS UP I BUT AND WITH ISSUE The Printed FRIDAY JUNE 1808 mission Sueeessful A JOINT COMMISSION BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES a Louis Minister of Ma rino and Fisheries in Ottawa Cabinet has returned from his mis sion to and according to reports in loading journals support ing Government baa been decid edly successful in accomplishment of the purpose contemplated by that visit By agreement with Wash ington authorities on one hand and Bit Julian and Sir Louis on the other it has been arranged for a Joint Commission to be appointed to discuss and dispose of as- far as their recommendations can do so all tho subjects that been the topic of diplomatic corres pondence and of international differ between the two countries save and except only that of the trade relations We further informed that Louis Davies has also suc ceeded in arranging for this Joint Commission to hold its sessions in the Ancient Cif of Quebec which fact is said to be specially gratifying to Premier as he is the parlia mentary representative of that con stituency- and the fact will likewise be a source of gratification to Cana dians to know that a city of the Dom inion has been selected for diplomatic conference The Toronto organ of the Govern ment states that but one detail re mains unsettled viz the number of the personnel of Commission It appears the United States authorities desire that it shall comprise five re presentatives from each country the British and Canadian delegates believe three from each side will be quite sufficient This question was finally referred to the Imperial Government to determine The date when the Commissioners will enter upon its duties has not yet been definitely settled but will be fix ed when the personnel of Com mission is announced It will be gratifying to people of both the United States and Canada to know that all matters of difference between tho Republic and this Dominion aro thus in a fair way of amicable arrange ment in York State a law authorizes any to solzo Whioh being unlawfully used in to catch fish law pro vides that party making seiuro can collect fees for work the a regular game or fish Hero is a hint for oar Ontario law makers and if enacted there will ho fun of those close seasons all along Holland Toronto Industrial will bo held this year from the day of August to the of The formal opening will take place on Tuesday of August Hie Excellency tho Governor and tbo Counters of Aberdeen tak ing part in proceedings This will probably bo thoir last visit to Toronto proyious to thoir departure from Canada and Qnotn City will mark the a grand The protest saw off bo- Hon Mr P P for King ston and Mr M P P for Centre Toronto Is It said pro- positions for protests to be drop ped being considered by leaders of both political parties but no conclusion has yot reached Originally several protosts on both aides were entered in the hope of discovering evidence of wrongdoing Thcso will bo dropped before coming to trial Tub Cuban flag aymboHzed with a single set In a diamond field of blood with leading towards it Pos sibly some of onr roadora may not under stand what symbols on this flag in tends to represent To such we would aay represent the five states on island of Cuba lone star indicates the Union of the whole island towards whioh tbey are tending and the red field around it represents the baptism of blood through which Island muat pass to at tain independence Word comes from Ottawa that Malcolm Colin Cameron has been appointed for the Northwest Terri tories Mr Cameron is Canadian born at Perth in the County of Lanark Ont of Highland Scotch parentage By sion a lawyer called to the bar of Upper Canada in I860 In 1850 he began his po litical by entering the municipal couuoil of the Town of and was first elected to Parliament in Mr Cameron belongs to the advanced Liberal politically and to judge of bis fit ness for the position he has been called to fill by his past history in he should make an efficient and economical executive By a special to the Globe from Faith Fenton who accompanied the Yukon force sent out by the Ottawa Government under date of via Vic toria May we learn that the Yukon Mounted Police force reached Glenora on May all well She We were four days on the river The river rising rapidly and Navigation dangerous to the boats which are making their way up In large number Trail is re- ported good for the first fifty L The supplementary estimates were laid before parliament this week appropriating a total of of which 1180482 is chargeable to capital account Among the appropriations we notice the estimated cost of taking the plebiscite vote Is We also expenditures for rifle ranges at Hamilton for camping ground at London for expenses of Yukon troops for Intercolonial railway for Dam and Bridge for dredging Kingston harbor for similar work at and but we fail to see or any leaser amount for a new postoffice build- at Newmarket Old North York has contributed to buildings and state improvements from the Atlantic lo tbe Pacific for threefourths of a century and never been Recouped in any way The once something by way of constructing the York but taxed the county ever after for their use by toll- gates till the county bought them off We now think it is time the government a new post office instead of payiug rent to one to Akd now the last hope of those Hon Senators who thought they could discredit the Government without injuring the Yukon trade of the country by defeat- the Administration and who the action of the Legislature of British Columbia would save them from reproach They now grieve to learn that owing to the failure of arrangements at Ottawa Messrs Mackenzie and Mann have notified the British Colombia Government that they cannot carry out their railway agreement with that Province The Sen ate have thus for a purpose con tributed towards driving trade of the Yu kon from Ontario channels to the United States Tub have a newly developed swindler operating over in the State of New York who swindles the right and left Possibly the same speoles of the genus homo may find his way along the con cession- lines of Ontario and we therefore forewarn parties by this notice It appears they go through the country representing that they have State authority to examine wells of water Of coarse they inspect through a and find all kinds of cholera and typhoid germs and permit Mr Farmer to look through the microscope where naturally enough he sees the menagerie that always will be found in a drop of water The frightened farmer is advised to apply cer tain remedies which the fakir sella at a high This remedy is a little plain soda Now in Ontario our people have no reason to be swindled by these travelling geniuses as every municipality has its own Board of Health whoso au thority alone they only need respect Mrs Pretty is spending a couple of weeka at was viBiting In Orillia last week Miss Sadie Watson was viBiting Bradford Sunday Mrs A Widdiileld was visiting in on Sunday Taylor- is visiting in Scott Township Mr Nash and of Toronto were guests of Mies laet Dr visited his aistor Mies Louie at St Catharines last Miss Gartley wheeled hero from Toronto on Wednesday on a visit Mr and Mrs Geo sr wero visiting in city four days last Mr Ell Boll of was in town his yesterday Mr King of Lefroy spent a of days this week with Mr Morton Mr P of Toronto brother of Mr was hero oyer day A to Mr and Mrs took place at Rose Lawn on Monday even ing Miss Watson visited her sister Miss Watson at St week Messrs Frank Kenuedy and Cork of Toronto guests of Barrister Lloyd on Sunday Mr Wm of Parkdalo was in Town on Friday calling on relatives and number of Newmarket people went to hear Dan Godfreys Band and were delighted Miss Lizzie Matthews wheeled to the city last Friday and visited with friends over Sunday Miss Madge Bennett of Newmarket the guest of her sister at on the Bradford Witness Mr of Newmarket was in town on Tuesday visit ing his brother J Looko and Mr Evans of Bradford were callers at the turn on Tuesday Richmond Hill Liberal Mr and Mrs F Hooper of Newmarket spent Tuesday in Richmond Hill Mr and Alex of New market spent Sunday with Mr and John Ross Mr Rogers and his mother left for Toronto Kansas on Tuesday to spend a month with relatives Mr H Luody editor of the Aurora Banner gave the a fraternal call while In town last Wednesday Mr Ball representing the Toronto World was in Town on Wednesday in the interests of that journal Mre cousin of Col Lloyd who been here all winter left for her home in Gait on Tuesday Mrs Capt of is home on a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Smith Br Mrs Stewart accompanied a yaoht- ing party from Bradford down the river to Lake last Friday Miss Maggie Lambie gone to Wel lington Prince Edward Co on a visit with friends for two montha Rev J Sparling who is attending College at Toronto was in Town on Tues day visiting his friend Or Hutt Mrs Jackson left on Monday to her Mrs J at Perth for three or four Mr Arthur and Nellie of Toronto were the guest of his father Mr W over Sunday Miss Laura Elliott of Toronto and Mr J Wright of Richmond Hill were at Maple Lawn on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Daniel Phillips of St left for last week to spend a month with their daughter Mrs J J Watson in New York oily Mr and Mrs Joseph Bales of Lansing were visiting friends on St over Sunday also Mr and Mrs John Elliott of Richmond Hill Mr Carl Lloyd left for the city last week to resume his former occupation at Piano Works having recover ed from recent illness Mr Clarence Caldwell and wife of New York spent Tuesday In Town visiting father at the residence of Mr W Prospect Avenue Mrs of Lloydtown who was at Mr Smiths left for Toronto General Hospital this week to have a cat- araot removed from her eye Mr and I Sharp of Bloom- field apent a week with their daughter Mrs Amos Hill They drove here miles with a team of Shetland ponies Rev Matthews goes to the on Monday to attend the session of the Stationing Committee In connection with Toronto Conference which assembles next week Mr P of Toronto a resident of Newmarket years ago and formerly proprietor of grist mill on the of East spent a fow days in Town over Sunday guest of Mr John Wat Pout Prince Hayti May Two Italians who set out for Santi ago do Cuba in a small Thurs day May 19 and landed near Molo St Nicholas on tho arrived bringing information as to the situation at Santiago stated of affairs there ia critical particularly ho because of the lack of food A great many of unfortu nate people especially the reconcen- dying of starvation whole population is discourag ed and keenly desirous of peace The arrival of the squadron under Admiral without food supplies for tho city deepened the general Tho squadron has dis embarked men artillerymen and engineers and landed twenty thousand Mauser rifles a large quantity of am munition and four big guns destined for fortifications In spite the strict silence main tained by the oflicers and crows the general opinion was when the Italians left that the squadron would set out for San Juan Porto to land arms and ammunition there Vox sovoral days the rain had been falling in torrents and yellow had brok en out among the Spanish troops 9 f We have just closed the best Mays business we have ever had The month of June must be a record breaker and every week will be offered New Goods at prices that will please economical buyers This week we offer Ladies Stylish Blouses at 50c Ladies New Blouses the kind you pay 125 for in Toronto at New Blouse Prints in Fancy Checks at Beautiful Figured Dress Muslins at New Organdie Muslins at Another lot just opened of our wonderful 100 Parasols Good Strong Summer Corsets regular 50c at goods y Very Fine Black Figured Dress Goods worth special at 50c All Wool plain Black Henrietta 42 inches wide at One more lot this week ten pieces Fancy Figured Dress Goods 40 and 42 inches wide at Special Lot all Wool Serges inches wide at 20c AND SHO We sell as many Shoes here as any shoestore in Newmarket and selling at such very close margins we should sell still more Test the stock by jhesej Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes siz s to at 65c Ladies Fine Kid Self tip Oxford with twobutton strap worth 175 at 125 Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots sizes to at 125 Mens Strong Lace Boots regular 125 at 98c Mens Fine Dongola Boots regular 225 at 175 ANOTHER Boys Very Fine Halifax Tweed twopiece Suits regular 250 at f Mens Very Neat Tweed Suits well made special 475 Look at the Fine Tailormade Suits we sell at tooo A special lot of very neat stripe good Tweed Pants this week at 98c Manilla is getting plenty of food from tho surrounding country Dewey is short of fresh provisions but has plenty of salt food A British steamer was captured while running the blockade with coal for the Spaniards The Americans have captured the Spanish gunboat which was at tempting to run despatches into A steamer is reported to have landed six thousand rifles at Cavite for the use of the insurgents The Spaniard have offered reward for head of the insurgents leader AT SANTIAGO Cape June 1 A Santiago despatch says that Commodore Sch leys- fleet commenced to shell the for tifications defending the harbor at oclock yesterday afternoon so as to deprive Admiral Cerveras fleet of their protection in preparation for an at tack The American fleet contained fourteen Owing to the height of the hill upon which Mono Castle is situated it was impossible for the Americans to shell the fort from a close position as the guns could not be sufficiently elevated to do any damage The warships mounting heavy rifles therefore stood off shore they had deeper water in to manoeuvre and could pour in a fire while the small veasela went inshore and attack ed the sand and mortar batteries on the shore beneath Morro the larger vessels passed to and fro before the harbor mouth pouring a storm of shot upon the walls of the castle Some of the shells went clear over alighting in the Estrella point battery beyond and some fell in Port and other fortifications on the same side of tho entrance The firing was directed chiefly against the fort of La on the opposite side of the entrance and against some distance within the entrance but which could be reached by straight fire from the sea The forts replied bravely but with out doing much damage During the bombardment a num ber of troops were hastily- from the city gives the im pression that the Spanish losses in the batteries must have been heavy and more men needed to man the guns The despatoh adds that the Ameri cans were obliged to retire after the battle had lasted about two hours The bombardment caused great ex- in Santiago and the Spanish residents notwithstanding the boast of their military protectors began to express fears that the Americans would soon be in possession of the city Many men whoso sympathies are with the rebels started for the in surgent lines which are but a short distance from the town being desir ous of making themselves secure Ottawa May Edward J Buck- ham aged eleven while playing in Baileys Sawmill Aylnier had his clothing caught in the machinery and he was whirled around a with terrific force Before machinery stopped his loft arm was torn from tho shoulder both his legs were fractured and his body was badly bruised lie died in the hospital a few hours later Work has been started on the new Methodist Church in Brandon which is to be like one in St Thomas pulpit in the comer Plowed Up Reminiscences of old Brooks who used to infest the are recalled by unearthing of two twenty dol lar American gold pieces and three ten dollar gold pieces on the farm near the Harris Fertilizer Works Mr John Wilson was the lucky plow man who unearthed these relics of the past and the bore the dates of and Jogging along behind the plow little expecting to be enriched so readily his eyes dazzled as he turned up the glittering coins first one then another Last year near the same spot a plowman turned up a gold piece and two previously a twentydollar gold piece was plowed up there World The Cradle WzBLzr On the 27th of May East the wife of Mr John Wesley a daughter Graves At on wife of Mr Graves of a son Law At Zephyr on the of May the wife of Mr Law of a daughter Chalmers At Old Castle on the alt the wife of Mr Chal mers of a daughter Leading Furniture and Undertaking House The Tomb McKay At Bell on the all father of of the steamer I slay aged In town on the 31at of Laura wife of Or W Stephens aged 24 years month and 18 days In town on the May Maria daughter of Mr years months At on May 22nd widow of Robert Smith and of Newmar ket aged years the Con of Kin May the after a years with consumption Robert Page in year Interred at the line Presbyterian Cemetery in th6 presence of a large con- coarse friends the of May Hannah Ferguson of the Township of East aged years months and 2 days Interred at Cemetery Funeral service conducted by Elder Prosper S J WlRTflKlNQ Main St North Newmarket All Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention Scotch Fife Spring for sale DENNES0N Toronto Markets Toronto June Hod Wheat per bushel CO a C6 I White Wheat bushel a Wheat per bushel La i i I IS Speaking Figures a possibility In presentday far- Buckwheat per bushel youll appreciate Theres a j Barley per bushel reliable quality an economical price and OaU per buahel an artistic beauty about the furniture Peas Per bushel areselling All the uniqueness of the an- furniture Theres wear and satisfaction in these goods Apple per Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket 0 23 Oil and A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at rcsidencor- 125 Street per Co foreqrs ft Chickens per pair a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Turkeys per lb 11 on 0 18 140 8 oco 0 Oar Toronto tetter The event of this week by all odds has been the appearance on two occasions of Dan Godfreys famous English Band in the Armouries Nob less than or people led to give these distinguished musi cians a welcome to the Queen City The Grand Stand was erected in the middle of the building handsomely decorated with bunting while all around a beautiful blending of colors produced by display of dress goods and headgear of the ladies and the glittering uniform of the military offered a sight not often equalled here The grand in many re spects beyond description The rounds of applause given testified Torontos appreciation of Dan God freys Band A flattering reception was tendered Mr Gilbert Parker last Tuesday even ing at a special meeting of the Womans Historical Society Over ladies and a few gather ed to do honor to the distinguished novelist The County Council Chamber has been repainted and papered and the wardens throne is being draped in blue instead of the old red for the meeting week after next The will of Mrs Edward Pease of entered for probate The value of the estate is of which is in household effects cash the balance real estate in Little minds are tamed and sub dued by misfortune but great minds rise above it Ibviko Juno a 8 CO Whit Wheat per bushel lu Wheat a Goose Wheat per bushel 080 a Buckwheat bushel 31 per bushel 33 03l a Shorts perton W0J nutter roll per lb 0 a Pork per a a palr per pair a Turkey lb per a Timothy Beeper iS WANTED Homo our tor ma