I THE NEWMAR ERA FRIDAY JUN fc t Acute Rheumatism in Foot and euro by For a number of With aooto my left and nil way down my limb Into my foot I block from to atop and In I coo Id got no relief from trouble and on the point of giv ing up my Job frhta I happened to hear of Hoods of a vial of floods Fill and began taking thorn I had bait flnUhed them I and It not long I completely cured I never an opportunity for my euro meant a great deal to mo I fam ily and mutt be at my poet yardman Grand Trunk Railroad depot Brentford Ontario Hoods Sarsaparllla the One Blood ate to JACKSON Iuor It la an assay office will bo opened at at Ontario Government will Mr from To ronto to Aw American thai about country parte bo utilized an Weary William and fiend to Cuba It bo killing two birds two country of and got something out of thorn for board Best Advertising Medium York County ale tit per Nonpareil lino for first Insertion ccnta per line aubeciucnt i a EC inciioa indie inch turn dm Tun leader of Topper Bart acoompanlodby Lady Topper left Ottawa on Friday hot for Montreal and sailed for England whore ho will remain for two or three months followers in the went down to railway him la an ox cellent publication arguments against no matter what opinion one may hold con cerning weed will bo found worthy of at- Bond for a copy of Ho several arti cles Address A of the Privy in England contention of her flsborlca All in inland other than those forming Canada other arc under the Provinces In Ontario this de cision will involve appointment by of a number or fish inspectors as as a com missioner Advertisements unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid and accordingly Advcrtlaumcnta will lie changed once each month For changes each month composition must bo paid for at regular Changes for must bo in by noon on Wednesdays Low for to Kent Article Found etc A reading notice will he inserted free for any Church or Society where arc when Is taken otherwise fifty will be charged for audi notice No exception to this rule Government of the Yukon A from the proposing to amond Canada Evidence Act of came up on for a read ing In tho Commons An Ottawa corres pondent thus He provisions Under law a fa not bootid to a question exposing him to a criminal prosecution or bill proposes to remove that privilege and auob to answor question but at the same tEmoitenaote that tho answer of tho question cannot be used against in a criminal pro ceeding privilege fa removed but witness la protected from of testimony According to the explanation given Hon Mr Mills in the Senate of Government bill for Administra tion of the Yukon District it in large ly framed after the Act giving first Government to the North- West Territories For the present it pro vides that the administration of the affairs of district shall rest very largely with the Federal Government It will be known as Yukon Dis trict and a Commissioner will ap pointed to administer internal affairs under instructions from the or Minister of the Interior The bill provides for the nomination of a council to be com posed of not more than six persons who to be advisors and assist the government of the district Power is conferred on these officials to pass ordinances similar to those conferred upon the executive of British colonial possessions These ordinance how ever Mr Mills will be sub ject to disallowance by the Governor- just the same as ordinances in the Territories of the NorthWest but powers in adopting ordinances shall not exceed at any time those by the Dominion With regard to mining regulations these will emanate entirely with the Federal Government and power is conferred on the Ottawa Administra tion to nominate more than one Judge with Superior Court authority as a of record with general jurisdic tion Subject to any amendments which the Commons may make with the consent of the Government the foregoing is a brief outline of the measure During the severe thunder storm which passed over Newton Robinson on Saturday night Methodist Church was struck by lightning and damaged to extent of about It appears that the current struck the spire first but owing to the ornament on the top being iron and the rest of it covered with tin tho fluid passed down it without doing any harm until it reached the roof of the church where it divided part going down west side but the greater part passing down the southeast corner which was torn and shattered Part of the current went inward part of the and passed up the floor which it tore up in the spaces between the metal castings on the ends of the seats It then passed to the basement by way of the wire which supported the stove pipes part of which it burned completely up It then followed the pipes to tho chimney and passed down in to the ground The windows and lamp chimneys were badly shattered by the shock there being twentysix lights broken and sixteen lamp glasses- The trustees met on Mon day and decided to have the agos repaired at duce r According to proas from Mr Alfred Hunt a private banker in that town who closed up last week admits liabilities to the extent of about and outsiders think it will reach a higher figure Most of the town merchants did business with him and It is said there pome fifty creditors in alone Many of the deposit ors of tno poorer will softer severely including quite a number of farmers In country It is said the claims of this all way from a few dollars op to in extent Mr- Hoot lost thousands in real estate in and about Toronto also by failure of a small sawmill business at Barks Falls Ho proposes making an unconditional as- This failure presents another instance of necessity of legislation gov private bankers We see no reason way they should not be compelled to put up certain with the Government the same as Ions Plain Honest Catarrh and Gold in the Head are Quickly Cured by Dr Ca tarrhal Powder Its I ftOure Alex of I have been troubled with catarrh for- several years and suffered very much No end of remedies were used but I can honestly say that Dr Catarrhal Powder is the only remedy I have used that given permanent relief It has in my case cured the disease Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket On Saturday night last during the heavy thunderstorm the lightning struck the house of A Mitchell son of J Mitchell miles south of The electric current ran down the chimney knocking it down passed along the stovepipes tearing them into ribbons It shattered three posts of the bed on which Mr Mitchell lay and finally passed through the Bill splitting it Mr Mitchell received considerable of a shock but tho hired man who slept upstairs was not touched by the electric discharge Was Wasting Away I could not sleep walk or sit down for any length of time I was always in and was wasting away grew very weak and bad a bad cough I tried many different remedies bat did not get relief taking Hoods however I am able to attend to my Minnie Hoods Pills all liver ills Mailed for by I Hood Co Lowell Mass This is the season that a woman under cover of authority and a ging ham Bunbonnefc likes to go out and boss a man around the yard and garden and some women who have nt a man of their own hire one so they can enjoy the blissful privilege Dyspepsia Cored im mediately relieves coming up of Food Distress and great kid and liver remedy Bold by Lehman ft Hopeless invalid SUCH WAS TUB CONDITION OF OK An Editor Relates tho Story of- and How a in Condition Was Brought About From the Gazette Whitby Ont For Homo years editor of this journal has weekly visits to scorch of news One of his earliest recollections of tho villago was in noting that Miss Leviua was very ill Kodd was known and as week after week rolled round it was natural to ask how was getting on and reply always came sho was no better wont on and it a settled fact that Miss was a confirmed in valid and that such sho would until a kind Providence took mercy on her by allowing death to her suf ferings None of the villagers antici pated any other Our can better bo imagined than described therefore Mrs Bert Wells hailed us morning with Weill editor wo have some nowu for you today What is it Why Miss Rood on a visit to Co lumbus friends Why I thought invalid So sho was but she has been improving so much lately that sho is now able to help her self a good deal and it was thought a change of scene would do her good is certainly now replied the quillpusher and good news too but what cured her Dr Williams Pink Pills replied Mrs Wells Wo then decided to ask Miss upon Iter return for an interview but it was some it took place owing to limited at our disposal be tween trains and partly owing to a desire to wait arid see if the improve ment was likely to prove permanent However after many putoffs wo finally called at the home of Mrs a of Mind who has carefully cared for her during the long illness At request of the editor Miss made the following statement I am fifty years of age and have lived in ten years Five years ago I was taken ill with acute rheumatism and have not done work since The trouble began with my feet and swelling extended to my arms wrists and shoulders and finally settled in my neck I had such pain that I was obliged to a walk ing stick to ease me in moving about and two and a half years ago the stick had to make way for a crutch At this I used to get up a little each day but it was not long before I was denied even thin privilege and the next six months I was perfectly help less and bedridden I could not even turn my head or put a of tea to my mouth I got completely discour aged after ineffectually treated by two physiciana and trying the dif ferent medicines recommended for my ailment While I was in this helpless condition my came in one day and prevailed upon me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills After taking two boxes I felt a slight change for the better so I continued to take them with the effect that I continued to improve slowly ever since I now sleep well have a good appetite and have gained in I can now walk about and even got in and out of the buggy upon the occasion of my late visit to Columbus Since that time too I feel stronger and my reason for still using a crutch is on account of my knees being weak and a desire to not overtax my strength Jubilee Day was the first time in months that I was able to put my foot outside the door and I am satisfied had I tried Dr Williams Pink Pills in the first place instead of the other medicines used I would have been spared much suffering I am sure I owe my improvement to these Pills alone lira who as we have previously stated attended her sister through her trying illness was equally strong in her re commendations as to Williams Pink having the radical change and the three of us agreed that it would bo only just that this case should be brought to the notice of suffering humanity in the hope that it might prove a blessing to more than Miss who still continues to im prove and who hopes to again able to do her full days work at no distant date Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of discaso They renew and built up the blood strengthen the thus driving disease from the system Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for- Pale People The Seductive Look not upon tho wine when it is red Hold not the crystal cup before the light For in its glowing depths the serpents head Is poised all ready for fatal bite Its color hides sting That nestles there unwary ones to stay Awaits in ambush for a deadly spring In unsuspected presence to betray Oh touch it not adder sting is thero it suffice to know the drunkards grave Has hidden millions who would not beware Young men for whom Godman died to save Oh do not taste if you would tread hill and dale of this short varied life If you desire when all your days arc fled To find a home beyond tho reach of strife Upon the festal board it oft is seen Whore youth and beauty often congregate There in its fairest aspect will it glean Its victims more than tongue can calculate taste the witching draught of sparkling hue With siren touch it lures them to repeat To fill the goblet and to quaff anew Till reason reels and ruin is complete Let not your sideboards harbor or display Tho wine decanters or tho costly glass Remove the tempter banish it for aye For many there have first imbibed alas Have learned to bow tho knee at fashions shrine Dared not rcfuso take lest they offend Proffered by beautys hand feared to decline Which proved portal to tho drunkards end Oh ye who wield such power yo young and fair Tempt not I ye know not who are weak or strong Plant not seeds of sorrow or despair Lost you should grieve too late for doing wrong Lot the accursed thing find no Beneath your roof for danger hovers near Your sons may learn to tipple no one knows Your daughters too may take it just to cheer And as a medicine commend it not We do hot need its doubtful good today The science has produced by care fuL thought Much safor compounds sickness to allay Incalculable is the evil done By doctors who prescribe for everything The fatal dose to give the system tone Quite heedless of tho ruin it may bring Oh wives and mothers raise your voice protest 1 Your loved ones will not did for lack of it Twero bettor far they should Oh far the best I Than live to love it made for heaven unfit Guard well your homos give not the tempter room On shelf or sideboard or in homemade guise Its subtle entrance brings portending gloom And robs the mansions of the starry skies P Gran i Richmond Hill May 1898 Oar Toronto The City Council Board of Control propose to raise still needed to complete the new Court House and City buildings by application to the Ontario Government for special power by legislation instead of submitting a bylaw to the people The expenses of holding a special election would be five times greater than to secure a private bill but A has written the Mayor and Board that he will oppose the application He also intimates that meanwhile he will apply to courts to restrain the City from raising the money by overdraft or otherwise People will soon wish A would look for other fields of operation than Toronto The Queens Own Rifles paraded to church last Sunday On Friday evening last a bioycie occurred on College St Mr Edward Bourne chief engineer of Toronto Electric Light Works was wheeling eastward on the devil strip when be collided with William Stew art who had turned on the devil strip in passing a man ahead of him Both riders were thrown violently to the pavement and both were stunned Mr- Bourne received a fraoturo of the skull He was at once removed to St Michaels Hospital the chances for his recovery being small Mr Stew art was seriously injured about the head The Ontario Medical Association holding its meetings in the Normal School building Proceedings opened yesterday and will tonight It is reported that a wellknown physician of Wilton Avenue had pocket picked of 140 at the Wood bine last week Ogilvies Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Glenora Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds There is a great deal of sickness in Dawson City and doctors are reaping a bountiful harvest Scurvy seems to be the principal ailment This disease is induced by careless habits of Hying poor cooking and of variety Many of the men have lived for tho whole winter on baking powder bread and slap jacks half cooked Disease Relieved In Dr Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all oases of Or ganic or Sympathetic Disease in minutes and speedily effects a cure It is a peerless remedy for Pal pitation Shortness of Breath Smoth ering Spells Pain in Loft Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart One dose convinces Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket A public officer should do his duty without hesitancy Although it is not pleasant to do things which you know will make an enemy a pub- official has no right to think of that if health or welfare of the general public is jeopardized by con tamination A car of fresh ground American Gray best Clover and Grass ENSILAGE CORN For Silo and for Feed Purposes J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Sis s A QUICK CURB FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Remedy til affection of the THROAT or LUNGS Luge AAA I J J I fc NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones WT Call Ordering Allan I I I Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by for Affidavit Real tat Agent of Marriage Licensee Also Agent for following Companies of London and Liverpool Hugland Montreal Gore District Mutual lS3df Tor Confederation Association To ronto Corner of Mala and Lot tn Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Hi LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And got prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows r TUB LiTTBt Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork in for manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and Repair all kinds on notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co liuited NEWMARKET ONT I EYE A CHANGE As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us i ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS Now look out for Bargains in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Groceries and Crockery All to be sold at a tremendous sacrifice as follows DRY Cottons per yd 15 per yd Prints 10o per yd Flannelette 8 10c per yd Ginghams 8 per yd Cotton Bats 10c per lb Tweeds per yd One lot Fancy Shirts 25o GROCERIES lbs Dry Apples lbs Japan Tea lbs Currants cans Corn Packages Corn 26o Tapioca per lb lbs 25o American Oil Canadian Oil 19c BOOTS SHOES Mens Dong Oxfords Mens Dong Bate Ladies Dong Turns Ladies Dong Buttoned 150 Misses Shoes Youths 1 Job lot Boys Oil Tan Shoes A Full Stock of Paints and Oils constantly in Stock Highest market prices kinds of Produoe QUEiNSVILLE Are and are in every grain and grass growing world over CftDtdian machine made by Canadian Over 2300 workmen are on the pay roll at the Coe and are working are being tared for the trade of Over and have been eeot Roller Ball JJowafc front ana out Single and on toi Warehouse East side Market Square Newmarket