Newmarket Era , June 10, 1898, p. 7

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i I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE 1898 Ji if CHINA HALL 1898 J Our stock in many lines wo find too largo To reduce Quick wo will Big Reductions for days Dinner Hots Green Pink and Drown best quality worth 8 special at China Tea Bote 44 pieces New worth 7 for 4 Printed Tea pieces to clear at Toilet Sets pieces shaded in Pink Green regular for Toilet Seta large size best quality for China Flower Pots for Ladies Oxfords worth for cents Oxfords worth for 00 Mens to clear out at 125 worth- double price Mens Fine Lace worth for Lots of othor lines Equally Low in One pound Cans Baking Powder 12 cents lb Glass Jars Baking Powder worth for 16c lb Glass Jars Parisian Coffee worth or 1 lb Cans Coffee worth for Good lb Never loose sight of our Japan Tea lb for A Good Japan Tea for 15o The Leading Grocer WITH Or Timothy Sts Is Coming in and see what- Weeks WHAT ON IK ABOUT TOWN Roy Mr young man ability Is to preach hero next attending Conference Omission In with Aid Tea last week we unintentionally omitted to mention that Mies end Mies contributed number of beautiful were gratefully appreciated Pineapples Cheap for preserving at Robertsons Still Another The Willing Workers of Presbyterian to hold a Garden Parly on lawn of Mr Bites on evening June No pains wilt be spared to It Town Bund in attendance o p Grand Master of Iho Order A Young of Out paid an official visit to Pyramid Lodge on Tuesday and complimented the brethren on their and the handsome Booms of Gait was also In At the conclusion of the business the visitors were royally entertain ed at Starrs Parlor Finances At the Council meeting last Monday evening the of Finance Com mittee called attention to the fact that two committees had overrun their appropria tion causing a in the accounts last year of figures as follows Bridges Fire Light The interest was 95 more than estimat ed the printing and salaries The receipts in soms cases exceeded the esti mates as follows Light 9312 Taxes collected and Abstract of Accounts will appear in next weeks issue Has in Spring- Suitings Also fine Assortment of a and Overcoatings At Right Prices Old Stand a Move On Wo have commenced work be pleased to book your order Painting ng in all its branches Hayloft engaged the Best of Toronto wo can the Try us We can ploaeeyoul Miss met with a painful accident last Monday aoeldently ran her bend against the scissors while cutting grass causing an ugly wound While sharpening a scythe on Monday with a whet stone Mr Frank Fox out bis hand pretty badly When you your jobwork done else where dont ask the Era for a free local Delicious Canadian strawberries are wil ing this week at two boxes for a quarter The Era office is keeping with procession in having the front brightened by a new coat of paint A new piece of sidewalk been laid on street Another Chinese Laundry sUrted op In Town three Laundries here now and a Toronto agency thats all Judging from the quantity of plants and flowers that outsiders Mil Jo Newmarket there is money for an experienced man In the greenhouse business here The wellkept lawns in Town look very pretty just fact the country i wearing its prettiest garb The prospects are very promising for a big wheat crop Clover is also in an excep tionally fine condition A cattlebuyer passed through of East and North last week to boy young head but he only got ten Farmers dont seem to have them for sale Some papers give some of the news some time other papers some of the news part of the- time but the gives ail the news all the time and on time If you are not a subscriber try it for a year While attending the meeting in Sharon temple last Friday night somebody ran off with Mr Bert Gardners wheel and re turned it so badly injured that be could hardly ride it home The Newmarket is the only news paper in the County of York outside of Toronto that sets all it type and does all Its printing at borne It has done this for over years The Citizens Band feels the loss of their cornet player Mr Taylor who has gone to Camp with the Bat Band Mr is Improving the of his residence and grounds on The grain market has all gone to pieces again wheat and oats both down The Town Band leaves early this morn ing to head the Sharon School Gardners Foundry got a big order from Toronto this week for four tons of sewer- pfpe connections The Directors of the Kg Society meet on Saturday evening The Convention at last Friday was a grand success The report was not received in time for this weeks Issue Mr Brown Is adding a kitchen to bis residence opposite furniture rooms Mr Graham the artist has a grand view of the Tawn from tho Tower of the High School The Convention is also a good one Mr D snot two owls near Mil lards woods other day A dandy new chair and mirror add ed to barber shop yesterday North Council out Also King Coucoil At a Meeting last Wednesday evening tbo Fireman decided to tun their Excursion to Niagara Falls on or about of August alt arrangements loft in bauds of Board of Practice of is to Wednesday evening at sharp Fat mens Institute The annual mooting of tho North York Institute was announced to place in last Tuesday there wore not enough to comply with the reg ulations However a list of officers sobjbot to approval of the of Agrioulture If confirmed the list will be published later Division Count There was a largo attendance at on Wednesday and proceedings were of an Interesting nature Tho case of Murphy vs was dUmtood being out of tho jurisdiction of this court suits of vs Emerson vs Few were considerably mixed aud jury had a time to reach a vordlot In the judgment given for Book In the second for Emerson There were Granger Co in which the parlies from a distance all bad to pay for their sickle grinders These woro principal Court adjourned juot in time for Judge Morgan to catch evening train Festival first Garden Party of Season was held in Skating Rink last Wed day evening under the auspices of the Christian and proved a decided success Over 940 were taken in at door Tho commodious building was beautifully illuminated by electricity and decorated with flags and evergreens The ground was covered with a light coating of fresh sawdust and all things considered it is a spot for occasions 500 people could be accommodated without fooling The tables looked pretty and were loaded with luxuries while the of the Town Baud was inspiring The total proceeds wore about About or poor children who were standing outside the building for a couple of hours listening to the were taken in after everybody else waft served and treated to a feast which greatly on- joyed masonic Tuscan Lodge conferred deuces upon three candidates at their convocation on evening followed by a social hour Drops Ice cream in good demand In shade Sunday Co next Monday Excursion next Tuesday Glorious summer weather Vacation in weeks Strawberries will be plentiful Also big crop of plums Green pie on deck Fall wheat Is heading out generally Harvest will be early He unconscious for some hours but is recovering slowly under Dr car Many go from here during the two weeks to the lowing places Niagara Agricultural The of market BERK A TORONTO PORTER WORLD V CO Vlethodisfc Conference Tho Toronto Conference is now in ses sion city committee gave out the draft on Wednesday morning The following appoiotmeuts are of interest to our readers A Bedford A P Mount Albert K G froy West Gideon Powell Island To be supplied from Sutton Bradford George Brown Newmarket Matthews Cooke town Bond Head Joseph Wilson P W Robinson A Aarorn M Manning Herbert Loo King Cocking Nnree A Brown Mark Chapman InnisI Large The following are proposed among wellknown ministers Dewey from Aurora to Street Toronto Jno Locke from Bradford to St Ave Toronto Leonard from Queensville to R J Stilwell from to Woodford Owen Sound Diet J Dorset Diet Head of Church New market Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day Painless extraction Telephones Several and additions having been made to the Hat of telephone subscrib ers in Newmarket lately we publish the corrected list by request Dont forget to out it out and paste it up for reference Allan J A Store Dions A HJ Office 32 Brunton A Store J Drag Store Campbell Dr Residence Factory Long Distance Cane Residence H Cane Cans Cemetery Co Caretakers residence Office Grand Station Industrial Home Keepers office Jackson Residence Lloyd Office Lloyd Residence Storehouse Lehman Drugstore Store Millard J Shop Millard J Residence Morris Father Montgomerys Newmarket Btt Specialty Co Ontario Bank Jos Hotel Registry Robertson A Store 24 Ross Residence Scott Drug Store Dr Residence Smith It A Store Starr Residence Skating Rink Town Waterworks Webb Residence Wesley Torjun Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Deputy and Cody Manning Wesley Hughes and The following accounts passed Cane A Bona Mfg Co lumbar for LockUp Ac J painting Fire do do rep to Hall Lehman do A do P Hall and LookUp 14 15 Express on Electric Supplies Can Goo Co do J A Allan Co supplies B c 17 10 J Simmons cleaning stones off streets 1 Kennedy Co oil for 22 Grey breaking stone etc ft Com killing caterpillers on streets do do P OLoary filling ditch J H Collins filling holes A Com P A Co stationery Pay Sheet filling tank on Prospect Ave Preston wood 28 freight on coal Clerk was instructed to notify Mrs Howard that domestic water would be turned oh unless all charges aro paid by the first of July A communication from the Inspect or of the Industrial Home stating that the County will pay the corpora tion a year to remove the electric light wires a sufficient distance from the telephone wires so as not to inter fere with the sound was referred to the Fire and Light Committee also communication from a Montreal firm regarding incandescent lamps Clerk was instructed to ac knowledge communication re over charge of custom duties on coal The financial statement of J A re cost of Electric Light Plant and Revenue was considered very satisfactory and the Treasurer instructed to pay the fee of there for The Property Committee presented a report showing the cost of repairing the Lookup after the fire was and painting and repairs to Fire Hall cost 2188 Adopted The report of the Fire and Light Committee recommending payment of toD Roche A- Co and to the J Morrison Co also that the boilers be insured for at two per cent for three years which in cludes quarterly inspection The Com could not recommend any re duction in the rate to Dr Wesley for allnight light On motion for adoption of re port Deputy Lloyd considered that was sufficient insurance on the boilers but inasmuch as the Co would not take tbe risk on both boil ers for Jess than 2500 the report was adopted The Chairman of Finance Cora stated that he had carefully examined the Auditors Report and on motion it was finally audited allowed The Clerk as also instructed to have the same published in the usual form Council adjourned at pm MOUNT ALBERT Dr P Smith dentist will be here Tuesday the 14th to attend to his large practice Mr and Mrs Andrew and child of Bufialo Y spent several days this week with Mr and Mrs John Mrs Terry returned last Wed nesday from a visit at St Paul Minn On Saturday Mr J B Shields immense barn was successfully raised by one of the largest gatherings that has taken place for some time Sides were chosen by Messrs and Norman Bain the former winning by some ten minutes Much credit is due to the contractor Mr J Morris of Holt on account of the case all parts were put up Mr Shields will have one of the largest barns in the township the building being and feet to the An unfortunate accident befell Mr Jos who lives south of here at his place near Zephyr He was shingling one of his barns and a rafter broke under him throwing him and Mr Dunn to the barn floor The of Newmarket is located about 29 miles from the City of Toron to one mile east of The situation of town off the line of is no doubt accounted for by the stream that runs through it and which has added much to its commercial valuo Newmarket is looked upon as one of the best towns in the county from a business stand point and this is from the fact of its being the centre of a large and fine extent of farming lands The popu lation is in the neighborhood of and docs not include a portion of the municipality lying at the north not yet within the corporate limits The incorporation act was granted in and the Council this year is Mayor Cane reeve J Robertson deputy reeve Lloyd council lors R A Smith Cody Mc Dougall J Road- house Manning J E Hughes and Jos Wesley Mr David Lloyd is Clerk and has held the position for the past years principal street is Main which is hilly and somewhat winding and in length about threequarters of a mile If the townsmen are proud of one thing more than another it is of their waterworks which are at the sooth end of Main street The supply is ob tained from five artesian wells vary ing in depth from feet to 190 feet which run continually into a circular brick basin holding 85000 THe pumping station is immediately adjoining and forces the water to a reservoir farther south and at suffici ent height to give a pressure of forty pounds throughout the town Attach ed to the pumping station is a very complete compact municipal electric lighting station employing alter nating System and supplying at the present time incandescent lamps for stores dwellings and arc lamps for street lighting Mr A Broughton is superintendent of the electric light station Mr having charge of the waterworks branch A good volunteer fire brigade exists here with three reels and feet of hose the fire hall standing near the centre of the town The electric signal service is in use and connecting with the boiler house of the waterworks a steam whistle gives a welldefined call in case of necessity day or night The registry office for the North Riding of York is here with a Division Court for this section of the county Railway communication is afforded by the Northern branch of the and three trains north and south are provided during the day The market building is a fine large brick structure and is used by large numbers twice weekly Tuesdays and Saturdays The public hall for enter tainments is the upper portion of building and will seat about The town is also the possessor of a Public Library Mr Wm Wright being librarian- and a skating rink The churches are six in number and are all fine structures the denom inations being Methodist Presbyterian Episcopal Christian Friends and Catholic The ministers in charge are respectively Revs Mat thews A McNabb Chidley Allen Thompson and father Morris There are in the muni cipality Primary Public Separate and High school Mr J Dickson principal of the High school Mr Ran me of the Public school and Mr Cain the Separate school factories are those of Cane A Sons wooden ware etc Office Specialty tannery V Dennee grist mill StiokwoooVs brickyard John Bennetts and John Savages works Jas Allens and Gardner foundry The principal stores are kept by Messrs Roche A A J Allen and R A Smith the latter having an unusually fine and uptodate grocery establishment at the south end of town The Era and Express are the local journals the former dating back- for nearly fifty years Doctors Scott Wesley Howe Webb and Campbell are responsible for the health of the community while the Ontario Bank has a branch here for the convenience of the local trade Among the many fine residences are those of Lloyd Cane Rosa J J Pearson faeld J A Sykes Roche T Lloyd and Rev Father Morris The World is handled by Messrs and N Starr One of the principal hotels in the town is the Pipher House ably conducted by Mr J Piper who has catered successfully for the commer cial and trade also tbe Royal Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork and Kitchen Floor Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles CREAMERS MILK CANS Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for MasseyHarris and Bros Repairs J A ALUM Jacks for Hire j A ANDN DEPOT Some people have ah idea because we do such a lapge business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are and we will stand by them at all odds in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office TAR TACK OF- AT And the best of it is they are all of the est AT- Prices Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business SIGN OF THE RED BOOT S ONE THING To get a Suit made by a taijor another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with YOU HAVE what you want when you want it arid how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms Gash Eagle North American and Central MY TAILOR

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